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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 904 KB, 1105x1179, 1575588124677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14297046 No.14297046[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why does this image infuriate incellectuals so much? LOL They don't actually understand great art, they simply pretend to.

And if they are so against blacks and jews breeding with white women, why don't they contribute to the gene pool by starting a family of their own?

>> No.14297048

What compels a woman to do this?

>> No.14297056

Blacks and jews? It's about not wanting people to flash their shit in public, it's disgusting

>> No.14297059

Couples/people boning/people who want to bone do weird and goofy shit. Always have, always will

>> No.14297062

Fornication and pleasure pervert the understanding and change men into beasts' - St. Jerome.

The Aesthetic and Sexual are diametrically opposed. The flesh wars against the spirit and the spirit against the flesh. Nothing good can come out of DUDE SEX COOM DUDE, OOOH AHHH.

>> No.14297071

I think a lot of us just want to be naked a lot of the time.
Her bf probably asked her to lift her skirt, knowing full well what an exhibitionist she is.

Bad thread OP. Not lit related

>> No.14297077

It's infuriating because she has a shit ass. Large but flat and no thighs to match it.

>> No.14297080


>> No.14297081

LOL okay so what does that mean? No, I do not believe you understand theology. No, I will not google Aquinas or whoever you quoted.

>> No.14297083

Nobody wants you to be naked.

>> No.14297084
File: 32 KB, 189x189, 1448082802819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he actually thinks this behavior is supposed to be normal

You're fucked in the head.

>> No.14297086

No one wants you to be anything but a rotting and defiled corpse.

>> No.14297087
File: 300 KB, 838x793, 1559417655676.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14297088
File: 55 KB, 810x500, Latin_Mass_Old_Rite_Cdl._Burke_810_500_75_s_c1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is probably the most correct response. But at the same time, there must be a way to join the two. As Heaven is joined to Earth, the Aesthetic must be joined to the Sexual in a way that does not sully the Spirit, but rather elevates the Flesh.

The proper way to transform the OP image would be to take the girl in question and bring her to a Latin Mass where she has to wear a mantilla. We have already seen her original image, with her big fat white ass, so we know the strength of the flesh in her. But by bringing her into the environment of the Mass, we acknowledge that the Spirit is superior to the Flesh without deleting the Flesh from existence. And, indeed, we admit that the Flesh has a necessity in the world, because humans are both Flesh and Spirit, both Body and Soul. So the woman in the OP image can eventually be married and bear children, and her erotic qualities will be turned towards holiness insofar as they draw her husband into marrying her and consummating their marriage. The Spirit does not delete or cancel out the Flesh. Rather, the Spirit elevates and anoints the Flesh.

>> No.14297095

Your body resembles Grimace's from McDonald's. It's really bizzare.

>> No.14297096

>hey anon look at my butt hehe it's titillating because we're not supposed to do this here haha
>did you get the photo?
>immediately puts skirt back
Get some real world experience, nerd

>> No.14297097

What a surprising response from a woman

>> No.14297098

Is this why you gave up trying? Because an image on 4chan validated the historical incels?

>> No.14297105

I’m too shy for it. I appreciate the exhibitionists though.

Oh c’mon. There’s nothing wrong with her booty.

>> No.14297110

based af mate

>> No.14297113

Idk the ass looks nice and so does the painting, seems like a win/win

>> No.14297116

It's a poor quality ass. You just have lower standards becuse you're a 40+ year old lesbo. No offense.

>> No.14297122
File: 208 KB, 1080x1122, 1574969373321-lit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I enjoy women behaving like animals because I'm a le enlightened cuck

>> No.14297127

I only appreciate a variety of beauty. There isn’t one type. Not everyone can, or should, be a Kardashian balloon butt.
And I know me some fine Armenian women

>> No.14297129

Stop replying in this thread please it is off-topic

>> No.14297133

Nothing youve ever said is /lit/ related. All you do is derail threads

>> No.14297140

In other words, you've learned to appreciate the ugly due to lack of access to the beautiful

>> No.14297141

All this talk about animals. You still haven’t learned about evolution yet.
Stupid stupid christcucks

I have conversations like everybody else. It’s also discouraging to contribute something literature related and get ignored for the most part.

