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14438665 No.14438665 [Reply] [Original]

The only truth you should be concerned with is the following: For most of human history, we were hunter gatherers. We lived in the wild, we hunted, we foraged, we survived. For over 100,000 years we lived like this and spread across the globe. We were bred for that life, our bodies are tuned to it. And for millions of years before modern humans, the species we descended from lived in the wild too. But very recently, in only the past 10,000-15,000 years we discovered agriculture, civilisation, technology, society. We are adaptable, but not blank slates. We can only bend so much, and where we find ourselves now is far far too much.

We're not ready for this, we're not adapted to it, if we ever evolve to suit this new world it would take millions of years, and there's no guarantee we even will. Every issue in the world, every soul rendering pain, every question, everything that makes you toss and turn at night is a result of this incompatibility. Depression, listlessness, apathy, constant striving after arbitrary goals and dreams, obsession with success, never ending desire. It's all the same root cause.

Whether the strides we made were good or bad are irrelevant, what use is curing cancer when thousands of people kill themselves every day? We're simply not ready, and as long as we remain so life will torment you.

>> No.14438709

Where's that picture from?

>> No.14438717 [DELETED] 
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>> No.14438725

Ghost in the Shell

>> No.14438747

Bougies are so fragile. Capitalism falls apart and it's not a cyclical decline into synthetic modes of association, oh no. It's the end of the world, proof positive that the very soul of human has had the life strangled out of it, and that the only solution is to run off to the woods to shit in our hands and fuck our own children.

Things get tough sometimes. But your inability to surmount your personal problems isn't evidence that humanity won't overcome its problems. Progress isn't continuous, it comes in fits and starts. Just don't be a fucking coward and it'll be fine.

>> No.14438807

How do you think adaptation works you moron

>> No.14438835

I know how it doesn't work: on a 200 year timescale.

>> No.14438865

fuck humans, your time is up
once i become a post biological organism i will genocide every single one of you