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File: 393 KB, 943x667, Screenshot_2019-03-13-22-16-03-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14352719 No.14352719 [Reply] [Original]

>black anon here
>trying to discover myself
>have read only western philosophy and European culture
>don't know shit about my African culture
>pretry much have an identity crisis

Does anyone have an African culture chart?

>> No.14352745

Mein Kampf

>> No.14352748

Is there even such a thing as a Pan-African culture?

Aren't most African cultures non-literary?

>> No.14352752


I'm a nazi but I support panafricanism and afronationalism etc., Africa got royally fucked by colonialism and should be one of the great distinct areas of the globe

>> No.14352754

Read culture of critique

>> No.14352758

The Bell Curve

>> No.14352764

This. Africa-calling is Africa-eraser.

>> No.14352773

You should get specific take a DNA test or something to find out what part of Africa you're from if you don't already know. Something with a defined culture instead of just "African". Sure it's like "European" in that it's kind of a super identity, which is cool, but being able to connect to a nation of people does more for the spirit.

I have German heritage and reconnecting with it has been very rewarding. It's like discovering a home I never knew I had, and still had been waiting for me all my life to find it

>> No.14352785
File: 12 KB, 364x550, La_Subiro_de_la_Okcidento,_eldono_1922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It helped me to see the West as a mode of spiritual existence to be overcome/run through. The paradoxical quest for "self discovery" and feeling of rootlessness is characteristic of Occidental thinking, and there is no escape. Junger envisioned, in the philosophy of Striner, a sort of spiritual overcoming of modernism with the full embrace of the self as a sovereign and ahistorical entity. That might help. For what it's worth African Culture and Civilization isn't Yours, since culture possesses individuals and not the other way around. Like it or not, you're a westerner and this fact is inescapable.

That said, The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano might appeal to you.

>> No.14352807

who cares, why are you equating race to self-identity, if you grew up in a western culture and indulge in its products then that might as well be your identity, enjoy it.

>> No.14352820

not OP but this is absolutely retarded. if he grew up black in the west then he literally had no say in making race a crucial part of his identity.

>> No.14352826

Epic of Sundiata.

>> No.14352831

>don't know shit about my African culture
You don't have an intrinsic African culture, you were raised in West. You're chasing a ghost. You can at any time attempt to engage with African culture but considering they weren't keen on written traditions, you would have to learn some kind of local dialect and move to Africa and integrate as best as possible. But good luck with that.

>> No.14352834

that's completely irrelevant to the point I was trying to make which >>14352785 pretty much encapsulates perfectly

>> No.14352841

Modern "black literature" is just rap and books on muh eebil huwite oppressors or muh buracku struggru.
I'm sure you don't want to bother yourself with the books so just keep listening to rap, you can't get much more immersed in black culture than that.

If you're talking about literature from the continent of Africa, then that's too bad because most of it's written by Europeans.

>> No.14352842

I'm same but korean. What should I do?
>tfw studying eastern philosophy in korea is like joining evangelical church in korea

>> No.14352843

Augustine of Hippo, Plotinus, kebra negast and ancient Egypt texts are some African literature although not necessarily 'black'

>> No.14352849

this is why immigration shouldn't be

>> No.14352850

People of Nile

>> No.14352859

I'm a native korean with pirated western vidya.

>> No.14352860

As an actual African please do not identify yourself as african. You are not us. You have your own culture. Stop bringing your faggot and nigger ways to our simple ways

>> No.14352867

Are you one of the twitter guys saying "even Caribbeans hate nigger"?

>> No.14352879


>> No.14352943
File: 67 KB, 549x549, _51168915_dcuthbert_the-bushman13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"NIGGERS could be here" he thought, "I've never been in this valley before. There could be NIGGERS anywhere." The cool wind felt good against his bare chest. "I HATE NIGGERS" he thought. Wind reverberated through his entire village, making his house vibrate even as the $9 Chenin Blanc circulated through his powerful thick veins and washed away his (merited) fear of Americans after dark. "Without private property, you can live anywhere you want" he said to himself, out loud.

>> No.14352987

I feel bs Ash for buddy but u have my studio I just mean no

>> No.14352990

Based African man.

>> No.14353083


>> No.14353098

Culture isnt the same as race. You're clearly American if youre making that mistake in 2019. The reality is you have nothing in common with actual Africans.

