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14526266 No.14526266[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Unironically name me a single book written in the last 25 years better than pic related, I defy you

>> No.14526279
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The Very Persistent Gappers of Frip
Now get pit

>> No.14526291
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It's already a rip off of Gravity's Rainbow lmao

>> No.14526321

Name 5 ways that this is true

>> No.14526347
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Have you read it?

>> No.14526367

Watch Gundam or read Getter you /a/bsolute pleb

>> No.14526382

now leave

>> No.14526407
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>this shit again

>> No.14526414
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>> No.14526415
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>> No.14526468


>> No.14526483

Cities of the Plain

>> No.14526488

Los detectives salvajes (Roberto Bolaño)
I consider that book, Rayuela (Cortázar), Evangelion and the whole Filthy Frank channel at the same level of artistic importance.

>> No.14526492
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>tfw never watched an anime ever

What's an anime to watch?

>> No.14526497 [DELETED] 
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>spic novels
>Filthy Frank

>> No.14526500

Gurren Lagann
Code Geass

>> No.14526511

>spic novels
still better than your chink cartoon

>> No.14526522

>Your aesthetic taste is wrong reeeeeeeeee

>> No.14526531

Don't bother. Anime is trash and so are its proponents. Even "good" anime that has won awards (like Princess Mononoke) is dogshit.

>> No.14526545


>> No.14526756

Neon genesis. Don’t bother watching anything else

>> No.14526758


>> No.14526776

Infinite Jest

>> No.14526832

This, but also watch these

Serial Experiments Lain
perfect blue
rin daughters of mnemosyne
mardock scramble
dead leaves
akame ga kill
angel's egg
cowboy Bebop
Ghost in the Shell

>> No.14526849

Oh god I forgot Berserk

>> No.14526852

I've always felt like NGE would have made a good novel.

>> No.14526977

akagame ga kill is shit, mc should have sided with esdeath and used her to create an empire.

>> No.14527045
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Naw, if anything he should have had a fling with his big bro

>> No.14527101

>akame ga kill

Having this exposes your inner edgelord, and discredits your entire list, sorry.

>> No.14527114

i get that they have similar themes (sex, abuse, postmodernism, generational trauma) but i don't see justification to call one a rip off of the other

>> No.14527118

You read the Berserk manga, you don't watch the anime.

>> No.14527143
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I like both

>> No.14527146

yes I have and the comparison is a meme

>> No.14527246

>cowboy bebop
>Ghost in the shell
basic bitch/10

>> No.14527267

then post your list of what a never-seen-amine-should watch

>> No.14527295

not him but
Serial Experiments Lain
Perfect Blue
Angel's Egg
Rose of Versailles
Anything by Masaaki Yuasa
Revolutionary Girl Utena
Galaxy Express 999
Pale Cocoon
Kino's Journey
Crest of the Stars
Oniisama e...
most World Masterpiece Theater stuff
Ashita no Joe

this is the only anime that isn't a complete and utter waste of time

>> No.14527398


>> No.14527413

NGE is unironically lit

>> No.14527453

add hainbane renmei my dude

>> No.14527494

Nigga dead leaves is 4/10 it's rick and morty humor 2004 edition

>> No.14527643

Anno has discernible talent tho

>> No.14527757


>> No.14527776

The only ones worth anything at all are Lain and Eva

>> No.14527777

Texhnolyze is better than Lain.

>> No.14527786

Mononoke Hime is one of the weakest of the Ghibli films. It's basically an attempt to create a 'more balanced and mature Naussica' (one of the earlier films based of a Miyazaki manga) but it ends up effectively preaching in favor of neutrality in a fairly dull manner. Porco Rosso and Spoiritied Away are the best the studio has produced.

>> No.14527790

Ok, I'll admit you do have better taste in this instance.

>> No.14527797

every ghibli film is a narrative mess.

>> No.14527812

>Saying Mononoke Hime instead of Princess Mononoke
+1 weeb point
>Saying Porco Rosso instead of Kurenai no Buta
-5 weeb points
>Saying Spriited Away instead of Sen to Chihiro no Kamikakushi
-10 weeb points
Total of negative 14, what a shame. Try harder next time okay?

>> No.14527822

Japs would not have read Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.14527830
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Translated into Japanese in 1993.

