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14368238 No.14368238 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.14368248

Kant's Critique of Pure Reason
I'm bored to tears and seriously regretting falling for the philosophy/metaphysics meme.

>> No.14368619

Read the Prolegomena instead then. Drop the Critique and come back to it when/if you're ready and interested.

>> No.14368898
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Nothing but non fiction, as is uni life. Got a ton of old fiction on the back burner though

>> No.14368906

>:( where is big boooby girl?! >:(

>> No.14368909

Currently reading Shakespeares Henry the 4th part one and I’m really digging it so far there’s a great energy to the dialogue and I was often surprised how funny the humor was despite it being centuries old.

>> No.14368928

I've decided you need a break from big titties. Such things inspire fornication in the hearts of men I don't want to promote that any longer. From now on it is simple wholesome 2D girls reading books.

>> No.14368953
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A white womans Breast is a symbol of the purist of femininity and maternity. It symbolizes warmth love and humanity at its sweetest boobs are purity it is the ass that is of hedonistic sin

>> No.14368960

I just picked up Moby dick ama read it anyways but is it any good anons no spoilers pls

>> No.14368963

Lotr: The Two Towers
People have said the book drags on with descriptions too much but I don’t get that at all. The descriptions of nature make it feel like a comforting hike between the plot-heavy parts. Enjoying a lot so far.

>> No.14368966
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>> No.14368967
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White womens breast are pure. They are the greatest symbol of femininity and maternity and fill men with overwhelming sense of being “home” and shows the greatest purity and warmth of humanity it is the “ass” that is hedonistic

>> No.14368969

I'm reading Dune, it's pretty nice, I'm almost at the end.

The only book I've read on ancient Egypt is the Oxford's history of ancient Egypt by Ian Shaw. Is this good or do you have any rec concerning Egypt or history non fiction ?

>> No.14368982

I've been puttering around Mrs. Dalloway, Notes from the Underground, and In Search of Lost time. But none of it's grabbing me. Can anyone recommend a classic, ideally by a lady author, that's pretty plot-driven? I'm not feeling intellectual enough for masterworks these days, but I still wanna read something refined.

>> No.14368995 [DELETED] 
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>> No.14369006

Plot synopsis sounds fucking retarded. Is it fucking retarded?

>> No.14369041

Gravity's Rainbow. I've got about 100 pages left and I'm kind of burned out on it. I've been trying to take it slow and read some companion stuff I've found online so that I don't miss too much. Overall, the quality of the prose is very good and I like the paranoia theme, but I'm starting to lose interest as things are winding down. It is jumping around a lot and the plot of Slothrop looking for the 00000 rocket seems to have just fizzled out.

>> No.14369077
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You tell me. It's quite bearable for now, but either you spend more time browsing reading guides and notes or you walk merrily among needless amount of intellectual farts. I'm doing it because I like it. I'm only at proteus btw.

>> No.14369133

When you get to the bits with Bloom, it becomes a fucking slog. You know, the majority of the book. Daedalus is easy to read compared to interminable lines of Leopold Bloom checking his pant legs for caked on shit while mooning about how he's being cucked.

Ulysses has always confused me, because while I understand that it's an amazing work of art, it's enough for me just to know that. I don't feel like I'm getting anything out of reading it, other than the occasional "woah, that's amazing", followed by page after page of boring.

Maybe I'm just not smart enough to get it, but I never feel motivated to keep reading. I always feel satisfied after a chapter or even a few pages.

>> No.14369172

Ganymede, by Cherie Priest
I’ve only read the first few pages, but it’s nothing impressive. Typical YA prose, which disappointed my greatly. I just want some fantasy that isn’t written for young adults. Any reccs?
>inb4 GRRM

>> No.14369174

Yeah, i've always felt like a pleb for holding this opinion, but Dubliners is the only Joyce I actually really like. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate the others and see why they're rated so high, but I didn't get much out of them and don't feel the need to reread.

>> No.14369191

Book of the New Sun, obviously. And Gormenghast, though it's really a comedy of manners. Beautiful book though.

>> No.14369195

You must not read Ulysses. You must feel Ulysses. It's like a painting. If you look too closely, you only see coloured ooze clinging to a canvas. You must ascend the epistemological ladder. Don't try to gain control over knowledge. Let knowledge gain control over you. Onphalos. Crisosthomos. Fuckbird. Usurper.

>> No.14369197

Sounds more like advice from Surfing Finnegans Wake, desu. Great lecture, Alan Watts.

>> No.14369204

I did like the portrait though. I somewhat relate to this pseudy artist looking for his place in the world.

>> No.14369210


>> No.14369237

I agree, and I blame alcohol

>> No.14369796

nice touhou picture

>> No.14370476

The Reformation Heritage KJV Study Bible. It is warmly devotional.

>> No.14370532
File: 1.67 MB, 3264x2448, 20191218_001731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not reading it yet but I'm about to reread Peter Pan, I read half of in in 2015 and now I'm gonna go for the whole thing
(Pic related, Peter Pan gay confirm?????)

>> No.14370537
File: 151 KB, 520x499, Gallen-Kallela_The_defence_of_the_Sampo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Kalevala

Yes it's actually very comfy.

>> No.14370547

Are you a registered sex offender?

>> No.14370553

Vaka vana Vainamoinen,

>> No.14370581

Nah he just looks fuckin stupid lmao

>> No.14370587

i hope you are listening to this while reading it

>> No.14371510
