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/lit/ - Literature

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14461477 No.14461477 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.14461486

I've only read 8 books so far and only one of them could be considered a classic.

>> No.14461524

this year or in your life?

>> No.14461714
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I only have a special obsession with book featuring clergy as main character because of my profound creepy interest in such specific men
I have fantasies about victorian and gothic homes and long talks, book exchanges and all that. pathetic maybe but it won't get out of my head

>> No.14461722

Probably more than your average person on /lit/

>> No.14461744

I stopped reading Ulysses halfway through

>> No.14461749

I did the same thing...I can understand it fine and the prose is gorgeous but it just lost itself on me. Maybe if the book only dealt with Stephen I'd finish it but Bloom is utterly boring

>> No.14461766

I buy new books before I’m finished with the one I’m currently reading

>> No.14462039

I exclusively read non-fiction and the only fiction book I ever really enjoyed was The Great Gatsby. I very much disliked Dubliners.

>> No.14462070

I'm Super Mario in real life!

>> No.14462076

Since I started seriously reading.

>> No.14462082

i lost $2000 this week after falling in love with another e-girl

>> No.14462095

I am a newfag

>> No.14462356

Go to church

>> No.14462387

I regularly comb through the unsolicited manuscripts my employer receives and steal good bits of content to rework and use in future posts

>> No.14462397

I haven't read a new book in the last 5 years.

>> No.14462413
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i only read to impress a girl

>> No.14462418
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I am an avid reader of non-fiction but when i do manage to squeeze in some fiction it usually just ends up being something i know has a scene in it i can masturbate too.

>> No.14462459

>I very much disliked Dubliners

Really? I find the simple stories like "The Encounter" and "The Little Cloud" to be outstanding portrayals of disillusionment. The stories that have a million characters are a bore though. Like "After the Race" and the last one whose name I don't remember. I get they're usually a commentary on the political situation in Ireland at the time, but they're just a pain to read and quite underwhelming for someone who doesn't care about that stuff

>> No.14462469

You would like Brat Farrar

>> No.14462479

i literally don't even read, i'm just here to shitpost which i do extremely successfully, racking up countless (You)'s and almost universally positive replies to my posts (many of which are made about actual literature that i haven't even read)

>> No.14462480

I believe this is common among avid readers

>> No.14462519

I'm actually from Ireland myself. But James Joyce's writing really didn't engage me in anyway. I can't remember feeling sucked in when I read it. I think his style just wasn't connecting with me. If it does connect with someone, I can understand that, but it didn't hit me.

>> No.14462609

Would it get you hot and bothered knowing that I'm a registered minister anon.

>> No.14462638

I've been wanting to write my own novel but after writing a couple of stories it just feels like a shitty fanfiction about a story that doesn't exist ? Most of it feels like a light novel written by a Westerner.
When do you git gud at writing ?

>> No.14462783

I only read half of Crime and Punishment because it was so boring but I tell everyone I've read it

>> No.14463201

I haven't read a single book so far in 2020.

>> No.14463380

I had a terrible one night stand last night with a girl I met on NYE, and I felt God's arrows stabbing my back since.

>> No.14463398

As long as you didn’t get no STDs or a kid, you’re good homie. Just don’t do it again, ya hear?

>> No.14463536
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I only want to learn how to write so that I can create vivid stories about me getting all my high school crushes as wives in Heaven and playing the best thing created by mankind, Football. And playing the most electrifying position in all of sports, Quarterback.

I want to be able write the mundane like me slowly releasing a stool into the toilet in the morning to the mentally stimulating like the wet syrupy good-bye kisses my wives would give me in the morning after we all ate pancakes for breakfast to the wondrous event of me throwing a perfect spiral for 6 at the climax of a hellish football game while they and the rest of the small town I’d live in, cheered.

I don’t care about books or literature save a few Stephen King books. I don’t know a single Latin author and I don’t give a fuck about some ahead-of-his-time author in the 19th century and what he wrote about. I just care about me and my pleasure

>> No.14463575

read Hadrian the Seventh

>> No.14463579

It's been 2 days nigga. What are you doing????

>> No.14463609

Move to Italy, learn Latin, attend mass. EZclap

>> No.14464462

Anon, I think we can all relate to that feel.
Read A Canticle for Leibowitz, and start going to weekly, if not daily, mass.

>> No.14464487
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I hate Tolstoy. I've read W&P, AK, and DoII. I hate them all. I detest his work and I detest him personally.

>> No.14464510

Oof. W&P is next on my list. Do you just not like it or is it actually not worth it? Pls explain.

