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/lit/ - Literature

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14506947 No.14506947[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are some midwit red flags?

>> No.14506953

A lack of metaphysics & epistemology

>> No.14506959

Responding to tripfags.

>> No.14506963

>requiring greentext on everything
>political nihilism

>> No.14506968

>worships the western canon
>thinks Russian Literature™ is the pinnacle of creative achievement
>shits on all works that arent at least 20 years old

>> No.14506969


>> No.14506972

>fellow genii of /lit/

>> No.14506976

this beyond a doubt, or just any literary russophilia

>> No.14506981
File: 60 KB, 267x334, Rene-Guenon_6207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they aren't a guénonian

>> No.14506983

Doesn’t read past the 1970s, often confuses William Gaddis and William Gass for the same person

>> No.14506986

t. Hohol

>> No.14506990
File: 27 KB, 316x499, 41+lolL22gL._SX314_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>book is on top of a non-fiction bestseller list
Not everything popular has to be shit but when even the biggest retards feel like some enlightened being after reading a repackaged history book then the chances are high it's just selling a feeling of knowledge.

>> No.14506998

>trump bad

>> No.14507002

>pretends to like IPAs
>worries if his sexual interests are gay instead of owning it and not giving a shit (you know who you are)
>posts on /lit/
>thinking Ted is anything but memes and a few good insights about the nature of modernity (read "Plows, Plagues, and Petroleum" you nerds)
>"there are no gods in Buddhism"
>something something initiation something something realization of the Universal Man something something

>> No.14507015

There's literally nothing wrong with liking "a history book, but written in a captivating manner".

>> No.14507017
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>male feminist
>play video games
>unironically read sci-fi and fantasy
>believes that 20 century's literature is better than 19 century's
>atheist and feel superiority about it
>Netflix watcher
>Unironically traditionalist
>Unironically marxist
>Masturbates to Russian literatire
>Unironically read Japanese literature (and wathes anime)
>believes that good prose > ideas
>don't read literature about sports, market economics
>has a STEM degree
>has a liberal arts degreee
>unironically believe in science despite never understand a thing about it

>> No.14507021

>thinks the belief "God is not real" is a fact

>> No.14507025

It depends what you mean by "Gods." The translations I have say Gods but I get the feeling they are more like metaphysical entities equivalent to spirits rather than Gods. The edition I have even says to specifically think of the symbolism behind their description (God with noose of human entrails, happy God, etc.)

>> No.14507028

Thomas Sowell

>> No.14507037

>christfag cope: the post

>> No.14507040

and solzhenitsyn, good god

>> No.14507044

Constantly quoting books and authors

>> No.14507048

It's just whatever I personally don't like. Everything I do like is highbrow, everything I don't is midwit. Everything I don't care about is halfwit

>> No.14507052

holy fuck i just choked on an epic cringe here boys

>> No.14507065

This thread
Posting anonymously
They have folders of Pepe and blowjack
They have folders of of fat guys with hats
They have folders of Goonman
This too

>> No.14507066

That's true but that's not why people like it.
Harari gives his hot takes throughout the whole thing on everything that sound somewhat smart but are often simply not based on reality.
People eat it up and spout oversimplified shit which they think is smart.

>> No.14507068

>Uses the term Dunning Kruger
>Has the entire Great Books collection
>Makes general appeals to science
>Identifies as a reader but almost exclusively reads YA and genre fiction
>Only watches review aggregate site approved movies and documentaries
>Gets almost all of his opinions from youtubers
>Only thinks of politics in terms of the modern paradigm of left wing-right wing
>Identifies as sapiosexual
>Whatever his political alignment is, he thinks the opposition is a bogeyman or a non-entity due to being fostered in an ecochamber
>Has no clear understanding of the political opposition on philosophical grounds on their terms, nor much of a philosophical understanding of his own prescribed ideology

>> No.14507073

>they're relativists

>> No.14507075


But there is something wrong with reading a pseud book of half-truths and the authors politcal views and considering yourself to have any real knowledge on anything

>> No.14507082

>uses the term midwit unironically
>has « Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ » in their username

>> No.14507093
File: 171 KB, 618x622, 1578628117828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It never ceases to amaze me how much influence one has by a simple post. I popularized the midwit meme. I used to make threads that the jannies would delete

>shit midwits say

Now everyone uses midwit. Must quit this website for good.

