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14351164 No.14351164 [Reply] [Original]

Write what's on your mind

>> No.14351174

"Incel" is a weaponized term has serves no purpose and has lost all meaning. Also, it's an overused normie tier oxymoron that was invented by some Canadian woman online.

>> No.14351182


>> No.14351230

I just wanna talk to her all day

>> No.14351239

horror movies are a psy-op designed to make us fear solitude in nature

>> No.14351252

God I'm such a fuck up I am going to fail these exams and then I'll have to take a fifth year and it's going to be fucking humiliating.

>> No.14351256

my teeth are too small and my palette isn't wide enough. It makes for an ugly smile so I come off as a sociopath by being so expressionless.

>> No.14351266

that's a doll wacko

>> No.14351282
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Dolls are pretty cool.

>> No.14351285

>Decides whats in your music library

>> No.14351290

where do i find a gf like her?

>> No.14351294

It’s commonly understood that the “black story” is one of triumph, perseverance, and sorrow. But for some reason, I found myself dissatisfied with this depiction and knew that others had expressed similar grievances, exclaiming things like “we want more than slave and hood narratives in media representation”. From Fanon and Hegel I started to think of the Black American status as “being-for-another” and that my rejection of the solely “triumph” story was the rejection of an identity which exists only adjacent to an external influence. I and many black people would like to be “in-and-for-ourselves” so that we may discover our authentic and total story, sense of being, and ultimately, path to enlightenment. We may acknowledge the element of our Self that is a triumphant revolutionary but we are also artists, sages, profound lovers, and whatever else is seen in the black soul. We understand that our self-realization as a people depends largely on our ability to exist in-and-for-ourselves, not as a tenant of conflict and an Other to some colonizer.

>> No.14351297
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Arthoes tend to hang out on camgirl sites, that's where I met mine

>> No.14351303


>> No.14351307


>> No.14351343

Do black people living in Africa really care about colonialism any more? You would think that the humiliation that Europeans suffered while getting forced off the continent would have been revenge enough.

>> No.14351357
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I'm paralyzed by a plethora of choices. I have the opportunity right now to pursue so many different paths but my biggest fear is regret and I can't just stick to one thing. Life is so short. There is so much I want to do but there's only so many hours in the day. I cannot accept that things I'm interested in must be left in adolescence. Specialization feels like death but it's the only path to true success in this world.
I want to be an sculpter, painter, writer, architect, firefighter, mechanical engineer, diplomat, pilot, officer, historian, statesman bros. Why must we only live 80 years

>> No.14351358

It probably depends on the country. Burkina Faso probably feels different from Nigeria, etc. Though I’m not very informed on the matter. Something of interest though.

>> No.14351367

Have you considered just being yourself?

>> No.14351380

girl pussy

>> No.14351383

>I'm paralyzed by a plethora of choices.
don't become a writer; there's one off your list.

>> No.14351387

girls are for kisses and cuddles don't talk about girl pussy

>> No.14351390

Are you black or African American?

>> No.14351406

I don't want to go to college.

>> No.14351411

I often find myself hiding the books and hobbies I'm most passionate about from the people I know. It often feels like the loss of a secret garden once they find out. I feel a sense of freedom being torn away whenever a friend says "I'm gonna start reading that".

>> No.14351435
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When people take umbrage with the behaviour of women, and then women respond by interpreting criticism as abuse so they can fall back on accusing men of being misogynists they unwittingly imply that no woman has ever dated an abusive, woman hating, man. This means that female think piece/confession journalism is founded on a contradiction and can safely be dismissed as its two main branches are 'EEEWWW, An ugly guy looked at me' and ' Turns out my BF is a rapist".

>> No.14351441

if you can tolerate wage slave work than don't do it, I only went because I knew it would be easier in comparison to a full time job. I ended up getting demoralized and couldn't be bother to hand in half the assignments and most of what I did was late. Most jobs don't give a fuck about degrees except for advancement. The hard thing is they want relevant experience, which you can only get with nepotism.

>> No.14351447


Black Guyanese-American

>> No.14351475

None of this will be achieved in a nation where you are seen as a client species/weapon of the hegemony and neither could a nation engaged in such a practice be brought round by 'raising awareness' among the common folk.

What are your thoughts on black separatism and black pessimism respectively?

>> No.14351545

writing in cliches for image board posting implies the opposite

>> No.14351573
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I like handmade dolls.

>> No.14351626


The separatist ideas are delusional but understandable and something I greatly empathize with. Inevitably black americans, like any displaced group, come to desire their own, healthy, homogenous nation, but the current situation prevents this on all fronts and it's secondary to some more pressing liberation causes. As for pessimism, i'm pretty strongly against it and don't think it has any place in the black liberation movement, nor nihilism. It isn't historicially justifiable nor spiritually, so while I sympathize with that condition, it's something to avoid.

And to your point, yeah, its a black responsibility to procure the levels of psychological liberty necessary to discover our own, self-referential myths. The rest of America is too concerned with addressing black people as an element of conflict theory rather than a dignified unit with intrinsic value. Right-wingers call it an identity of victomhood, left call it one of triumph, but I'm interested in a higher identity sublating these former two and cultivating something of its own unique candor. It's just a matter of raising intracommunal consciousness to the exact constituents of our oppression and what our liberation depends upon today.

>> No.14351672
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Cute! Do you make any yourself?

>> No.14351689

I believe I've uncovered a great truth about the world but with this discovery came the knowledge that my will is insignificant. There is a plan to eradicate the Male. It's been very successful and I don't know what can be done to stop it.

>> No.14351694


>> No.14351794


You're paranoid and delusional. The rise of anti-patriarchy rhetoric was as inevitable as Marxism for the proletariat, however the difference is men are not considered as intrinsically venomous as capitalism, so the issue can be solved with refinement, rather than abolition. No one believes men are evil but that we've gotten away with a lot of bullshit throughout history since we set the rules. Its a fair reaction on the part of non-men, and if you see it as anything more than that then you're insecure and anxious.

>> No.14351840

i just wanna fuck girls that i hate and hold hands with the girl i love

>> No.14351850

There is no redemption.

>> No.14351858

>he thinks blacks are particularly oppressed
must be brutal getting preferential treatments for schools and jobs

>> No.14351876
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I miss holding hands with somebody. It's really nice.

>> No.14351883

I wanted to spare you all my unsolicited schizo ramblings, but here goes.
Well, there are the results of this plan. The increased rate of suicide, the low wages, the decrease in education rates, the increased rate of overdoses(men at twice the rate of women), the increased rate of anxiety and depression. The decrease in sexual activity among men, the lack of communities built around and for men. The attack on their way of life. All but the last point is statistically supported.

The coup de grace is the effort to ignore how men are effected or blame them for being he cause of these issue. I implore you to google the opiod epidemic by gender. Universally it will say that women are more effected by men. 32k men od'd last year compared to 15k women. Men kill themselves at a much higher rate(3x), yet every single depression medication commercial will feature a woman. Google Anxiety and Depression on a fresh account. Look at which gender is most featured in the thumbnails of news articles.
This entire concept of toxic masculinity is an attack on traditional male behaviors, even if they are not directly harmful while feminine traits are not only celebrated, it is encouraged that men adopt these traits. Their entire way of life is questioned and demonized, and if you want an invitation to this new liberal order, then you must conform to the feminization of the male.
But all that is just data collection. You already know about that shit, what you really want is the glue holding it together.