>> No.14464511

I want to read but I can't, because I'm obsessed with the thought of being smart. But I know that I'm not,
So I only pick classics, I drop it off after a page or two because it shows how much of an idiot I'm. Just give me the noose already.

>> No.14464524
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I also hate Nobokov, while we're at it. He has a shitty attitude and thinks he's better than everyone else, but everything he writes is an oh-so-witty fedoraist rag. He uses writing as an excuse to flex "clever" gimmicks but forgets that novels are supposed to have soul and expression. I had the pleasure of dropping both Lolita and Pale Fire. He's the biggest pseud to ever walk on Earth, and his ego is so inflated with hot air that it could fill five hundred thousand blimps such that they could darken the skies over the entirety of the indian subcontinent.

>> No.14464525
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I actually have a romantic interest in Emily Dickinson, and it feels quite bad to know that she died more than 100 years ago

>> No.14464532

4 years and I'm only like 30 pages in to my first draft of my novel

>> No.14464546

Im a straight black man in my mid twenties and I want to fuck contra points so bad. I’m conflicted because I know that’s gay and I don’t want to live my life as a fag

>> No.14464548

Don't feel bad anon, Donna Tartt takes 10 years to write her novels (comes out to a page per week)... keep chugging at it! Don't go gently into that good night, rage rage against the dying of the light~

>> No.14464559
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He preaches at the reader with the subtlety of being attacked by a cartoon character wielding a mallet, yet his worldviews are all ivory tower holier-than-thou pedantery entirely untested by real world situations. He's a very educated child and wrote his major works as a young adult. They were written for and celebrated by other ivory tower aristocrats and pushed onto everyone else, above everyone else. Yet even Tolstoy himself later realized how embarassingly naive and shallow were his philosophies and his own lack of humility in showcasing them, and the latter half of his life was spent trying to redeem himself in his own view. He went crazy, gave away his fortune, and started pushing a plow as a farmer. But even as he himself redacted his faith in his works, we still read them as if they were perfected material.

Reading Tolstoy is the errand of a fool.

>> No.14464568

Damn, is it like an anxiety thing? Maybe do short stories for a bit instead.

>> No.14464569

I failed nofap 2020 on New Year’s Day.

>> No.14464598

Oh shit, that's kind of nasty.
I'm reading Lieven's Russia Against Napoleon right now. I knew Tolstoy fucked up the history of the invasion, but I didn't think it went beyond that.

>> No.14464607

I was wearing a condom but I'm still worried. After we fucked she said I might be sick in the morning, when I asked what she meant she said she had a cold. She also covered her cooch when I turned the lights on. Unless this bitch has mega aids I should be fine, but the immense disgust I felt made we want to take a nice long bath in boiling oil.

>> No.14464641

I hate my native language. Reading or hearing anything in it just sounds moronic and oppressive. I know exactly the reason why and it's not surprising at all.

>> No.14464648

I thought Leviathan was really boring, so I gave up on finishing it.

>> No.14464660
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I did not like the Lord of the Rings books. I think the movies are pretty great.

I pretty much exclusively for entertainment, so I mostly read science fiction, fantasy and romance. I've purchased a large quantity of superhero prose novels for Christmas. I haven't touched anything related to philosophy since college.

I'm currently writing a fantasy romance novel about a tsundere warrior princess and an awkward but loveable knight. The princess is based on various crushes I've had over the years and the knight is an idealized version of myself. I don't anticipate any level of success. I think the only people I'm going to share it with are my therapist and a friend who also likes reading/writing.

I was sexually abused by my dad until I was 16 and I was able to move to another state with my mom. Because of this, I have a deep fear of sex and sexuality, which is why the novel is extremely juvenile. The characters just kiss/blush/hold hands, and nothing even approaching sex is even hinted at.

>> No.14464664

I read the last page of a book before I get there just so I know if it's worth it to continue reading. Might be a cliff hanger to an otherwise complete story in which case, it is garbage.

>> No.14464724

There is no God for u

>> No.14464741

I joined a LQBBQT dating service to pump n dump enbies

>> No.14464742
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>I pretty much exclusively for entertainment, so I mostly read science fiction, fantasy and romance. I've purchased a large quantity of superhero prose novels for Christmas. I haven't touched anything related to philosophy since college.
>I'm currently writing a fantasy romance novel about a tsundere warrior princess and an awkward but loveable knight. The princess is based on various crushes I've had over the years and the knight is an idealized version of myself.
>I was sexually abused by my dad until I was 16 and I was able to move to another state with my mom. Because of this, I have a deep fear of sex and sexuality, which is why the novel is extremely juvenile. The characters just kiss/blush/hold hands, and nothing even approaching sex is even hinted at.

