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/lit/ - Literature

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14321855 No.14321855 [Reply] [Original]

Just finished the first chapter of this , from what i understand it's just people arguing semantics , what am i supposed to get out of this ?

>> No.14321869

>starting with Republic
When will this meme die and all who recommend that get kidnapped by the cartels?

>> No.14321872

You're supposed to keep reading it to the end.

fpbp & /thread & /board

>> No.14321877

It's not really semantics because they are debating values.

I don't know maybe because it's a highly influential piece of classical literature that won't die

>> No.14321879
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>> No.14321885

I plan to , but it's a drag to read took me 3 hours to finish the first chapter , and i am also esl so i'm not sure if it's just me not understanding the stuff.

Did i also mention they argue like fags ?

>> No.14321901

Why don’t u read a translation in your language then?

>> No.14321936

I tried reading in my mother tongue but the translator sounds like a fag and other than a few words nothing was that much different
Where should i start then ?

>> No.14321943

The Apology

>> No.14321975


>> No.14322033
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Is this true ? Does music play a big part in this book ? I f*ing hate it when westerners use music as an analogy or talk about music in general. Music does nothing for me i don't understand it and i don't wish to think about it.

>> No.14322047

>Music does nothing for me i don't understand it
Oh come on anon. Music is a wonderful thing. Maybe you just never found any quality tunes. At least try a single Zappa track.

>> No.14322070

>people arguing semantics
That's half of what philosophy is.

>> No.14322101
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>Semantics (from Ancient Greek: σημαντιkός sēmantikós, "significant")[1][a] is the linguistic and philosophical study of meaning in language, programming languages, formal logics, and semiotics. It is concerned with the relationship between signifiers—like words, phrases, signs, and symbols—and what they stand for in reality, their denotation.
>the study of meaning.
>the study of linguistic development by classifying and examining changes in meaning and form.

You mean actual semantics, or the colloquial usage of the word? People have falsely associated the word semantics with trivial questions.
Semantics means defining your terms and words for the purpose of the argument or discourse.
Not employing semantics means purposefully submersing the argument in nebulous speech, accepting vague assumptions, and muting higher reasoning. Ironically, those who whine about "arguing semantics" are the ones filling conversation with trivial contrivances, because they prefer to keep the language based on subjective feelings and connotations, both avoiding the bigger picture and lacking a particular point.
It's ironic, or hypocritical, really.

>> No.14322118

Alcibiades I

The easiest dialogue.

>> No.14322198

Probably the latter , they spent a lot talking about what justice is , as if justice was a tangible thing that exists out there. And not just whatever humans agree it means.
I don't know , but i just think that arguing about something that is just so subjective is stupid.
Does it even matter if we know what the word means or not ?

>> No.14322203

Also they use way too many words to get to the point , why shouldn't someone just read a résumé of the ideas presented instead of reading the book ?

>> No.14322207
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>implying wittgenstein solved philosophy
words must have a concrete definition, anon, they can't just be whatever the consensus agrees to because that changes over time.

witness: the notion of 'justice' in America over the past 300 years (esp. with regard to negroes)

>> No.14322276

>>implying wittgenstein solved philosophy
He did though.

>> No.14322279

that's just a /lit/ meme propagated by meme scholars, most of whom are neets

>> No.14322280


>> No.14322287

It is not the best book to start with Plato.
The book is about the right management of the soul and uses a "state" as a way to explain it.

One thing of interest is when he talks about the 5 regimes. Over 2,000 years ago he predicted the problems of modern society.

>> No.14322312

Shit one of my friends wanted to get into Philosophy and I told him to start with Platos Republic. Is he gonna be retarded forever?

>> No.14322338

at least it wasn't nietzsche

>> No.14322345

>>14321943 >>14321975 >>14322118 >>14322280
Which one is it then ?

>> No.14322346

Start with The Republic.

>> No.14322351

You can always go back and read The Republic again after reading Platos other books

>> No.14322354


>> No.14322373

Start with what actually interests you. You won't understand everything, so read other stuff that will put things into perspective that you don't understand. Rinse and repeat until you die. Just start reading.

>> No.14322374
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two of these are good answers
one is an acceptable answer
the other is a poor, somewhat understandable, answer, but flawed in its underlying reasoning, though that reason also underlies one of the good answers.
but there are meaningful differences in the circumstances which make it good in the good but poor in the poor.

>> No.14322386

Good: Apology, Meno, Republic
Okay: Euthyphro
Shit and probably not even written by Plato: Alcibiades 1

>> No.14322392

So the Republic is a good start after all ? What am i missing then ? How do i make it enjoyable to read ? Is it ever enjoyable or does everyone read it as a sort of intellectuel right of passage ?

>> No.14322399

The beginning of the book is just arguing "semantics" as you said. But that is important, because the rest of the book is built upon and uses the definition of Justice that is defined in the beginning.

The best parts are Platos Cave Allegory, Platos Archetypes and the ideal civilisation described by him, which come later in the book.