>> No.14297142

The fact that butter thinks this is wrong only validates it more

>> No.14297144

>"i'm going to transgress everyone's norms, u mad?"
>"no, stop questioning me and what we are doing, you can't' question my norms, it's not happening incel, it's capitalism's fault, and if it is happening you deserve it"

why do leftists do this?

>> No.14297145

Which is better: Star Trek Voyager or Final Fantasy VIII

>> No.14297146

Sexual passions turn people into cumbrains worse and more deprived than any animal.

>> No.14297149

Go back to your other thread and answer the anons there

>> No.14297150

Baroque art and intellectuals are prefectly /lit/. Also, didn't Nietszsche write that the slave reacts while the master does? All one has to do is post a caucasian butt to get this board popping.

>> No.14297152


>> No.14297153
File: 50 KB, 550x458, A7D88DE7-FC28-466B-B30F-B04F0AF9750D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lesson for Anonymous?
So be it.

>> No.14297158


>> No.14297161

Tfw no gf with a big brappy booty :/

Am I gonna make it brehs?

>> No.14297163

C,mon, you're a 40 year old lesbian that posts on 4chan, not some absolute player Chad. You pull lower quality tail than most of us.

>> No.14297165
File: 972 KB, 2320x3088, C91EAEED-9E3D-4045-94E6-F751D4AFC5ED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Normal sexual passion is healthy and wonderful.
Repression of of our passions, derision of our sexuality leads to spiraling depravity.
Yes, you spiritualists have made us lunatics

>> No.14297168

Is Sir Mix-a-Lot, dare I say it, one of our guys?

>> No.14297171

The art of man, and the art of god.

>> No.14297175

Is /lit/ an assman?

>> No.14297176

Lucifer and Ahriman. There are spiritualists who believe in healthy balance of both prerogatives.

>> No.14297207

Because all media in the 21st century has ultimately just become about self-centeredness and women are the cause of that

>> No.14297215

why is it wrong?

>> No.14297220

Behold, a spinster attempts to justify her past

>> No.14297238

Read Love and Responsibility by Wojtyła

>> No.14297244

So who is this Butterfly/Butters person and why does everyone hate him/her? I browse periodically and over the last few days have noticed this anon. Any help?

>> No.14297245

I like that image. Shows you the art and beauty found in nature compared to the artistic creations of Man.

>> No.14297247

nothing wrong with nudity per se, but being ass-naked belongs to places.
pic is not offensive of blasphemous, just stupid.

>> No.14297254

>The Aesthetic and Sexual are diametrically opposed.
Uhhhhhhhhhhhh where to begin with this one?

>> No.14297265

Humans are beasts.

Her misspent youth as a closeted teenager who did nothing.

I am a variety of things the timid ones tend to hate, though I try to help them with their problems.
I am a woman, a lesbian, an anarchist, and, well, I have a name. And I refuse to play by their rules. I’ve been here since nearly the beginning.

>> No.14297281
File: 50 KB, 640x781, uhtv96a0wuz31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Londonfrog posts (serialised episodes of /lit/ original fiction and therefore board relevant) get taken down virtually immediately.
>Bottom of the barrel /pol/ bait like this stays up until 404

/lit/ has the worst jannies of any board on this site.

>> No.14297285
File: 1.41 MB, 1043x1864, 1572614482108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

many great paintings were sexual and have an erotic atmosphere. however, there's also artistic skill and beauty in this, balance and harmony, eloquence of light and color, an ode to human body even if unrealistic - art is allowed to exaggerate and alter reality to make it expressive.

a picture of your ass requires no effort, and op pic doesn't even have a nice composition.
it's not the ass that's bad, but vulgarity and lack of filling besides crude sexuality.

