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14385491 No.14385491[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What literature is there explaining the sudden emergence of LGBT acceptance, and the subsequent decline it will inevitably fade in wake of waning public interest? Parroting the terminology provided by Paul (99%) Skallas, LGBT acceptance is not Lindy and only maintains its current cultural status as the proverbial “flavor of the month”. So, in regards to this phenomenon, the books In looming for specifically detail cultural decline for previously held standards, removal of contingencies of reinforcement, and the effects of a sort of cultural hypnotation or trance. Society of the Spectacle comes to mind, but it’s not specific enough. Thanks in advance.

>> No.14385520

bait thread or made by a retard

>> No.14385522

ban /pol/ bait rec threads

>> No.14385614

Increase of transfaggotry and associated degeneracy is partly 4chan's fault.

>> No.14385653

Yeah nobody really talks about how r9k is outright just a gay psyop now, like it's a beautiful sociological study as a textbook example of homosexuality arising in closed off male communities, but the part that really worries me is that there are a lot of middle aged men on 4chan grooming underaged boys and no one seems to be doing a thing.

>> No.14385656

>here are a lot of middle aged men on 4chan grooming underaged boys and no one seems to be doing a thing.

>> No.14385657

That tweet is the gayest thing I've ever seen

>> No.14385660

The r9gay threads and gaygen on lgbt are explicitly created by a guy in his 50s, he got doxxed a while back.

>> No.14385690

>no one seems to be doing a thing
nobody gives a shit about AoC or pedophilia when it's male on male

>> No.14385713

I’m actually an 18 year old first year uni student :/. I’m just tired of all the fag shit spreading around and want to write some essays on it to hopefully make a difference

>> No.14385724

Nobody gives a shit about anything when it's happening to men

>> No.14385776

And for good reason, Men are not women. We were made to be able to handle our own issues, to be problem solvers, not problem havers.

>> No.14385788

we were made to hunt stuff, fight other men, and sing around campfires or some shit

>> No.14385806

Yeah, the idea of men being lone wolves is hard ingrained and difficult to shake, especially with age, but I wouldn't be surprised if people try, I wouldn't be against it at all, in fact, I'd actively like to see the benefit of social support groups for young men. You don't ever think it's weird that there's a social support system in place for women but not for men? Doesn't that kind of seem like a weirdly pronounced distinction to make between the sexes? That women deserve help and men shouldn't need it?

>> No.14385833

that's not true at all, we are wired to help each other in our small communities not to live atomized lives

>> No.14385841

Men are strong because it's not acceptable for men to be weak. The best thing about being a white man is that you're free from the delusion that everything is about you, and because of this everything really IS about you (you're responsible for your own destiny, etc.). The really radical "feminist" should want to eliminate support groups for women.

>> No.14385843

>no one seems to be doing a thing
This is why feminism is important. Mothers are the only ones who care about their children.

>> No.14385851

>What literature is there explaining the sudden emergence of LGBT acceptance
It's a mutation of Protestantism.
Going to church is lame now, so you show your virtue by defending trannies on twitter.

>> No.14385854

>The really radical "feminist" should want to eliminate support groups for women.
no one in their right mind would say such thing
this is how i know you're a shill

>> No.14385865

I'd like to know. 10 years ago trans were just things you joked about and now they're real and flashing their hatched wounds to children at public libraries.

>> No.14385910

Where does sissy hypno fall into to this? Sometimes I wonder if all of this LGBT shilling is all part of a Malthusian conspiracy to convince impressionable, weak-minded, and psychologically damaged people to convince themselves to go gay or transition as a means to voluntarily opt out of the gene pool. If population control policies were adopted, this would probably be the most covert and ethical way of implementing them.

>> No.14385940
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I think about this stuff too.
What if neoliberals are the good guys, playing the role of the bad guys for the greater good.

>> No.14386064

Literally any book or even just an article on the history of the lgbt movement will tell you enough about it. It's a remarkably unintellectual movement that really just piggybacks off the shit the feminists and blacks did. Gays are just opportunistic cumbrains that saw the antiquated legal limitations on their fetish and moved to turn it into an identity, pretending to be a persecuted minority akin to blacks. This is why they need to try and claim past historical figures, kinda like how feminists apply "proto feminist" to past women. There is no intellectual basis for anything they say. Love is always what they claim, however you will never ever see a fag actually define what love is, so they hide in an inadequacy of the English language. This is why the lolipill pisses them off so much and why they're so quick to arbitrarily add restrictions of "consenting adult" but they'll never tell you why that's so important. Gays will sometimes claim "in the privacy of the bedroom" is all they want but if they truly cared about that then they should have been in a riot with gay marriage being legalized and the movement should have stopped with the removal of sodomy laws. LGBT got acceptance because of guilt, apathy, and moral weakness after jim crow was publicized so widely. They were smart about jumping on the persecuted minority train because politicians absolutely love that shit. It's basically free votes for whoever nods to them.

