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/lit/ - Literature

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14413848 No.14413848 [Reply] [Original]

Share your reads

>> No.14413876

I hope this isn't yours

>> No.14413917

I reread some of the New Testament. I guess some notable reads from this year would be like
>Tao Te Ching
>Der Friede
>Der Waldgang
>Consolation of Philosophy
>In Praise of Shadows
>Decline of the West
>Kiku's Prayer
>a Nietzsche reader with most of his stuff

>> No.14413923
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should've read more

>> No.14413963

The rest of what I read was mostly in the form of philosophical essays and political pamphlets and I only really got into reading around May this year.

>> No.14413988

Don't hate on me, this is the first time I've picked up a book in years.

> The Obstacle is the Way
> The Tao of Pooh
> Meditations
> Deep Work
> The Brothers Karamazov (currently reading)

>> No.14414078
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i'm satisfied with this year's performance

>> No.14414085

The Tao of Pooh is certified comfy

>> No.14414090
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probably won't be able to read this much next year, giving up the neet lifestyle

>> No.14414093
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That's pretty impressive anon


>Maitreyi by Mircea Eliade
>ca. 50 articles on topics in Historical Linguistics (for Uni)
>excerpts from The Sacred and The Profane, Bhagavadgita, Vedas, Upanishads, Speeches of Buddha; some Guenon, Schuon, Burckhardt

I really need to start reading the 60+ books I have amassed to fill the void.

>> No.14414100

Ulysses. That’s it.

>> No.14414105

I started reading Tolstoy's Resurrection in January, didn't finish it, and read no other books

>> No.14414109
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I'll probably read one more before the end of the year.

I have to stop reading so much trash that I know is going to be trash going in. It's a sickness. I can't resist those awful 70s/80s horror paperbacks.

>> No.14414113

Keep up the good work, as long as you're enjoying it.

>> No.14414121

I read big 5 Dosto
Major works of Hesse
Various psychology books
Confessions of mask
Hole in a box
and some other books that i cant remember

>> No.14414167
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Guan Hanqing - The Injustice to Dou E
Lao-zi - The Daodejing
Unknown - The Kudrunlied
Solomon Volkov - Testimony
Alexander Pushkin - Ruslan and Ludmila
Fyodor Dostoevsky - Crime and Punishment
Michel Houellebecq - Whatever
Lev Shestov - Dostoevsky and Nietzsche
Fyodor Dostoevsky - Notes from the underground
Yukio Mishima - The sailor who fell from grace with the sea
Lev Tolstoy - The death of Ivan Ilich
Liu Zhang - The tale of how Zhong Kui stopped the Demons
Thomast Bernhard - The Lime Works
Richard Wagner - Tristan and Isolde
Knut Hamsun - Hunger
Péter Wintermantel - A history of Hungaro-Japanese relations
Yu Hua - China in ten words
Henrik Ibsen - The wild duck
Henry Longfellow - Hiawatha
Shen Fu - The old man of the moon
Matsuo Basho - Selected Haiku
Thomas Bernhard - Old Masters
Sophocles - Oedipus Rex
Sophocles - Antiogne
Sophocles - Philoctetes
Dante - Inferno
Thomas Mann - The sorrows and greatness of Richard Wagner
Natsume Soseki - Selected Haiku
Dezső Kosztolányi - Anna Édes
William Shakespeare - Hamlet
William Shakespeare - Macbeth
Mihály Babits - The Nightmare
Akutagawa Ryunosuke - The life of a stupid man
Mark Fisher - Capitalist Realism
Péter Hajnóczy - Death rode out from Persia

>> No.14414174

would befriend

>> No.14414177
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Currently reading 'The obscene bird of night' by Donoso. My average rating for this year is 4,3 LOL

>> No.14414336
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>> No.14414404

>To The Lighthouse
>Paradise Lost
>The Odyssey
>Selections from Mimesis
>Civilizations and Its Discontents
>Uses and Abuses of History for Life
>German Ideology
>Theses on Feurbach
>Selections from Capital
>Man and His Symbols
>Three Essays on Sexuality
>Bunch of Psychoanalytic papers that I can’t recall the names of
>bunch of other shit I don’t feel like listing out
2019 was the year I actually got my shit together

>> No.14415296


>> No.14415433

Is that all?

