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14336680 No.14336680 [Reply] [Original]

I'm looking for good books about Orthodox Christianity. When it comes to Catholicism, it's very easy to know what to read, between the doctors of the Church, the Encyclicals, the lives of the Saints. What are the equivalent for Orthodox Christianity ? Also looking for books explaiining why the filoque is wrong and why there is no pope, only patriarch.
This is not a thread about conversion. And atheists be gone.

>> No.14336804
File: 761 KB, 1000x1000, begome orthodox.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Wilderness of God
The Mystical Theology of the Eastern Church
The Doctrine of Deification in the Greek Patristic Tradition
Fount of Knowledge - St. John of Damascus
On Difficulties in Sacred Scripture (Fathers of the Church Series) by St. Maximos the Confessor [read this before the next ones]
On the Unity of Christ by Cyril of Alexandria
On the Holy Spirit; and, On The Human Condition: St. Basil the Great
On God and Christ, The Five Theological Orations and Two Letters to Cledonius: St. Gregory of Nazianzus
On the Incarnation by Athanasius
Against Eunomius - Gregory of Nyssa
The Encyclical Letters of Saint Mark of Ephesus
The Life of Moses (Nyssa)
The Philokalia
If you can afford it: The Experience of God - Dimitru Staniloae
And to reinvigorate your disbelief in Christianity:
Pseudo-Dionyusius - Complete Works
Dionysius the Areopagite and the Neoplatonist Tradition: Despoiling the Hellenes

Orthodox - Study Bible
Plotinus- The Enneads
Plato - Complete Works

>> No.14336870

thanks fren

>> No.14337238

Can you recommend something on the essence-energies doctrine? Something that will argue convincingly for it?

>> No.14337251

Jesus christ you pathetic christian LARPers are so embarassing.

>> No.14337279

In what order would you read the Philokalia?

>> No.14337345

Pre-schism theologians and saints all belong to both Orthodox and Catholic traditions.

>> No.14337478

How do I into Eastern Orthodox Gnosticism? My ex-gf was a Gnostic Orthodox with very weird beliefs and I want to learn more about it.

>> No.14337577

That pic hits too close to home

>> No.14337876

If you want an interesting dialogue between an Orthodox theologian and Catholic philosopher on the essence/energy split between the Western and Eastern churches I would recommend Gregory Palamas' Triads. Lots of interesting stuff in there regarding monasticism, deification, hesychast prayer and Christian meditation, apophatic theology, the essence/energy division of God, the deifying light and interesting takes on hypostasis and Being itself. Would definitely give it a read. On another note I found a lot of helpful stuff in Palamas when it comes to Heidegger and German thinkers, can any anon perhaps offer insight into any possible connection or am I just looking too deeply into Palamas' ontology?

>> No.14337886

>"I wish the West had somebody like Putin"
This is what I don't stand from Orthodox Christianity, how much politics are mixed with the religion as an institution. Greece, Bulgary, Russia, Russian diaspora in Baltics, Ukraine... It's so politized.

>> No.14337888

What are you talking about. Stop throwing around Gnosticism like it is applied to anything with unconventional spirituality. I can absolutely guarentee your girlfriend was not a gnostic, idiot.

>> No.14337894

Everything is politicized in the modern world, you can't have some ideal of the non-political. The question is not whether it is wrong to be politicized, but who is the absolute authority.

>> No.14337914

a certain degree is acceptable. Politics affect all of us. It's reasonable that the Spanish bishops supported Francoism in the Civil War, since the other side was exterminating them. It's reasonable the Orthodox Church disliked the USSR regime... But the situation we are seeing in Ukraine is scandal. Churches whose main difference is where the big bearded guy lives, fighting for monasteries, with each government shilling for a certain church. Disgusting. What about the Russian diaspora in Baltic countries? When I entered a Latvian Orthodox church, there was not a single sign in Latvian. And people there only spoke Russian. It was like entering the Russian embassy. No integration, whatsoever.

>> No.14337923

Russians in Baltic countries barely ever bother to learn the official language in their respective countries.

>> No.14337953

exactly. Russians consider these tiny nations as colonies whose controle they ought to retake in the future, so they try shilling for Russian Orthodoxy, for they are the avant-garde of Russians in the Baltics.

You wouldn't say a Catholic church in the US is Mexico's embassy, right? Or that Saudi Arabia paying for mosques in Europe is perfectly normal, uh?

Orthodoxy is too politicized.

>> No.14338028

>What are you talking about.
Something you clearly have no knowledge one. Otherwise you would have made a normal response not filled with so much venom.