>> No.14527840

Evangelion is garbage, only edgy teenagers think it's good.

>> No.14527844

Legend of the Galactic heroes, it's long but it's a masterpiece and it's the only anime you should watch, the rest is dispensable.

>> No.14527848

forgot to mention it but watch the original, not the 2018 version.

>> No.14527869


>> No.14527876

Anime when?

>> No.14527945

Now read it again

>> No.14527985

>not a single argument

>> No.14528070

>pleb filtered

>> No.14528082

Chad's Choice

>> No.14528248

Lain, Girls Last Tour, War In The Pocket

>> No.14528276

>War in the Pocket
Based 0080 anon

>> No.14528413

fuck off with this anime shit. Whilst Akira and other works produced during Japans short lived Golden Age is a remarkable technical feat, no anime comes close to a decent piece of literature. Japanese literature is pretty poor to begin with and it would be a waste of breath to deliberate on the inferiority of manga and anime as art forms. If you can indulge in Japanese stuff unironically, you are inexorably immature.

>> No.14528484

yikes, what a pseud

>> No.14528498
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Reminder that she pooped the tub
>it's period blood/muh lighting
Cope. It's 20 freaking 20, time for Asukafags to finally accept their precious waifu needs diapers so she doesn't shit herself

>> No.14528500


>> No.14528505

Looks like shitty anime visuals from the 90s to me. Not even fan of the character/show.

>> No.14528517
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Akira isn't even good

>> No.14528519
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>he isn't even a fan of asuka

Bruh... what are you doing here?

>> No.14528525

evangelion ripped off a book called childhoods end by arthur c clark

>> No.14528570

>Japanese literature is pretty poor to begin with
>hasn't read Soseki, Kawabata, Mishima

>> No.14528705

hey that cover is actually cool

>> No.14528709

Came here to post this, brilliant show

>> No.14528712
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>no anime comes close to a decent piece of literature

lmao step aside faggot, chad coming through

>> No.14528717
File: 996 KB, 1920x1080, lain2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fact that an Eva thread can last this long on a board for BOOKS but Lain seems to be a virtual unknown despite being the most thought-provoking story made in decades is sad af. Plebs, the lot of you.

>> No.14528724

Has Evangelion actual philosophical themes besides the fun shounen stuff? Maybe it's the autism but I don't remember anything like it.

>> No.14528729

Votoms, texhnolyze, penguindrum, one outs.

>> No.14528733

yes, if you got a background in it


>> No.14528773

I am seeing Lacan on the link, I pray to Buddha that it isnt going to be pretentious as fuck overanalysis of everything

>> No.14528780

Everyone says this, but the show's better

>> No.14528785

How many times have I told you. HOW MANY TIMES HAVE I FUCKING TOLD YOU. IT'S THE LIGHTING ACTING UPON THE RUST. THERE IS BARELY ANY WATER THERE HOW MUCH SHIT DO YOU THINK SHE HAS IN HER BODY. KILL yourself for spreading these vicious lies about a vulnerable young girl.

>> No.14528828

i would rape her poopy butt too

>> No.14528858

Lain had been listed twice already gayboi

>> No.14528910
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I'm talking about discussion. We could be having multiple bump limit reached threads on the amount of things to discuss on Lain relating to philosophy, spirituality, technology, futurism. The list goes on and on.

Where are the Lain threads????

>> No.14528919

Make one then you dumb cunt, by god

>> No.14528925

I have bitch. They never get any replies. I would go to Lain/Arisuchan but they're both slow af and have discussed the show to death at this point

>> No.14528929

Not even close. Shit taste.

>> No.14528932

Why not make one then? I'll post in it

>> No.14528934

Make one now and I'll reply to it

>> No.14528971
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>Berserk (97)
>Jin-Roh The Wolf Brigade
>Neon Genesis Evangelion (the tv series, not the movies)
>Ghost in the Shell (it's average)
>Legend of the Galactic Heroes (original)

Are some. But 99% of anime is degenerate japa-ape girls cartoons with sexually perverse underlying themes.

>> No.14528975


>> No.14528978

>Neon Genesis Evangelion (the tv series, not the movies)
Shit advice. Avoid the last two episodes and watch The End of Evangelion instead. It's the ending the creators intended but didn't have resources to produce.