And I don't fucking know. That's the worst part. I've been blessed enough to be able to converse with other dudes and make them aware of these facts and they've been surprisingly receptive(there's an untapped reservoir of anger in the modern male I've noticed), but because I can't pin down the catalyst I can't figure out what direction I should push us in. Just feels pointless to know this stuff.
I thought I was being schizo desu, when this was nothing but unrefined suspicion. However, after talking to a lot people at my uni my ideas aren't as fringe as I thought. The next decade will be one worth watching for sure.
>It's another "anon refuses to acknowledge the importance of generational wealth and contacts on the success of future generations" episode
Jesus Christ.

>> No.14351912
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>> No.14351920

The supposedly benign cist on my balls has grown to be equal in size to the ball on which it is grown. Cooming actually causes pain. I cannot find a urologist in my area who will see me about it. I fear for my health and future

>> No.14351940

>>It's another "anon refuses to acknowledge the importance of generational wealth and contacts on the success of future generations" episode
>Jesus Christ.
Every statistic possible is manipulated to represent non-whites as significantly poorer when it really isn't the case. There's little generational wealth for every group outside the richest Americans, which aren't particularly divided along racial lines, unless you count Jews as a race.

>> No.14351979

go to a dermatologist

>> No.14351992
File: 552 KB, 1280x1401, tumblr_paw240yKUX1tpqypmo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who says that creepy can't be cute?

>> No.14351993

Whats a dermatologist gonna do about it? Its inside the ball sack and literally attatched to the testicle directly. Doctors tell me its a cist of hardened, dead, sperm. Cooming really is a curse

>> No.14352000

You're assuming colonialism has ended

>> No.14352004

its like ur being haunted by the ghosts of potential children spunked out over the years

>> No.14352017
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>> No.14352040

I wish I could see you again. I truly mean it.

>> No.14352050

dont get mad anon
find a girl, settle down, have a kid. boy or girl, spoil that kid rotten
its the only way to atone

>> No.14352060

Me too but it’s a different girl

>> No.14352063

I've occasioned her some. She is cold. She talks as if she's imitating some personality that she is not.

>> No.14352066

I dont know if I can. My last gf noticed the ball growth and it was less than half the size then. And I dont know if i'm sterile. Its really fucking me up

>> No.14352068

>it’s a different girl
I sure hope so

>> No.14352073
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I don't want to write a ten page fucking bullshit essay after doing all my fucking finals and everything else. School is a meme. I've learned far more from running a business and reading non fiction but noooooooo employers want you to be a good boy because they're all a bunch of retarded normie faggots that don't know what education is.

>> No.14352077
File: 107 KB, 361x370, Scared Skeletor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have to write four graduate-level philosophy papers, three of them 15-20 pages long, within the next five days, and I've been at it the past two days. Please wish me luck. In my previous school I would write just three papers of that length with longer time to do it. This is a lot of work.

>> No.14352093

ok nevermind I thought it was a regular cyst not some weird pervert thing

>> No.14352114


>> No.14352147

it's like A Picture of Dorian Grey but with a deteriorating nut instead of a painting

>> No.14352155

Another night lost to anxiety. I have to work in four hours.

>> No.14352214
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If I have to end up with doherty or one of the veges or one of their dumbass idiot friends, I will break down and cry. None of them are even close to you.

>> No.14352220
File: 33 KB, 300x300, 1397320615366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucked up some things at work and now I'm scared of getting fired. They got pretty pissed at me. I have 20k in savings and live in my parents basement so I don't think anything actually bad will happen, but I'm still pretty upset.

>> No.14352259

I wish she was my girlfriend

>> No.14352278

What do you do, anon?

>> No.14352301

The library jewed me out of like 20$. I intend to steal a book to make up for this theft. I have no idea how. I'm really afraid. But justice demands I persevere, else the bureaucratic devils win.

>> No.14352305

Please do not do that.

>> No.14352317

Pleas were not heard when they stole 20$ from me due to their incompetence. I will not take it lying down.

>> No.14352325

Steal a book that is dear to all the librarians: perhaps Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban?

>> No.14352326

You and me both bud

>> No.14352328

How did they steal $20?

>> No.14352342

I returned books. I check a month later and see I've a bunch of fines. The library devils claim I didn't return my books. I literally went and found the books I supposedly still had on their shelves and showed it to them but they still demanded I pay their unjust fines. Now I will take what is mine as recompense.

>> No.14352346

Just consider it as an 'involuntary donation'.

>> No.14352358

Key their car or set it on fire.

>> No.14352372
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Is the biggest problem in the world a lack of willing to understand each other? Most people won't even stop to consider somebody else, or their points of view. They just often jump to (sometimes incorrect) assumptions and conclusions. It seems that few are interested in sitting down and conversing about whatever the cause of the clash may be. It's very frustrating.

>> No.14352374

I used to be really conscientious as a kid, go to bed early, wake up early, do my homework, etc. Eventually after becoming severely depressed due to not fitting in I just sort of... gave up. I coasted through high school and college (it took me five years to get an associates degree) and now at 25 I think that 'executive' part of my brain is permanently broken. I fucking hate myself. I'm sick of waking up to my shitty call center job. I hate myself for not being better. I was on Adderall for about a year and that helped. I think I need to get back on it. I think if I was a happier kid with more encouraging parents that part of my brain wouldn't be broken. But it is and I hate myself for it. You might be thinking "oh he's just making excuses" and you're probably right, but I fucking suck and can't fix it. I'm destined for shitty low tier customer service/restaurant jobs not because I'm stupid (I scored in the 98th percentile iq during my ADHD examination), but because my executive functioning is broken. I'm a lazy piece of shit and I can't not be a lazy piece of shit and I have no friends and I hate my family for ruining me with their mediocrity and I hate myself for not being able to take responsibility for myself and my actions and I should just go to bed but I can because I hate m

>> No.14352381

Most people are incapable of logical thought. Your mistake is thinking they can reason along the thread of the conflict to understand it.

>> No.14352385

People should always consider things from others' point of view and try to balance the majority and minority opinion on any given issue. Do you really expect people to give their life to someone else they barely spoke to and have no interest in just to make you happy? How freaking selfish and stalker-like can you be?

>> No.14352386

Some absolute cunt was shocked when she saw my flip phone. Said she hadn't used one since her teens. It wasn't that she was trying to shame me, more that she strongly felt I should feel ashamed without her prompting. She doesn't understand why I do this and I could never care about her enough to tell her.

She is part of a group of people I once considered champions. It has been one of the greatest disappointments of my life to actually meet them.

>> No.14352387

Someone I spoke to probably ONCE. ONCE!!!

>> No.14352451

Resonate with this.

>> No.14352457

my gf is out of town and i'm so fucking horny

>> No.14352470

Maybe I can be your girlfriend tonight....

>> No.14352481

I hope he likes seven foot tall beaner transexuals.

>> No.14352493

Well y'know, there's somebody for everybody.

