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14442128 No.14442128[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.14442258
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Paradime sauced by Dante of the ninja turtles translated by my dad.

>> No.14442286

I raped a girl in the Philippines this summer. We met online and talked for a year, and when I visited her island (Cebu) she let me stay at her family's house in a tiny village in the jungle. She was from a traditional Catholic family, wanted to save her virginity for her husband etc. After a week staying with her family, I decided to go to a tropical island nearby and invited her to come with me, I thought she'd say no or her family would forbid her but to my surprise she agreed. On the second night I started taking off her clothes, she was pushing me away and trying to stop me but eventually she stopped resisting. She had this look of terror on her face that made me feel really bad but I was too horny to stop. When I first penetrated her she looked like she was in a lot of pain. She just lay there the whole time not moving or even looking at me. I finished inside her too. The next day we left the island and I gave her money for a bus back to her village. I tried talking to her on Facebook a few times afterwards but she always gave me really short replies. I thought maybe she'd get pregnant but I monitored her Facebook for a few months afterwards and there's no sign of it.

>> No.14442300

That's a terrible thing to do :3

>> No.14442305

Not sure why I mentioned it here but it just came to mind. It's been weighing on my conscience for months and this is the first time I've ever confessed.

>> No.14442548

Wth anon you're horrible. You raped one of the rare virgin Christian woman waiting for marriage.... It'd still be horrible if it was anyone else but it makes the deed even more vile.
You'll deserve what's coming if you don't repent, if you truly feel bad turn yourself in.

>> No.14442586

You moron, she wanted to marry you. She resisted because she was nervous but let you fuck her because she wanted you. Why didn't you propose? You could be raising a family with her...

>> No.14442592
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>rape her
>she still fucking responds to you on Facebook

>> No.14442646

I know I'm a piece of shit, if I could go back and stop myself I would. I even thought maybe I should do the right thing and marry her afterwards but she was so cold to me on Facebook that I figured she wanted to be left alone. Also to be honest she was quite plain (not ugly but very plain) and we came from very different educational backgrounds so marrying her probably wouldn't have worked either. Anyway she seems to be doing okay now, she started a new job in a biscuit factory and found some new friends.

>> No.14442663

>I even thought maybe I should do the right thing and marry her afterwards but she was so cold to me on Facebook
Post the messages

>> No.14442729

Jesus christ men are terrible

>> No.14442732

Literally why not just coom in her ass? Hope she was at least 14.

>> No.14442819


>> No.14442863

Holy fuck, what a lucky guy. Don't feel so bad anon, most people here would kill to be in your place. They'd probably leave her more scarred too with no hole unused.

>> No.14442870

yea im thinkin he based

>> No.14442873

To summarize for those than haven't fapped.

>Father/daughter has close relations even after she's reached puberty
>Father starts noticing her sexually
>She starts noticing him sexually and distances herself from her dad
>But later accepts her own feelings
>They hide where they're going in order to have sex
>They again return to close (platonic) outward relationship while in the house
>But also hides the fact they have sex when others aren't around

TL;DR Close father/daughter develops lusts after each other and hides it from family

>> No.14442875

What is the literary equivalent to me erping on discord and shooting my cum while my gf reads in the next room without being any wiser.

>> No.14442934

Obviously you're a troll and that you're not actually like this, because how pathetic would you have to be to post this here and be telling the truth.

>> No.14442974

Aunt is paranoid and convinced i'm a pedophile, confusing her daughter as to why she gets in trouble for talking to me or giving me a hug or something. It sucks because i've known her all her life, an entire decade and i'm just gonna have to sever all contact to appease her hysteria. This started last year and she wasn't really bothered by it because she assumed she wasn't supposed to talk to me or whatever because she was being rude, I saw her twice at two separate christmas parties in a few days after not seeing her for a year since then when she was first told to avoid me. First was normal, next time I didn't pay attention to her until i asked if she was leaving and got a blunt "don't touch me or i'll get in trouble" (seemingly unprovoked as I wasn't going in for a hug goodbye or anything) In a voice that sounded far deeper and exhausted than anything i've ever heard out of a kid who is always in high spirits. It seems pretty retarded to punish the kid instead of telling them it's okay to set boundaries with adults and say no (as whatever she's doing seems to create an environment of secrecy where it's okay if moms not looking) but i'm not opening up this can of worms and by the tone of her voice it sounds like she got in serious trouble for continuously not listening which is a negative experience that isn't worth keeping up a bond with a cousin you used to play with a few times a year.