Trannies have always been in the movement. Sometimes gays will say they don't want them or don't want to accept them but really they're just trying to duck from criticism since, again, trannies are an embarrassing product of their empty movement.

>> No.14386286
File: 172 KB, 840x625, B557095E23F54101A6AD2A6CA1708557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love apu

>> No.14386294

>idea of men being lone wolves
When did this become prominent? Must be a very recent invention

>> No.14386297

>the part that really worries me is that there are a lot of middle aged men on 4chan grooming underaged boys and no one seems to be doing a thing.
I never saw it like that, but you are actually right there. That is what's happening.

>> No.14386306

>Where does sissy hypno fall into to this?
It's a catalyst. It's not a conspiracy though.

>> No.14386800

Theres a weird double standard where male only spaces are seen as toxic, bad, sexist, etc. Liook what happened very recently To Boy Scouts. It seems there is now a move for more male inclusivity, bt it comes from a left-feminist lense and is focused more on establishing psychological control over young men and teaching them a weird sort of self hate and learned helplessness than creatinn a space where they can be genuine and strong.
I never realized how bad it is until I joined a mosque. The strict separation of the sexes really has a positive effect on everybody, and promotes a sort of mutual respect and dignity. Its a shame that in western society we are moving towards gender neutral bathrooms and manditory faggot sensitivty training sessions.

>> No.14386856

daily reminder that the first american gay activist was a communist and a pedo: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harry_Hay

>> No.14386864

wow communism has always been tumblr

>> No.14386900

>Boy Scouts
you're right, brotherhood were always a thing in our society

>> No.14386946

LGBT is a manifestation of the American Liberal Order. Every culture has had "LGBT" people, but they adapted to life in different ways in the past.

LGBT is distinctly American in its origins. It exists in the context of mass democracy and global capitalism. LGBT people tend to epitomize/reflect the cultural order they are part of, because they need society and external recognition to survive. This is why LGBT is actually one of the biggest groups supporting the existence of corporate and government power. It's also why they seem "degenerate", because they reflect (more intensely and obviously) the sexual permissiveness and consumer culture of now.

Notice also the places in the world where LGBT is banned. They are the enemies of the West, more or less. Russia, China, Iran. These and some other places in Asia and Africa retaining religious and colonial era laws. There is a lot of politics around LGBT that is not merely cultural but geostrategic. LGBT is basically a form of secular mysticism, where one is initiated by recognising the truth of one's own inner identity and desires. Our society and economy is built upon manipulating us using our innermost desires. And you can strip human capital from other nations by integrating it into LGBT because LGBT is supranational, whereas rules against it are distinctly national/religious.

>> No.14387001

Male organization is extremely dangerous to the powers that be. It seems like we are living in Soviet-like conditions where forms of male organization that are oriented away from dependence or service to the powers that be, are attacked, stultified, and humiliated until they are destroyed. The Boy Scouts as an organization was founded on the ideas of national citizenship, self-reliance, gaining useful skills for independent life and survival, and a notion of manhood rooted in nation, religion, and values. These are not desirable traits in an urban, consumer culture.

>> No.14387163

>incels lose their own board to faggots and trannies
Is there no end to the indignity?

>> No.14387186

Wow, Goonman floods are acceptable though

From the deleted thread
I responded:

It is a crisis of the mind. They aren’t happy with themselves. Homosexual kids are often unhappy with this socially unacceptable orientation, so think they’re maybe in the wrong body. I suppose straight or bisexual kids can feel this way too. I’m only guessing from my own experiences, both personal and from what I’ve heard.
I just don’t think this gender issue needs to be accentuated so much. Kid wants to dress like the opposite sex, let him. The surgeries sound worse than ineffectual, so we ought to concentrate on helping them accept themselves for the sex they are. —some people are physically neither sex.

>> No.14387208
File: 83 KB, 800x600, Sjcsrt1l_xXfBLMlL_-8-pznye0BPfxbJyMxYtf5qjc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Soviet-like conditions
No. That's pure capitalism. Socialism encourages belonging/community/fraternity/whatever

>> No.14387470

Wrong. The Soviets intentionally closed off methods of expressing masculine identity, and the role of masculinity they most strongly supported was that of contributing to socialism through labor or military service. The Soviet policies and discourse necessarily took power from men because the state was claiming the paternal role from them, took other aspects of masculine status (property, breadwinner role, fatherhood and family patriarch) and women's rights were prioritized. You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about, and are just reflexively crowing "MUH capitalism is to blame for all problems". The Soviet system was deeply emasculating, and many of the same things are showing up in the US and other Western countries. I do think that capitalism and a sort of totalitarianism of markets arguably is having a similar effect (women are more valuable and obedient as consumers, and their roles and rights are more stable in supporting the sustem), but this is absolutely not a feature of capitalism. More likely it is a feature of social dislocation/malaise and crisis of masculinity that is not yet being adequately addressed or regenerated.

