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14359512 No.14359512 [Reply] [Original]

>I only read political/ philosophy books.
Why are some people like this? You know you're allowed to have some fun with reading, right?

>> No.14359521

are you that faggot from r9k?

>> No.14359523

No time for it. Our species is flying off the edge as we speak and you lemmings are fucking around with entertainment.

>> No.14359530
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The beautiful bookworm ideal is so fucking retarded, because there's no society on the planet where a beautiful woman would go unnoticed by Chad, and she would instinctively let him ravage her through the slightest attempt of courtship.

In fact, any idealization of women that deviates from the standard function of the female instinct is cringe and bluepilled, and only serves to put pussy on a pedestal and breed more bugmen in this dying society.

>> No.14359552

>implying someone is not smart because they won't fuck you
>implying people cannot have sex and be smart
I think it would be smart to fuck chad. Why would I settle for less than worms? You would fuck stacy too if you weren't an insect anon. Cut the shit.

>> No.14359559
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>No time for it. Our species is flying off the edge as we speak and you lemmings are fucking around with entertainment.

>> No.14359569
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That's not what I'm implying at all, I'm begrudging the fags that idolize purity and think it still exists in this degenerate world, and I'm especially pissed at the bookworm ideal since it deluded me into spending a good deal of my youth searching for a girl that doesn't exist. But now I am older and wiser, so seeing people younger than me still doing the same retarded things as I did obviously pisses me off.

>> No.14359574

You'll be sorry you posted that in a couple decades moron

>> No.14359590

How exactly is reading political books supposed to save you from that?

>> No.14359592

well, you know you're allowed to have your fun with other things different than reading, right?

>> No.14359610

I also plan to read Blake, Pope, Coleridge, Keats, Yeats, and why not Milton.
Also like "men of letters".
Fiction is at the bottom, only have a handful I might read.

>> No.14359613

All the geniuses in the world have failed us. I either succeed where they couldn't and somehow get the answer out or die trying. It's a slim chance I'll give you that but it beats doing fuck all. Unless you have a better idea?

>> No.14359615

Rent free.

>> No.14359624
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>You know you're allowed to have some fun with reading, right?
Which books have you had the most fun reading then, Opee?

>> No.14359625

Enlighten me, what exactly is implied in my post to be living rent free in my head?

>> No.14359633

Don't care. I'm going to forget about your post and my own post by tomorrow

>> No.14359665


>> No.14359695
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>I only read political philosophy books.
literally me
>You know you're allowed to have some fun with reading, right?
there is nothing i find more interesting than politics and society. in politics the highest highs and lowest lows of the human spirit are realised, humanity and inhumanity vie for control of people's lives and futures. passions are inflamed, people band together towards a common cause, to fight for ideals, and, through collective effort, make them a realty. i think politics is really something quite beautiful, even if it has fallen into ill-repute in recent times. the grand story of the human condition stretching from mesopotamia to the modern day is more captivating to me than any work of fiction.
call me a faggot all you want, that's simply how i feel.

>> No.14359712

Do you have an particular political beliefs? I don't but I still like to read about it all.

>> No.14359758

>every book you read must be some deep "intellectual experience"

>> No.14359795
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Based philosophy bros in this thread!

>> No.14359802

high iq post

>> No.14359982
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i do have my own special snowflake theory of politics, but it needs a lot more hashing out, researching and reading before it's worth talking about, and i'll probably change my mind when exposed to more information and ideas. i'm not too concerned about the specific normative content of politics at the moment, but the grounds upon which politics is practiced and viewed all together. it's primarily a meta-political project, as i think that is a required foundation before diving into normative problems; a kind of 'groundwork for the metaphysics of politics'.