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14361879 No.14361879[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I think i might be fucked. I am very desperate for romantic contact. Almost every single night as i lay in bed i wrap my arms around my pillow and hold it as tight as i can and imagine i am holding a girl in my embrace, one that loves me i might add. I spend a good portion, perhaps 2 hours a day daydreaming and fantasizing about women i know and am sexually attracted to hugging and kissing me as we passionately make love, but this is pure delusion.
I have accepted that i will most likely not experience this, well, at least not any time soon due to my extreme social retardation and i can live with that as long as i get these delirious fantasies out of my head that end up doing nothing else except waste my time. What i am looking for is a way for me to deal with this pent up frustration and allow me to focus on other things, e.g: READING without distracting me.
Are there are authors/philosophers that could actually help me suppress this sexual/romantic frustration?
Seneca is not helping.

>> No.14361967

Can't be done. Either improve yourself to the point that you're able to acquire a mate or shoot yourself. The only other option is a lifetime of meaningless suffering.

>> No.14361971

this lol

>> No.14361976
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>The only other option is a lifetime of meaningless suffering.
Something seems off here...

>> No.14361977

kidnap a half decent broad, make her develop stockholm syndrome. problem solved

>> No.14361991

After some years it just fades. Used to do what you did (or at least having obsessive thoughts), but now I'm fine. Try to remind yourself of how annoying/stupid most people are, because even if you'd find someone, they probably won't be able to relate to you completely anyway. Isolation is the gift.

>> No.14362016

Stop wasting time fantasizing and put your energy towards something productive like an art or skill. Forget about sex and devote yourself to the art or trade you've found. I have not spoken to a girl my age in probably over a year; I couldn't care less. I am ugly, but if I get good at an art I can create beauty. Think about all the virgin inventors and artists, try to be more like them and less like Elliot Roger.

>> No.14362043
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I accepted during my teenage years I'd die alone because I'm ugly as sin, terrified of women after years of humiliating experiences, and utterly petrified of sex because of years of sexual abuse at the hands of my father. I started reading and writing romance fiction to simulate the experience

>> No.14362046

What's that, sherfrog?


>> No.14362077

I never went through this
Am I stunted?
Is some psychologist going to walk up to me say a few words and unravel why whole countenance ?

>> No.14362329

Different anon here. If you don't care less about it, you do you, but speaking as someone who does hone his skills competently in at least two areas, I'll only try to cope with lacking a gf the way you do when I'm on my deathbed. I feel like I'd give up some of my humanity if I gave up on wanting to give and receive companionship from someone I love that loves me back, not to mention raising future children as worthwhile human beings who reflect the best parts of myself, and thus have descendants who can look back on my accomplishments. I don't know if that's what OP wants or what you used to want, but that's what I want.

>> No.14362398

how old are you? give it time, or lower your standards, shits not as hard as you maybe think it is.

>> No.14362442

Book of Disquiet

>> No.14362446

>just lower your standards bro
>get a haircut bro chicks love that

>> No.14362484

I'm not talking about coping, I'm talking about replacing. Fantasizing all day and posting shitty blog posts like this are cope, and they achieve nothing. Feel free to pursue women all you want, since pursuing them can actually lead to dating them. Thinking about them won't. The only exception to this is when you truly are ugly, in which case pursuing women is still a waste of time and you're better off trying to accomplish something in an area of your life where you're not handicapped. Which, ironically, gives you a better chance of meeting women anyways.

>> No.14362497

it just sounds like OP is like 17 or something and should just chill and let things happen yknow some ppl are late bloomers and these people tend to fall for some stacy that doesn't even match with their personality

>> No.14362500

bassically what he >>14362484
is saying

>> No.14362510

women arent some sort of magical unicorn blood that will fix all your REAL problems, maybe your not sexually frustrated maybe you have inner problems that you don't want to deal with. loneliness doesnt only stem from tfw no gf it can come from your personality, demeanor, childhood, activities. if your life has been leading towards one set path your entire life it might be good to change things up and see how you feel. Ultimately the sinple solution is to download tinder and fuck a roastie but after that your back to stage 1 unless you decide you like her and you feel that she fulfills the part of you that you yourself couldnt fulfill

>> No.14362528

You, and everyone else ITT, can start by fucking off to >>>/adv/

>> No.14362544

>Just stop fantasizing bro
I don't have years i can wait for. I live today.
You... Shut the fuck up you fucking animal. I do not care for your advice. Begone from MY thread. You fail to see the purpose of it entirely.
I am 18.
You can advise me, if you wish. But you cannot command me. You are not my general. If you ever try to order me again, i will kill you.

>> No.14362585

Try Tinder or go up to girls and initiate conversation. There' no magic bullet, you are going to fuck up and rejected a lot, so don't take that to heart, but that's okay, doing something is better than to sit at home and do nothing but daydream.

>> No.14362593

Yeah, i understand and i truly appreciate the advice and my original post was very hyperbolized and influenced by post-fap depression. It is not that bad, but the thoughts are intrusive and annoying. My situation is made harder by the fact that i live in a small town. I fear not rejection, but the fact that EVERYONE will know of it.

>> No.14362624

Heterosexuality was a mistake

>> No.14362638

I am pretty sure other people got rejected in your town, do they get made fun of?

>> No.14362643

I do not gossip, but i am certain most do.

>> No.14362655

Kill yourself

>> No.14362685

You could always castrate yourself, I suppose. Then you would have no sexual urges at all.

>> No.14362689
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lmfao. Pic related is you rn

Thread's good now.

>> No.14362691

Yeah, I relate to very few people and the one I love is not here. Sometimes I think about just sleeping with random people but they would need to know to not harass me all the time with their thoughts.

>> No.14362719

If you're gonna an hero make sure to kill a bunch of Muslims on the way out, 4chan will remember you forever.

Apart from that and castration you just have to take the risk of making a fool of yourself. I'm currently in a similar situation that I'm "solving" by working all my waking time I tell myself it's only for a while but deep down I have no fucking clue on how to unfuck my love life.

>> No.14362765

Okay, whoever's reading this, I will probably (maybe) screw you depending on if you do as I say and don't talk back to me.