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14323242 No.14323242[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Reminder that there are 18 year old American kids on this board. Ugh. This is not a space for intellectual discussion.

>> No.14323263

>t. 19 year old europoor

>> No.14323271

No idea what the fuck that >t. means, child.

>> No.14323286

ok boomer

>> No.14323287

>Reddit atheists
>Nazis and Commies
>Young Adult fans
>Harry Potter waifuposters
This hasn't been a space for intellectual discussion since early 2016.

>> No.14323343

just look at the "how you holding up" thread
>age (provides demographics data)
>book youre reading (gotta include this other wise the jannies will prune it)
>how you holding up
most of them are younger than 25. and thats fine. no one came jumping out of the womb a full grown adult. their retardeness is even understandable. i often look back at my early 20s and remark how stupid i was. and then i remember how i felt the exact same about my teens when i was in my early 20s. and im fairly certain ill feel the same, X years later.
the difference is at least i had the understanding that im a young and dumb fool.
this is in contrast to all the retards who post retarded shit, preaching from their high horse, and then getting into discussions of pedantic technicalities when someone calls them out. finally it ends with
>kek, look at this fag/virgin/incel/sperg. go read theory/five 300 page books/the collect works of the various authors that make up X field
and if youre I am Sam level of retardation, it ends with this:
>post soi jack photo, copy and paste the comment you are replying to

>> No.14323401

Lurk moar, newfriend

>> No.14323428

im 20 and i think ive figured it out for a few years now
what did you do in your early 20’s that you think was dumb? i do a lot of dumb shit too but im pretty sure im always gonna do dumb shit

>> No.14323446

Reminder that you're likely an 18 year old American who hasn't been here for more than a month. Saged and reported for off topic bullshit.

>> No.14323461

>im 20 and i think ive figured it out for a few years now
That's what a 20 year old would say. I'm fucking 26 and I think what I thought at 20 was wrong... Believe me, people change, you arrogant little shit.

>> No.14323468

Why the fuck would someone make a thread complaining about 18 year old retards... whilst being an 18 year old retard?

>> No.14323474
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>"im 20 and i think ive figured it out for a few years now"
>"for a few years now"
yes, here we have the enlightened 20 year old who had it figured it out since 17/18

>> No.14323476

Couldn't agree more. See

>> No.14323486

I think it's best to just assume there's no real understanding and at best you can use your own head or read things to construct a theory that best suits your disposition.

>> No.14323494

i use to think i was an idiot in my teens, but then i realized that it wasnt that i was an idiot, i was just a teen, and 20 y/o's think teens are dumb
youre always going to think you are currently the most perfect version of yourself, and in some cases that may actually be true, because while you change, the world also changes, and that doesnt mean you were "wrong" when you were younger, you were a completely different person when you were younger in a completely different environment, you cant compare those two people, the past you and the current you, together like that
im probably going to change when im older, but im not going to look back on my 20's and think there was something wrong with me, sounds like a cope desu
>le fedora arugment
come on now

>> No.14323495

No shit Sherlock. It's fucking 4chan.

Anyone coming here looking for intelligence is either fucking mental or lost a bet.

>> No.14323496

You should really stop digging yourself deeper while you can.

>> No.14323502

>Why the fuck would someone make a thread complaining about 18 year old retards... whilst being an 18 year old retard?
Because you're an 18 year old retard.

>> No.14323557

I'm from the UK, fuckwit.

>> No.14323560

the fedora argument is appropriate because it reflects your audacity to claim you've got it figured out since you were a minor
>"people change, the world changes, im probably going to change when im older"
and then somehow you cant find the inherent inconsistency of that with
>"hey guys, im 20, but ive got it figured out since i was a teen"
come back to me in another 5 years. when youve left the sheltered complacency of school and have had a couple years of rolling on your own in the real world.

i used to think i was an idiot in my teens. and like you, i also realized a large component of that stems from just thinking people younger than you are idiots
>lulz, look at these freshman. just wait till youre a senior.
but it doesnt change the fact that i was still an idiot in my teens, even if so much of being a teen means being an idiot.

>> No.14323573

>intellectual discussion

>> No.14323581

>you: ugh
>me: haha nice butthole ha I'm cumming in it

>> No.14323586

This is what seriously irks me. There's a dissonance here. /lit/ likes to think that it's intelligent and above places like Reddit, but the moment you try to recall its higher status, people just say "what 4chan? intelligence?"

>> No.14323596

>inherent inconsistency
why do you think that "figuring it out" and "becoming so perfect that i'll never change" are the same thing? you can accept who you are as a person, who you were, and the fact that you wont always be this way all at the same time without any sort of inconsistency
>come back to me in another 5 years
what do you think im going to say then?
>i was still an idiot in my teens
well, maybe you were

>> No.14323643

That's really stupid logic dumbfuck just because we are 10000000x smarter than Reddit doesn't mean we aren't retarded.

>> No.14323647

why can't you stop thinking about reddit

>> No.14323653
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no place you frequent is a space for intellectual discussion - it ceases to be once you open cunt mouth

>> No.14323660

this clearly stems from a lack of agreed upon definition of what figuring it out means, and the appropriate context.
and in the context of this thread, and with a statement as vague and cringy as "i figured it out since when i was a teen" most people are gonna assume you meant figured it out as in
>guys, ive figured the world out. trust me. if we do XYZ the world will be a better place. obviously i know the ills and solutions of society. i totally understand the complex network of relationships that intertwine all of us. just because i have a room full of cum socks and i post on 4chins doesnt mean i dont.

understanding that youll change, that youll see things differently, that we're all shaped by the current times and climate, is not the same as "ive figured it out." except in the context of understanding the self in relation to growing older. and its such a narrow scope it rarely warrants a blanket statement of "ive figured it out." as opposed to something much broader, such as
>"ive figured it out, everything flows from God"

im not disagreeing with you. i also think people change, and we are what we are because the time and place often dictates that we are.
but you gotta realize theres a reason people took a shit on regarding your first post.

>> No.14323703

>>Reddit atheists

And what about christposters?

>> No.14323721

back 2 reddit 4 u

as far as definitions of "figured it out" go, i think that people who looking down on the younger versions of themselves have not "figured it out"
i think that figuring it out means figuring out how to do life, how to get from one day to the next without worrying about the past or the future and feeling like shit every time you make a mistake. figuring it out means understanding that you have dreams, you had dreams, many if not all of them will never be actualized, and thats okay, because your ultimate happiness doesnt hinge on wanting to be a video game developer when you were 12, or wanting to be an engineer when you were 20, or whatever the fuck im going to want when im 40
im sorry about the confusion, i honestly didnt mean for that throwaway comment to start this much of a discussion, it was only a small part of my original post (when i asked that anon what he did in his 20's that he was ashamed of, i was genuinely curious)

>> No.14323739

Announcing a sage &/or report is against the rules.

>> No.14323747

reminder that there are Americans on this board. This is not a space for intellectual discussion.

>> No.14323748

Way before 2016.

>> No.14323753


>> No.14323758

like half of this board are christian LARPers

>> No.14323799

Nobody cares about announcing sage are you fucking new? That's the least enforced rule hahahahah fucking dumbshit

>> No.14323807

So is everyone from the UK as retarded as you?