>> No.14415490
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>The Conspiracy Against the Human Race
>No Longer Human
>The Stranger
>Notes from Underground
>Crime and Punishment
>Roadside Picnic
>The Fall
>The Iliad
>The Odyssey
>The Aeneid
>The Old Man and the Sea
>Moby Dick
>Alcibiades I, Lysis, Laches, Charmides
>Protagoras, Hippias major, Hippias minor, Gorgias
>Meno, Euthyphro, Apology, Crito
>Symposium, Phædrus
Currently reading The Republic.
I believe I did pretty good, since it was my first year of serious reading. Kindle is the best purchase I've made in a very long time.

>> No.14415541

Got the Cyberiad as a present, never read Lem so pretty excited for my first foray

>> No.14415591


>> No.14415614
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Leo Tolstoy - War and Peace
The Stories of Breece D'J Pancake
Banana Yoshimoto - Kitchen (in original Japanese)
Zach Davisson - Yurei
Fernando Pessoa - The Book of Disquiet
Yasunari Kawabata - Snow Country (in original Japanese)
Kazuo Ishiguro - Buried Giant
Fyodor Dostoevsky - The Idiot
The Bhagavad Gita
Danny Chaplin - Sengoku Jidai
Tamaki Saito - Hikkikomori
John Breen - A New History of Shinto
The Complete Works of Zhuangzi
David Benatar - Better Never to Have Been
F. Scott Fitzgerald - Tender is the Night
Jean Baudrillard - Simulacra and Simulation
Georges Bataille - Story of the Eye
Plato's Complete Works
Thornstein Veblen - The Theory of the Leisure Class
Michel Foucault - Discipline and Punish
Karl Knausgaard - My Struggle
Hiromi Kawakami - Sensei no Kaban (in original language)
Aldous Huxley - Brave New World
Jung Chang - Wild Swans
Ludwig Wittgenstein - Philosophical Investigations
Antonin Artaud - The Theater and Its Double
Lafcadio Hearn - Kwaidan
St. Augustine of Hippo - Confessions
Kenko and Chomei - Essays in Idleness and Hojoki
Jacques Ellul - The Technological Society
Samuel Butler - Erewhon
Sigmund Freud - The Interpretation of Dreams
Sigmund Freud - Three Essays on Sexuality
Sigmund Freud - Civilization and Its Discontents
Franz Kafka - The Metamorphosis
Baruch Spinoza - Ethics
Thomas Bernhard - Woodcutters
Rene Descartes - Meditations
David Hume - An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding
Mark Fisher - Capitalist Realism
William Shakespeare - King Lear, Hamlet, and Othello
Anton Chekhov - The Cherry Orchard
Spice and Wolf Volume 2 (in original Japanese)
Aristotle - Categories
Aristotle - Topics
Aristotle - Nicomachean Ethics

Some books from the Bible (Genesis, Exodus, Ecclesiastes, Job, Gospel of Matthew)
About 94 nights of The Arabian Nights
Various short stories (Akutagawa's Rashomon, Mishima's Patriotism, a few Chekhov and Tolstoy ones)
A few visual novels (White Album, Suigetsu, Sayonara wo Oshiete, bunch of moege and doujin ones not worth mentioning)
A few chapters of some Japanese webnovels

Currently reading The Portrait of a Lady by Henry James, the New Testament, and Politics by Aristotle.

>> No.14415665

>"Childhood", by Tolstoy
>"Boyhood", by ídem.
>"Youth", by ídem.
>some self-help book
>"The Art of the Deal", by Donald Trump
>2 religious books
>"MisEducation", by Chomsky
>"Submission", by Houellebecq
>Saint Damien of Molokai's biograhy
>"Way", by Saint Josemaría

Not really proud of this list. It's very short, and a lot of them are spirituality books, which use to be easier to read. They write them like that so they reach more people. I am not proud.

>> No.14415681

To Live - Yu Hua
No Longer Human - Osamu Dazai
Temple of the Golden Pavillion - Yukio Mishima
Siddhartha - Hermann Hesse
Death in Venice - Thomas Mann
I only started reading a while ago, probably gonna finish Metamorphosis or Invitation to a Beheading today. Similar recommendations to this pool would be nice too.