>> No.14387499

>You don't ever think it's weird that there's a social support system in place for women but not for men?
The only thing that comes close is the military. No where to go? Completely fucked? Serve your country

>> No.14387512

Childhood friends? Distant relatives?

>> No.14387516

The manufacturing of consent.

>> No.14387530

Maybe. But my impression from anons comment was an institutionalized organization for men to take refuge.

>> No.14387702

>Notice also the places in the world where LGBT is banned. They are the enemies of the West, more or less. Russia, China, Iran. These and some other places in Asia and Africa retaining religious and colonial era laws. There is a lot of politics around LGBT that is not merely cultural but geostrategic. LGBT is basically a form of secular mysticism, where one is initiated by recognising the truth of one's own inner identity and desires. Our society and economy is built upon manipulating us using our innermost desires. And you can strip human capital from other nations by integrating it into LGBT because LGBT is supranational, whereas rules against it are distinctly national/religious.
I’ve been thinking about this a lot. To me, it seems as if LGBT is not a natural movement at all, and realistically, it may be being pushed covertly by our government in order that we have a more decisive friend-enemy grouping for normies to grasp. Ironically, though, this seems to only weaken ourselves for accepting such policies, as well as the inevitable failure of the once back movement that will scream ineptitude towards our own government and people. LGBG acceptance is just a lose-lose scenario no matter the way you cut it.

>> No.14387706

This guy gets it.

>> No.14387736

Ironic considering you guys lost this fight like 3 years ago and you keep acting like you're gonna save the bathrooms or whatever you're angry about.

>> No.14387776

I always wonder why the quality of this board drops so drastically during a specific few summer months and specific few winter weeks.

>> No.14387869

I blame niggers

>> No.14387877

That's literally what r9k is, the problem is they have no direction and are already set in their ways, I'm talking about taking sex ed and turning it into a full on gender based social support system.

>> No.14387894

It's only really just begun

>> No.14387944

Eventually the gays will be able to reproduce with genetically engineered babies grown in artificial wombs.

>> No.14387991

They aren't smart enough to do something like that. LGBT is an outgrowth of guilt over slavery and the Holocaust - if you deny a gay person autonomy/recognition it's only a matter of time before you're going to shove 'em in a gas chamber, you know.

>> No.14388009

Feminist mothers would typically support this.

>> No.14388026

I think it reads a lot more like Cold War weaponisation of art against the Soviets, or Chinese Eunuchs, who were a (fairly corrupt) class that served the imperial state. LGBT conceptually derives all of its rights and social legitimacy from government laws and social norms. This makes it very precarious and dependent on the status quo. In many ways LGBT people are consequently an optimal class to bribe in democracy or market economy- give them more social rights or advertise favourably and they vote or spend in your direction. (I am gay btw, just never felt comfortable with LGBT.)

I think LGBT will be tossed aside when it is expedient, in the long run. One of my fears is precisely that we will find ourselves being blamed, hunted, etc. after the system crumbles in some way. Which I don't think will be strictly correct. LGBT is just a social movement whose existence has been strengthened by various factors. I think it is entangled with the way our civilisation works at the moment. For instance, if mass immigration was not the norm in the Western world, society probably would be less accepting of LGBT identities because natalist policy and social norms that support a high birth rate would be an economic and political necessity. By contrast, in the current configuration, LGBT acceptance probably is a huge draw for some immigrants seeking a place to live more authentically. It's likely highly advantageous for the USA, because LGBT probably is a significant demographic overrepresented in strategically important industries.

>> No.14388054

No one is passively guilt over any of these things, it’s only shoved down people’s throats until they begrudgingly accept the offer in hopes of having the foot taken off of their throat. You really need to not look so stupid when you come into my thread.
I get what you’re saying, although I believe you overshot your mark, and would’ve been better off ending your response within the first paragraph. LGBT really is a political tool, as you so were able to point out. You are right also to assume that it’s a weaponized class used in order to benefit another class. As this information is still hidden away from the general consciousness of the normie masses, what happen when the curtains are thrown back to reveal the ploy with which it all was will indeed prove a negative response of a certain kind. Will it turn into a hunting down of LGBT? This is highly doubtful, as most everyone is opposed to outright violence in lieu of the historical violence that has been conditioned into us through history books, movies, radio, etc. What is more likely the scenario is that LGBT goes back into the closet, and something we tend to ignore rather than celebrate.