>> No.14507094

I haven't read the book you posted, but your whole post came across as a general attack on novelized non-fiction.

>> No.14507104

So much influence, and yet it won't ever win you any money nor pussy.

>> No.14507107

I'm not being relativist. After all, they are midwits. I am stating objective fact, as my opinions are hte correct ones

>> No.14507124

midwit conceptions of midwits

>> No.14507125

He can have Sydney. She's a stupid fucking flat chested whore anyways. Her fat kraut mother knows she's a whore and her flat chested sister knows she's a whore and we all know she's a whore.

>> No.14507129

Ok burger

>> No.14507135

They read manga like h x h and berserk.

>> No.14507136

two of those things apply to me

>> No.14507142

I remember once my dumbass extended family invited me hunting. I should have said yes and shot their fucking brains out. I could have made it look like a real accident too. It would have been awesome.

>> No.14507150

That's a fuckup of a lifetime anon, I can relate.

>> No.14507152

>Confuses descriptive philosophy for prescriptive philosophy
>Tried being a stoic/Buddhist for week and then gave up

>> No.14507202

An unfounded confidence and lack of nuance due to not challenging their ideas. They're real know it alls, unlike me.

>> No.14507214

>has grasped Nabokov's irony
>can't grasp Austen's

>> No.14507220

Trying to prove he's not a midwit

>> No.14507252

Instead of taking an argument and presenting things in favor of that, they think purely in terms of notions or concepts that they have mentally ascribed certain characteristics. For example, they'll instantly insult you if you mention Nietzsche, Islamic Philosophy, or Marx. They'll reject whatever you say simply because it is associated with something they consider bad. I haven't read any of her works, but Ayn Rand seems to have a lot of people who haven't read a page of hers, yet blow a gasket at the mention of her name. This phenomena is at its worst in politics because politicians have learned to utilize soundbytes to train people to do this stupid symbolic mode of non-thinking. I've seen so many complete morons who talk about economics purely on the basis of what's the most "free-market" or what hurts rich people the most.

Other things I dislike are the complete disregard for secondary resources. People act like you can't talk about philosophers unless you've read their works, ideally all of them. I guess it's a bit funny to mention this after complaining that people will attack authors they haven't read.

I've also noticed that when arguing, what they say centers around certain phrases or lingo. Basically they'll drop a term that sounds smart, but then they keep using it over and over again, exposing the fact that their vocabulary and knowledge of the topic is extremely limited. They're certainly just repeating arguments and ideas they got from others, and haven't really thought about the subject seriously.

The biggest one is that they get into discussions and act like they have something to prove, that they need to show the other person up. They don't even listen to what the other person is saying, they just read/listen and try to find things to knit-pick at as a retort. There's literally no productive result from conversations with these people. At best, you can learn something you were ignorant of - which only happens if you have never done even a basic inquiry into the subject. Typically you can just ask them questions and they will be happy to enlighten you, but at that point it's not a real debate anymore.

>> No.14507261

Bruh that’s every poster on this fucking board, you could especially extrapolate this to the entire website, the internet in general and like 90% of western populaion

>> No.14507270

Nice points. That there can be no actual debate is the worst

>> No.14507273

Not doing something because someone calls
you a midwit.

>> No.14507280

Heavily verbose, near-sighted explanations of why current pseudo intellectual trends should be accepted is the ultimate red flag.

>> No.14507283

I think that's his point and he'd be correct. Because there's still some of us that haven't succumbed to this idiocy.

