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File: 639 KB, 1632x1224, journal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14439262 No.14439262 [Reply] [Original]

Does /lit/ keep a journal?

>> No.14439275

Writing makes my hand hurt, so I couldn't get into it.

>> No.14439280



>> No.14439282

When I was 20 I had a crisis that I couldn't remember any details about my childhood, so from that point I decided to meticulous record every detail of each day.

>> No.14439294

I usually stay dedicated to journaling for a week and then I forget about it. I pick my journal back up several months later and the cycle starts over again

>> No.14439299

yes, my journal's title is ___________, the Wage Cuck Story.

>> No.14439311

I write a page now and then about current events in my life, relationships, dreams and things to be thankful for. I think it will be interesting to read through my old journals in the future.

>> No.14439537

Yes but it's the same everyday pretty much.

>> No.14439672

Sure, pretty much my whole life. Mainly for legal reasons, my family are mostly unemployed degenerates and love to sue people, I knew when I was a kid they'd try and sue me for money in some way if I managed to get away from them and have any success. No great revelations though, I just write detailed notes on what I did each day. It's useful if you forget someones name or when you had a car serviced etc. It does definitely have a feedback effect improving your memory.

>> No.14439764

I feel for you. Any parents willing to fuck over their kid like sue them into poverty for free cash should be shot.

>> No.14439774


Yes we do, it's all of the 'write what's on your mind' threads; I assume somebody is saving them all in a document because I haven't been.

>> No.14439780

I did for a couple of months but I stopped because I'm lazy

>> No.14439840
File: 29 KB, 753x707, 1556653382408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I cope with the thought of my writings being an utter cringe, and the mere possibility of somebody finding them and reading terrified me? I know that I know nothing, and I may write complete nonsense. Although I should be writing for myself, I can't get rid of the feeling. Even when I read my older notes myself, I can't stop thinking: "What an insufferable faggot".
That's why I make notes for a week or so, noting my achievements and thoughts on what I read, but then I drop it for months, because I'm apparently autistic.

>> No.14439853

all the pages are blank and in the last page i wrote "to be continued..." in the middle of the page
its unironically my suicide note

>> No.14440057

Simple, you lie. You write yourself as a better person than you are, and after awhile something interesting happens, you start to change to become more like the person you write about. I think this is the great unspoken truth about journaling, that it's a tool to improve yourself. It's like genuine magick, you alter reality by reconstructing it in text. I'm not saying you write big falsehoods like "I lifted for 2 hours then ate a chicken breast and practiced my latin and greek" but when you record your impressions of yourself you be kinder and more sympathetic than you might otherwise be and it seems to work in reverse, you become the person you describe.

>> No.14440136

>aug 6 2019
woke up at 10 dont know what the fuck im doing today dont knownwhat ive been doing, honest, no idea. i went down to the barber at the mall and the guy wasnt in his wife said 10 minutes and i said id be back but left and decided to give up on the haircut thing altogether.

>march 14 2019
>woke up late, got up around 11, drank a beer in bed, left home at noon.

>jan 28 2019
it's 1am, having gone to sleep at 5pm and woke up at 11pm. so i started work yesterday and im gonna be making some money now. things should be looking up but i feel awful. this life is not worth a thing. it may be free of great suffering but that’s not enough. don’t tell me to feel grateful. i feel nothing. i sit up long nights and wait.

>aug 7 2018
I woke around 11am cooking in the sun, head aching and dehydrated. I tried to ignore it and go back to sleep but every time I woke it was worse. I became convinced I would die up there without a drink. I stumbled down the hill to a gas station for gatorade and began to feel the whole project was suspect. What is this other life I have bargained for myself? I am sick of it. And yet it goes on insisting it is the only way.

>jan 31 2018
i woke up and thought deeply about the act of killing oneself with a shotgun.

>sept 10 2017
i woke up today at 1230 or 1 and felt completely empty. don't want to go to work.

>feb 18, 2017
woke up feeling pretty good actually. i feel deprogrammed. i’ve either suffered brain damage or i’ve made a genuine discovery about myself that i can take advantage of.

>mach 1st 2016
woke up too late to get there on time but didn’t get back to sleep. now just kind of moping. i need friends.