This is twofold a win for heterosexuals, as we will decisively see the defeat of Liberalism and it’s propaganda in the post-modern age, as well as relegating faggots back to obscurity, where they will be ineffectual as a politics grouping for hundred of years to come. We will see the later 1900s and early 2000s as a gold standard of what not to turn your culture into if you wish to see expanding prosperity for the majority heterosexual population. This is all the obvious to anyone with a brain who sees the Left cling to their LGBT flavor of the month, because they know that when the masses lose the craving, their house of cards comes falling down.

>> No.14388070

kill yourself

>> No.14388080

>LGBT is an outgrowth of guilt over slavery and the Holocaust

Not sure if I like the reductiveness here but you are probably right. The totemic power of slavery and the holocaust in the Anglosphere is impossible to understate. They completely warp the Angloid's perception of reality; his value judgments even in private life are ever made in the shadow of the Jew child and MLK JR that live inside his head.

Hitler is elevated to a kind of prime mover of evil and wrong and the question "is this like Hitler?" is prior and superior to questions like "is this good?" or "is this right?". And something need not actually be like Hitler for the slanderous claim to control not merely discourse (how obvious that is) but the private mind of the Angloid. I think this moral discourse has by this point entirely replaced Christianity and the Founding Fathers as the foundational myths of America lol

>> No.14388081

Feminist mothers would typically support this, also.

>> No.14388106

We have more Holocaust classes in the US than the Germs do, I'm told. Most people don't know about this, but a lot of Jews resent the US because in their view not enough was done to rescue them by the Roosevelt administration. I have no idea why Hitlerocentrism became the dominant worldview in the Anglosphere, since it didn't really kick off until after the Cultural Revolutions of the 60s. Obviously the intel agencies were responsible, but why?

>> No.14388117

>Jews resent
Tell me who they don't resent? They pretty much resent all non-Jews on some level.

>> No.14388124

I meant more than people would think. This is apparently a Big Thing among Jews that I didn't know about until recently.

>> No.14388128

>I meant more than people would think
Most people are brainwashed by the media to always view Jews as a victim. Honestly, what Schopenhauer had to say on them was on target:

"many great and illustrious nations with which this pettifogging little nation cannot possibly be compared, such as the Assyrians, Medes, Persians, Phoenicians, Egyptians, Etruscans and others have passed to eternal rest and entirely disappeared. And even so today, this gens extorris [refugee race], this John Lackland among the nations, is to be found all over the globe, nowhere at home and nowhere strangers. Moreover it asserts its nationality with unprecedented obstinacy and, mindful of Abraham who dwelt in Canaan as a stranger but who gradually became master of the whole land, as his God had promised him (Genesis 17:8), it would like to set foot somewhere and take root in order to arrive once more at a country, without which, of course, a people is like a ball floating in air. Till then, it lives parasitically on other nations and their soil; but yet it is inspired with the liveliest patriotism for its own nation. This is seen in the very firm way in which Jews stick together on the principle of each for all and all for each, so that this patriotism sine patria inspires greater enthusiasm than does any other. The rest of the Jews are the fatherland of the Jew; and so he fights for them as he would pro ara et focis [for hearth and home], and no community on earth sticks so firmly together as does this."

Summary: "As a formidably cohesive group whose loyalty to their ethnic kindred vastly outstrips their loyalty to the non-Jewish nations within which they dwell, Jews should absolutely never, Schopenhauer affirmed, be allowed to play any role whatsoever in the governance of these nations."

>> No.14388138

kill yourself

>> No.14388143

The State Department tried to keep them out for a reason. Crazy to think that only 60 years ago the State Department in the US was known to be "notoriously anti-Semitic".

>> No.14388149

>Where does sissy hypno fall into to this?

I do not know what that is, but any website that shows up on search engine only shows pornography websites. Could you explain what that is supposed to represent? Thank you. It seems horrendous.

>> No.14388156

There are leaked audio tapes of Nixon and Billy Graham expressing astonishment at how Jews were able to effectively infiltrate the highest levels of government, media, and much more. Being only 2% of total US population, they coordinate unbelievably well for their own ethnic interests. You see many of them in the publishing industry, media, congress, board of directors of big corporations, porn industry, Wall Street, and pretty much any area of major power. Also, the kind of stuff AIPAC gets away with wouldn't have been tolerated by the Founding Fathers.

In short, they function like a mini-CIA.