>> No.14507318

Homer Aeschylus,Sophocles,Aristophanes,Gaius Valerius Catullus,Virgil,Imru’ al-Qays,Du Fu,al-Mutanabbī,Ferdowsī,Murasaki Shikibu,Rūmī,Dante,Petrarch,Geoffrey Chaucer,Luís de Camões,Michel de Montaigne,Miguel de Cervantes,Edmund Spenser,Lope de Vega,Christopher Marlowe,William Shakespeare,John Donne,John Milton,Jean Racine,Aphra Behn Bashō,Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz,Daniel Defoe,Jonathan Swift,Voltaire,Henry Fielding,Samuel Johnson,Johann Wolfgang,von Goethe,Robert Burns,William Wordsworth,Sir Walter Scott, 1st Baronet,Samuel Taylor Coleridge,Jane Austen,George Gordon,Byron 6th Baron Byron,Percy Bysshe Shelley,John Keats,Aleksandr Pushkin,Victor Hugo,Nathaniel Hawthorne,Edgar Allan Poe,Charles Dickens,Robert Browning,Charlotte Brontë,Henry David Thoreau,Emily Brontë,Walt Whitman,Herman Melville,George Eliot,Charles Baudelaire,Fyodor Dostoyevsky,Gustave Flaubert,Henrik Ibsen,Leo Tolstoy,Emily Dickinson,Lewis Carroll,Mark Twain,Émile Zola,Henry James,August Strindberg,Oscar Wilde,Arthur Rimbaud,George Bernard Shaw,Anton Chekhov,Rabindranath Tagore,William Butler Yeats,Luigi Pirandello,Marcel Proust,Robert Frost,Thomas Mann,Lu Xun,Virginia Woolf,James Joyce,Franz Kafka,T. S. Eliot,Eugene O’Neill,Anna Akhmatova,William Faulkner,Vladimir Nabokov,Ernest Hemingway,John Steinbeck,George Orwell,Pablo Neruda,Samuel Beckett,Richard Wright,Eudora Welty,Naguib Mahfouz,Albert Camus,Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn,Jack Kerouac,Flannery O’Connor,Toni Morrison,Wole Basedinka Sir Salman Rushdie,
J. K. Rowling,God

>> No.14507320

fucking based

>> No.14507323

Not everything popular has to be shit

>> No.14507331


>> No.14507336
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>> No.14507339


>> No.14507342

Optimism, Pessimism, Trust and Envy.

>> No.14507348


>> No.14507355
File: 37 KB, 720x736, DWjGLAoX4AAlLC6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hasn't read Marx

>> No.14507361

Midwit is this years NPC. So anyone using it

>> No.14507486

people who think that being contrarian is substitute for acumen

>> No.14507499

midwit detected

>> No.14507500

Alright NPC

>> No.14507527
File: 890 KB, 5000x4068, coolface.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine how the guy that drew coolface must feel

>> No.14507540

being on /lit/


>> No.14507543

or the guy who drew the original wojak

>> No.14507563
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>> No.14507665


>> No.14507675

You telling me right now right this second right this motherfucking INSTANT that reading fucking DelEAuze and BUTTler is fukcing MidWIT teir you fuckxing krank??????///?

>> No.14508034


>> No.14508064
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Say that to my Chertopkhanov, fucker, not online, and see what happens

>> No.14508070

Thinks philosophy is a waste of time or idle contemplation about pointless conundrums.

>> No.14508109
File: 295 KB, 680x947, A9544621-F18F-442D-B8DB-A96F568EE991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Black and white thinking, lack of empathy, post-irony as an instinctual defense mechanism etc

>> No.14508158

They make comparisons following this format: *modern, commercial or popular work* is the *high brow, classic, canonized work* of our time. They don't understand that every work is every other work's contemporary, part of the same all encompassing canon. Their analyses are on the same plane and there are no equivalents, only interactions

>> No.14508170

>They have a goodreads, rym, or letterboxd account

>> No.14508215

>midwitism in its prime right before a rapid decline into idiocy

>> No.14508342

>"there are no gods in Buddhism"
At least in early Buddhism gods are so irrelevant that they may as well not exist. Mahayana etc. is of course a completely different beast.

>> No.14508515

Offended midwits

>> No.14508533

They're American.

>> No.14508553

>>pretends to like IPAs
This is like saying that people pretend to like coffee or liquor. You acclimate to the taste.

>> No.14508570


It's time to stop.

>> No.14508576

Goddamn it I forgot that was filtered. Funny, though. Incongruity makes me chuckle.