>feb 28th 2016
Woke up at 12:45. I’m not sure what I feel right now, almost nothing, almost completely neutral. Having a beer for breakfast.

>jan 18, 2016
woke up today at 10:30am, my first class being at 1:00pm and I drifted in and out of sleep until around 2pm or 3pm. Reading Paul Auster’s New York trilogy, pretty cool stuff.

>> No.14440141

Kind of. The last entry was a year ago today, though. I have about 25 entries spanning the last 13 years

>> No.14440208
File: 130 KB, 1028x1310, 79282626_2618681221518484_8857207563561730048_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not the anon you are replying to,but thanks for sharing that

>> No.14440280

I write stories of me in Heaven. I've written more than 100 pages so far of me having sex with fictional and non-fictional characters and my daily life playing football on my favorite team, The Vikings.

The only reason why I'm starting to practice my writing is so I can make these fantasies more vivid through word choice and setting.

>> No.14440284

Please post one

>> No.14440515
File: 102 KB, 653x753, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a portable notebook that I write entries in but my best ones are on docs. Amanda was my Health teacher. She was a beautiful redhead with large tits that I stared at every single day. That was before I converted to a religion I hope is true. Because if it is, these words will take life.

Sex scene is on another page. It's pretty much just me raw-dogging her until I nutted. Not much to see.

>> No.14440527

>writing sex scenes in your journal
this is the chaddest thing i've seen in my entire life

>> No.14440557

I hope to see a masterpiece version of this posted in the 2029 journal thread

>> No.14440928

I used to have one, past tense mind you, I burn them whenever I move onto a different stage in life. Elementary school, burned it after moving town, Middle school, burned it after recieving my yearbook, High school, burned it along with other stuff with my friends during prom. Having a notebook is the gayest shit but also very cathartic, and better for me because I have shit handwriting that only I can understand. Though when it comes to professional writing I used google docs and keep them on a flashdrive connected to my wallet at all times.

>> No.14440967

Target audience hates it

>> No.14440976

kafkaesque, very nice anon.

>> No.14440993

I found out that the more dishonest im the more cringeworthy it becomes, so if i sense a hint of dishonesty i inmediatly rewrite or explain why i caved into lying.

>> No.14441010

ok so which one

>> No.14441166
File: 393 KB, 1242x2208, A925E2CF-A30C-42D0-B3BF-A97D53BE0F9E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That’s October 2011.

>> No.14441198

Fuck no. If I did someone would probably find it and think I am schizo and then red flag me or some shit and I would lose my gats.

>> No.14441201

what app are you using for it?

>> No.14441202

English please Manuel.

>> No.14441205

What a weird understanding of suicide. To avoid saying wrong.
Also why the heavy prose?

>> No.14441224


I'm almost done with my 5-year journal. It's a nice bedtime ritual. The best part is whenever I need to know what specific date anything happened I can look it up pretty easily. It's one with only a little space to write each day so it doesn't take too long.

I also write general journal entries when I'm in the mood or when I'm trying to figure something out in my life.

>> No.14441232

Encrypted text notes
If you want to write on paper, then scan/photographe the pages and encrypt the images before burning the paper.

>> No.14441252

Day One, my dude. It’s great.
No inglés for you tonight.
That’s just the way in which I expressed myself back in the day; it came easily and made my feel proud. Now I’m retarded.

>> No.14441284

Starting a journal was the best decision I ever made behind deciding to start exercising. It has improved my life and developed my thought immeasurably.

>> No.14441302

Hasn't done much for the quality of your posting here dullard

>> No.14441306

Shut the fuck up faggot

>> No.14441310

Write your butthurt in your diary hon

>> No.14441352

I have two notebooks at any given time. One is for world building. The other is for short stories that take place in that world. Sometimes the stories are taken from experiences or dreams, other times I'm just venting. Whenever I read them I fantasize about being the characters, living in the city and being away from my reality. I write every night. Sometimes a paragraph, sometimes several pages.

>> No.14441403



Printing is basic as fuck. Besides apart from looking better, It is easier to write faster in cursive.

>> No.14441405

Who gives a shit? Write for yourself, not some other random fucker. Write what ever is on your mind.

