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14512905 No.14512905 [Reply] [Original]

this book sucks

>> No.14512906

fuck off retard get filtered

>> No.14512911

Sometimes something accessible is the best way to establish a readership such that when you produce more complex work it's less likely to be dismissed offhand.

>> No.14512934

>mfw I realized I was pronouncing him wrong in my head for 5 years...

>> No.14512940


>> No.14512942

why are you mad, does not make sense

>> No.14512943

If the book sucks so much faggot, then why have so many people copied the suicide.

>> No.14512945

this is the real question

>> No.14512950

Because it sucked. If it was any good then histrionic suicidal retards would have been filtered by it.

>> No.14512968

more like GOOTH or something like that... idk didn't read back then... not very bright either..

>> No.14512976

I'm genuinely admiring the flawless logic of this post

>> No.14512984

The reason why the suicides have stopped is because they cut down the real life tree.

>> No.14513343

>this book sucks
Imagine being this heartless or retarded

>> No.14513415

Originally I pronounced it Go-thhhh, and I imagine most people pronounce it like that at first. I heard someone pronounce it Goat-huh, and I've been saying it like that ever since.

>> No.14513724

>literally the 13 Reasons Why of its time

>> No.14513796

In my language it's pronounced something like get-eh.

>> No.14513803

I've read this twice in German. Based or cringe?

>> No.14513865

Very based. This is the first book I'm finishing in German.

>> No.14514154

it's pronounced gurr-tah

just like Goerring is pronounced gurr-ing

>> No.14514164

Only anglos pronounce that way. I wonder why.

>> No.14514396

Say why please.

>> No.14514415

I didn’t appreciate it, either. Werther’s naïveté and rainbow romanticism was too overdone for me to get behind it at all.

>> No.14514418

is this right?

>> No.14514430

The overt romanticism is exactly the point of the book as it exemplifies the Sturm und Drang condition and thereby reveals its contradictions leading to the Zeitgeist of the following Weimarer Klassizismus.

>> No.14514448

God damn you sound fine

>> No.14514488

It sucks so bad that it makes you want to kill yourself?

>> No.14514501

I thought the t was silent since it's german?

>> No.14514543

You're missing a nuance with the "oe", but that's close enough to avoid embarrassing yourself.

>> No.14515882


today I learned.

>> No.14515895

>reveals its contradictions
What contradictions?