>> No.14528979

>Perfect Blue
utter garbage.

>> No.14528982


>> No.14529000

I meant the rebuilds but the series ending is cosier than EOE. They're synonymous though.

>> No.14529010


>> No.14529042

Why? I just downloaded it and now feel bad for not confirming to 4channel lit consensus.

>> No.14529043

>Avoid the last two episodes
Those were the best part of the series

>> No.14529074

This was such a weird fucking show in retrospect.

>> No.14529083
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Lain discussion seems to always attract mostly absolute pseudo-intellectual subhumans with zero taste or zero ability to understand a story. It's a shame too, because the anime is quite good.

>> No.14529085

>Avoid the last two episodes

>> No.14529089

don't stop there you just about to say something interesting

>> No.14529094

Why would you honestly feel the slightest need for conformity on a place like this.

Watch it if you want, but you'll just be disappointed at every turn it could of been something good.

>> No.14529096
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because they are only meant for patrician eyes.

>> No.14529100

>Why would you honestly feel the slightest need for conformity on a place like this.
Because generally this place is divinely guided in terms of the consensus among more autistic/niche works.
>you'll just be disappointed at every turn it could of been something good
That's what I really despise. Can you briefly explain without giving too much away?

>> No.14529113

They're lame and were only made because the producers didn't have money for more. They consist mostly of voiceover narration, cryptic messages and static images. The End of Evangelion is the intended ending.

>> No.14529122

>They're lame
>were only made because the producers didn't have money for more
>They consist mostly of voiceover narration, cryptic messages and static images.
Yeah and it was great

>> No.14529128

It was okay at best. EoE, on the other hand, is peak anime kino.

>> No.14529137

>not mentioning and whole heartedly recommending Naoki Urasawa's Monster

>> No.14529145

Other way around EoE is only useful to understand the last two episodes

>> No.14529154

How does it hold up compard to Pluto and 20th Century Boys?
I didn't hate them but i'm far from being an Urasawa fan after reading those

>> No.14529158

OP, read "Blood music" by Greg Bear. For some aspects is really similar to Evangelion

>> No.14529183

I think its great, but because of the story you basically can't explain it with giving the whole thing away

>> No.14529197

Only because they're vague rough sketches of the true fully-fleshed greatness that is EoE. It's like watching a final film and then saying it can help you understand the test footage or the storyboards. Well, no shit.

>> No.14529231

The Bible.

>> No.14529238
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umm, the Kabbalistic elements completed it as a sanctification of the unknown, still as the unknown, in the visible confusion of the unveiled "negative" which is nothing less than the spirit of Kabbalah?

Think your father, your mother, childhood dreams, and that person always lingering at the back of the unconscious which you think new as a child. And now that you look to the peripheral, he is not there, but a door, now the door has become foreign to me.

This is all literal and not symbolic.

>> No.14529239 [SPOILER] 
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>tfw storyboards and test footage are better

>> No.14529263

>Protagonist destined from childhood to be a central pawn in the development of a superweapon by an occult religious fringe group running the world from behind the scenes seeking to destroy it for the fulfillment of their spiritual escatology while running all kinds of psyops to hide this truth and convince the general population it's a legitimate, important struggle
>Superweapon is tied intimately to sexual development of the protagonist in ways he tries desperately to avoid understanding

>> No.14529265

>Because generally this place is divinely guided in terms of the consensus among more autistic/niche works.
true enough

>That's what I really despise. Can you briefly explain without giving too much away?
It's like in trying to show the mundanity of life, itself becomes mundane... then ridiculous.

The high emotional moments which initially led one into thinking they had some symbolic value in the trailer are indistinguishable from everything else in the film. Except the ending which is just as bad as the start.

>> No.14529273

getting too abstract...

>> No.14529274

I like Akira a lot and I guess Miyazaki but otherwise I agree with >>14526531 that you should stay the fuck away from it.

>> No.14529287


>> No.14529302

I don't watch anime but I liked Cowboy Bebop.

>> No.14529329
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>> No.14529891

But that's a rightwing anime.

>> No.14530009

That is not the body of a 14 year old...