>> No.14441463

your histrical artwork doesnt stop you from being a narcissistic zoomer faggot fyi

>> No.14441494

I keep it up here
*points to head*

>> No.14441499

I lie in my personal diary about having sex and many other things. Not because i care for sex but because i want whoever (might) read it to know that women are not worth chasing. I write them from a clear stance of superiority toward the females that i fuck. For example in my last sexual entry I wrote that I had this whore on her knees fucking her and making her say her boyfriends name out loud, I then used this as a way to move into a aphorism about the fragility of sexual loyalty and put a positive slant on apathy toward romantic commitment. Is that weird? I personally dont think it is

>> No.14441640

How much should I write in my journal? I just started one after seeing this thread, and ended up writing about 2-3 pages of a regular notebook. I could have probably done like 5-6 pages if I kept going, but I felt like that was too much. Are there like, important points I should try to get down or something first?

>> No.14441644

I keep your head down here
*points to dick*


>> No.14441657

I do.
How’s it feel to attract 3face’s clumsy advances?

>> No.14441658

yeah idiot its called writing what thefuck want you need someone to hold your hand to write a journal, dumb cunt

>> No.14441664

She likes it you fucking moron.

She has told me in real life that she is gay but it's only a matter of time. :3

>> No.14441666

Could you try re-reading that sentence you just wrote for me?

>> No.14441710

I keep a dream journal and take magnesium supplements before sleep to help induce weird and vivid dreams.

>> No.14441743

>How’s it feel to attract 3face’s clumsy advances?

>> No.14441883

>magnesium supplements
Does that work for more dreams?
I usually have enough vivid dreams when I make my alarm ring one hour before I actually have to get up and can spend one hour in that half awake half dream cycle but I'm thinking about advancing it since most of them are quite cool and interesting to write down.

>> No.14442048

I used to. Whenever I had a particularly awesome day, or a particularly shit day, or a particularly stand-out day (e.g. last day of a job), I'd open Word and type up half a page. Sometimes they're fun to go back and read, and it helps me remember. Nowadays, I just don't bother, even if it's a fantastic day I never want to forget. The reality is, I will, and no ramblings saved on some computer will ever really help me hold on to that memory beyond maybe helping me recall it a little more vividly, a little longer than I really should.

>> No.14442070

This is a myth. Cursive is slower; though, someone who writes in cursive all the time is probably faster at that then with printing.

>> No.14442095

Is this an American thing?

>> No.14442107

Your question has poor grammar.

>> No.14442193

Based autist, i aspire to be like you one day

>> No.14442241


>> No.14442252

Did you have success? Did they try to sue you?

>> No.14442275

I'm considering starting. I'm about to move out of home to go to university and figure it would be as good a time as any to start a new habit like that.
Someone give me the pros and cons and let me know why I should/should not give it a try.

>> No.14442535

based psychopath

>> No.14442605

Cursive is slower because the Latin alphabet is ill-suited for it. You basically have to write twice as much to connect it all and it's still illegible as fuck. Semi-cursive is faster however and it's also the writing that tends to naturally arise from print as letters slot together. Of course, more important than all of this is your personal familiarity with a way of writing.

>> No.14442613
File: 190 KB, 418x498, image:113410.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do, after I saw a journal thread on here. I tried writing down stuff every day but I realised that it was just the same thing every day so now I basically use it as a sort of Dream Journal. I think it helped me realise that I don't form strong human attachments with others. I never noticed it before I sat down and actively wrote down my thoughts but it's like I don't give a shit about anyone. I've noticed friends and family just drop out of my life and I don't really care about or miss them. Maybe I was just a bit dim, but writing a journal really helped me notice stuff more

>> No.14443098

improve writing
improve recall
reflect on successes and failures
set clear and definite goals
leave a record of events

takes time
makes you more self conscious
may make the bad times worse by dwelling on it
may make you cringe in retrospect
may make you process everyday information in your literary tone of voice

>> No.14443396

Seems to work. I haven't taken any in December and only have 5 entries vs 20+ in the months I've taken them regularly.

>> No.14443704

Yes, I've been keeping a journal for the last like 12 years.

>> No.14443710

Only of my dreams. I been writing them since 2014 and they cover most of my adolescence. It's a good psychological document.