>> No.14353110

The whole concept of Africa as a culture and it being some kind of common continental heritage is false, and also kinda racist. You're grouping 54 vastly different states and calling them all the same, and also saying that you have a deep connection to them. That's like some guy in Australia calling himself European and reading European writers so he can know more about what it is to be a European.

Is an Egyptian the same as a Zulu? A Zimbabwean the same as a Kenyan? You're not going to find any answers to this that satisfy your searching. Look for something else. I assume you're American, so just read some black American literature. Read up on the Black Panthers (Not the capeshit), MLK, Malcolm X, the woman on the bus, that guy in 12 years a slave and all the rest. If you want to discover your identity then go there, not looking for some vague and probably nonexistent Holy Grail.

>> No.14353113

red doch keinen Scheiß. You aren’t German. Come to Germany and you’ll be laughed at

>> No.14353117

^^ we hate them for having no culture and being retarded on Twitter.

>> No.14353152

Your identity is (most probably) black American. Embrace it. You won’t be Congolese any more than white American larpers will be Italian or German. Your skin colour doesn’t matter, neither does any haplo-autism. You are a mutt and an identitylett, so craft your own.

t. person from a real ethnic group

>> No.14353164

there is no single "African culture"
there are many different African cultures

>> No.14353169
File: 25 KB, 300x463, things-fall-apart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Things Fall Apart - Chinua Achebe

>> No.14353180

Culture is meaningless unless there is metaphysic that ensouls it.

>> No.14353348


The History of Philosophy Without Any Gaps has an Africa section - https://historyofphilosophy.net/africana/precolonial

>> No.14353492

I don't have such a chart, but if I were to create one for African culture, I'd include:
Everything by Amadou Hampate Ba (the Fortunes of Wangrin especially)
The Epic in Africa by Isidore Okpewho
The Sundiata Saga
The poetry of Leopold Senghor (trigger warning: Negritude)
Modern Sudanese poetry
And whatever Nigerian fiction writers strike your fancy.

If you believe the Negritude movement there is. But IMO the idea doesn't hold water. You can talk about how Asians are more developed in, e.g., spirituality, but you'd never talk about a pan-Asian culture. Africans have traits which unite them, but they're manifested in ways that reflect local physical and cultural geography, and colonial history.

>> No.14353496

Do you live in Africa? If the answer is no, you’re not African. If you’re from the US You’re American. There’s no need to LARP as an african.

>> No.14353497

Leave this board and never come back.

>> No.14353531
File: 157 KB, 960x720, charles-saunders-imaro-trilogy-ii-iii_1_37b5ae77230a3cdcda3fb204dd1808e7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

READ IMARO (black Conan the Barbarian)

>> No.14353563

This, I lived in the US and for all the idpol going on over there, it striked me as extremely ironic since there is no difference between wasps or blacks

>> No.14353564

Same, if i decided to stick with my tradition then i'd be in an intersection of sufi-hindu-buddhist-animist tradition with east asian aesthetics which is already dismantled and corrupted by the enforcement of modern islam in my cursed country which is now heading to the late capitalism stage with yet another weird twist. It's so abysmally weird but embracing it would still make me a filthy larper too, there's just no going back so I'm sticking with whatever secret religion that's going to come out from the abyss.

>> No.14353578

If you grew up in a western country I'd recommend reading philosophers that explicitly deal with black experience outside of Africa as well as the relation between the Atlantic slave trade and Western philosophy. Here are some books you can start with:

Life and Times of Frederick Douglass - Frederick Douglass
Black Skin, White Masks - Frantz Fanon
Discourse on Colonialism - Aimé Césaire
Lectures on Liberation - Angela Davis
The Racial Contract - Charles Mills
The Poetics of Relation - Édouard Glissant

>> No.14353852

If you like Africa so much why don't you live there my fine chocolate colored friend?

>> No.14353871

good luck, there's little scripture and a lot of oral tradition (which - not surprisingly - has been lost in large parts due to war, hunger and strife).
beware of grifters trying to capitalize on your feeling of being lost. lots of them out there.

>> No.14353903

Reminder that vast, overwhelming majority of Europeans have no problems with an American who is 1/X finding out more about the country his ancestors came from and consider it endearing at worst (unless you try to pull some "more X than X bs"), and people who cry about Americans who do this, people like >>14353113 are generally fringe wingnut losers no one likes who can't shut up about their America obsession for five fucking seconds.

