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/lit/ - Literature

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14503541 No.14503541 [Reply] [Original]

I've been consuming ancient greco-roman literature for nearly half a year straight and now it feels like I'm going to run out of reading material soon. I've finished every surviving work of fiction and I'm already halfway through Xenophon's Hellenica and done with early pre-socratic and sophist philosophers.
Ancient Greece and Rome are the only cultures I can enjoy books of without ever getting tired, before christcucks smeared their shitty jewish morality on civilization and wasted centuries on jacking off to the idea of whether their jewish god is real or not.
I fucking hate this.

>> No.14503595
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>half a year
>I'm going to run out of reading material soon
Read it all again but actually pay attention this time.
>before christcucks smeared their shitty jewish morality on civilization
Christianity is a Greek theological formulation and if you can't see that everything you read completely went over your head.

>> No.14503617

then read about non western shit dummy

>> No.14503637

yeah except it's much more of a indoctrination cult and totally unlike the pre-christian theology of the ancient greeks, and half of it is the jewish Tanakh, and that the messiah was a jewish man circumcised as per the jewish customs and was surrounded by jews his whole life, and that if an autistic emperor called costantine wouldn't have forced the cult while allowing jews to not be persecuted and beginning the persecution of the people who stuck with their polytheist beliefs it would totally be a GREEK formulation.

>> No.14503646

and if costantine didn't enforce cucktianity on rome we'd still be regarding christcucks as a different sect of jews, but whatever floats your boat

>> No.14503647


>> No.14503711
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>yeah except it's much more of a indoctrination cult
Bro, greek religion is literally cults. Are you retarded?
>half of it is the jewish
And? Semitic peoples are part of mediterranean culture. Greeks were very heavily influenced by culturally semitic Egyptians. The semites were heavily influence by Greeks as well. The nephalem are clearly ancient heroes in the vein of Achilles and Gilgamesh, and Sheol was probably originally the realm of Hades. If you read the Septuagint you would understand this. I think you hardly read any greco-roman literature at all. At least go read the Enneads.

I am embarrassed for you right now. You talk like a schizo that has spent too much time on /pol/.

>> No.14503825

>Bro, greek religion is literally cults
Then explain how atheists weren't killed on the spot or burned at the stake, and their writings still survived to this day? And how they let other civilizations keep their pantheons without enforcing their religion on them?
>semites are meds because they were influeced by greeks
the fuck are you on?
you know what's more embarassing? defending the dogmatic jewish cult which subverted the western civilization for 400+ years, you're either a bible thumping golem or outright denying the damage christianity has done to the west.

>> No.14503837
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Your "aryan" ancestors all adopted Christianity despite living in mudhuts completely outside of Rome. If not for the efforts of Roman Christians to preserve classical culture, the West never would have recovered from the inevitable fall of the Roman empire and we probably would still be living in mudhuts. The only reason roman architecture still stands today is because temples were converted into churches. Even today the only place you can get a decent classical education is Christian schools, public schools don't teach it. Do you realize how audacious your claims are? This is completely absurd.

>> No.14503884

>Your "aryan" ancestors adopted
My "aryan" ancestors are greek, I have a greek ancestry despite being born in italy, my ancestors BUILT civilization christcucks are living in, and didn't I say polytheists were persecuted and sent to die for not submitting to the jewish cult while jews were free to keep their talmudic beliefs? for fuck's sake you're dense.

>The only reason roman architecture still stands today is because temples were converted into churches
how come greek temples are still standing? didn't our based christcucks preserve them? nooo, they were supposed to be heretical sites, and what about the coliseum? is that a christian structure too? and why is it still standing? peak NPC kike golem.

>> No.14503887
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>Then explain how atheists weren't killed on the spot
They were. Socrates was put to death for impiety. Hell, Christians were originally charged with atheism.
>And how they let other civilizations keep their pantheons without enforcing their religion on them?
The Greeks actually pretty strictly enforced that others follow their gods. Romans conquered lands and said the god of that land belonged to them now. (and also strictly enforced that people follow their gods)
>the fuck are you on?
Semites literally lived along the mediterranean. You are possessed by the brain parasite known as ideology.

>> No.14503893

who were your favorite authors/works anon?

>> No.14503907
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>how come greek temples are still standing?
Because Christians preserved it. The Parthenon was converted to a Christian church, and then it was converted to a mosque when the Ottomans conquered it. And then spaghettiniggers literally blew it up in the mid 1800s.

>> No.14503923

>They were. Socrates was put to death for impiety. Hell, Christians were originally charged with atheism.
Pretty sure they weren't persectuted as much before the Peloponnesian War, while christianity persecuted ALL non-believers since they began to take over, but you've got no idea about history whatsoever.
>adding some gods to a foreign pantheon while allowing them to keep their ancestral deities equals forcing your religion on them

>Because Christians preserved it.
yeah preserved it by taking whole chunk of marbles off the coliseum to build their cult centers, now that's what I call preserving.
Yes this is indeed PRESERVING, please don't embarass yourself any further you ignorant jewish worshipping cultist golem.

