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/lit/ - Literature

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14423948 No.14423948 [Reply] [Original]

Why do some of you dislike fiction? It's good shit.

>> No.14423974

They've convinced themselves it's a "waste of time" but really they don't get the importance of stretching your ability to make complex thoughts with word association

>> No.14424026

>why do people have different opinions than me?!

That's because you're on the autism spectrum.

>> No.14424033

Sorry anon, but if you aren't reading fiction and non-fiction you are doing it wrong.

>> No.14424040

Just the usual /lit/ tryhards. Ignore them.

>> No.14424062

I cannot understand fiction that isn't made for children. I can't even get most of what is going on in Hunger Games or Harry Potter.

>> No.14424094

Because it seems like a huge amount of work to even begin understanding a message which may or may not be decently thought out.

For instance - Really understanding the Brothers Karamazov takes a lot of reading about Dostoyevsky, some hot philosophical issues, traditional details of Russian civic life, and issues in Russian society at that time. Assuming you do that, you could read BoK and ( if you were really diligent ) have a fairly meaningful experience.

But this is hard and, for all the work you do, there's many times not a really thorough exposition on a given idea in a piece of fiction. BoK may not be a good example in that regard, but you get my point. It's just a lot of work to access a many times sorta half-baked commentary on society / the meaning of life /etc.

If people want entertainment, movies and music are superior. It people want meaning, they'll go to philosophy or religion. If people want to learn about real lessons in real life that they can easily paste onto their own lives, they'll go to non-fiction or some pop sci-fi shit.

Also, this is coming from a person who really liked fiction up until this point. I just don't see any purpose in it anymore. The ideas are just never unpacked well enough, the medium itself does not seem disposed towards really drilling down on some concept. I still think it's the best methods of character study, though.

>> No.14424134

>Also, this is coming from a person who really liked fiction up until this point. I just don't see any purpose in it anymore.

if it's such a waste of time, why do they teach fiction literature in high school? why not make kids read philosophy or something else. IT has to have some value. Some of the knowledge I can remember from high school, a big chunk of it was the books that I read.

>> No.14424154

I meant pop-psych.

I'd say because they would then be obligated to have them read non-fiction which at-least slightly contradicted what they were being taught in history class or social studies or whatever, and that'd be no good ( at least in their minds ).

Think of it - How many books of popular history, psychology, etc. just mimic back the content of school text-books? None. This is actually the selling point for so many of them. It would be hard to read non-fiction that did not go against the truth of another class' curriculum.

>> No.14424792

I think that fiction is the best way to get in the characters head.

>> No.14424971

Reading about knights and dragons or le hardboiled detective just isn't my deal dude