>> No.14415897

Stendhal - The Red & The Black
Plutarch - The Fall of the Roman Republic (Penguin)
Sallust - Collected Works
Plutarch - Makers of Rome (Penguin)
Peter Thiel - Zero to One
Suetonius - The Twelve Caesars
Tacitus- The Annals
Tacitus - The Histories
Tacitus - Agricola, Germania and Dialogus
Gordon Donaldson - The Prime Ministers of Canada
Marshall McLuhan - From Cliche to Archetype
David Ogilvy - Confessions of an Advertising Man
Mike Ma - Harrassment Architecture
Mikhail Lermontov - A Hero of Our Time
Edith Hamilton - Mythology
Christopher Hibbert - The French Revolution
Friedrich Nietzsche - The Gay Science
Paul Fussell - Class
Ronald Mellor - Tacitus
Euripides - The Bacchae and Other Plays (Oxford)
J.K. Huysmans - Against Nature (A Rebours)
Ludwig Wittgenstein - Philosophical Investigations
George Grant -Technology & Empire
Friedrich Nietzsche - The Birth of Tragedy

>> No.14417204


>> No.14417251
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Currently reading Madame Bovary and Gilgamesh Among Us. Probably will finish both early January tho

>> No.14417633

Ballard - Crash
Blatty - The Exorcist
Bronte - Jane Eyre
Camus - The Stranger
Conrad - Heart of Darkness
Dazai - No Longer Human
Dickens - A Christmas Carol
Dickens - A Tale of Two Cities
Dostoevsky - Notes from the Underground
Ellis - American Psycho
Faulkner - As I Lay Dying
Fitzgerald - The Great Gatsby
Hemingway - The Sun Also Rises
Hemingway - A Farewell to Arms
Huxley - The Doors of Perception and Heaven and Hell
Jackson- We Have Always Lived in the Castle
Joyce - Dubliners
Kawabata - Snow Country
Kesey - One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
Mishima - The Sailor Who Fell From Grace With the Sea
Nabokov - Lolita
Nabokov - Pale Fire
Plath - The Bell Jar
Plato - The Trial and Death of Socrates
Pynchon - The Crying of Lot 49
Russell - Swamplandia!
Soseki - Kokoro
Steinbeck - Of Mice and Men
Tolstoy- Anna Karenina
Turgenev- Fathers and Sons
Woolf - Mrs. Dalloway

Favorite was Lolita and least favorite was the Exorcist. Want to read more philosophy next year, and any highschool-core I haven't read.

>> No.14418418

good lad and nice dubs too

>> No.14419111
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Harassment Architecture
Bronze Age Mindset
Brave New World
Thus Spoke Zarathustra
Abolition of Man

going to finish The Sailor Who Fell from Grace with the Sea and Groundwork for the Metaphysics of Morals by new year, only recently got back into reading so I hope next year's list is much longer :)

>> No.14419165

What a wasted year

>> No.14419283
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1/2 sorry for the shitty collage, I had to do it with my cellphone.
09/01/19: Las Muecas del Miedo (Enrique Medina) (Futakotamagawa)

12/01/19: The Ocean at the End of the Lane (Neil Gaiman) (Sakurashimmachi)

02/02/19: The Terror (Dan Simmons) (Sakurashimmachi)

06/02/19: Deuda de Honor (Enrique Medina) (Sakurashimmachi)

15/02/19: Surprised by Joy (C.S. Lewis) (Sakurashimmachi)

24/02/19: Frankenstein (Mary Shelley) (Sakurashimmachi)

05/03/19: The Phantom of the Opera (Gaston Leroux) (Futakotamagawa)

22/03/19: Dracula (Bram Stoker) (Sakurashimmachi)

04/04/19: The Monk (Matthew Lewis) (Sakurashimmachi)

11/04/19: Star Wars Red Harvest (Joe Schreiber) (Akihabara)

26/04/19: The Castle of Otranto (Horace Walpole) (Sakurashimmachi)

25/05/19: The Children of Húrin (J.R.R. Tolkien) (Sakurashimmachi)