>> No.14508640
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Look at this copelet

>> No.14508649
File: 2.59 MB, 800x450, 8BC8193B-DC6B-4A14-BF1D-54C30A1A616F.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the essence of a midwit
>lack of originality
This isn’t just “creativity”, I mean this in terms of argumentation too. They resort to the same prescribed talking points, and if the argument veers away from them, they desperately try to steer it back. If they do any writing, it’s filled with cliches, not obvious ones, but the type a pseud would think is clever but have been done a million times
>plays video games, watches anime
This one is just a given. If they spend all day consuming this trite there’s little chance they spend enough time reading philosophy or literature. Both mediums are famous for their horrible writing and immature appeals to “depth” that superficial people connect with. You’ll often see someone posting a smug anime girl as some sort of front for a lack of intellectual confidence because their posts are usually completely supercilious and vapid, appealing to smart sounding phrases and words without much substance
>mainly consumes youtube debates, or youtube philosophy videos
Again, a passive way for a pseud to absorb smart sounding, condensed information without taking his time, engaging with it or questioning it. The independent thought philosophy is meant to be ancillary to is non existent. Their main aim is to sure up existing beliefs my collecting arguments for it.

>tries to “analyse” people with zero actual knowledge of psychology
>unquestioning belief in scientism, hasn’t read kant
>said scientism is watered down for mass consumption, these people aren’t scientists or involved in science in any capacity
>unironic biggest dream for mankind is some cringey overdone “exploring the stars” speech
>politicise everything, obsessed with politics
>utilitarian ideas (even if they don’t know it)
>bad/ clunky prose
>uses reddit
>reads scifi books
>reads YA fiction
>reads less than 3 hours a day
>IQ is under 125
>abuse “fallacies” but never point out how their opponent has committed them or how it invalidates their point
>canned phrases like “scrodingers cat” or anything else that has become pseud slang
>reads stoics unironically
>no interest in epistemology, metaphysics etc
>uses the word aesthetic
>doesn’t read something if his narrow pseud mind doesn’t find it “worth his time” even if it’s a classic of philosophy, literature etc
>says books are bad that he hasn’t read
>science is concrete
>optimistic “nihilism”
>takes shit like simulation theory or infinite universes seriously but laughs at religious people
>refusal to engage with texts that are either contrary to his political ideas, are religious in nature (regardless of philosophical or literary merit), or simply longer than 500 pages
>hates Joyce
>insecure about how this place “looks” to visitors and redditors, seethes over stupid shit in the catalog
>ultimately wants to control what is discussed here

I could go on. Let’s not forgot the most important one however


>> No.14508680

Midwit’s impotent rage

>> No.14508721

Based. I think the “lack of originality” and appeals to science actually connect with one another. The midwit lives in a cramped, very literal reality where he must scramble for something concrete, something he can always fall back on when things get too abstract or when he’s losing an argument. Science becomes very important to him, even if he doesn’t truly understand it

>> No.14508729

>has a picture of a roman solider on any social media account
>unhealthy obsession with the holy roman empire
>pretends to read the greeks but just skims wikipedia pages
>has only read entry level stuff like the stranger or dostoyevsky
>claims to be a traditional catholic but masturbates every day to niche fetish porn
>never read their bible or attend church
>posts on /pol/
>favourite composer is wagner because he was le epic anti-semetic
>pretends to actually enjoy wagner operas but just listens to the overtures
>entire taste in the visual arts consists of roman/greek sculptures and renaissance to romantic oil paintings
>maybe monet if they're feeling daring
>claims that modernism and post-modernism is "degenerate"
>has no unique taste in any artform, everything is dictated by 4chan boards
>seethes at flags, the DURR AMERICAN eurofag posters are great examples of this
>have not read marx or any other political text that differs from their views
>thinks that anyone who doesnt follow an abrahamic religion is a "fedora tipper"
>religious because 4chan
>has not read nietzsche but criticises him for being a "fedora tipper"

>> No.14508743

>Other things I dislike are the complete disregard for secondary resources. People act like you can't talk about philosophers unless you've read their works, ideally all of them.
that one at least is true, I always get snarky replies when I give secondary lit reccs when an anon is asking for help reading a philosopher, yet I just know they haven't read the primary texts either. I think this is the evolved version of "reading is gay" followed by innate advices on how to live life coming from obviously low IQ posters.