>> No.14353921

You wasn’t kang

>> No.14353922
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>i have german heritage

>> No.14353923


>> No.14353935


>> No.14353947

If you're American there's a good chance your paternal ancestry is white anyway so you're entitled to claim Western culture as your own.

>> No.14353950

Bist du wutend? Entschudigung fur der Weltenblitzen. Wir hatten mit dir sollen. Fick die Briten.

>> No.14353988
File: 503 KB, 533x397, the height of pre-colonial subsaharan architecture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. bait
Obvioysly a trick question. Sub-Sahara Africa really developed nothing to speak of.
>in b4 "muh zimbabwes"

Zimbabwes were large stone structures that basically imitated the wooden palisades and primitive huts built by most subSaharan Africans for most of history. Ever look at a plan of them? The walls are all of uneven thickness and they aren't even round! I remember some attempts to explain that as some sort of non-European aesthetics, but let's just be honest, they were just incapable of making the building in a circle. Being built between the 11th and 15th century they were probably created with the help of knowledge gleaned from Arab contacts.

>> No.14354061
File: 709 KB, 2051x1551, benincity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Impressed Europeans came back from Benin City with stories of the magnificence of the Benin. A seventeenth century Dutch engraving from Olfert Dapper's Nauwkeurige Beschrijvinge der Afrikaansche Gewesten, published in Amsterdam in 1668 wrote:

"The king's palace or court is a square, and is as large as the town of Haarlem and entirely surrounded by a special wall, like that which encircles the town. It is divided into many magnificent palaces, houses, and apartments of the courtiers, and comprises beautiful and long square galleries, about as large as the Exchange at Amsterdam, but one larger than another, resting on wooden pillars, from top to bottom covered with cast copper, on which are engraved the pictures of their war exploits and battles..."
>nothing to speak of

>> No.14354067

read russian literature, we're the black people of the north

>> No.14354090

snow niggers who got enslaved by their own people

>> No.14354097
File: 26 KB, 500x375, 10301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"When Frobenius discovered the first example of a similar head it undermined existing Western understanding of African civilisation. Experts could not believe that Africa had ever had a civilisation capable of creating artefacts of this quality. Attempting to explain what was thought an anomaly, Frobenius offered his theory that these had been cast by a colony of ancient Greeks established in the thirteenth century BC. He made a claim, widely circulated in the popular press, that his hypothesised ancient Greek colony could be the origin of the ancient legend of the lost civilization of Atlantis."
>be European traveler
>discover African artefacts
>still so brainwashed by your own racist beliefs you go all "we were da real kangz of Africa"
>"It wuz da Greekz, mayne"
Pathetic. Pic related.

>> No.14354120
File: 121 KB, 1000x667, kerma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll stop posting now, but...
>By 2300 BC, the Early C-Group culture was appearing in Lower Nubia, most likely arriving from Dongola Reach (near Kerma). Thus, by the second millennium BC, Kerma was the center of a large kingdom, probably the first in Sub-Saharan Africa.
Idk, but but this doesnt seem like "nothing" to me.

>> No.14354145
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>inb4 some retard says "the Deffufa isn't even big!!!"

>> No.14354174

Mister "they probably learned it from the Arabs" went silent. Hmmmm, I wonder why?

>> No.14354196
File: 3 KB, 106x144, DA4B5EC3-CD4E-45BD-B19F-1E2C5FB7CD93.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Africa is one of the most culturally diverse places on planet earth, turning it into a monolith is very telling that you’re a westerner and thinking of people as “Africans” would be funny to the people there. That being said we aren’t educated on the rest of the world especially if you’re in the US, all of us are rudderless and culturally deprived of any sense of heritage. The concept of “blackness” or “whiteness” is offensive to all the cultures that make up those groups which there are many. To your question though OP you might like the story of Equiano.

>> No.14354205

Why am I allowed to read literature relevant to my Scottish heritage but OP is confined to the domestic rabbit hole of racial resentment?

>> No.14354206

I'm black too. I don't have an African culture chart, but I have lots of links, book recommendations, videos... that sort of thing. If you're interested, let me know.

>> No.14354217

>Does anyone have an African culture chart?

>> No.14354221

Where is the evidence and sources? And why didn’t Africans create anything similar ever again?

>> No.14354226

Consider yourself not an african but a creation of western culture, an artificial human of sorts. On the bright side, in the concrete mixer of modern globalism you're not that different from the rest of us, no matter the lineage. Traditional cultures are all dead.