>> No.14338799


its hard to take the orthodox churches seriously when they are so politicized and "national". the catholic church has faults but there is no denying that a catholic church has a universal quality

>> No.14338947

>"However, what I found most interesting for the moment was Ware’s response to the question: “In what order should the different treatises in the Philokalia be read? Where should we begin?” It is to this question I would like to turn before going back to a discussion of various themes found in the writings as a whole. Ware states that it is probably not the best plan, so far as the Philokalia is concerned, to read the writings in chronological order from beginning to end. Rather, he suggests the following sequence “which corresponds in part, although not entirely, to the reading list supplied in a dream to the Russian Pilgrim by his dead starets, and to a similar list given by Fr. Nikon to the English translators of the Philokalia.” This list includes: (1) Kallistos and Ignatios Xanthopoulos, ‘Century’ (Philokalia 4, 197-295; ET Writings from the Philokalia on Prayer of the Heart, 164-270), (2) Hesychios, ‘On Watchfulness and Holiness’ (Philokalia 1, 141-73; ET 1, 162-98); (3) Evagrios, ‘On Prayer’ (Philokalia 1, 176-89; ET 1, 55-71); (4) ‘A Discourse on Abba Philimon’ (Philokalia 2, 241-52; ET 2, 344-57); (5) St. Symeon the New Theologian, ‘On Faith’ (Philokalia 5, 73-80; ET 4, 16-24); (6) Gregory of Sinai, ‘On the Signs of Grace and Delusion’; ‘On Stillness’; ‘On Prayer’ (Philokalia 4, 66-88; ET 4, 257-86). Ware notes that Kadloubovsky and Palmer in their translation “Writings of the Philokalia on Prayer of the Heart, open with the same four authors as on the Pilgrim’s list in the same order and add texts from Gregory of Sinai and Symeon the New Theologian."

>> No.14338966

Lossky's Mystical Theology of the Eastern Church deals with it well enough. If you want a very detailed argument for it though, try reading God, History, and Dialectic by Joseph P Farrell. Avoid everything else he has written apart from that and Free Choice in Maximus the Confessor though. He went full schizo.

Why would a holistic worldview not have an explicit political doctrine. The idea that you can tear a religious or philosophical system from its implantation is kinda goofy

>> No.14339200

>I'm looking for good books about Orthodox Christianity.
You're out of luck. Theory is for papists. Go to Mass.

>> No.14339330


>> No.14339358

Just confirming again my theory that Catholics false flag as Orthodox and give bad advice

>> No.14339399

>i am Orthodox. Just mocking you for calling liturgy mass lol

>> No.14339412

You're being rebuked for false witness. Unless you're actually Orthodox in which case I pray for your idicocy

>> No.14339418

What is idiotic about pointing out that the word 'mass' is never used by any Orthodox people, at least where I'm from. Maybe show some charity instead of trying to tone police people on 4channel dot org

>> No.14339436

I was talking to the other poster, anon.

>> No.14339443

makes sense. Excuse my r*tardedness

>> No.14339445

>t. has never stepped foot in an Orthodox church

>> No.14339446

Submit to Rome

>> No.14339455

lol. Accept sodomite priests and 'refugee' foot kissing and pachamama worship. yeah ok big guy, i'll submit to heretical faggots

>> No.14339471


>> No.14339477

you dont worship Christ you only worship yourself. Submit to Rome like God intended.

>> No.14339498

Theology is not beholden to the laws of formal debate.

>Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves. You will recognize them by their fruits. Are grapes gathered from thornbushes, or figs from thistles? So, every healthy tree bears good fruit, but the diseased tree bears bad fruit. A healthy tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a diseased tree bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. Thus you will recognize them by their fruits.

What are the fruits of Rome for the last hundred years?

If you think the Papacy is necessary to worship Christ, then you don't worship Christ, friend

>> No.14340172

Why is the ice cream cookie sandwich in the pic? I eat those all the time. Am I crypto-Orthodox without even knowing it?

>> No.14340347

I have stepped in Orthodox churches of more countries than you, LARPer.

Lol. Don't misinterpretate my words. I am talking about mere boot-licking and shilling for the government (ehem, ehem, Russia! Ehem, ehem). I am not saying religion can't have a say in politics.

>> No.14340348

>orthodox gnosticism
Doesn’t exist, misnomer. Gnosticism was anathemized from orthodox (right belief) christianity in the early centuries, approx. ~1700-1800 years ago

>> No.14340360
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>Why is the ice cream cookie sandwich in the pic
Toll Houses are a controversial doctrine describing the soul's ascent through 'Aerial' Toll Houses where demons judge and try to find justification for stealing the soul and taking it to hell. Fr. Seraphim's book The Soul After Death deals with it pretty well. It's well known for pissing of the f*rdham type 'Orthodox' who desperately wish they could be Episcopalians.

>> No.14340366

>Lol. Don't misinterpretate my words. I am talking about mere boot-licking and shilling for the government (ehem, ehem, Russia! Ehem, ehem). I am not saying religion can't have a say in politics.
Fair enough. I'm used to hearing from the types of people that get pissed off by Orthodoxy's political praxis and demand a totally secular government.

>> No.14340620

Take my iopinion how you want, but I think my criticism on Orthodoxy is by far harsher...