I think the weirdest thing is her older sister used to jump up with me and sit on my lap or even play with my hair or whatever up until she was even older than the younger one is now before growing out of it and she never seemed to care.

>> No.14443032

What made her think you're a pedo ? If she saw you post in this kind of thread behind your back it wouldn't surprise me she would think that.

>> No.14443051

Claus and Lucas

>> No.14443068

Amazing what anonymity does to people.

>> No.14443116

>What made her think you're a pedo ?
i've outlined pretty much everything in the post.
1.see's me with both kids, younger one on my lap, tells her to get off, weird, but the kid protests that she isn't bothering me and I assume she gets in trouble for being rude and has a habit of climbing up on people, especially since the older one didn't get yelled at.

2.year or so later, I spend a good chunk of the party talking to her about her roblox game or whatever and watching MMA on my phone, she tried to jump up with me a few times and I put her down saying her mom doesn't like her up with people, and she would ask but do I like it. We were right beside her and other aunts/uncles etc the whole time, not even slightly out of sight in the TV room where we and her sister/other cousins would play when they were younger. At one point she suddenly takes her and her sister to the backroom and mumbles something about needing to spend time together (her sister was in a bad mood and had ignored me and another cousin saying hello, apparently she got in trouble the day before or something) After, the younger one comes back over where we were and tells me her mom doesn't like her talking to me, but then continues to talk to me for the rest of the night like nothing happened. I give her a hug after she hugs and uncle when she leaves, she goes limp laughing for both, a typical kid thing.

Year later is last time, I say hello to both kids briefly, no hugs or jumping on lap, everything normal, see them again a few days later, spend time with peers until I ask if she's going home and get the infamous response unprovoked.

full story.

>> No.14443129

Sounds like you should fuck both her kids now to justify her paranoia.

>> No.14443138

You can report it to the FBI no prob.

>> No.14443170

That can be a sign of abuse, the aunt is doing something wrong and is worried you'll catch on.

>> No.14443193

>That can be a sign of abuse
what? i'm pretty sure nothing is going on with her mom. she may have pedo hysteria, but I highly doubt she's mistreating them in any way

She's also not my aunt, and we aren't related, we are second cousins but I see them often because moms sister married my uncle, and dads sister (who i'm related to though my father) married my moms brother, so we have close non-blood relations on both sides of the family and are at all the same get togethers. It is true I probably know the kids better than either parent.

I can see maybe she was molested or something as a kid so is extra cautious or something.

>> No.14443197

this is false because any true cunnyseour would have eaten her delicious C making her cum multiple times

>> No.14443239

>what? i'm pretty sure nothing is going on with her mom.
Just keep an eye out, it's not always obvious partly because this kind of strategy puts everyone on the defensive and muddies the waters. You're right that it isn't always the case, but if there's no obvious reason why this women might have pedo hysteria or might want to accuse you specifically of pedophilia (like does she hate you?), then I would suggest looking out for any signs. It may even be that someone else is or has committed abuse and the mother wishes to protect that person.

>> No.14443303

>(like does she hate you?),
she hardly knows me, she's known of me since I was a child, the only time I can recall her talking about me was saying jokingly she was scared of me when I was a kid because I punched some other kid in the nose. I just guess she doesn't consider me family, i'm not much closer to her husband (first cousin once removed) either. I know her kids mainly because I am close to my double cousins who she is the aunt of, and we all played with the girls together when they were younger (the kids would grab me and others by the hand and drag me or others off the the couch to play)

>is or has committed abuse and the mother wishes to protect that person.
By how the kids act, I really don't think they have been abused, unless it happened in the few days from when I saw them and when i got the "don't touch me" comment. The way she said that really gave me pause for concern and I was speechless. The tone of her voice was like nothing i've ever heard out of a kid. She must have got in a lot of trouble or something because as I mentioned before it was very exhausted and had an air of maturity to it, it was said deeply too and it's not like she was straining, surreal all around.

>> No.14443317

>but if there's no obvious reason
I've laid out everything in the posts, i've asking if it would be obvious for any of you. From what I can gather it's just that she doesn't know me well and thinks I spend too much time with her one time instead of with my peers. I just don't know why it would turn to suspicion on year fucking 8. I can only guess maybe she was molested as a child and is extra cautious or just doesn't like the look of me or something. Maybe i'm missing something and one of the kids mentioned something innocuous she took the wrong way, but I wouldn't know what it is.