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/lit/ - Literature

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14464402 No.14464402[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.14464408

The point is always a letdown because people's ideas are always retarded bullshit. The friends you make along the way however, they accidentally hint at points people are too dumb to systematize that speak directly to the human condition.

btw this is why War and Peace, a meandering hodgepodge of incoherent themes, is infinitely superior to Anna Karenina, a tightly wound artistic product

>> No.14464409
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>> No.14465475

This is the day you die.

>> No.14465524

Disagree, the point exists to provide structure. Like a crystal dropped into a solution that starts a chain reaction of replication. If you want to write about a different point, then finish the first narrative and start a second. If you stuff a bunch of narratives together with conflicting or unrealized points you are only demonstrating a failure in structure.

>> No.14465538
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>> No.14465566

“The bud disappears when the blossom breaks through, and we might say that the former is refuted by the latter; in the same way when the fruit comes, the blossom may be explained to be a false form of the plant’s existence, for the fruit appears as its true nature in place of the blossom. The ceaseless activity of their own inherent nature makes these stages moments of an organic unity, where they not merely do not contradict one another, but where one is as necessary as the other; and constitutes thereby the life of the whole.”

>> No.14465608

Who says that? It made some things click to me

>> No.14465676

>Alfred Pointhead

>> No.14465678


>> No.14465681
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>> No.14465686

Isn't this literally like the first page of the Phenomenology?

>> No.14465694
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The not getting to the point may be the very point, Poindexter.

>> No.14465697

I wish.

>> No.14465699

Reading aint a race fagola

>> No.14465700

>Reading aint a race
But my fucking life is.

>> No.14465707
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>> No.14465709

tbf it goes way downhill after there
i just got a giggle out of the idea of the plant retroactively refuting itself

>> No.14465762

lmao fucking brainlet

>> No.14465770

>tbf it goes way downhill after there
>i just got a giggle out of the idea of the plant retroactively refuting itself
Too complex for you then Schlomo?

>> No.14465806

literal bonehead

>> No.14465809


>> No.14465828

if i do you wont get it.

>> No.14465854

>reading a book
>get bored and read the SparkNotes instead
>still deliver a fascinating and unique analysis of it to my professor, who awards me with a 1st while fellow virgin classmates receive 2:1s despite reading the tome cover-to-cover
Once you’ve read past a certain point, the narratives of fiction and philosophy coalesce and most of an author’s central thrust can be gained from a handful of sentences, or fewer.

>Hegel: dialectics, arboresence
>David Foster Wallace: sincerity
>Marx: Hegel but upside down
>Voltaire: cringe atheism
>Eliot: im sad
>Keats: I’m sad
>Guenon: I’m gay

See, easy.

>> No.14465864
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>> No.14465871


>> No.14465876
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>>Hegel: dialectics, arboresence
>>David Foster Wallace: sincerity
>>Marx: Hegel but upside down
>>Voltaire: cringe atheism
>>Eliot: im sad
>>Keats: I’m sad
>>Guenon: I’m gay

>> No.14465884

See, you can do it too.

>> No.14466017

This is the correct approach. The more verbosity you wrap your point in, the easier it is to miss the actual point, or get bored before you get to it.

>> No.14466033
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>>>Marx: Hegel but upside down

>> No.14466040

>implying there is only one point

>> No.14466059

It's better to read a work yourself than trust someone's summary of it. Sure, a summary will get you through a paper, but it may not get you an understanding of a text. A good example is probably the bible, a lot of people post stupid interpretations by taking the shit some idiot or tyrant says and equating it to the shit god or a prophet says.

>> No.14466086

You don't need more than a short sentence per a single point. Prove me wrong.

>> No.14466103

The Bible is unique. For most works you can just read a few summaries and look for a common theme

>> No.14466771

fuck pynchon

>> No.14466784

you cant just have these amiguous ubrella terms, you have to precisely explain these things, this is a problem, people using words without constantly explaining what the word means to the point where no one knows whats being said. Just clarify, be clear not precise to the point where even dictionary definitions dont suffice.

>> No.14466826

Explain how I’m wrong. Marx is just Hegel but materialist.

>> No.14466909

fucking this, why do these pathetic retard writers waste our time with 1000s of pages of bullshit which even when its good is hard to justify reading. dont they know some people have jobs

>> No.14467372

If you read books/watch films/engage with any art just waiting for the singular "point" you might aswell just read wikipedia synopsis and be done with it you dumb Twitter mental midget.

>> No.14467639

hot stuff