>> No.14352500

Yeah, I hope you feel as bad as I do. For all you've put me through and mocking me on top of that. I wish your whole family was underground.

>> No.14352503


>> No.14352693

We think this but in the end we're just like the rest of them, apes flinging shit as soon as emotion takes over

>> No.14352708

Good luck anon, don't think about it too hard and simply do (which means, above all, not getting yourself worked up by looking at this board). I have to write about 10 pages in the next 22 hours myself. I want to commit suicide!

>> No.14352715

Consciousness is absurd, was a mistake.

>> No.14352730

I'm called an "accountant" but I'm really more like a bookkeeper

>> No.14352744

she wants the D

>> No.14352779

Thanks for your support anon. I wish you luck with your own paper in turn. Please don't suicide. You can do this. I've been distracted the past few hours but I'm going to focus now. Thanks again.

>> No.14352911

I wish i wouldnt be so self aware

>> No.14352996

I just hung out with my sister for the first time. I'm crying lads. It's too much. I can't believe j didn't know she was my sister am this time. Lads I'm crying here

>> No.14353011

She have nice feet?

>> No.14353020

A lot of people are frustrated about the state of the world. Disenfranchised and fearful, it seems these mental-substances have built up and they have nowhere to go. In the past or at least the past as it was recorded it always seemed like there was a convenient scapegoat responsible for the ills that pained us as a community and yet today there is not a definitive one that can be found. You'd be regarded with a sneer and a scoff if you tried to change the way things are. Everything is perfect on paper. We have achieved the cusp. And still it doesn't feel right. It seems like every wrong in the world has been ground to a fine dust and sown into the atmosphere like spores, generating an invisible mist of enervation that permeates all things, a mycelia of resentment, the world is breathing it day in and out. The sediment builds up glacially until it has infested every ounce of the body. And then it explodes violently without something particular to lash out at, aimless and indiscriminate. The spores disseminated further. Where are these frustrations supposed to be directed? Maybe it was always like this. I just don't know.

>> No.14353022

That's really sweet, anon. I hope that you get along well and make up for lost time!

>> No.14353054

all around my mind is skull

>> No.14353103

What if when children are raised, instead of parents raising them in the conventional childhood, (toys, happy people/animals, and child friendly media), parents give their child the realest rundown they can give about the real world. But with this information given, instead of them becoming hopeless or sad, challenge them to find comfort or happiness in their given existence. I find this option much better than making a child find comfort in a fabricated and sugarcoated world, that you will be later forced to abandon anyways.

>> No.14353105

ok boomer

>> No.14353112

That wouldnt work so well.

>> No.14353292
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A butterfly does land on me
Flying lightly, fast and free
It settles down upon my finger
And for a while it does linger
'til flying off somewhere afar
To leave me wanting to jump in front of a car.

>> No.14353296


>> No.14353309

You don’t have to go to college.

>> No.14353317

'm tired.
I'm sure God exist. I mostly believe Jesus exists. ( Like 87% sure ).

But I don't now what they are attending to me.

So I'm waitin' !

>> No.14353319

Do you want to be a lawyer or a doctor? No? Then college can be circumvented with work experience, it's just you need to spend more time in pleb jobs.

>> No.14353321

Does everything happen according to Gods will? If so then free will doesnt really exist.

>> No.14353327

Conscientiousness is gay. It never gets anyone anywhere. Do you think everyone is playing fairly? Cheat. If you reap what you sow, "hard work" reaps you dog shit.

>> No.14353335

I fantasize about deserving love more than I fantasize about being loved. I like her and she likes me but we're rarely on the same planet. She will never need me and it'd be best for everyone if I don't allow myself to need her. The sorrow leaps up inside me at random and I don't understand it. I don't understand anything much.

>> No.14353372

How I'm currently going through my second David Foster Wallace phase my first phase being the use of his work as a polemic against society which was a result of a narcissistic immaturity of my teenage years when I first encountered him. This time seeing that I myself I'm not safe.

>> No.14353380

why, my peanus weenus of course :)


it's my weeeeeenus peanus! hahah :)

ITT: Write what's on your mind - my answer, of course, my peanus weenus :D


>> No.14353538
File: 79 KB, 598x480, 4cf4060b-da6a-41a6-8d72-c45608a4e7a0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm the only one in the family that hasn't had a gf. I feel happy for them but envy at the same time. We moved three different countries but I felt the brunt of it because I was old enough to remember having to make new friends in 3 different countries and languages; me being an outsider where everyone had their own friend group and me being shut out because our parents commanded so much of us yet gave so little

I could die tomorrow and my parents would get over it after a few days. I want to get out of the house but don't have enough money nor does my degree finish for another two years.

Fuck I wanna leave so bad

tldr parents didnt love me enough, woe is me

>> No.14353545

>We moved three different countries but I felt the brunt of it because I was old enough to remember having to make new friends in 3 different countries and languages
Air Force brat?

>> No.14353672

>implying most people don't have their own shit to worry about most of the time
What a lack of willing to understand you display. How presumptuous.

>> No.14353674

How do you guys know what to write when trying to depict a scene? Like I understand that you focus on smells, sights, sounds, etc., but how do you get to the point where you know what you're describing? Do you close your eyes and try to imagine what it's like, or do you just improvise?

>> No.14353697

I have the opposite problem. I have had a overactive visual imagination all of my life, I even thought of writing fantasy at one point because of the strange lands and scenes that often just pop up in my mind's eye. The trouble I have is that my visions are so vivid that I tend to want to over-explain so as not to miss any details. The problem is that those details don't really work once I begin writing, they may seem vivid and pregnant with meaning when they suddenly pop up in a daydream out of nowhere, but once confined to a narrative they lose lustre. What I do is, I try to identify the core emotion that the scene carried for me and try to reconstruct the particular feeling conveyed by the imagery rather than attempt an awkward 1:1 reproduction.

As for you issue, have you tried closing your eyes and listening to different kinds of music? I find that often stimulates my imagination.

>> No.14353716
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>> No.14353990

Do I have to sacrifice clarity of mind for tiny crumbs of emotion?

>> No.14354138

I don’t like showing any kind of affection. Whenever I show anything, I feel like I’m extending my fingers against my will, and with full force ripping into my chest, breaking my ribs and tearing through tissue, to retrieve something inside of me. I grab it, and my hand makes the painful journey back.

That sounds gay. Because God forbid, you are not ironic and actually put any value in anything these days. God forbid if anything worries you or you actually care about something.

We are afraid of being genuine and vulnerable. Because it feels that nothing matters, and we are afraid of putting the small amount of vulnerable emotions that we have into nothing and them wasting away. We want to take the small amount of seeds that we have and plant them them in somewhere - see them flourish and be rewarded for our hard work, but it kinda sucks when you are in the middle of the Sahara desert.

>> No.14354233

strange, most of people here want clarity instead of emotion

>> No.14354282

I feel little pleasure since then with few exceptions

>> No.14354288

I guess you could say I was desensitized

>> No.14354292

>Write what's on you are mind
We poop in a society

>> No.14354368

If the last ~75% of my life has been spent in varying degrees of depression, am I still depressed or is this just who I am now? Is the possible long term damage of medication and the narrow spectrum of emotion and motivation I experience a fair compromise from the erratic swings from brokenhearted grief to slightly above mediocre happiness and drive? Why does nothing provoke a positive reaction /emotion in my life? Why do I focus on health and fitness when I don't enjoy it one bit anymore?
why am I looking at that objectively expressionless face in the picture and feel envious of her? Why do I experience no relief from crying but still kinda want to? why why why

>> No.14354390

used to be bipolar?