>> No.14503948


>> No.14503961

>but you've got no idea about history whatsoever.
You're the one regurgitating the talking points of angry feminist classicism majors.
>yeah preserved it by...
Bro, your link has nothing to do with the Parthenon. Are you really going to cry about people repurposing marble from the rubble lying around a roman football stadium?

>> No.14503996

Nonnus's Dionysiaca, Sophocles's Tragedies, and Chariton's greek romances.

>You're the one regurgitating the talking points of angry feminist classicism majors.
would you rather wish I'd regurgitate jewish commandments on how to wipe your butt properly? what about the parthenon? should I quote sources?
>Despite the alterations accompanying the Parthenon's conversion into a church and subsequently a mosque, its structure had remained basically intact
your jewish indoctrination cult didn't preserve shit, get over it and stop spewing illiterate bullshit, you're as ignorant as an indoctrinated christcuck can get.

>> No.14504037
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>should I quote sources?
Yes, post sources about how Christians destroyed the Parthenon. Bet your sources are schizophrenic bitches like Catherine Nixey that intentionally post disinfo because the Church attempted to beat the whore out of them when they were a child.

>> No.14504060

I never implied they destroyed anything other than the coliseum and the library of alexandria, but letting the whole structure rot while building a church or a mosque inside it because le based YAHWEH needs a safe space doesn't count as preservation. fuck your subvertive jewish cult.

>> No.14504127

>but letting the whole structure rot
It was fine until spaghettiniggers blew it up. No one is hanging out inside of a gigantic stone structure if the roof is collapsing. You have brain damage.

>> No.14504140

who gives a shit? did they try to "preserve" it somehow besides fucking around by calling these buildings christian churches? did they prevent the structure from falling to pieces? did they rebuild it after it fell down? no? then they didn't do shit.

>> No.14504149

>fuck your subvertive jewish cult.
How can you claim others are indoctrinated when you just autistically plug your ears and repeat the same mantra over and over? Your life is fucked up because you are mentally ill, not because of jews. You need professional help, dude.

>> No.14504164

because christianity and abrahamic religions are founded on indoctrination and dogmas to hold back civilization from progressing, ask yourself why nothing worth mentioning has been accomplished in the dark ages.

>> No.14504173

>nothing worth mentioning has been accomplished in the dark ages
What dark ages? This only exists in pop history, there never was a Christian dark age.

>> No.14504189

notice how you keep dodging the question because cucktianity has brought nothing but subversion to the west

>> No.14504192

Notice how you keep posting ignorant memes instead of facts that reflect reality.

>> No.14504216

opinion instantly discarded
why are faggots like this

>> No.14504230

>civilization never halted when cucktianity took over, it's all fiction, the muslimes never improved their medical skills while christians were seeking god's help to heal the sick
you're a fucking cultist, and the most deaf kind of cultist, keep believing your jewish lies and defending pedophile priests and batshit crazy popes and their churches which created the inquisition and tortures to destroy western culture, and don't even let me get started on the bonfire of the vanities, where insane cultists literally advocated the burning of classical culture. you're a total fucking NPC golem at the service of orthodox jews.

>> No.14504242
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>keep believing your jewish lies
You have posted several easily falsifiable lies in this thread already, presumably due to ignorance, and I have posted zero.

>> No.14504252

you've been spewing bullshit since the beginning of this thread, and since christcucks never preserved anything but rather sought to destroy western culture, you've got no arguing points besides your absolute jewish belief

>> No.14504256

>you've been spewing bullshit since the beginning of this thread
when were the christian dark ages

>> No.14504265

>the dark ages are a pop culture invention
you're a fucking embarassment

>> No.14504305

Reading your own link:
>As the accomplishments of the era came to be better understood in the 19th and 20th centuries, scholars began restricting the "Dark Ages" appellation to the Early Middle Ages (c. 5th–10th century),[6][7][8] and now scholars also reject its usage in this period.[9] The majority of modern scholars avoid the term altogether due to its negative connotations, finding it misleading and inaccurate.

Wikipedia is not a source by the way. Please link something better next time.

>> No.14504319

>totally ignoring enlightnment and renaissance
>they didn't call it dark ages so it must mean they didn't see it in a negative light
keep coping christcuck

>> No.14504323

>not even reading your own links
boy why am i even replying to you any more. bye.

>> No.14504347

>During the Age of Enlightenment of the 17th and 18th centuries, many critical thinkers saw religion as antithetical to reason. For them the Middle Ages, or "Age of Faith", was therefore the opposite of the Age of Reason.[30] Kant and Voltaire were vocal in attacking the Middle Ages as a period of social regress dominated by religion, while Gibbon in The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire expressed contempt for the "rubbish of the Dark Ages".[31] Yet just as Petrarch, seeing himself at the cusp of a "new age", was criticising the centuries before his own time, so too were Enlightenment writers.
maybe you're just illiterate

>> No.14504451

Can you post complete reading list, OP? Also, have you considered learning the languages and going back to learn re-read them in the original?