>> No.14388162

>I do not know what that is
just visit /r9k/ for a bit

>> No.14388165

Also, I think slavery is more important than the Holocaust in this regard. It makes sense because Anglophone cultures value personal autonomy above all else, and slavery is the negation of that, so it's the greatest possible betrayal of Our Values to liberals. We're already seeing attempts to tell American history as fundamentally a story about Blacks and our failures to live up to Our Values as far as Blacks are concerned. It's like they mixed Marxist dialectic with racism. Any similarities to "The White Man's Burden" here are of course purely coincidental.

>> No.14388171

I do not desire to do so. You will need to do so yourself if you find my removal necessary.

>> No.14388180

Yet the Jewish involvement in the Trade Triangle is ignored.

>> No.14388190

It’ll never work, though. American cultural is becoming so decentralized from what is within the elites control that the cats already out of the bag; we’re looking at a total cultural revolution within ~30 years, maybe less depending on the economic situation. My steadfast belief is that the US is entirely attempting to stave off any economic regression because they believe any sign of recession will trigger mass anti-elite sentiment, boiling far over the current fringe-political sects.

>> No.14388191

Maybe, but they have a point: "Slavery is compatible with the ideals of Declaration of Independence" is an error. Of course I don't really care what they said in the 1700s because I view the US as an offshoot/remix of Britain rather than a philosophical project, so I don't have any sentimental attachment towards the Constitution or Founders.

>> No.14388198

We already had a total cultural revolution though, or do you think we'll have another one?

>> No.14388204

>What is more likely the scenario is that LGBT goes back into the closet, and something we tend to ignore rather than celebrate.
I was arguing this with my friend today. I told him I think normalizing LGBTQ+ nonsense is worrisome. I even mentioned how drag queens are reading picture books to children. Of course, he proceeded to call me a "bigot", and I made my position clearer by saying I would prefer homosexuals to "go back in the closet" rather than have the media and certain movements celebrate their orientation. I proceeded to give more nuanced arguments in favor of my position, and my friend became marginally sympathetic while still ultimately considering me a bigot.

Granted, what you say hopefully comes to fruition. However, one issue I see is in the porn industry's growth and the culture of "broaden your horizons", which seems more deeply rooted. A lot of people feel compelled to explore certain fetishes that are naturally self-destructive, which work to erode communal stability and ethos. Sexual deviancy is considered more of a "harmless form of entertainment" rather than a vice to avoid. One can see many lewd behavior at certain conventions too, which I avoid. Fandoms are created around fetishes...

>> No.14388207

I'm afraid to even do that, but thanks for the safer recommendation.

>> No.14388257
File: 133 KB, 500x773, 02AC1F95-DD1D-460E-9AAB-3DABF7EC1A49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I completely agree with your sentiments,
and your fears of porn are merited. The biggest factors that should help pit your fears are as follows: our core demographics are still a decade out of financial relevancy. The current boomers are neocons until they die, but you can tell the gen Xer’s aren’t as complacent; most have got kids + young grandchildren, and inherently have a large amount of “skin in the game”. The liberals are not gaining much ground on their end either, since the political pendulum began swinging back right after the Obama election 2012. Look at what this board has become in four months: our persuasion is growing steadily and strongly. The Left is on the ropes, rhetorically wise, their foot is slamming on the brakes, hoping to stop from crashing themselves into a wall, even though they know it’s too late.

We’re developing a new philosophy that will define Earth for the coming century. The fourth fall is upon us, as the kings of labor assume the thrones in place of the age of merchants. What’s left for us is to make it known.

>> No.14388266

Well my question is how the Holocaust/Slavery religion is practically useful to the American ruling class beyond the obvious that Jews are disproportionately represented in it. Both because this answer triggers a fear and rage response in 90% of the middle classes and 100% of White People (capitalized on purpose) and so is rendered useless, and because there is likely more to it. I don't know if there is a conspiracy behind it, but for me it seems that this religion is imposed on Americans (and through Hollywood and the State Department, the whole world) in order to undermine the organizational potential of vital, particularistic and "traditional" forms of hierarchy and association such as blood, religion, nation etc. against the emergent globalist managerial class centered around the northeast of the US.

I think that this conflict is just a continuation of the old battle between aristocrats and the emancipated bourgeoisie based on their antipodal means of discerning merit. The winners of capitalism and liberalism don't want old criteria of merit that would see them deposed to return.

This is my best non-conspiratorial explanation of why the ruling classes use religions of guilt and their associated politics, basically that they see a threat to their power in Ur-racism

>> No.14388291

There will always be cultural revolutions, there is nothing static about the nature of anything, for are we not Electrical and alive? The future is the past, and when I look at the last, I see trend of actions leading further and further right. How more equal can humanity get before
instead of giving, all they can do is take (from Whites). My niggas on the left, it’s over.

