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/lit/ - Literature

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14524919 No.14524919 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.14524940

the idiot of course

>> No.14524951

one hundred years of solitude

>> No.14524953

Infinite Jest by Dave Wallace RIP king

>> No.14525832

sirens of titan

why aren't there more goddam posts in this thread I wonder?

>> No.14525889

it's hard to think of whole books that are beautiful is why. Beauty is a part of books, as much as any idea or emotion is bound to be

>> No.14525902

Pan Tadeusz/Sir Thaddeus by Adam Mickiewicz

>> No.14526288


>> No.14526295
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>> No.14526383

Le Pain Nu

>> No.14526418

war and peace, even the epilogue

>> No.14526764

Non-fic: On the Shortness of Life - Seneca
Fic: Crime and Punishment - Dost

>> No.14526772
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>> No.14527211
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The Bible.

>> No.14527364

Just started this book anon, I can already tell this is going to be a good one. I'm honestly surprised Mann doesn't get brought up here more often

>> No.14527369

>sirens of titan
So much this.

I still think about Kazak sometimes desu.

>> No.14527378

The Master and Margarita

Something about it was just so whimsical, so full of passion and love for the work and the creation of the work. It read incredibly easily to me and it's one of the few books I would think about reading again, or at least glossing over once more, some time in the distant future.

>> No.14527433

the bible

>> No.14527695

Anyone read The Pale King? any good?

>> No.14527717

Red book looks like he's just seen some cringe

>> No.14527769

ficciones,last 200 pages of moby dick

>> No.14527794

>last 200 pages of moby dick
I could have gone with Moby Dick aswell, but I instead decided to settle on Lord Dunsany's Fifty-One Tales. I keep coming back to that one, if only to read a brief snippet here or there. It's all online aswell, which makes it easiert to re-read it whenever you feel like it:

I recommend "The Dream of King Karna-Vootra", "The Worm and the Angel", and "The Sphinx of Gizeh", but really, almost all of them I have read dozens of times by now.

>> No.14527798

I found Stoner very beautiful.

>> No.14527801

Siddhartha made me feel very peaceful. Just that quiet, relaxed atmosphere of the book. I envy the simple barge man who guides people across the river.

>> No.14527810

I feel like the book as it goes on only continues topping its last highest note which is kind of impressive given the number and diversity of the high points in the book. May I ask, how did you find or decide to read the book? Was it from my shameless JAHBposting here every time I thought it was topically relevant to drop in a thread, or did you stumble upon it elsewhere? Because you're right, Mann is very underrepresented here and when people do speak of him, it's only ever about Magic Mountain, which I myself found to be underwhelming. (Not to say bad, just underwhelming, for all the praise it received whilst JAHB or Doctor Faustus was ignored, I simply expected too much.) I actually got the recommendation from Amazon when I was looking for really long novels to read. It was the only based thing Amazon ever did for me. Up until then I hadn't even a hint of its existence, which is actually a particularly noteworthy insult because I would often search for lists of Biblical novels/story adaptations, and I never once saw it on a list. I always got fed bullshit Biblical allegories written by women in the last 30 years, or the typical staples like CS Lewis, Steinbeck, and company. This is like the apex Biblical story adaption to novel-form and I simply do not understand how it's literally ignored everywhere I looked. Even on lit annual top 100 books, Mann's (practically token) representation alway consists of Magic Mountain, maybe Death in Venice, and it just doesn't make sense to me.

>> No.14527813

Earth Abides, by George R. Stewart.

>> No.14527828
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Hunger by Hamsun, maybe a prose poetry writer such as Rimbaud and Baudelaire both of which are equally as mesmerizing but never left the same impression on me as Hamsun's writing did then.

>> No.14527837

Siddartha +1

It really helped me move on from an old career. Helped me wrap my head around moving on from identifying with a job too much, that I can be good at many things if I learn the central language. Such an incredible book.

>> No.14527864
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John Bunyan; The Pilgrim's Progress from This World, to That Which Is to Come

And I am a church burning, hat wearing atheist.

>> No.14528494
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The Garden God

>> No.14528537

The theatre scene is so fun, yet so biting. One of the most fun I've had reading.

>> No.14528617
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