>> No.14443728

your writing comes off as extremely arrogant and pedantic

>> No.14443758
File: 193 KB, 1545x869, coomer[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post it, i wanna coom

>> No.14443841

And here's an excerpt of it:


Had work from 6-8. After eating dinner, when I was still at home, I began to feel sharp pains--cramps---in my stomach. And tightness. Basically, it didn't bode well. It was only ~15 min from when I was supposed to leave: I didn't want to call in sick w/ such short notice. Plus, I didn't want to call in sick at all; plus, I didn't know for sure if what I thought might happen would actually happen.

So I got ready and, at the last minute, decided to swig some Pepto Bismol before I leave. Well, surprisingly, we didn't have any.

Okay, so I get there, and I'm told that the student will be running a bit late. I really could feel it churning now as I sat in the empty 1:1 room and tried to remain calm. A fan was running, but I could feel myself starting to sweat.

After ~10 min of waiting, I decided I couldn't take it anymore and went to the bathroom. I was in there for quite a while and thought 'hopefully my student doesn't come, but if he does, oh well: someone else will get him started while I finish.' So I leave---maybe 6-10 min in there. He still hasn't arrived. 'Thank goodness.'

Finally, he shows up at around 6:20. As I'm greeting him and getting him started on his assignment, I feel it coming on again. I tell him which assignment to do, basically throw his wad of answer sheets at him, say, "I'll be right back," and rush out of there.

It was a "photo-finish" and an explosion. It took a while, but I got out of there w/out having defiled myself---or the room, except for the stench.

I returned to him after another 6-10 min, and he still hadn't begun. This is a student who is /way/ behind mentally and needs constant attention. Okay, so I stick around until he finishes that assignment, start him on another, and there it goes again.

Again, I rush out; again I explode. This time as I'm crouched there I think, 'I'm sick--this isn't right--I can't be an effective tutor w/ this,' and I decide to tell the Head that I'm sick in the stomach and need to leave, and can she please cover for me. I was sure this was going to happen.

It felt like I was in there /so long/, but I didn't rush---just said to myself, 'Stay calm: it will be taken care of.'

As I was finishing up, I heard a knock at the door--said "Yes..!" or something to awkwardly indicate I was in there, and then immediately flushed the toilet and washed my hands. (So even if the knocker hadn't heard my voice, she'd had heard my hydraulic response.)

Opened the door expecting to see the old Head waiting for me, having taken over my position in the mean time, but no: it was the black African teacher Aisitta. She was knocking because she simply needed to use the restroom. So she went in after me! I was ashamed! The smell! My God.

And did I go to the Head teacher and ask to be relieved of my post? No. I felt that surely I must be empty by now; my stomach felt calmer, and I actually wanted to try to stick it out for the final hour and 20 min.

>> No.14443871

spanish is such a faggy language

>> No.14443877


It actually went smoothly. No more disruptions. I was a sickly calm, having been drained in more than a few ways. So I survived. Nothing more for me to worry about, right?

As the end of the session drew near, we all heard loud thunder--every few seconds--from an approaching storm. When I left the building, it was raining very lightly, but I could see huge arcing lightning bolts, w/ bright flashing and loud thunder. It wasn't so close, yet, so though I had a thought about sticking around the building until the storm abated, I decided to make a run for it. I was so relieved when I made it across the parking lot and had my car door closed behind me. Though I had a bad feeling that my way home would lead me directly into the heart of the storm.

As I drove, I listened to an oldies station on the radio. The radio would crackle discordantly at every lightning strike. The storm picked up. At one street the rain came down so hard I seriously considered pulling over. My visibility was /so/ low, but I could still make out the traffic lights and decided to continue on my way, hoping to drive through the worst of it.

So I'm driving, and lightning is all around me. /Close./ I stop at a red light of a big 4-way intersection. I was first in the line. What happens? The traffic light gets /struck by lightning/, as my eyes are trained right on it. Immediately, it goes dark and orange sparks fly upward. I was just in shock at this point.

All the cars starting creeping forward as they realized what had happened. I stayed back. After a few seconds the red light came back on. And then it turned green. Slowly, I made my way forward and got past the intersection.I haven't mentioned this, but of course the roads were flooded, and I was very conscious of making sure I retained control of the car.

Finally I got home. But I was so spooked by what happened I didn't leave the car. I called my parents from the driveway. I saw them standing in the doorway, and they were able to coax me out.

So yeah, I had a rough day.