11/06/19: The Fall of Gondolin (J.R.R. Tolkien) (Futakotamagawa)

30/06/19: Japanese Tales of Mystery & Imagination (Edogawa Rampo) (Sakurashimmachi)

07/07/19: The Silmarillion (J.R.R. Tolkien) (Sakurashimmachi)

>> No.14419285
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2/2 I'm currently reading Good Omens, but I think I'll finish it next year.
21/07/19: Unfinished Tales (J.R.R. Tolkien) (Sakurashimmachi)

01/08/19: Lost Worlds (C.A. Smith) (Sakurashimmachi)

07/08/19: The Last Man (Mary Shelley) (Sakurashimmachi)

15/09/19: Tales from the Perilous Realm (J.R.R. Tolkien) (Futakotamagawa)

30/09/19: J.R.R. Tolkien a biography (Humphrey Carpenter) (Sakurashimmachi)

07/10/19: Classic Locked-Room Mysteries (edit. David Stuart Davies) (Komazawa-daigaku)

09/10/19: A Confederacy of Dunces (John Kennedy Toole) (Sakurashimmachi)

13/10/19: The King In Yellow (Robert W. Chambers) (Futakotamagawa)

09/11/19: Complete Ghost Stories of M.R. James (M.R. James) (Shirokanetakanawa)

10/11/19: Melmoth the Wanderer (Charles Maturin) (Sakurashimmachi)

21/11/19: The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde & Other Stories (Robert Louis Stevenson) (Sakurashimmachi)

24/11/19: Babbitt (Sinclair Lewis) (Sakurashimmachi)

08/12/19: The Mystery of the Yellow Room (Gaston Leroux) (Sakurashimmachi)

12/12/19: Ghost Stories (Charles Dickens) (Shirokanetakanawa)

25/12/19: The Wind in the Willows (Kenneth Grahame) (Tameike-Sannō)

>> No.14419290

Leftcom ?

>> No.14419299

Good list, it's nice to see someone on this board who isn't trying too hard. Sometimes I think most people here are reading whatever they are told to read just to fit in, or simply falling for the memes.

>> No.14419306

They don't count as books. Now that I think about it I should keep track of the comics I read.

>> No.14420146


I am just a simple man who really like reading awful sex scenes that end with the couple getting their faces bitten off by a genetically engineer super puma or something.

>> No.14420287
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>Beyond Good and Evil
>Twilight of the Idols
>Against Nature
>A Clockwork Orange
>As I Lay Dying
>Gravity's Rainbow
>Fanged Noumena
>The Freud Reader
>And Then There Were None (AKA Ten Little Niggers)

>> No.14420487
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>> No.14420529
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Cringe. You're reading books that can be summarized in a page and books that will be forgotten In a couple years. You guys are unlindy.

>> No.14420573

It's my first year rying to actively read, trying to devote my mental energy towards books instead of TV, games, social media, etc. Rate pls.

>The Idiot
>Death of Ivan Ilyich & Confession
>Thousand Cranes
>A Sense of an Ending
>The Taming of the Shrew
>Journey by Moonlight
>The Master of Go
>A Young Doctor's Notebook & Morphine
>The Trial
>Notes from Underground
>The Blind Owl
>Complete Poems of Jorge Luis Borges

Some books I intend to read next year
>Agua Viva
>Khasakinte Ithihasam
>Portrait by Joyce
>More Kawabata books
>More Shakespeare

Overall, I loved it.

>> No.14420629


Whatever mate, one of the books I read has a scene where a mental animal rights activist petrol bombs herself by mistake and includes the line "the heat began to melt her voluptous breasts, nipples burning like candles", so I'm the winner here.

>> No.14420844

The Annals- Tacitus
Meditations- Marcus Aurelius
The histories- Tacitus
A dialogue concerning oratory- Tacitus
Fragments- Heraclitus
Collected works vol. 1 - Scott Mclanahan
Augustus- John Williams
Stories V!- Scott Mclanahan
Redburn - Herman Melville
Sapphos extant fragments
Air Raid - Alexander Kluge
For a night of love- Emile Zola
A love story- Zola
The art of rhetoric- Aristotle
The history of Rome books 1-5 - Livy
Angels- Denis Johnson
The Complete Poems- Catullus
Blood Brothers - Ernst Haffner
Going to the Dogs - Ernst Kastner
The clouds- Aristophanes
The histories- Herodotus
Letters and panagyrics - Pliny the younger
The big clock- Kenneth Fearing
Liberation of Jerusalem- Tasso
Names on the land- George Stewart
Nightmare Alley - william Gresham
Work- Bud smith
Crapalachia- Scott Mclanahan
Julius Caesar- Shakeapeare

>> No.14420930

I pity your poor soul. Seek redemption.