I.. I'm sorry anon.

>> No.14464744

I've decided that if I can't meet my goals this year, I'll end it once and for all.

>> No.14464812

i used to at 17, there was mutual interest but i felt bad for going there for the wrong reasons
thanks for recs, brothers. i used to attend weekly or more, i most likely will resume when i move. somehow you feel safer doing questionable things on foreign land
y-you're not a protestant, right? >>14463609
i used to post on italy's general on int, was comfy. latin is always in my plans

>> No.14464847

that's based. i sometimes join cringy chats with similar themes, full of schoolgirls, to subtly bully them

>> No.14464891

you're the average poster then
nothing to confess

>> No.14464914

I haven't even read a page of a book two days into the new year. I read 32 last year and I want to hit 40 this year, but I'm being lazy already. I'll get to it tomorrow.

>> No.14464920

are you a slow reader?

>> No.14464953

Your confession has been spilling over on /lit/ lately. Also, Emily a shit.

>> No.14464961

What is it?

>> No.14465151

I only like books with internal monologues, hate dialogues, and I'm a pedophile.

>> No.14465152

I don't actually read any books, I just shitpost all day on the internet

>> No.14465170
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> in love with ancient roman poet

>> No.14465171
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Honestly the only reason I've never read Anne Frank's Diary as a kid was because she was kinda my type and I didn't want to fantasize about a dead girl every day. Dark hair, thick eyebrows, large eyes with bags...Probably pale skin as well. You get my idea.

Also there was some weeb in high school that slightly looked like her and I think I subconsciously lusted after her while thinking she's annoying. She had great tits.

>> No.14465201

The only objectively stupid opinion on 19th century American poetry. Literally every other opinion is defensible, but you, amazingly, chose the only wholly wrong choice

>> No.14465203

Really close, but still not Sappho or Hildegaard vom Bingen

>> No.14465233

I don't actually read anything I just collect books and tell people I've read them to make myself look smart.

>> No.14465270

I meant Emily the girl you retard, not Emily the poet.

>> No.14465406

I haven't read fiction in two years and get my occasional fiction fix by watching anime (started watching it at age 25). Problem is I'm starting to run out of actually good anime so I'll have to change medium.

>> No.14465436

I can only relate to stories about the pursuit of wealth.

>> No.14465494

I can't read.

>> No.14465720

I'm trying to read Hamlet but I can only read like one or two scenes at a time because it makes me tired

>> No.14465724

I browse daily and have read less than 25 books in my entire life and I only have 4 read total last year

>> No.14465813

I hate /lit/ and I can't leave.
I'm only here because I want to feel validated by posting in the stack threads and nothing else.

>> No.14466483

Try comics

>> No.14466983
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>> No.14466992

>registered minister
In other words, you do this for the money, and you got other greater interests like going home and fucking your wife. Ministers are posers. Only priests are legitimate.

>> No.14467057
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Tolkein is overrated, Tolstoys prose isn't very good, and half the writers who wrote dogshit genre fiction have better technical skills than half the classic writers but they don't write anything of literary merit because it doesn't make them money, which is a real shame because that's mostly the fault of publishers and literary agents so really talentless middle aged white women who drive Kia souls and peaked in highschool are to blame for the fall of the medium.

>> No.14467074

You would have a point if you were not an anime poster.

>> No.14467224

Go back to redut

>> No.14467245

Which ones?

>> No.14467483

I lost my virginity to a girl who had a boyfriend.
Still feel like shit over destroying their relationship, although it was in high school and it wasn’t the first boyfriend she’d cheated on. On the bright side it gave me the confidence to find my own committed relationship.

>> No.14467491

I liked Wheel of Time.

>> No.14468495

I made it about 70 pages in before I gave up. giving it another try this year

>> No.14468613

natural selection

>> No.14468618

Reddit has more anime than /lit/ does.

>> No.14468627

>Still feel like shit over destroying their relationship
You should feel remorse over fornicating and wasting your time, not the fact that you destroyed someone's worthless relationship. Sounds like you belong on reddit, not the 4chan.

>> No.14468795

I'm a native Spanish speaker and didn't like Don Quixote nor One Hundred Years of Solitude.

I just can't see what people enjoy so much about them. With Don Quixote it's not so bad since all my friends find it boring and only my wife loves it, but absolutely all of them love OHYOS to the point they often quote stuff from the book and I'm just left with a big poker face.