>> No.14354936

Why is it that ethnic minorities (in the US at least) have a much higher degree of social cohesion than white people who align simply based on class?

Why do Asians and Hispanics care for their elderly personally while whites are happy shipping them off to assisted living facilities (full of uneducated and often abusive "care providers" under the "supervision" of maybe 1 nurse) to rid themselves of the burden of family?

>> No.14355505


>> No.14355561

i have been in a rollercoaster this last year went from being a completely functional human being with a future ahead, friendship and a reasonable social life to being kicked out of uni all that tied up to my sistem of belif that i cant know if i can really on anymore of if i ever could now i dont really know what to do

>> No.14355570

what happened anon?

>> No.14355611

Liberalism and Protestants

>> No.14355622

Anglos have always been extreme outliers in terms of low clannishness.

>> No.14355746

The nineteenth/early twentieth century version of it has definitely ended. It's no longer a racial system - black elites are fully complicit in what's called "Neo-colonialism".

A black "triumph narrative" would therefore have to be a narrative of black triumph against their own greedy despotic rulers, not white racism.

There's not a single African or Caribbean country that's still ruled by a white minority with official racial privileges.

>> No.14355828

the irony is that everyone comes to this insight eventually.
yet it will never change

>> No.14355872

All of the West is a fucking joke now worshiping Israel.

>> No.14355892

I'm really glad to be a sotapanna working on second path, and it seems as if the goal is near to me. I'm also glad to have some part of the knowledge and conversation of the holy guardian angel, and the ability to investigate that too.

I hope I can attain to arhantship or become an angel of the lord in my lifetime, and live out my life as something of a holy man. It is pleasing to me to do so.

>> No.14355904

who knows

>> No.14355914

Why can't I write anymore. I don't mean write well, I mean at all. I used to be able to conceive of things, now I just sort of can't.

>> No.14355931
File: 219 KB, 1188x894, 0_lQpoNX5usOudWYIc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does Bratty still LARP that her life is a Godard film?

>> No.14355948

What season of monogatari is this?

>> No.14356268

Is there literally any difference between a dictionary and an encyclopedia of specific subjects?

>> No.14356321

Sometimes I wish I were a machine and not the neurologically messed up creature I actually am. It would simplify a lot of of problems. People would not act harshly towards me because they don't understand my problems. My family wouldn't. They would not get upset at me for things and compulsions I cannot help. They would not lash out at me after me somewhat freaking out because I don't like being lightly touched. They would not say, "I'm his grandmother I'm supposed to be different" and then get even more upset and threaten to not speak to me ever again because of it. I felt mentally abused and I don't think it was fair. She took it personally and then brought up how my ex-girlfriend used to lightly touch me (she didn't after I told her I liked firmer touches and not even in a sexual way). That made me angry and I slammed my fist down on a pile of books in anger.

I don't understand why she doesn't understand. Even acquaintances I know and talk to about this will correct it and understand it for me.

>> No.14356659

i was put on this shitty rock to play video games, read some good books and erp with other generates, nothing can convice me otherwise

>> No.14356673

>and erp with other generates
Go on.....

>> No.14356724

The idea that there is no right person out there for me in a romantic sense is often on my mind.
I don't know how much overlap i have subconsciously between "the right person for me" and "the one", because "a right person for me" is what i have in mind. I know i'm not getting back together with one of my exes (who sort of set the bar). I can't connect to any girl, and deep down i want girls to do things the way she did.
Can't teach an old dog new tricks. My grandma's a bit of a cunt, and i solved that problem by being standoffish and argumentative for years. Sow the wind, reap the whirlwind. My dad basically let her have her way his whole life, appeased her but ignored her demands (after he moved out). Dad's wife noted that she picks her words a lot more carefully when talking to me and that he doesn't get that luxury. Bottom line, be an asshole to an asshole, no other way to set a boundary, in my experience. Grandpa also lets her get away with way too much, but he's a lot like me, and when he raises his voice once she backs down.

>> No.14356832

Why is /lit/ such a magnet for off-topic threads? Do idiots come here believing that they can become smart through osmosis or something?

>> No.14356925

the first cumshot landed squarely on David Foster Wallace's bandana. He roared with indignation and seized forward to face his enemy, eyes blazing with New Sincerity. Harold Bloom stood smirking across the room, turkey gobbler waggling ever so slightly with satisfied amusement. The renowned fantasy author gripped his almost non-existent penis, and with a lightning quick yank sent another gob of spunk invigorated by the wisdom of the classics towards the younger writer. This time Wallace was prepared; he ducked, and placed his hand on his own shaft for a returning volley, but found himself insufficiently aroused. He quickly leafed through his mental arsenal for spank material and conjured the memory of himself hurling a chair at his ex-wife. With a now stiff dick, he launched a load of his own towards the fat man, who was caught off guard-
Pynchon stood up from his typewriter and retired for the night.

>> No.14357056
File: 87 KB, 348x240, apu crying.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blest be the Lamb, my dearest Lord,
Who bought me with his blood,
And quenched his Father's flaming sword
In his own vital flood:

The Lamb that freed my captive soul
From Satan's heavy chains,
And sent the lion down to howl
Where hell and horror reigns.

>> No.14357120

But why

>> No.14357392

sort of---less so

>> No.14357591
File: 110 KB, 1288x1288, 2CDAA241-A326-4427-9F72-BFB071B1F732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

About 3 months ago a friend of mine told me a girl he knows on campus told him that she thinks I'm attractive and that she wanted to "seduce" me. She never actually did anything though and I'm a pussy (I think if a girl was crouched down with my dick in her mouth I would be afraid to move) but I worked myself up over for so long I think I actually have the nerve to speak to her now. Should I try talking to her or has the moment passed? I feel like holden when he constantly thinks about calling up Jane all the time but never actually does it. Something is holding me back and I ca't quiet place what it is.

>> No.14357617

I'm trying to write a book and I have a clear idea of what it's about but I'm having a lot of trouble building it out past the skeleton. I've wanted to write a book since I was a child and I've quite a bit to write about and I truly believe my work will be at least somewhat interesting, but i often feel as though I am forcing words to come out and they must read rather stilted. I get this way when trying to create any kind of media, whereas when I am just thinking or speaking, words and ideas flow rhythmically and spontaneously in a way that people at least pretend to find somewhat impressive. What can I do about this other than continuing to trudge through until I've found comfort in a groove and no longer get paralysis by analysis?