>> No.14420940

These sorts of threads would certainly be more interesting if people focused on one or two books that they really enjoyed and discussed them.

>> No.14421058

Great idea. What books really engaged you this year?

I'm >>14420573. Fav of the year is Moby-Dick. Unexpected fav is The Blind Owl.

Anyone also read Blind Owl? Any thoughts?

>> No.14421068

I do that on other IBs and IRL.

>> No.14421082

Charles Portis True Grit
Paul Auster The New York Trilogy
Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa The Leopard
Virginia Woolf A Room of One's Own
Thomas Harris Hannibal Rising
Ivan Turgenev Fathers and Sons
Hjalmar Söderberg Doctor Glas
Alice Munro Dear Life
Philip K. Dick Time Out of Joint
Kent Haruf Plainsong
Yukio Mishima Confessions of a Mask
Robert Silverberg Tower of Glass
William Faulkner The Sound and the Fury
Anita Mason Bethany
Hanya Yanagihara A Little Life
Brian Catling The Vorrh
Elena Ferrante My Brilliant Friend
Brian Catling The Erstwhile
Alfred Döblin Berlin Alexanderplatz
Carlo Levi Christ Stopped at Eboli
Olaf Stapledon Star Maker
Ian Mcewan Enduring Love
Antonio Tabucchi Pereira Maintains
Charles Bukowski Post Office
Primo Levi A Tranquil Star
Magda Szabó Katalin Street
Thomas Hardy The Woodlanders
Jane Bowles Two Serious Ladies
Alice Munro The Moons of Jupiter
Robert Louis Stevenson Treasure Island
László Krasznahorkai Destruction and Sorrow beneath the Heavens
Frederik Backman A Man Called Ove
Thomas Mann Death in Venice and Other Stories
Sappho If Not, Winter: Fragments of Sappho
Toni Morrison Beloved
Keri Hulme The Bone People
Richard Brautigan Willard and his Bowling Trophies
Nathanael West Miss Lonelyhearts
Ernest Hemingway The Old Man and the Sea
James Baldwin Giovanni's Room
Stella Gibbons Cold Comfort Farm
Han Kang Human Acts
Anne Carson Nox
Jim Crace Quarantine
Flann O'Brien The Third Policeman
William Hope Hodgson The Weird Tales of William Hope Hodgson
Antal Szerb The Pendragon Legend
Bohumil Hrabal All My Cats

and just finishing up The Magic Mountain

>> No.14421220

I read The Sailor by Mishima last week. First book I've read in years other than making it halfway through Republic earlier this year. Gonna start 2020 off with a few more easy fiction books to ease back into rereading the Republic and then the Illiad.

>> No.14421485

>Lolita (half)
>The Stranger
>Notes from the Underground
>The Prince (Machiavelli)
>John Stuart Mill: Autobiography
>On Liberty (Mill)
>Die Kunst zu leben (the art of living; Plutarch, excerpts from the Moralia)
>Meditations (Aurelius)
>Beyond Good and Evil (re-read)
>Thus Spoke Zarathustra (re-read)
>Ethics (Spinoza)
>Tractatus (Wittgenstein) (parts of it I think)
>On Certainty (Wittgenstein)
>Life and Action (Thompson) (re-read parts of it, along with Anscombe's Intention)
>Infanterie greift an (Rommel)
>Voices from the Napoleonic Wars (Lewis)
>Idea Man (Paul Allen)
>The Drunkard's Walk (Mlodinow)

given that I felt like a fucking vegetable for most of the year I'm pretty satisfied.