>> No.14388331

>non-conspiratorial explanation
Though there may be a general compunction against ideas framed in a "conspiracy theory" format, conspiracies do exist. The constant strawman arguments presented against the entire concept of conspiracy theories in such publications as Scientific American and National Geographic lend towards the idea that there is a huge coverup in progress. To this day, many people are incredulous when I tell them that the CIA oversaw cocaine shipments through the airport in Mena, AR - though there has been a FOIA release revealing that it was documented. Further, the Holocaust itself is presented in a "conspiracy theory" format, yet it receives little critique and is accepted as fact by many, disregarding the dearth of evidence and the surfeit of witness accounts. The fact that such a shadow surrounds the word "conspiracy" is troubling.

>> No.14388379

LGBT ideology is not going away any time soon in the West and I don't know why people think it will. The entire mass media and Western elites are allied in pushing the LGBT to the rest of the world and made Western society accept it in just 20 years. LGBT identity is capital. If the system remains then so will the ideology. We'll have to see all of the chemically castrated transgender children grow up and commit suicide within the next 20 years before people start thinking that this probably wasn't a good idea.

>> No.14388389

One of the funny things about sexual morality laws in the US is that Progressives are repealing the laws that other Progressives put into place in the early 1900s.

>> No.14388399

Sorry, meant to say "late 1800s" since that's when the Comstock Laws started to go into effect.

>> No.14388409

Well yes, for us Initiated (lol) there is no essential difficulty with believing in conspiracies but this is obviously impossible for consumers and bugpeople. I think the most effective means of turning people towards our ideas lies in inducing a general cynicism and air of contempt for establishment organs of information (to any journos here, that's a quote). My entire explanation for the establishment appropriation of the holocaust religion is just a way of reducing their entire moral edifice to "rational self-interest". This is comparably more palatable to normalfags for obvious reasons, and it gets the disillusionment to hate to wrath cycle that is necessary for political change going.

>> No.14388426

The problem is we’re getting ahead of the science. Once heritability is settled by genotyping all prejudice will fade into the background. Soon we’ll see: sex is not gender. Sex is inherited. gender is 50%(?) heritable. Science will have nothing to say about choose-your-own-gender adventures. All this will be taught in bio.

>> No.14388497

Lgbt acceptance happened quickly because whites can maintain their power within that group. Same with feminism.

>> No.14388515

He's not wrong.

>> No.14388525

He is. He's referring to the psychotic childless.

>> No.14388527

>We'll have to see all of the chemically castrated transgender children grow up and commit suicide within the next 20 years before people start thinking that this probably wasn't a good idea.
Automation will facilitate that too. A lot of trans, coomers, and etc. are going to kill themselves, which is a good thing.

>> No.14388529

Fucking retard.

>> No.14388534

Yeah, feminists.

>> No.14388540

You got yourself in a corner, not gonna take you out.

>> No.14388542

Never asked, it's comfy

>> No.14388557

To me that's the true blackpill about the state of modernity. The Western world is quite literally committing suicide, and I don't think people should seek alternative ideological forces. There's no reason to resist capitalism when it's functionally impossible to do so. Right now, our only position should be survival.

The truth is that all of these woke progressives are going to age. They're going to get old, they're gonna realize how worthless their ideology is, and the decadence of the youth is going to take a toll. They will regret everything, and by the time they do, they will have nothing. Let modernity deteriorate in the coming decades and let liberalism finally implode before humanity realizes how unbelievably it managed to fuck everything up in just 50 years or so. Climate change, depression, suicide rates, fertility rates, mass immigration, atomization, the list goes on. None of this is sustainable, none of this has ever been done before in history. Like OP says, it's not Lindy. It's just very likely that we're all going to have to live through the consequences of what these human filth have inflicted upon our condition. That's the true challenge.

>> No.14388558
File: 408 KB, 1763x993, against the wall!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do not speak for me - especially when you are so wrong.

>> No.14388563

I have yet to see any self declared feminist mother defend internet grooming.

>> No.14388571


>> No.14388572
File: 1.58 MB, 1078x1073, transgender deconstruction.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think that he was spamming retardation to avoid having a specific target to deconstruct. You could spend half of an hour deconstructing it and he'll respond:
>lol - u mad

>> No.14388579

>intentional becoming vs effortless being

>> No.14388586

They won't - because they will not accept your definitions. They will just minimize you as a bigot, and continue defending whatever they want with their own subjective definitions. Try it sometime: Ask a broad questions that are couched in different ways and watch their varied responses. They often react more to presentation than they do to content.

>> No.14388593

It won't wane. It's already become institutional. They will keep presenting it as something that needs to be imposed, the population 'corrected'. It's too good of a source for social and political scheming so it will be forced into permanency.

