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/lit/ - Literature

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14338531 No.14338531 [Reply] [Original]

Favorite transgressive literature? I'm looking for some good shit.

>> No.14338672

who's the cunt?

>> No.14339232

Peter Sotos's work.

>> No.14339244

The Bible

>> No.14339274
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>> No.14339316

based, I would also add Burroughs and Bataille

>> No.14339409

Start with the Greeks.

>> No.14339531

Liveblog by Megan Boyle

>> No.14339533

I-is that supposed to be Bbataille?

>> No.14339556

Pic related, Bataille, Klossowski, Celine, Acker, Less Than Zero by Ellis, Burroughs, Black, Rimbaud, Genet. I’d say stick with Dennis Cooper’s novels rather than his poetry; that’s all just buttsex stuff that’s kinda outdated.

>> No.14339562

Really getting sick of newfags not even trying.

>> No.14339613

Dennis cooper

>> No.14340290

That isn't Land is it?

>> No.14340544

this guy looks like a mix of nick land and lovecraft.

>> No.14340621


Chuck Palahniuk is pretty good, if rather formulaic in his niche of transgressive fiction. Snuff, Survivor and Choke were decent reads. Pygmy was harder to swallow due to it being written entirely on engrish.

>> No.14342461

Pierre Guyotat

>> No.14342515

Tito Perdue is greatest living novelist in English Language and totally /ourguy

>> No.14342544


The Canonical Gospels, Thomas, Philip.

>> No.14342602
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>‘[Every] plant which my heavenly Father has not sown [shall be] rooted out.’1 Those who are separated shall be mated (and) [the empty] shall be filled. Everyone who [enters] the Bedroom shall be born in the Light. For they [are not begotten] in the manner of the marriages which we [do not] see, (which) are enacted by night, the fire (of which) [flares] in the dark (and then) is extinguished. Yet rather the Sacraments of this Marriage are consummated in the day and the light. Neither that day nor its light ever sets.
>If someone becomes a Son of the Bridal-Chamber, he shall receive the Light. If one does not receive it in these places, he will not be able to obtain it in the other place. He who has received that Light shall not be seen, nor shall they be able to seize him; nor shall anyone be able to disturb this one of this nature, even if he socializes in the world. And furthermore, (when) he leaves the world he has already received the truth via the imagery. The world has become eternity, because the fullness is for him the eternal. And it is thus revealed to him individually—not hidden in the darkness (or) the night, but rather hidden in a Perfect Day and a Holy Light.

>mfw people don't realize this is the most transgressive thing ever written

>> No.14342657

Tony Duvert