Next year (hopefully):
>Critique of Pure Reason
>Phenomenology of Spirit
>The World as Will and Representation
>The Blue Book (Wittgenstein)
>Wittgenstein über die Seele (Wittgenstein on the Soul)
>The Red and the Black (Stendhal)

>> No.14421497

forgot one:
>Sense and reference (Frege)

>> No.14421529
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I think that's about it for 2019.

>> No.14421636

>The Brothers Karamazov - Dostoyevsky
>Meditations - Marcus Aurelius
>Enchiridion - Epictet
>The First 5 Dialogues of Plato concerning Socrates' trial and death
Currently reading The Republic and planning going upwards in philosophic works.

>> No.14421790

Shit thread

>> No.14422056

I haven't read in years and this year I've read 5 books [3 novels and one self-help (JP) and the other was Sartre's famous one with the chair on the cover]. Anyway, I wanna ask about capitalist realism that I'm intrigued to read but I don't know what to expect. Is there solutions or is it just critique? Is it a hard book to sit through in general?

>> No.14422701

>and the other was Sartre's famous one with the chair on the cover
By the looks it was a worthwhile endeavour.

>> No.14422950

Why did you only read The Return of the King?

>> No.14423630

Most happy with reading Ulysses this year. It took a few good months but it was great. I also read the Old Testament, some of Luther's essays as well as other renaissance boys.

>> No.14424137
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>tfw haven't read an entire book all year because of alcoholism and clinical depression

>> No.14424207

Quite a mix for me

Sci Fi
The Moon is a Harsh Mistress
Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep?
Ender's Game
The Forever War
Fahrenheit 451

Let Your Mind Run
Wannabe Distance God

The Law
Socialism Sucks
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows
The Last Lion - Visions of Glory

>> No.14424218

The gayest reads ever. Fuck you

>> No.14424625
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>> No.14424760

>Tacitus: Histories
>Turgenev: First Love and Other Stories
>St. Augustine: Confessions
>Steinbeck: East of Eden
>Houellebecq: Submission and Atomised
>some philosophy stuff

Not much but I liked what I read

>> No.14424965

Most of my year was in front of Bad Screen or trying to grow an irl social circle in a new city, still gave it a shot:
>Martin Hägglund - This Life
>Alan Watts - Cloud-Hidden, Whereabouts Unknown
>Eugene Robinson - Everything You Wanted To Know About Asskicking
>random issues of Maledicta, the international journal of verbal aggression
>Yes I'm That Guy - William Sanderson
>Norm MacDonald - fake memoir
>The Soul of an Octopus - Sy Montgomery
>Dien Bien Phu - Daisuke Nishijima (it's a comic book but whatever)
>Epulario, The Italian Banquet (medieval english always makes me lol no matter what)

>> No.14425114

yeah fuck me for posting amirite

>> No.14425160

Bulimic litfag

>> No.14425165

Good job reading stuff outside of the /lit/ Spamon (spammed canon). Although I can't recommend reading Ulysses before Portrait. Enjoy Portrait though, keep in mind the book has absolutely no filler and every single word is calculated and deliberate. You'll pick up things that were referenced in Ulysses that seemed meaningless (like "lazy idle little schemer" and "Cranly's arm").

>> No.14425169

Herodotus is fuckin based and comfy.

>> No.14425172

KYS you communist bed-bug.

>> No.14425174

what other IBs?

>> No.14425180

Maybe he read fellowship and two towers last year

>> No.14425189

>Confessions of a Mask
>Forbidden Colours
>Capital vol 1
>Norwegian Wood
>Wind-Up Bird Chronicle
>Capital vol 2
>The Trial
>The Castle
>The Road to Serfdom
>1Q84 1, 2 and 3
>Collection of Dostoevsky shorts
>Collection of Chekhov shorts
>Teatro Grottesco

Capital 3 for the new year.

>> No.14425231

wow you don't seem at all like a loser

>> No.14425272

>and then the Illiad.

Why would you do this?

>> No.14425311
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One of my favorites, together with all his short story collections featuring Pirx the pilot and Ijon Tichy. Hope you enjoy it, anon.

>> No.14425335

you're in for a treat

>> No.14425388
File: 1.26 MB, 853x1200, 1577372405518.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not much but I enjoyed reading all of them.