>> No.14357624

just do it, senpai
you'll always regret not taking a chance, but you'll never regret taking the chance and being shot down

>> No.14357662

ask yourself this question: why should you ever give a fuck what a woman thinks for any reason? the thought that that she'll judge you harshly, isn't this what paralyzes you with fear? if you get rid of that, won't you be free to act?
embrace the cringe, anon
accept that no matter what you do you'll fuck it up and it'll be embarrassing and she'll think you're weird and probably a bit of a sperg. whether you act or don't act, this will happen, because you're too inhibited to play the cool chad bro who already knows what to say to girls in the event that you do act, and of course if you don't she'll think it's because you're a pussy. but that's okay, because maybe beyond that there's still the hope that she won't think you're too weird or too quiet or too shy and you'll be able to enjoy each other's company in the end
or maybe you won't and she'll be too put off and that'll be that for you two, but you'll still learn from this experience and the idea of failure won't be such an imposing monolith in your mind but rather just an annoying setback, "it was embarrassing but the world didn't end, the sky didn't fall down and the voice of god didn't ring out across the land calling me a faggot for trying, i just felt like a bit of a dunce for a day or two"
but you'll never accomplish anything when you're paralyzed with fear at the thought of social judgement. there's no trait more deserving of contempt and disgust than to worry for even a solitary nanosecond about what a bunch of dumb fucking thots think about anything, least of all you

>> No.14357722

wow anon, you literally described me
rip us i guess
try and find stuff that brings your life meaning, maybe that could help.
maybe something likr volunteering will help you feel better about yourself.

>> No.14358042

>live in a shitbox, a very cheap shitbox
>depressingly shitty
>look at other apartments
>either they're ridiculously expensive, or mildly expensive but just as shitty as my current place
the hell with it all. the rent is too damn high. i'll just be straight staying here counting the extra $400 a month in my bank account like scrooge mcduck. the hell with it all. i'm gonna buy a shelf, since my primary gripe is the lack of storage. a fucking $30 shelf, and I'll tuck this 400 a month away. fuck it. okay.

>> No.14358053

iktf. got screwed out of $70 and $20 respectively from companies. if they say you owe them more money you can't do shit about it, they'll tank your credit. it's a fucking mafia. easier to pay the sods off.

I falsify my hours at work so my employer pays for it anyway.

>> No.14358056
File: 22 KB, 280x291, pink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're all (not) gonna make it.

>> No.14358060

what are some good resources/places to find part-time jobs?
i wanna work half-day Saturday to get some extra side income. something like a morning shift, 8-12, or a 6 hour shift.
i already have a fulltime job. im realistic enough to know that working Sat+Sun or working a full Sat shift will eventually break my sanity.
anyone have any experience doing free lance writing?

>> No.14358077

>recent bouts of medical issues and various pain as a reminder that my body will inevitably decline, and slam hard due to certain permanent injuries from being neglected when i was developing
>a soul imprisoned in a rotting flesh prison
>every day i think that suicide is inevitable and i probably have until ~50 or so before the agony-pleasure makeup of my life tips so far towards agony that life is no longer worth living
>am nothing but resentful about it all

antinatalists are right. life is torture.
>employers are all like, look at our 401k match, save for retirement
>have all this money stolen out of my paychecks for social security that, supposedly, i get back when i'm old, except i'll be dead by then
>never offered any choice to opt out of this shitty program
>my retirement is a bullet
thanks boomers. taxation IS theft, btw.

>> No.14358159
File: 69 KB, 300x460, 35038FEF-2BDE-4031-8683-AF86536B1A1C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna be a 13th century minnesinger, and I can’t deal with it anymore

>> No.14358256

I'm depressed and bored. I'm lonely as well.

>> No.14358261

haha i keep thinking the same thing about the agony-pleasure balance, and i sometimes think that i'll be one of those depressed old men that commit suicide in horrific ways.

>> No.14358278

Maybe you're just very depressed.

>> No.14358281

I wish that was me.

>> No.14358286

from what i've read, bipolar doesn't just go away. it's with you forever.

>> No.14358296

Is it bad if it took me six years to get an Associates?

>> No.14358302

I fucking did it. I fucking prevailed. I won. Fuck you life in your stupid gay fuck ass, I got fucked up became a crippled got some risky surgery done, survived, did physical therapy recovered and got back on my bicycle. I got back on today after two days of dread and contemplation and hesitation and fear. I cleaned her up, tuned her up, bought the pieces I needed and mounted her. I mounted the bike and flew again, I fucking flew and felt the breeze in my face and through my hair and felt so free again. I prevailed and now i know I can do whatever I must to continue to prevail. I'm on track to be the /fitlit/God I was meant to be. My path was out of reach but never out of sight and through the muck and fog of dread and doubt I crawled through the shit and made it back. I made it back and I found her lying in the road where I left her with the wheel still spinning, how long was I gone? How long was I down? Where have I been? That doesn't matter now, I fucking prevailed. I did it with no support for any of the fucks who doubted me and talked me down and tried to dissuade me every step of the way. Fuck yeah.

>> No.14358346

Good luck getting into management though. Not saying it's for everybody but if you want to get past a certain point you'll need to have that piece of paper.

>> No.14358353

Oh hell yeah who’s ready for another round of limerence?

>> No.14358476

I can't hold your hand over the internet, but I wish that I could.

>> No.14358517

>Nothing going on in life
I have nothing to write about and if I do it is akin to trash.
>Create my own problems and issues that I could easily avoid
My writing flourishes and I feel the need to express my feelings and express my frustrations not only with this world but with myself. I really hate this, especially when most of my writing heavily relies on very strong emotions.
Thank you for reading my blog.

>> No.14358601

I blacked out drunk walking home to grab smokes after leaving my friends at 11pm, it should of been a 3 minute walk but I discovered i got home 3 hours later. I woke up the next day covered in grass spurz, without my shoes or bag or phone but still with my money and my feet torn up. Still trying to figure out what the fuck happened lol

>> No.14358612

wow you guys are still hung up over her
get a fucking life

>> No.14358832

I have never felt triumph

>> No.14358852
File: 45 KB, 185x203, DC138F3B-D280-4033-AD55-6FB826AA0DB1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>too busy working on my capstone thesis project and begin neglecting other work
>have to write a 10-page philosophy paper about technology
>start and finish it with only 2 hours to submit
>only have 8 pages, half the required arbitrary number of sources, and I don’t even format anything
>say some dumb shit about how social media is destroying wilderness areas due to geotagging and how our minds are now perceiving the world differently in an analogous way to when mankind began to do the same thing with the development of Writing in the era of Socrates
>still get a 90%

Modern American Universities are a goddamn joke and they know it. Perhaps I am a joke too.

>> No.14358875
File: 64 KB, 500x750, 1534998595331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to kill so many fucking people during the 2nd American Civil War.

Legally and lawfully.

>> No.14358877

I want to start fucking writing. It's Christmas vacation and I sometimes get tired of reading and or browsing this place and want to do something.
And I know that I want to write.
I have the entire story in my head and if I don't start writing I'm just going to build up retarded storylines and pervert the original idea even further.
I don't know how I should start writing.
Most of the books I have read until now start really blunt, as if you're supposed to know what happened before the book started, while you obviously don't.
It should be a sentence that can be analysed for ages and people will never truly know what your original intentions were with writing that sentence. I wish I knew what that sentence would be for me. I want to start writing now before I start having work days again and life's hell where I can't do anything other than work.
Please anons, help me. All I have written right now is an experimental use of an "Ancient Tongue" that I conjured up for the story and some names for settings and such.

>> No.14358880

>2nd American Civil War.
So, never?