>> No.14388599
File: 90 KB, 1070x1302, my fellow whites.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lgbt acceptance happened quickly because whites can maintain their power within that group. Same with feminism.

>> No.14388606

>"my man, it's not leftists pushing this, it's capitalists! what's that? no bigot you also deserve it! we have to organize to make sure this sort of thing doesn't happen and make sure to cancel anyone that tries to stop it. But yeah, it's capitalists."

>> No.14388610

It’s definitely capitalism. Leftists just serve its interests since the 1960s without even knowing it

>> No.14388611

All lgbt orgs and leaders are white

>> No.14388613

They are hypnosis recordings, either audio or video, that condition the subject to become a homosexual and develop cross dressing, and feminization fetishes among other "sissy" things. All of these types of hypnosis recordings contain erotic sexual content. They are especially insidious because they usually include suggestions that associate feelings of pleasure to listening to the files over and over again, and thinking about or indulging in these fetishes, which makes listening/watching these files very addictive.

>> No.14388620

That's an odd way to say jew. But yeah any organization is probably going to be led by a white person or a jew.

>> No.14388627

Why are you hiding? Besides all this factitious generic verbose blabbering you said, nothing changes the fact that mothers are the ones who care about and for their offspring and could they know what happens with theirs on /r9k/ they would lose it. The only people who care about men is their very own mothers.

>> No.14388629

Explain how

>> No.14388630

Everything you say is true. However, I hope it collapses after my lifetime. Call me a coward, but I'm not willing to die for any ideals, especially if they involve mankind. I can see all of these problems and sincerely acknowledge them though. Regardless, I would not let my own life be sacrificed to fix it. I have decided not to have children regardless. I just do not think this globalized, industrialized world is natural in the least. There is also little to no solitude within natural scenery, which is necessary for frequently decompressing one's mind.

Most past agrarian civilizations were organized based on tight-knit communities oriented in the direction of villages where trade or commerce occurred. Think Heidi. These tight-knit communities also tended to be highly religious, which is natural and good. This is why I cannot sympathize with Kaczynski's "rugged individualism" because I feel societies require tradition and order, which has the byproduct of "religious fanaticism". The modernized world cannot help but unjustly mock religious fanaticism. In fact, I would go as far as to say I support theocratic monarchism. This was more natural and healthy. However, other issues existed in the past such as disease, natural disasters, barbarians, and bandits. In general, social dilemmas were much more minimal in the sense if one does not oppose his or her ruler and go against his village's religion, he was fine.
I think a lot of liberals are still stuck in the petty rebellious stage against Christianity. Regardless, thanks to the information age, we have an influx of metaphysical views now, leading to doubt in regards to one's choice in religion or sometimes longing for others' revival. There are a lot of tragedies in history. The present deterioration and increasing degeneracy of the West is one of them.

>> No.14388634


>> No.14388644

Leftists were pushing this before the CIA, see: >>14386856

>> No.14388648

You are projecting your view of the ideal mother on feminists. Not all mothers fit the same mold.
>Why are you hiding?
Hiding what exactly?

>> No.14388652

>I have decided not to have children regardless
The great surrender.

>> No.14388653


>> No.14388666

>Hiding what exactly?
Yourself and what you want to say.
>You are projecting your view of the ideal mother on feminists. Not all mothers fit the same mold.
I'm talking about all mothers and feminists mothers are obviously included. Those who don't care are generally mentally ill and it's a pity for both of them. That's why society works better with small and close communities, people will help each other.
Unless you want to say that all feminists are mentally ill and therefore don't care. If so, this becomes a vain, fruitless exchange.

>> No.14388671

Yes but the capitalist monoculture embraces it now. Like >>14388593 says, all of this is institutional now. Society is not just going to change their minds on the LGBT so easily when merely disagreeing with the lifestyle now constitutes as wrongthink. It immediately blacklists you with a label as a bigot, homophobe, transphobe, etc. It may have started with leftism but has long since capitalism appropriated leftism and enables progressive culture without giving them much political power. Gay marriage cases in US courts were directly supported by corporations and they pressured the judicial system to legalize it

>> No.14388699

Why though? What's the logic behind it? The "new marketing demographics" theory is unconvincing

>> No.14388709

I read an article from a senator before about how social cohesion is maintained now through social engineering. One aspect of social engineering involves altering the frequency of cues in advertisements pertaining to acceptance of social deviancy. Prior to periods of economic downturn, sexual and social deviancy are normalized for one reason or another, which ties into various industrial complexes.
Social engineering is a real field and much of what they do is confidential, though it comes down to a matter of data mining and manipulating societal consensus.
In my view, largely developed urbanized areas in the modern post-industrial, globalized world can be considered as analogous to "factory farms". The chaos of the factory farm is managed for the sake of economic and industrial reasons based on periods of economic downturn.
I am just remembering this vaguely. Your idea of new marketing demographics may tie into this.