>> No.14530015

Macross Plus

>> No.14530022

.hack//Sign if you want to watch something heavy on dialogue and masterful character development

>> No.14530026

good god I wish that were me

>> No.14530028


>> No.14530039

Samurai X:Trust and Betrayal

Only 4 episodes and a masterpiece of film without a doubt

>> No.14530045

this. I want to be the girl on top too.

>> No.14530076


>> No.14530170


>> No.14530183


take it back

>> No.14530377


Not tried them myself but Minster is my favourite mnga and anime and surpasses most anything. Eva is close though.

>> No.14530479

how so?

>> No.14530486

gender norms


>> No.14530493

I forgot this was 4chan.

It is bad though.

>> No.14530518

clearly you haven't seen it, Ed and Gren are not gender normative. Besides gender norms aren't 'right wing' just because breaking them is 'left wing'

>> No.14530539
File: 539 KB, 1341x1920, 884c9021-3c79-4f11-8984-cd93f726ea7a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Having good taste, asukafag

>> No.14530680

I cannot sanction your buffoonery

>> No.14530718

It was a joke anon.

But I am serious about it being right wing.

>> No.14530741

It's just a cartoon dude.

>> No.14530757


>> No.14530809

>gender norms
Oh shit ironical bait

Wrong it is a kino story of dualism and the value of human life and set to a real and believable backdrop that is the fall of the Eastern Bloc. It is at the same time a great fulfilment of John's Apocalypse that is neatly tied in with its mundane story. It is a truly great and layered narrative with strong and likeable protagonists and nuanced villains. It is... dare I say... kino.

>> No.14530856
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>> No.14530871

>Unironically name me a single book written in the last 25 years better than pic related, I defy you
Let me rewrite that for you to remove redundancy:
>name a book written in the last 25 years

>> No.14530919

weak and predictable

>> No.14531078


>> No.14531176

Shut up

>> No.14531287


>> No.14531366

Because you know it to be true.

>> No.14531460

Only mushishi
Evangelion for pseud cred

>> No.14531538

Based /m/ poster, /m/uh /lit/ a thing?

I keep the two interests separate but they are my two prime boards.

>> No.14531558

Is about the cavaliering cowboy spirit that has a that’s life attitude. It’s not about breaking the system or reform, but about idealism and personal struggles not materialism and class/group struggles. It’s very American do it yourself cowboy feel.

>> No.14531576

This, starting with the OVA being My Conquest is the Sea of Stars.

Disregard the mouthbreathers drooling after anime girls, they'll never make it.

>> No.14531583
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>means literally the good news
>kids being brought to Christ by cute girls and mecha
yup i'm gonna call this OP based

>> No.14531596

Holy shit she's perfect

>> No.14531609
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>one of the mods is a spic

>> No.14531655

she's a dumb narcissist who sells suggestive pictures to fat incels. and she has pointy elbows. she's trash.

>> No.14531783

I don't care about her lack of moral standards anon you big faggot and also her elbows are cute

>> No.14531912
File: 59 KB, 655x527, 02f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pointy elbows.

Yes, fetish department?

>> No.14532754

A gentleman should be able to find a couple of respectable recommendation lists on the internet on his own, and dismiss the plebeian ones with ease.

>> No.14532771

You might as well just read the books at this point since they're being published in english, they might all be out by now.
The anime's good but it doesn't do enough to distinguish from the book plot to really justify standing on its own if you have the choice between the two. Plus there's small differences like Reinhardt actually ordering the nuking of that one planet, whereas in the anime they changed it so Reinhardt's a goody do-nothing-bad Sue who just gets tricked by the meanie Oberstein.

>> No.14532776

What? Absolutely retarded, there's nothing scatalogical in the show and yet you come to that inane conclusion? It's either lighting of she slit her wrists.

>> No.14532785

Look at this peasant hurriedly building the high walls of his peasant castle from shit and straw.

>> No.14532957

Keijo, Prison School, Shimoneta, Azur Lane, Heavy Impact, Queen's Blade, Highschool of the Dead, Highschool DxD, To-Love-Ru and the Monagatari series

>> No.14532968

So much ecchi...

>> No.14532978

Name one (1) other thing anime is good for.

>> No.14532990

Individualism and independence.
That’s not necessarily either left or right. Both side have their individualists and collectivists


>> No.14532991
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yaoi, Yuri, hentai