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14502328 No.14502328 [Reply] [Original]

How do I write a character whose philosophy and politics are completely opposed to mine?

>> No.14502339

Make him really smart, basically

>> No.14502350

Is that the guy from Moomins?

>> No.14502353


>> No.14502361

yes, that's snufkin after he grew up and got married in the later series

>> No.14502362

Ah yes, Snuff King

>> No.14502364

Why would this be hard? If you aren't a dofus idealog you will have taken the time to understand why people who disagree with you think what they do.

>> No.14502388
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Write him as an ugly, moronic and loud mouthed asshole

>> No.14502401

Just dont be an ideologue, it’s not hard. Create a specific context of information and build up to an ultimate conclusion that is separate from your own. If you’ve read the Greeks it shouldn’t be hard.

>> No.14503316

How are the greeks related to this?

>> No.14503477

They make good food,
und Man ist, was Man isst

>> No.14503537

When the Greeks wanted illustrate a point, they did it by making up a character who held the opposing views and created a dialogue in which they were right and the character they made was wrong.

>> No.14503623

accept that under certain circumstances any position is right.

subvert your reader's expectation by showing that said character held the WRONG opinion because the circumstance was unjustified and they were mistaken in failing to properly collect information or assess what was going on, they let their BIASES lead them to the conclusion they wanted in order to self-justify their morally grey actions are correct and pure.

>> No.14504101

By Greeks, do you just mean Plato? I've never seen another writer explicitly do this.

>> No.14504111

Raskolnikov eventually comes to agree with Dostoyevsky's slave morality thinking at the end though.

>> No.14504194

Imagine misunderstanding someone's philosophy and religion so much. What once was just a dislike has become a strong hatred.

I despise you, butterfly.

>> No.14504205

All of Christendom is slave morality neojudaism.

>> No.14504225

so? the lash of the whip is far sweeter than the illusion of power granted by the flick of the wrist that holds it.

i'm pretty sure isobel is my favorite bjork piece.

>> No.14504644