>> No.14388720

please try locate this article

>> No.14388722

Sorry, I got a bit convoluted. In short, this is what I am saying:
The borders of the factory farm are socially engineered and require persistent manipulation of societal consensus based on cycles of economic growth**. Techniques such as altering frequency of deviant cues and data mining are utilized for a number of reasons**.

>> No.14388723

Pacifying the population. The LGBT inherently destroys the family structure and will atomize more of the population as it grows. This makes it easier for us to serve the interests of capital since we’ll have less and less commitments. All identity politics in general seem like it’s just to serve the elites. Identity is capital. LGBT functions like a subculture now. 2007 Hot Topic emos are all discord transgenders now

>> No.14388728

>Those who don't care
I think that it is more a condition of conformity rather than a lack of caring. They want to do what is right but they are complacent because they are cowed into believing that their instincts are wrong, and that what the crowd thinks is right.

>> No.14388733
File: 57 KB, 433x650, __tainaka_ritsu_k_on_drawn_by_hankuri__437a9f6c921aecd8659598b1843f9100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

twitter, vocal minority and easy brownie points from people who are apathetic towards the movement or are a part of it.
I personally dont really care, as it really isnt my business what people do to/with their bodies.
I do think that most of this stuff is out of pure fetishization both from the idea of wanting uniqueness and actual sexual expression, and not out of the actual moral/legal implications of these beliefs, if that makes sense.

>> No.14388782

>Pacifying the population
Why does it need even more pacification? Are they really afraid of an upcoming uprising?
>LGBT inherently destroys the family structure
I don't think that's really the case. Sounds like right wing scare mongering.
>will atomize more of the population as it grows. This makes it easier for us to serve the interests of capital since we’ll have less and less commitments.
I think atomization is more of a byproduct rather than a desired feature. We still have to reproduce and make mentally stable adults so healthy families are still required. I concede the family has been broken down a bit by capitalism, but was also attacked by second wave feminists as oppressive vestige of the patriarchy.

There is also no evidence of capitalists conspiring in this way, whereas left wing activism is well documented.

>> No.14388820

Gays absolutely damage the family structure. They have no justification or reason to marry. They can't naturally form a family of their own, they require someone else so it's also confused. Not to mention having two parents of the same sex is awful for a child just as having only one parent is bad. Divorce is far worse but gay marriage is certainly a problem.

>> No.14388910

Capitalism doesn't drive shit. It merely serves as a war chest for leftists. This stuff is driven by leftist activists, leftist academics, leftist journalists, leftist lawyers, etc. This whole "it's da capitalists" fault is just leftist cope for the fact they started identity politics, and they continue to support it (while gaslighting everyone that they aren't responsible for anything).

>Gay marriage cases in US courts were directly supported by corporations and they pressured the judicial system to legalize it
Yes, that's right, dummy. They SUPPORTED and PRESSURED something that was already being pushed by leftists decades ago. Step back for a second and imagine the figurative use of "culture war" as a literal thing. If this was an actual culture war, what do the terms "supported" and "pressured" sound like? Does it sound like something done by the commanders who control things? Or a weapon deployed by the commanders? If it is the latter, which is what it looks like (they serve as support), then they aren't in control are they?

The anti-SJW left, and increasingly the anti-capitalist right, really have absolutely no idea how power works, and are getting this whole thing ass-backwards. It's leftists that captured capitalism, not the other way around.

>> No.14389106

It's mostly to do with the fact that men as a group pay taxes to women as a group through government services. Then there are the meme jobs created for women, and stuff like child support.

>> No.14389145

>So, in regards to this phenomenon, the books In looming for specifically detail cultural decline for previously held standards, removal of contingencies of reinforcement, and the effects of a sort of cultural hypnotation or trance.
Unironically, "That Hideous Strength" by C.S. Lewis.

>> No.14389271

>people get smarter
>don't fall for dumb prejudices
>want to show how much they don't fall for dumb prejudices and balance the shitty anti homo picture with super homo stuff

Why wouldn't it? Close male communities are fucking gay.

>> No.14389317

The Wanting Seed

>> No.14389327

lmao hi redd*t

>> No.14389402


>LGBT a huge draw for immigrants
>Muslim Syrians, north Africans, Pakistanis etc
>Catholic Eastern Europeans
>Evangelical/Pentecostal Nigerians etc

Not in the UK m8



Government tried to shut down reporting of the latter. Can't find the links ATM though

>> No.14389425

Read Taleb