>> No.14358890
File: 87 KB, 850x522, I Used To Be A Little Boy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're right.
It has never happened before and it will never happen again.

The culture war spinning out of the Federal Governments control isn't a sign of a failed state at all - you're right, Anon.
I need to humble myself before your wisdom.

>> No.14358899

Oh shit.
This isn't /his/.

My bad.

>> No.14358902

u will die

>> No.14358913
File: 1.86 MB, 300x164, 1492211357057.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm cool with that.
I just want to kill as many corrupted Federal Agents as I can.


>> No.14358919

>I need to humble myself before your wisdom.
Good, know your place.

>> No.14358920
File: 1.03 MB, 700x1000, 1524702087682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mock me today - for tomorrow I shall rule you with an iron rod.

>> No.14358925

Dumb frogposter

>> No.14358931

I'll rule you with my dick.

>> No.14358938
File: 37 KB, 2136x2136, 1534180194930.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14358948

I don't get it.

Is this porn?

>> No.14358965

You're too dull and stubborn in the head, lad.

Good luck.

>> No.14358975

I've learnt to live without their respect and acceptance. One day I'll be a success and they all come back to suck at my teet when in fact I'll tell them to suck my ass.

>> No.14358984
File: 1.67 MB, 3255x4639, crucifixion 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People that strongly believe in god are fucking dumb and probably have some form of psychosis.

>> No.14358991
File: 560 KB, 2048x1536, 1534801590809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're right.
We should make sure that all psychologists and psychiatrists are atheists.

>> No.14358999


>> No.14359005

The 2nd American Civil War will fix this.

>> No.14359013

Is this loss?

>> No.14359047

Don't post her again or I'll have to take care of you personally.

>> No.14359536

How can you love others if you dont love yourself? Thats my answer when someone asks why im single.

>> No.14359645
File: 360 KB, 750x733, BA4BAD3D-5B1A-4B69-93DF-DC211040D63A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14359649

Why should I love myself if others don't love me?

It obviously says a lot about my value.

>> No.14359663


>> No.14359759

It certainly says that you're dependant on other people approval.

>> No.14359768

I've had a friend for nearly twenty years now. She's here, living in the same house as me and I can't seem to put into words how much she means to me. Her entire existence is just a flicker in a windstorm and she means more to me than anything else in the world. I've flown through thunderclouds, walked on mountain ranges, traveled countries, piloted a fishing boat through a storm in midnight. All of it pales in comparison to the feeling I get when I'm near her. There is no thrill, there is no person who makes me feel the way she does. I don't know how to tell her that.

>> No.14359772

Others wont love you if you treat yourself like shit, you will annoy them in the long run.
t. self-loathing cunt.

>> No.14359773

Yeah, but as long as I keep getting it there's no problem.

>> No.14359778

Are you in love, or do you just have a very strong friendship?

>> No.14359793

What type of panties does she wear?

>> No.14359829

I don't know.

>> No.14359860

sounds like you're crushing hard

>> No.14359923

Don't keep yourself in limbo, anon. Come clean and live with the consequences.

>> No.14359961


>> No.14359977

Really any neighbourhood in a major city with cheap enough rent to support millennial owned small businesses. If you are in Toronto, go to Little Portugal, for example.

>> No.14359990
File: 982 KB, 500x375, 9C7873D0-6342-4DF5-AB3B-598110936478.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can already feel myself pussying out on my well-formed conviction I spent all weekend growing to actually talk to (her) today. I'll just walk past like every other day.

>> No.14360089

Good taste in robotgirls at least, anon.

>> No.14360095

Are henry james short stories just hard or am I retarded? I got portrait no problem

>> No.14360106

>I'll just walk past like every other day
If you do I'll laugh at you for being a retard.

>> No.14360115


>> No.14360117

This thread is full of posts which aren't what's actually in people's minds. It's psueds posting an insincere version, hoping they don't sound like pseuds, whilst everyone ignores the other posts.

>> No.14360128

Why the hell did you pay it? You should've walked straight out.

>> No.14360136

It's impossible to be sincere you literal fucking retard
Try and prove me wrong, witness yourself

>> No.14360202
File: 198 KB, 960x1200, 1575493243567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want a PAWG GF even though I am not compatible with one.

>> No.14360239

Based, I want one too and I am compatible with them so wish me luck!

>> No.14360248

Anon there are hundreds of millions of girls out there that look like her. Just forget what anyone thinks of you and walk up to her like some retard and make her day.

>> No.14360262

poe is a shit writer who only had 1 good poem but gets circle jerked into oblivion as "the best american writer", despite Fitzgerald and Hemmingway existing

also, poe was a pedophile who diddled his cousin then murdered her when she couldn't have kids because he scared her vagina while molesting her as a child

>> No.14360303
File: 1.21 MB, 2716x1956, Prepare your boihole boi :DDDDDDD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At the beginning of October, I traveled from Panama to the US to visit my brother who's currently living in Michigan. And God damn was that the most gorgeous place I've ever set foot in. So much better than the bajillion times I've traveled to Florida. It's actually making me want to move there if I could.

But instead, I'm stuck here with shitty perpetual traffic jams and a climate that's a literal hazard to my health (I'm not kidding. I'm prone to cancerous sunspots due to incredibly pale skin.). So instead of whining about it, I've resolved to find a way to not only study in the US, but also find a way to immigrate there and live in Michigan.

I swear this has nothing to do with the fact that I have an unhealthy obsession with blondes.

>> No.14360330

No one thinks Poe is the best
Neither does anyone think Fitzgerald or Hemmingway are the best

>> No.14360440
File: 164 KB, 750x1334, E15C2C6F-CA10-48F9-BE02-E600AC916154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maine is better than Michigan
also black > brunette >>>>>>> garbage > blonde hair

>> No.14360508

>They just often jump to (sometimes incorrect) assumptions and conclusions.

>> No.14360676

>as long as I keep getting it
how long will it last?

>> No.14360697
File: 75 KB, 900x1200, 1544067893726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14360730

I resonate with the candor of this, thank you.

>> No.14360826
File: 32 KB, 300x300, 1EC69F63-0C43-47A7-800F-514CEBCCA20C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would like to but I just can't I fear interaction

>> No.14360901

Big titty goth gf.

>> No.14360966

I'm feeling very empty. Despite finally finishing the last exams of the semester, I'm not excited. This is typical. I ran out of cigarettes yesterday, and I won't be buying a new pack.

>> No.14361043

>tfw finally obtained big tiddy avant garde filmmaker gf

I’m not even sure how I got here but goddamn if I’m not gonna get a blowie while watching The Seventh Seal

>> No.14361085

You're fearing rejection. Anon, that's not something you can control. That shit is up to her, so don't worry about it. Chances are, she'll say no NOW vs saying no LATER.

>> No.14361121

What do you smoke anon?

>> No.14361236

Decided to start getting dressed every day even though I’m a neet who never leaves the house. It does make me a feel a bit better I think.

>> No.14361444

I bought a pack of Tiedemanns Rød rolling tobacco for a christmas party last weekend, and I've been smoking the remainder of that throughout the week. Blue Camel was my go to when I smoked regularly.