>> No.14354237

Yes you can probably find some cave drawings done in 2005.

>> No.14354248

>Where is the evidence and sources?
Evidence? What do you mean? The ruins of Kerma still exist. We have several accounts (and plenty of archaeological evidence) of Benin's existence. Same goes for the Ife heads.
>Why didn't Africans create anything similar ever again?
They did. Sorry.

>> No.14354260

benin :DD

>> No.14354265
File: 173 KB, 3000x3000, 1537765562618.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd recommend the following selections from the African canon:
>"Ooga Booga, a Snake Bit My Dick!"
>"Where Da White Women At?"
>"The Life and Opinions of Jamal"
>"Chucking Spears: A Step by Step Guide"
>"Black Panther: The Novelization"
>"Crime Statistics and Punishment"
>"Kang Lear"
>"One Hundred Years of Fried Chicken"
>"The Grape Soda of Wrath"
>"A Tale of Two Mudhuts"
Start with these for a well rounded introduction to African literature.

>> No.14354270

he can read whatever he likes, I don't mind. but the negritude movement and the philosophies of creolization and construction of modern blackness are both very potent fields of study (I would not call it 'racial resentment'. and if you're on a quest of self discovery, why not first of all read about things that are relevant to your actual environment and upbringing? heritage LARPing can of course be fun but it may not be the best way to construct an identity.

>> No.14354272

That's clearly a Swedish man, born and raised.

>> No.14354278

I hate the fact that people think just because modern globohomo is an entirely rootless and artificial culture that all previous cultures are the same as well. Cultures are a product of shared but also isolated common experiences between groups, this also necessitates genetic isolation and grouping as well. Just because they feed into one another and use other idea's is not an argument for saying they're not unique to a people.

>> No.14354280

>One Hundred Years of Fried Chicken
Fucking lost it

>> No.14354295

So we have one culture that achieved a classical level of development? Care to provide links?

>> No.14354296

Modern globohomo is a rather logical and natural development of Protestantism, and it being heralded as the only-and-default-culture-that-any-cultures-must-conform-to is nothing but cultural colonialism. God bless America.

>> No.14354302

I've lived and worked across several countries in west and southern Africa. If you want evidence you can take my word for the fact that you're a fucking idiot.
Why do I promote my knuckle-dragging Conservapedia-tier brainwashing when I have never troubled to read a single book or academic article related to the subject? That's the question you should be asking.

>> No.14354314

Do you not know about the Bantu invasions?
West Africans spread all across the continent and ruined everything for everyone.

>> No.14354321


Hey fellow black anon, the question you ask here is one many of the black existentialists have been asking for decades. Read DuBois, bell hooks, Frantz Fanon, Richard Wright, Malcolm, and Baldwin to start thinking about the "black Self". Then get some textbooks on African history, I recommend West Africa for some interesting aesthetics and stories but I’m not very well versed here. Then get into jazz, particularly Mingus, Davis, people that really exemplify the depths of the black soul. Overtime, if you’re pensive and introspective, you’ll start to get a feel for what it means to be black and what our story is in this chaotic earth. It won’t hurt for you to read Mumbo Jumbo by Ishmael Reed and of course the Harlem renaissance and black arts poets as well. I’m sure you know Hughes and Brooks, so look at Jean Toomer, Claude McKay, Paul Dunbar too. And for black arts you have Amiri Baraka, Etheridge Knight, Larry Neal and much more. We are at a stage of black consciousness where we are very cognizant of our lack of complete, authentic mythos within the diaspora and we are trying to create it presently. Good luck brother.

>> No.14354341


I’m not OP but are you black? You seem to be on a similar tip as myself. I wrote >>14354321

Might be interested in corresponding.

>> No.14354343

Quick scroll and these responses stood out the best, may have missed some

>> No.14354353

Those specific bronze heads were created by a single genius individual. There had been nothing like it before or after.

>> No.14354356

Utter bollocks you can choose to raise whatever you like to a virtue to be celebrated, the fact that they choose materialism and trade and GDP is just more proof we're fucked by an age of decline. Where did you get the idea WASPism or whatever is at fault anyway, any reading suggestions?

>> No.14354363 [DELETED] 

>single individual
>bronze heads and other were made for hundreds of years
Wow, so the dude who created the Ife heads was so smart he cheated death? I didn't know that.