But yes, you should try and understand how they define Justice, because it is important for the rest of the book

>> No.14322404

Pretty much just read Republic, Apology and Meno in any order you want, as long as you read all 3 of them you should be fine to understand them

>> No.14322405

>following 19th century poorly read hacks who say First Alcibiades is spurious

>> No.14322410

I said 'probably', its not like anyone can go back in time and ask him. Its still worth reading, just not as your first Plato book

>> No.14322446
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>But yes, you should try and understand how they define Justice, because it is important for the rest of the book

But he doesn't define justice , he clearly states so in the last part of his speech

>> No.14322451
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You should go like this:
Alcibiades 1&2; Ion; Last Says of Socrates; Cratylus; Clitophon; Charmides, Meno; Theaetetus-Sophist-Statesman; Protagoras, Gorgias, Lysis, Laches, the two Hippias, Symposium; Phaedrus, Republic, Timaeus, Critias; Euthydemus, Parmenides, Philebus; Minos-Laws, Epinomis.

>> No.14322457

Meant to put Timaeus-Critias after Laws and Epinomis.
Not says

>> No.14322464

Dude, I commend your commitment. I've wanted to get into philosophy for years but I've been to overwhelmed. You did good, just keep reading and go from there. That's an exceptional book so you're not wasting your time.

>> No.14322473

I also guess you might enjoy Clitophon more after Meno, and some would put Meno before 'Last Days'. Making yourself be against Socrates, reading those two before.

>> No.14322497
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You should go like this:
Alcibiades 1&2; Cratylus, Charmides, Ion, Meno, Protagoras, Clitophon; Last Days of Socrates; Theaetetus-Sophist-Statesman (should be read together), Gorgias, Lysis, Laches, the two Hippias, Symposium, Euthydemus, Phaedrus, Republic; Parmenides, Philebus; Minos-Laws, Epinomis, Timaeus-Critias.

>> No.14322738

Why does have have to include so many wrong argument for Socrates to refute. Why can't Socrates just tell us the truth.
This overwhelms the reader and makes it hard to remember what the right answer actually is.

>> No.14322754

>Why does Socrates have to refute the prevailing worldviews of the Greeks of the time

>> No.14322758

t b h. Just skip Plato and go straight to Hume and Kant

>> No.14322790

So is the book now useless when the prevailing worldview of most first worlders is more in line with that of Socrates than the average ancient greek.

>> No.14322793
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Plato isn't always interested in presenting the correct answer, in fact many dialogues end with the question still open and no definitive position reached. You are being drawn into the argument and invited to reflect on the topic and the points yourself, instead of simply being dictated to. This is why Plato is such a wonderful philosopher and a great place to start: he teaches you not only his own philosophy, but also how to philosophise.

>> No.14322803


The point usually isn't that the greeks were right, but that they set the foundation for philosophy

>> No.14322813

>Thinking the prevailing worldview of first worlders is anything like that of Socrates

Lol, no. Just take a look at Plato/Socrates views on Democracy, God, Women, the Immaterial world, "True" Wisdom as opposed to people who "think" they are wise (ie. Pseuds). Its diametrically opposed to modern Secular Humanism.

Platos books are actually more important now than they ever were but most people just assume that someone somewhere has already refuted all of his ideas. Which is only somewhat true.

Also this >>14322803

>> No.14322812

>The point usually isn't that the greeks were right, but that they set the foundation for philosophy
If that's true then i don't need to know their works , i just need to have a vague idea about it.
It's like in a video game when you skip the tutorial.

>> No.14322814

>they can't just be whatever the consensus agrees to because that changes over time
kek you're a fag

>> No.14322817

Unfortunately, Philosophy is much more sophisticated than any video games. And requires a very good Knowledge of the tutorial

>> No.14323715
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>why shouldn't someone just read a résumé of the ideas presented instead of reading the book ?

It's better to arrive at a destination having journeyed there yourself, as opposed to being taken to a destination without knowing how to get there.

Or something like that

>> No.14324349

y-ye... iq... because of...

>> No.14324418

Plato was a retard, you'll just have to power through him to understand everyone who came after

>> No.14324603

The last book of the Republic and very enjoyable. It describes a lovely and weird creation myth

>> No.14324657


I reccd Alcibiades 1 because thats what i read first after following some guide.
I found it a good starting point because it's basically just Alcibiades realising he doesnt know much about the things he had thought he knew well.

Of course, i dont know what it's like to start with any other text.

Also, regarding the authorship: yes, this is noted in the complete works but... it's still a nice intro to Platonic thinking.

>> No.14324972

So i finished chapter 2, and just when you thought that it couldn't get anymore boring, he starts talking about what things should songs be about and what things it shouldn't.
The last 5 pages have been , the gods should be like this ,the gods shouldn't be like that. AAAAAAAAH i wann pluck my eyes out who the fuck wrote this shit.

>> No.14324993

>not posting Willie the Pimp

Wow I'm saddened.