>> No.14361541
File: 8 KB, 283x178, 7A7BCAA5-8F5A-4B22-B07A-9A036D88FF56.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't seen her all day. Usually I see her when I walk between buildings for classes but I haven't. Whatever I guess.

>> No.14361775
File: 127 KB, 633x758, 7FF4627F-16DA-4681-B6C6-9FE14CB4B0A3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back at my dorm now. Everyday feels the same. The routine regret feels worse somehow

>> No.14361859

cute girl

>> No.14361875

Tee Tee Man threw a diseased diaper at the wall with his head. His terrible moaning had stopped bothering the neighbors. They had slowly tuned him out over the years, and their hearing was failing them anyway. His massive body was now covered in black feces. A small inflatable pool sat on the floor of his apartment, overflowing with hose water and soggy pieces of white bread. He barely remembered what anything in his living room looked like since he discovered his photon allergy. He defecated and screamed as he walked to the door, dropping his excrement from his hands into the pots and pans he had strewn across the white carpet. He knew he may be able to keep his security deposit if he was clean! He leaned his weight against the splintered boards which he used to block the hallway light that would otherwise get through the cracks in his front door.

Someone was knocking.

“Grocery delivery.”

It was his special time. Every once in a while a driver would come to him and leave food and water. He remembered a few phrases that the man spoke every time:

“Tee tee na na.” “Tee tee po pa.”

>> No.14362060
File: 1.82 MB, 1511x804, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Adding pictures to my blini kot folder is the only thing that brings me real joy these days. I am at about 130 now.

>> No.14362086

theres lava on the telly and some geezer points to the sky

>> No.14362112
File: 111 KB, 165x248, hmmm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lost my virginity to her yesterday... i got it over with quickly because i was afraid her mom would come home... i coomed inside... hmmm... last week been crazy... also not enough people respect hemingway as being a based writer... hopefully she dont lose feelings -____-... got a full ride into good college too but not that excited. i need to read more. cant lose myself with this girl... cant let her change me... ongod... let these finals end too...

>> No.14362135

I'm starting to really despise this town because it's really difficult to live here being "different", it's pretty much impossible here to get into a relationship or find somebody. Reading consumes most of my time anyways.

>> No.14362198
File: 336 KB, 452x678, 1571524196103.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Life exists by brutality. Once there were only men and nature, then we assigned a moral value to suffering.
The cautionary wrathful gods were replaced by merciful protectors. The instinct and assurance in the knowledge in our bloods were replaced by a nebulous omnipresent nanny picking your truth.
Man can't rule himself or make his own justice.
tl;dr I was born in the wrong generation

>> No.14362288

i want a cute girl to shit in my mouth

>> No.14362308

Steppe peoples were a bunch of Faustian edgelords. Go off yourself, brute. Only one among the steppe peoples was actually any good.

>> No.14362320

Called the university psych center last week to make an appointment. I spoke with the director who asked me the basic questions. She said she would give my number to one of their graduate students, who would be my therapist and that person would call me back as soon as that day. It’s now days later and no one has called. My heart was been racing since that first call, expecting the follow up each moment. And nothing. I got a call Friday that I was sure would be it, but it was a telemarketer. I called for my problems with anxiety and this is just compounding the torment. I feel cursed.

>> No.14362322

i started gambling on basketball games and have lost all interest in art and literature. i am a new man.

>> No.14362341

>Only one among the steppe peoples was actually any good.

>> No.14362357

Confessions of Fausto Majistral sucks and I don't know anything about Malta

>> No.14362516
File: 541 KB, 1280x989, 1280px-Kuoleman_Puutarha_by_Hugo_Simberg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Death comes all the same, and fear of its inevitability is what incurs the great sins of man. The powerful cause torment and trouble for the commonfolk because of this fear, but why bother fearing death at all? It is the one great equalizer that no being can escape. We were born from its bosom and shall return to it equally. No amount of cunning will outwit the reaper, no amount of money will bribe the pilot of the river Stix, and no amount of great deeds will keep karma away. Whether by cremation or natural decay, our bodies return to dust, our intellect and experiences sealed permanently, and our souls stay unproven. We return to whence we came, so why fear death?

>> No.14362796

but why bother doing anything?

>> No.14362943

Based. Hispanic guy here. Keep fighting the good fight.

>> No.14363037
File: 1.65 MB, 1266x1593, 1576200291176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm nothing without my job. I have no girlfriend, no social life, and spend all my money on entertainment and useless bullshit. We're working on this massive project and if I don't get shit done soon, the entire district network could come crashing down. I've done overtime almost every day the last two weeks and missed two weekly appointments with my therapist, but I don't know if it will be enough. The thought of being a NEET makes me want to inflict harm upon myself.

My dad sexually abused me until I was 16 and my mom and I moved to another state. I'm finally starting to realize his treatment is a big part of why I'm a complete pushover. I'm absolutely terrified of my boss. He could say the sky is red and I wouldn't challenge him on it.

I'm writing a fantasy romance novel. It's extremley juvenile and I don't anticipate any degree of success, but I think it'll be cathartic to finish. I think my therapist and one another person will read it.

>> No.14363049

I do the same.

>> No.14363085

everything belongs to its opposite
they all negate themselves
and I fall back into nothing

>> No.14363089

Gay nondualist nihilist.

>> No.14363111

I hate her. Absolutely despise her. I try to be forgiving and understanding, but I can't stand her. I now realize why I don't like her. We are completely different people. She likes entirely different things from me. Come to think of it, we barely have anything in common. We aren't religiously, politically or socially similar. Her music is different, her hobbies are different. She's immature, and she absolutely bores me no matter what she talks about. It's shit so trivial its upsetting. I despise her so much.

>> No.14363112

I can't take it anymore. Loneliness and lack of human companionship is worse than being forced with someone you find annoying.

>> No.14363159

Wish I had someone to cuddle coming home. I once thought that this was too base of a desire for someone who has thought himself to be smart and sophisticated but after all my grandiose pursuits in life I realize this is the most important thing to me. How pathetic...

>> No.14363161

cum and fear be in the dragon
happens not long before
inside the wardrobe behind the cunt
curtains to it all

>> No.14363199

how many times have you posted in these threads, I swear I've seen posts from some dude writing a fantasy romance novel for like a year now at least.

>> No.14363233
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It's been so long that I've almost forgotten how it feels. I guess the pillow will do until I think of a way out of this.

>> No.14363261

How could you be so foolish? This life is a lived experience.

>> No.14363318

same but I cant get her out of my head

shes so beautiful

>> No.14363436

show her this thread and see if she can pick out your reply

>> No.14363717

Everybody has an inner-voice but mine just keeps telling me to kill myself.

Is that normal?

>> No.14363744

Losing my faith has been hard, and it has been especially hard losing it alone

>> No.14363749

I often say "I want to die I want to die I want to die" and then I say "shut up" and then I say "kill myself" and then I say "shut up" and go back to what I was doing. the mythic unconscious of the west is suicidal.

>> No.14363753

last night i dreamt marrying a girl named evola wtf

>> No.14363765

have you had that dream where you marry hitler, too? or is it just me

>> No.14363785

no, not yet, perhaps

>> No.14363789

This is what I do. I got caught by a coworker once and they thought I was crazy

>> No.14363794

when will i stop impulsively spurging out and making myslef life miserable, how the fuck do you do it?