>> No.14508762

The hatred of secondary lit stems from the immature view of reading as some sort of video game where you show people which achievements you ticked. So all you need to do is read Ethics a single time and whether you properly grasped it or not on that initial run through with no preparatory study, Spinoza is ticked, job done, next thinker please.

>> No.14508765

there's a mix of brainlet and midwit there

>> No.14508773

Post nose

>> No.14508777

Depends on the decade.
>1.In this time I think the biggest flag is when you see somebody who worships cynicism and sarcasm as the peak of humor and wisdom.
>2.Also people who get angry about problems but lose their shit when someone proposes an imperfect solution.
>3. people trying to find new words for old ideas which were disproven decades ago typically
>4. Everyone who reads Guenon

>> No.14508785

good response midwit.

>> No.14508787

Thats what i thought

>> No.14508788

lmao this is great
>guaranteed to have a copy of revolt against the modern world or ride the tiger on his bookshelf from the heady days of 2016/2017 that he made it around a dozen pages or so into before abandoning

>> No.14508816

only someone who has lived this would be this precise

>> No.14508822
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>connecting your knowledge to your ego, dreads to be proven wrong
(proud atheism goes w/o saying)

>> No.14508834


>> No.14508885


t. went to pol once to shitpost and got outdebated by anti-semites

>> No.14508895

Your post is good except secondary sources is invalidated by the implication of your first reddit spaced paragraph.

>> No.14508894

Not being a racist

>> No.14508998

Midwits talk about their intelligence constantly and use it as a means to discredit other works of art. A retard could write the next masterpiece. It is like we all forgot about the too smart meme. You all are worried about who is a retard instead of being willing to properly discuss points. Continue to have your internet arguments that leave you with no satisfaction.

>> No.14509015

/pol/ """""debates"""""

>> No.14509086

I also started the cumbrain meme, which I regret as it's reactionary antithesis soon reared it's ugly head someone else's take on it: the coomer meme, which overtook it in popularity and thus, in the end, did more harm than good.

>> No.14509098


>> No.14509103

I can't lie, I felt pretty btfo when somebody responded to me with a pixelated jpg infograph with no citations.

>> No.14509105

this post is too based for this board

>> No.14509131

>citations, rationalism, science, peer reviews

The Jew is a decentralised and fluid abstraction of parasitism

>> No.14509136

Not doing drugs

>> No.14509142

Entire knowledge of history comes from strategy games

>> No.14509151

>caring about sports in the first place
>not refering to "science" as the Baconian cult

>> No.14509184

Read history you moron. The jews have been successfully living as parasites since Judah fell. Their entire doctrine is that of victimhood unifying the tribe. Babylonia made a mistake by not killing them to the last. Their strategy is to spred to every other nation state and then live in their house so that if one falls they live on in other houses. That survival strategy is why they have been compared to rats for thousands of years. Martin Luther didn't call for a pogrom of jewish peoples but an end to their insular lack of assimilation to the host tribe. Ironically, the only reason we accept other religions and are not unitheistic as nations anymore was because of Martin Luthers work and of course Calvin being a gigantic dumb cunt.

>> No.14509202

Yeah, also
>Namefagging/tripfagging outside of content creation

>> No.14509205


>> No.14509214
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>> No.14509220
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>being unable to accept that eugenics is objectively a force for moral good
>being an anti-racist
>supporting any mainstream politician and being genuinely invested in mainstream party politics
>not wanting societal collapse

>> No.14509243

I've seen the flick

>> No.14509246

I’m going to agree with this. Sincerity is a showcase of maturity in this day and age, whilst hiding behind irony is the opposite.

I’m wondering when we’re going to see irony fall out of fashion.

>> No.14509249

This needs to be updated to include certain Twitter personalities e.g. BPD_GOD and all of her(?) friends

>> No.14509260

Irony has been out of fasion when post-irony killed it circa 2012.

