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File: 15 KB, 300x358, Schopenhauer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14325068 No.14325068 [Reply] [Original]

>Walking down the street at night to get home
>Woman walking the other way crosses to avoid me
Well I wasn't going to rape you but now I feel like doing it out of fucking spite you self absorbed cunt.

Schopenhauer was right.

>> No.14325243

Reminds me of that comic with the Australian and then moot seething online later. You’re pathetic bro

>> No.14325285

On what exactly?

>> No.14325290

>You’re pathetic bro
What's pathetic is women. So self absorbed they think every man out there is dying to fuck their disgusting, diseases ridden hole. So obsessed with themselves they think they're the centre of the universe and everyone else wants them.

>> No.14325298


>> No.14325314

And how did you know she was even thinking that? You’ve invented it

>> No.14325322

White white, like a cracker do

>> No.14325329

>And how did you know she was even thinking that? You’ve invented it
She saw me, made body movements that showed anxiousness and quickly crossed the street and started powerwalking whereas before she was casually walking along.

Stop defending women, they won't reward you with sex.

>> No.14325336

I don’t want sex. Unlike you sex doesn’t dominate my weak and pathetic mind. It’s you who’s fixated on it and nobody else. You must be thinking about sex constantly. It’s a base urge, I don’t see how you can call yourself better than anyone when letting it (it’s absence in this case) dominate your little mind

>> No.14325344

Describe the women's thoughts in your finest prose

>> No.14325360

You're seriously denying women don't walk around thinking all strange men want to rape them and are just waiting for an opportunity?

>> No.14325369

Why? It wasn't anymore complicated than "ewww oh my god how dare this man enter MY sphere, I wish chad was here so I could blow him".

>> No.14325373

My IQ is 130 and I think about sex constantly

>> No.14325388

Insecure cope

>> No.14325409

To mock OP of course, or to mock women if you want
At the very least a paragraph of good writing may come out the thread

>> No.14325424
File: 86 KB, 396x594, walkies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"NICE GUYS could be here," she thought. "I've never walked in this neighbourhood before. There could be NICE GUYS anywhere." The cool wind felt good against her yoga-pants-clad ass. "I HATE NICE GUYS" she thought. Taylor Swift reverberated through her headphones, making them pulsate even as the $9 coffee circulated through her demure veins and washed away her (merited) fear of incels after dark. "With a pair of uggs, you can go anywhere you want" she said to herself, out loud.

>> No.14325431

Cope with what? I'm describing two facts. Why are you seething, manlet incel?

>> No.14325448

You should make eye contact and smile to show you're non threatening

>> No.14325475
File: 577 KB, 460x2817, smile-comic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>make eye contact and smile
Reminded me of this.

>> No.14325482

>Run across the road

>> No.14325614
File: 118 KB, 674x505, 1565223446644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>worrying about what animals think of you

>> No.14325665

Ok guys it takes practice, but if you radiate a pleasant and friendly energy people will trust you.