>> No.14354367

No one considers it endearing. Cope.

>> No.14354371

"European" is not an identity. Fucking Americans.

>> No.14354376

So the guy who made them lived for hundreds of years?

>> No.14354401

You talk but don’t post any sources to back up your claims.

>> No.14354408

Black dad and Jewish mom. More involved in the Jewish community to be frank.

>> No.14354410

You are just posting pictures and commentary on them

>> No.14354416

So this is why bastard burger shit like Black Panther exist? Because a couple of negroes had an identity crisis?

>> No.14354427

Africans sold their own.

>> No.14354467
File: 305 KB, 700x700, 0D07812E-C56A-456C-912B-B630DF5470C1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. The Slave trade was invented by Africans. They did this amongst themselves, among other things. World history, specifically when it comes to matters of magic and religion, is nothing like you could ever imagine

>> No.14354503

>"The Grape Soda of Wrath"

>> No.14354624

The stuff I posted about is common knowledge. If you're not an uncultured brainlet, you should know that. Asking me to prove the existence of Kerma is ridiculous. It's like asking someone to prove that the Pantheon exists, and that it was actually built by Romans.

>> No.14354640

>your claims
Not just claims. Historical facts. If you can't even Google "Ife heads", "Kerma culture" and "Kingdom of Benin", you're an idiot.

>> No.14354658

Oy vey!

>> No.14354758

I’m sure you know how to cite sources

>> No.14354898


Why’s that? Do you feel disconnected from the black gentile community?

>> No.14354919


>> No.14354927

Drake's quite happy to just be Jewish and abuse gentiles.

>> No.14355111

>these are the brainlets that are freely giving up their genetic material to a corporation.
Hey OP. Give it up. Culture is only as historical as you make it. You could embrace a new culture every single day and live a fulfilling existence. If you want to enjoy the culture of your people it's freely available to you. Though you could just always just form your own sense of culture through your interests, hobbies, and field of study.

>> No.14355167
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>> No.14355310

Racial identity is fucking cringe. Grow out of this tribalism shit and find sense of belonging in being your own person.

>> No.14355390
File: 223 KB, 701x466, 060A31F0-ACF3-4D5B-AB24-A5CE11D62764.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come now anon, surely you haven’t forgotten such such classics as

>Blood Muhdickian
>A Finna to Arms
>Heart of Darkies
>Da Bruthas Kangazmaov
>Pride and Predjudice (the predjudice part being against NIGGERS that is)
>Annaynay Kareninquanda
>In Search of Lost Crime
>The Scarlet Durag
>Jane AYYO
>Finnegan is Woke
>As I lay Jivin’
>The Great Gatt
>Where da Little Wimmin at?
>The Count of MLK Boulevard
>The Incarceration Rate Also Rises
>To the Traphouse
>The Call of my Dealer
>The Wind in The Ghettos
>The Trial (but this time it’s anciry district court and the defendant is BLACK)

>> No.14355404
File: 419 KB, 806x763, KEK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>As I lay Jivin’

>> No.14355451
File: 29 KB, 399x385, kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Crime Statistics and Punishment
>Kang Lear
>The Grape Soda of Wrath
I'm fucking done

>> No.14355488
File: 159 KB, 960x720, African American Identity Development.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only have random books, but before you start you should learn about "negrescence". It'll stop you from becoming a crazy SJW.
Racism: From pop stuff to hard reads
>White fragility
>Racism without racists
Random movements
>Afro pessimism
>Afro futerism
>Black humanism
Also this may seem odd, but "whiteness" studies exist. You might wanna look into it?

>> No.14355850

If you're African-American your ancestors were almost certainly from West Africa so you should start with Sundiata and build from there.

>> No.14355896
File: 93 KB, 513x597, 4tfzjbdfb8a21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just read shakespeare my nigga

>> No.14355898


>> No.14355958
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>> No.14355979
File: 155 KB, 500x420, ebony nibba.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Like it or not, you're a westerner and this fact is inescapable.

lol, blacks aren´t western, not even in a billion of years they will be, they´re the antithesis of the western spirit in every sense of the word

>> No.14356062

you know Africans are black, right?

>> No.14356135
File: 62 KB, 632x586, ED1F18EB-6DEA-47FA-A3C6-54B775A7EE9D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want to know more about your culture, I’m sure there must be a zoo close by.