>> No.14443888

> Does /lit/ keep a journal?
my diary desu

>> No.14443904

Very readable. How old are you?

>> No.14443917


>> No.14443929

type and encrypt the file?

>> No.14444807 [DELETED] 
File: 2.26 MB, 4032x3024, 139C0C83-3A1D-4584-B52B-851A2693D2E2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes everyday i write of something of interest whether it be astronomy, theology, or philosophy. It is immensely useful in my recollection of my past and i hope to continue it until I die.

>> No.14444880
File: 2.14 MB, 4160x2340, 20191230_222053_Burst02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah. Here's today's entry

>> No.14445400

Ive never had to use the diary as evidence, they haven't tried to sue me. They have made many veiled threats over the years but when they get too desperate it's useful to be able to counter their bullshit. For instance at my grandmothers funeral I overheard they were discussing claiming I shouldn't benefit from her will because I had no contact with her, but I got up and gave a eulogy with dates and times of visiting her and her visiting me (she was decent and bitterly disappointed in the rest of the clan) amd that all went away.

>> No.14445437

What do you think about writing a journal in a foreign language?

>> No.14445666

I switch to English occasionally since a lot of my reading, which is part of my journal, is in English and I don't want to cross translate. Or sometimes when a thought sounds cooler on English.

>> No.14445934

Should have gone to school.

>> No.14446335
File: 45 KB, 538x244, Journal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, but I use superior word pad, easy to file and sort, no mess, no ink, dont need to kill thousands of trees to write about my pathetic life.

>> No.14446725
File: 52 KB, 768x226, IMG_20191214_180310.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a multi tiered journal
>Daily events, including workout, short-form entries
>Journal for long-form entries
>Reading notes for each book I'm reading
>Random: experimental material, but could be anything. Even some artwork though it's rare
>Social media: here I draft tweets and even shitposts.

>> No.14446853

>>Social media: here I draft tweets and even shitposts.
based, I should try this

>> No.14447246

I have 3 accounts with different themes. 1 is deactivated now as it was a 2016 election account but I had ~4,000 followers at it's peak. I've never gotten that high with the others. Been drafting stuff for 2020 when I bring it back.

>> No.14447284

I had a similar mindset for a long time, always having a paranoia in the back of mind of people I used to know going through every stupid thing I wrote and laughing at it, posting it online, doxxing me, etc. It was an online one too. I added a fake suicide note to the start of it to scare off anyone who opened it, or at least to discourage family members from continuing, but I removed it eventually. The paranoia went away for some reason, perhaps from exposure.

>> No.14447371

wtf. how wealthy is your family, anon?

>> No.14447422

Why birb have brain tongue?

>> No.14448706

I have a discord server where I write down every single interesting thought I have throughout the day, from book ideas to philosophy, and sometimes just venting
Currently at 60k messages

>> No.14449491

That's a great idea. What program do you use for journaling?

>> No.14449514

I have a blog on wordpress that essentially functions as a journal in most ways other than that I share it with anonymous strangers on the internet

It's all very self indulgent and narcissistic, I'm still surprised that I have managed to develop the little following I have.

>> No.14449524


>> No.14450108
File: 39 KB, 640x640, 1576856160827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll check it out

>> No.14450381

To give you an example of how it works:

Each sub-journal is a notebook.

For reading notes I usually just title it with the page number so I can quickly reference what the note is about without having to take a picture of it or copy the text. Sometimes I'll tag reading notes with certain themes. So I can for example click the 'death' tag and see all notes about death from all different books. It's good if you're thinking about something and you can pull up relevant notes from different books.

Journal, daily and workout entries are titled by the date. So I can search "2019-01-01" and find everything across all notebooks from that date. I have a tag for "new years" so I can pull up all my new years entries. Same for my birthday. I have a tag for /lit/ containing shitposts and effortposts.

The use of tags, notebooks, and systematic titling is incredibly powerful. If you take pictures of text from books Evernote can actually read the text (ocr) and turn it into searchable content

I've thought about writing about this method of journaling. I've been doing it for 5 years and at this point I've got it nicely refined. It can also work well with people who prefer handwritten notes since it will allow you to tag and title handwritten entries so they are easily searchable.

>> No.14450578

I like you is this bait true you should write a book in this sad style

>> No.14451626