>> No.14509263

if you still think of things in terms of being concretely "ironic" or "sincere" you're kinda behind

>> No.14509265

Anon could you post maybe a list of based authors ?

>> No.14509268

Who the fuck goes on twitter

>> No.14509272

The wisdom of the NPC.

>> No.14509286

Discussing books on /lit/

>> No.14509292

if you think being an atheist makes you midwit then being a beliver is also.
I think just going the agnostic way ist he way better option, because you can distance yourself from talking about stuff you will never be able to understand.

>> No.14509295

Homer, Pindar, Lucretius, Plato, Gottfried von Strassburg, Goethe, Hegel, Novalis, Shakespeare, Donne, Chaucer, The Troubadours, Chansons de geste, Rimbaud, Baudelaire, Céline, Deleuze, Lacan, Cervantes, Nabokov, Krasznahorkai

>> No.14509298
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>he's not a deist

>> No.14509300

Good pic, but really confused about the following:
GEB - this is a cute attempt at explaining the incompleteness theorems. It's read by a pretty wide variety of people.
The Selfish Gene - yes Dawkins is the pinnacle of midwit lit, but you could have picked any other of his books. This one was actually good.
Taleb - a little above midwit lit I'd say.
Stirner - just no.

>> No.14509311 [DELETED] 
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Is it gay to like woman when you're a man? Books on this feel

>> No.14509315

I think it was made around the time /lit/ was getting as many 'spook' memes as we're getting Guenon ones now.

>> No.14509324

Stirner is high midwit

>> No.14509435

The Chad Midwit
>Makes over 100k a year from his STEM job
>Impresses chicks and gets them wet from his broad but cursory knowledge of many subjects he's read from wikipedia
>Is a master of sophist and crushes Creationists in debates with fallacious arguments, insults, and gish galloping
>Has not read the Bible; does not know any Bible verses
>Knows his political position is right and does not waste time reading wrong opinions
>Can easily socialize by discussing NYT bestseller list books he's read which is all of them
>Picked up his current 10/10 gf at a Harry Potter meetup

>> No.14509437

Midwit red flag right here

>> No.14509842

>self help books
>public intellectuals or pop philosophers

>> No.14509878

does Zizek count?

>> No.14509923

I bet you don't even know how to keep a samovar lit.

>> No.14509966


>> No.14509968

So /lit/?

>> No.14509972


>> No.14509987
File: 108 KB, 540x562, 1578417820125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Using the term midwit.

>> No.14509997

This guy fucks

>> No.14510001

homosexual bullshit

>> No.14510034

>uses "based" because he developed an instinct to upvote posts from too much r*ddit

>> No.14510040

Did you get a liberal arts degree by ejaculating on Russian literature?

>> No.14510050

They are a socialist

>> No.14510080

>hasn't read ride the tiger

>> No.14510093

Good pic. The only author worth reading is the uninfluential author

>> No.14510328

>he even has to ask

>> No.14510404

thinks if /lit/ likes something it means its good.
doesn't let self enjoy reading
doesn't read any books about the human condition, just drama
likes Jordan Peterson
Biggest red flag: believes racial diversity matters

>> No.14510424

a person is a midwit if
>reads stoics unironically
>doesn't read something if his narrow pseud mind doesn't find it "worth his time" even if it's a classic of philosophy, literature etc
>says books are bad that he hasn't read
start by thinking of a consistent set of criteria for being a midwit

>> No.14510432

being liberal

>> No.14510433


>> No.14510443

Soiboy npc midwit newfag boomer shill aren't all of these just white insults? Nothing has the sting of jew or nigger.

>> No.14510476

do I really have to use a name to earn your respect?

>> No.14510516

I'm gonna pretend it's me on my next CV

>> No.14510544

the irony of this post
>doesn't read something if his narrow pseud mind doesn't find it "worth his time" even if it's a classic of philosophy, literature etc
That is 100% true though.

>> No.14510581

Since way before.

>> No.14510605

Moldbug on the same level of School of Life?

>> No.14510612

That's about right

>> No.14510658

You forgot
>is a feminist

>> No.14510699