>> No.14356671

Go back to africa. Seriously. We are the most happy when we are in our native land. Ultimatley, it's not the whites, but the very nature of this estranged land which will make you feel sick.

>> No.14356793

Your culture is "human" and the pursuit of knowledge ignores racial constructs.
If you really need to reconnect with your ancestral roots for whatever arbitrary reason, then find whatever actual tribe/clan/whatever you actually came from and look into their culture/history. Africa's a massive and massively diverse continent that didn't really intermingle much beyond a certain geographical radius, so unless you're just looking to connect with the slavery angle, your making a fruitless search.

>> No.14356900

The Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church?

>> No.14357020
File: 165 KB, 402x600, blessed_black_brother.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have read only western philosophy and European culture
OP, I don't know how to tell you this. You ARE a product of western philosophy and European culture. That is your culture. African culture exists, but in a context that cannot be satisfactorily captured in a book written in English by someone 400 years removed. Africa is a literal wartorn shithole in the center, capitalism on the fringes. It's all the horrors of Soviet collectivization combined with all the stupidity of European wars in the middle ages. Reconnecting with some vague panafricanism from the comfort and safety of the first world is for larpers. Tread carefully lest you become cringe.

>don't know shit about my African culture
>my African culture
It's either going to be something you invented or something an actual African invites you to share with them. To be perfectly honest "African-Americans" are their own culture. They're a product of the west and whatever traditions they brought with them. Look into your family if you can, where they're from in the US, any scrap of information at all might help you find out where in West Africa your ancestors came from. Failing that, there are traditions you can adopt. Go to South Carolina and visit an African-American heritage center, or go eat at a black-owned bbq pit and talk to people. Learn about sweetgrass baskets or African cooking or dancing or singing other crafts.

tldr wanting to reconnect with Africa is a meme, honor your ancestors by getting to know their influence in the south

Well put.

>> No.14357149

Why do you care about your roots in this globalized melting pot shithole of a world?
And besides, you're not African, you're just black. Growing up in western culture, exhibiting western values and consuming western shit

>> No.14357171

No, it's a retarded mutt meme.

>> No.14357217

Based, now I, a white man, will go out and dab on my black European brothers by preaching the word of truth and wake them up from their misguided attempt at connecting with "their culture" which they never experienced beyond American music and television.

>> No.14357244

Based and Spenglerpilled.

>> No.14357255


>> No.14357269

t. reatardae

>> No.14357318
File: 21 KB, 220x299, 220px-Frantz_Fanon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have any African Culture for you, my friend. Look into Frantz Fanon.

>> No.14357335

what culture? pre colonial and arab african culture is a mystery if its not destroyed by european explorers

>> No.14357461

>thinks we can go back to spatial/particularized identities

>> No.14357556


>> No.14357570


i say this for your mental health and well-being, not any racial hostility

>> No.14357580

I say this for racial hostility, not for your mental health and well-being. Nigger.

>> No.14357581


>> No.14357731

>identity crisis
identity is always a need to be identical to something outside you, to define yourself as a representation of something outside you.
The desire for identity always portrays the deepest self-hatred.

>> No.14358084

Does it make you angry that I'm connecting to my roots and history and there's nothing about it, faggot? Seethe more. Big dick American is coming home. Guten tag!

>> No.14358094

Africa is rich in natural resources which subhuman Africans have no capacity for making use of. It belongs by natural right to the superior races of the world. Moreover, Africans are natural slaves.

>> No.14358098


>> No.14358161



>> No.14358236

the way you negroes speak can be so baffling sometimes

>> No.14358246


>> No.14358253 [DELETED] 

>More involved in the Jewish community to be frank
i.e. making things "good for jews," i.e. wrecking society.

>> No.14358264

im finna boutta circumcise yo ass, goy. ya’ll fuckin wit da wrong jewish nigga

>> No.14358269

2019 4chan honestly isn’t the best place to ask, take everything said here for a grain of salt

>> No.14358276

That self-same superiority will lead this world into ruin and wreck. This vast consumption brought on by Industrialism, this utter wanton snatching up and reckless use of resources will see humanity extinct erelong.

>> No.14358282

Kek even the Africans want nothing to do with American blacks

>> No.14358284

That’s a non sequitor to my post, by the way

>> No.14358394

What a trite, uninformed take. You revisionists like to dispel racial categories as soon as they no longer serve capitalism via cheap labor

>> No.14358394,1 [INTERNAL] 

on a pilgrimage to pay respects to this post