>> No.14425417
File: 2.16 MB, 599x2126, 2019 12 27.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is there different handwritings

>Le Petit Prince

it's good to have your own taste

why is tolstoy's anna the same painting as dosto's gambler?

>> No.14425815

How is "Humiliated and Insulted"?

>> No.14426245

Enchanted Planet by Pierre Barbet
The Oera Linda Book of Wiliam Sandbach
The Lysistrata by Aristophanes
White Noise by Don DeLillo
The Odyssey of Homer, translated by Robert Fitzgerald
Black Wings Has My Angel by Elliott Chaze
Eve’s Hollywood by Eve Babitz
The Aeneid of Virgil, translated by Robert Fitzgerald
Green Phoenix by Thomas Burnett Swann
Fascism: A Very Short Introduction by Kevin Passmore
A Lesson Before Dying by Ernest J. Gaines
The Perfect Wagnerite by George Bernard Shaw
The Captive Mind by Czeslaw Milosz
Filthy Rich by James Patterson & John Connolly with Tim Malloy
The Testaments by Margaret Atwood
Beowulf, translated by Burton Raffel
The Kite Runner by Khaleid Hosseini
The Things They Carried by Tim O’Brien
Poststructuralism: A Very Short Introduction by Catherine Belsey
Moondust by Thomas Burnett Swann

>> No.14426252

Ironic from Lenin who tried to militarily annex my country to spread the """revolution""" writing about imperialism being an extension of capitalism.

>> No.14426288

Not telling you, because I don't want thousands of braindead reditto-4channers to swamp it to talk redpill shit.

>> No.14427338
File: 39 KB, 658x647, IMG_20171203_074504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tom Holland - Dominion
Patrick Deneen - Why liberalism failed
Timothy Morton - Hyperobjects
Alasdair MacIntyre - After virtue
John Mearsheimer - The great delusion
Ryszard Legutko - The demon in democracy
Guillaume Faye - Archeofuturism
Stephen Freeman - Everywhere present
BAP - Bronze age mindset
Angry Arab - Skin in the game
Evola - Metaphysics of war
Christopher Lasch - The culture of narcissism
Dugin - The fourth political theory
Josiah Trenham - Rock and sand
David Bentley Hart - The doors of the sea
David Bentley Hart - The beauty of the infinite
Schopenhauer - Essays and aphorisms
Kierkegaard - Fear and trembling
Gogol - Dead souls
Theodore Dalrymple - Threats of pain and ruin
Rene Girard - Violence and the sacred
Rene Girard - Things hidden since the foundation of the world
Spengler - Man and technics
Simler, Hanson - The elephant in the brain
Ivan Ilyin - On resistance to evil by force
Acemoglu, Robinson - Why nations fail
N.T. Wright - Paul: A biography

>> No.14427422
File: 109 KB, 434x461, 1417630305508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No particular order
>Nichomachean Ethics
>The 4x root of PoSR
>On the Heights of Despair (English and Beaner)
>The Republic and The Symposium
>Capitalist Realism
>Deep Work
>Technological Slavery
>Platero and I
>The Elementary Particles
>Welcome to the NHK
>Heroes -Berardi
>The Dark Enlightenment
>Game People Play
>Una temporada en el infierno (Español y en Retrasado)
>The unique and its property
>The Green Book Qadaffi
>About 3/4 of Bloom's How to Read
>Some gay investment books and introductory comic books that are not really literature but I spent time studying as well

>> No.14428484

Not as good as his other works, but I still enjoyed it, probably because I didn't have any high expectations since it was a random purchase.

>> No.14428541

>all of Brandon Sandersons cosmere
>All wheel of Time series
>Coldfire trilogy
> Entire Mercy Thompson series ( read with wife)
> How to make friends and and influence people
>Drive : the surprising truth of what motivates us
>Difficult conversations
>Thanks for the feedback
>Ocean shift blue
>The count of Monte Cristo
>King killer Chronicles

Was a big year for me

>> No.14428908

>tfw read over 90
>asked some normies who were talking about kindles how many books they read that year
>4/6 said 0
>one said 1
>one said 3

>> No.14428916

>Kiku's Prayer
reading that now. it's not as good as silence and i'm having a hard time giving a fuck.