>> No.14364325

I spend all day exhausted and then midnight rolls around and I'm primed and ready to go. I'm agitated beyond belief.

>> No.14364355

I want to make a serious effort to change my life (for the better) or else an equally serious effort to end it. Tomorrow.

>> No.14364395

>a serious effort to change my life (for the better) or else an equally serious effort to end it.
that's a high-stakes game anon, i like your style
i wish you the best of luck in your endeavors, whatever they may be

>> No.14364514
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I want to ask this girl out at my uni and I thought up a creative way to do it. I would walk up to her and pretend to be deaf (we haven't spoken before I just go to the library sometimes to watch her) and ask her "Do you want to go out with me? Because I want to tongue punch your fart box" but in ASL. I learned a fair bit of sign language from a class I took in high school. She isn't deaf and I doubt she understands sign language. Would this be a good funny ice breaker or am I autistic?

>> No.14364551
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guys please give me some input on this idea

>> No.14364556

God isn’t real, and if he is, I’ll make him answer for his crimes.

>> No.14364574

you're autistic
i would go with something more conventional and less weird, women have a difficult time understanding humor in the first place

>> No.14364588

Then out spake brave Horatius,
The Captain of the Gate:
To every man upon this earth
Death cometh soon or late.
And how can man die better
Than facing fearful odds,
For the ashes of his fathers,
And the temples of his gods

>> No.14364644

i found some dude online who’s pretty similar to me. i emailed him and he emailed back. he seems cool

>> No.14364895
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Starting college next month, been out of it for 4-5 years. I'm very nervous. Which I know is normal, but me wanting to be in control as much as possible, i want to know if there is a way to control this nervousness. I want to be comfortable in an environment I've been out of for a long time. How do?

>> No.14364922

I should have been a philosophy major. I've been struggling to write good papers in history for years, and I'm in my final semester, but I just got done taking a political philosophy class and my professor pulled me aside the last day and told me that my "prose is beautiful" and that my "scholarship is impressive", and even said she thinks I should get my final paper published in an undergrad journal, and that she saved my paper for last because it was "a spectacular way to end the semester."

>> No.14364993

I love fucking huge tits and it is dominating my life. There is nothing like getting a pair of massive lightly oiled boobs and sliding in deep between the cleavage while looking straight in to her eyes. I spend hours on tinder going through thousands of profiles swiping on anyone with huge mams. I used to love slim girls but I don't even care if she is fat anymore, so long as she has tits to fuck I am game. Fat girls seem to get off on it more anyway, and although fatties are not my favourite they do seem to be more submissive than better looking girls. It is kinda funny when more attractive girls with huge tits finally clock on to the fact that you are not going to stick it in the pussy at all, you see them running all kinds of calculations in their heads is it them, is it me, whats the deal? I don't care, so long as I nut between her milktanks its all good. Titty fucking is just so relaxing, you never have to worry about if you are performing right, if she is feeling good, etc. Just feel the softness and shoot a load.

>> No.14365188

I’m trash and hate myself, too cowardly to do anything about it though.

>> No.14365237

"Vile!" cries the Watcher
spitting fumes and cracking clay
wringing hands affixed to anchors
shouting filth before he prays:
"Every chance forsaken - always!
dust and bone they'd kill to be!"
Watcher slumped against the hallway
closed his eyes and went to sleep

Ringing dreams of cluttered headaches
rooting inward Watcher's mind wakes
with a flash of speckled eyes
he dives his soul beneath and dies
to everyone the one-eyed loved
a phantom rope, an errant tug
against the nightmare periscope
our Watcher watches dying hope

He falters, screams "Not Yet!"
trips and scatters pins and pits
against far darker hollows lit
shaking, waking, soaked in sweat

Watch as Watcher watches grace
press against his furrowed face
draw a quarter, third, a half
grey-backed spiders mock and laugh

Synapse snapshots linger, wary
over Watcher's temporary
catacomb entrenched in cherry
vines of poison fangs sunk barely
down to flesh that snaps
wakeful knowledge, dawning tide!
"Begone from this my flesh and pride!
return to darkness creature -

>> No.14365251

If you're not joking you are severely mentally ill, if you are joking it's not very funny, idk

>> No.14365253


>> No.14365282

i want to make a telegraph handset that can be operated with my own asscheeks

>> No.14365438

It occurs to me I don't really dislike anyone. I am too sympathetic.

>> No.14365447

does she like rough sex

>> No.14365476

Over the last 10 years I've come to absolutely despise city living or cities in general.

I don't want love or fortune, my only current desire in this world is to gather the means and the ability to comfortably live closer to nature, less people the better.

>> No.14365487
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The Greeks were onto something with their obsession with physical exercise. It's been a bit over half a year since I began taking my health seriously, and I've gone from a fat, pizza-chugging, pack-a-day habit idiot, to a normal-sized guy with pretty damn decent cardiovascularity and stamina. I get off the treadmill after doing a couple of 7 minute miles, and think "eugh, I can do so much better", but then think back on myself a year ago and how I could barely run for a minute straight before collapsing.

You'd think that pursuing the physical is a moron's coping mechanism, but I find being more in contact with my body only makes it so much easier for me to isolate and concentrate on mental exercises. Mind and body really go hand in hand, and regularly working on both will dramatically enhance the intertwined magic of both. I wouldn't be able to perform the way I do in the gym if I didn't think about what I'm doing, and my improved diet and cardio has greatly improved my mental clarity and aspects such as temper and patience. Honestly, finally getting into the habit of taking care of my body is the best decision I've ever made.

>> No.14365502
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Life isn't going to get better is it?

>> No.14365510

We humans have an amazing ability to shape reality around us.

Is it going to get better by itself? I doubt it. Can you make it better if you try? Definitely.

>> No.14365518

better then worse then better then worse then better then worse then better then worse then better then worse then better then worse then better then worse then better then worse then better then worse then better then worse then better then worse then better then worse then better then worse then better then worse then better then worse then & so on

>> No.14365538

For you - yes
For me - no

>> No.14365564

We poop in a society

>> No.14365726

A lot of people on Reddit are very fake nice and it really shows and a lot of people on 4chan are retarded and it shows

Also internet tribalism is really fucking stupid

>> No.14365778

There's just too much death in my life.

>> No.14365860

retarded honesty > fake niceness

>> No.14366074
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shit fuck

dick bitch

>> No.14366098

you sound like a whiny bitch desu

>> No.14366111

I've had that one too

>> No.14366313

might aswell just link to my other post

>> No.14366319


>> No.14366324

Fuck it.

How does it feel to know you will never have a comfy administrative job being the bread-winner of the house and having a functional family.
You will never be in any position within the European Union bureaucracy and neither will you go to holidays in quiet little mediterranean towns instead of them being bombarded with tourists.
Wait, i'm projecting again.
I wish I was gentry, paupers shouldn't be allowed to procreate.

The wrong timeline, being aware means being angsty and that invites ridicule.

>> No.14366766

Don’t worry lads, pretty girls who are actually engaging do exist, you just gotta look hard and carefully for them.

>> No.14367196

this cabbage is sour