>> No.14297288


>> No.14297289

Cool, thanks. Why is your name Butters? All I see is a butterfly.

>> No.14297290

Chad in the vicinity.

>> No.14297292

It's disrespectful and strangely poetic. The photo shows a contrast. The artwork is a product of labor, pain, order, meticulousness and enmeshed with a desire to believe in something greater than oneself. Inversely, the sexual exhibitionist represents mudanity, disorder, uncontrolled emotion, irrationality, decadence, and everything terrible about instagram.

desu id be fucking pissed if i worked my ass making art and some fucking cunt were to do something like this. fuck this bitch. whats her instagram so i can jerk off to printed images of her face and send them to her?

>> No.14297305

Or maybe because its an image of the divine virgin contrasted with a common instagram whore.

>> No.14297307


>> No.14297308

I want to have sex with her

>> No.14297309

>/lit/ has the worst jannies of any board on this site.
/k/'s new jannies are awful too

>> No.14297322

She’s a 45yo post menopausal tranny that makes very low quality posts. Well scratch that, compared to most of nu-/lit/ her posts are golden.

>> No.14297334

Attention, plain and simple

>> No.14297335
File: 1.38 MB, 994x1399, fatima12c-seers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmm, I wonder what would happen if the booty-showing thot ever met Our Lady in all her glory? If she were privileged to see her in an apparition, as at Guadalupe or Lourdes or Fatima?

>> No.14297357

Despite all my problems in life, I can at least be happy that in real life you're some old hag with shit health and a shit job, whose only way to kill time is attention whoring on /lit/ for hours and hours. Truly touching when a life of pleasure-seeking and stupidity has a fitting end.

>> No.14297390

Post your butt

>> No.14297394

She's /lit/s punchingbag. She genuinely enjoys the abuse. She shitposts antagonizing things from 5pm to 1am california time in hopes of getting that sweet stockholm syndrome conditioned attention that she craves.
Consequently shes become and embraced her position as a caricature of an old maid feminist communist lgbtq+ femcel.

>> No.14297399

>I enjoy my big prefrontal cortex safe space because the last time I tried connecting on a spiritual, animal level, she thought I was weird

>> No.14297403

Noontime is not the end of the day.

>embraced her position as a caricature of an old maid feminist communist lgbtq+ femcel.

>> No.14297407

Seems like there was PLENTY of filling to account for, my anon

>> No.14297424


belt up, buttercuck

>> No.14297430

>I am a woman, a lesbian
Nigga you're a heterosexual man in a dress.

>> No.14297432

There are times when Butteyfly does make insightful and contributing posts. Oddly enough, she tends to be one of the few people who engages in my threads and replies to my posts on a frequent basis. You can tell butternuts is an intellectual as well as a troll; it’s not impossible for a person to be both. The only downside is she’s a lesbian jew, which is rather haram. Still, it’s amusing that she has no idea how often I’ve coopted her liberal rhetoric for bettering my NazBol persuasion and that she’s directly fed me more knowledge than she’d dare give if I didn’t have my anonymity. Stupid semite.

>> No.14297440
File: 39 KB, 356x484, thats u that is.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Thewe awe timeth when Butteyfwy doeth make inthightfuw and contwibuting pothtth. Oddwy enough, thhe tendth to be one of the few peopwe who engageth in my thweadth and wepwieth to my pothtth on a fwequent bathith.
>You can teww buttewnutth ith an intewwectuaw ath weww ath a twoww; it’th not impoththibwe fow a pewthon to be both. The onwy downthide ith thhe’th a wethbian jew, which ith wathew hawam.
>thtiww, it’th amuthing that thhe hath no idea how often I’ve coopted hew wibewaw whetowic fow bettewing my NazBow pewthuathion and that thhe’th diwectwy fed me mowe knowwedge than thhe’d dawe give if I didn’t have my anonymity. thtupid themite.

>> No.14297448

You sound like a pathologically narcissistic Jewess, amirite?

>> No.14297451
File: 1.63 MB, 2199x1989, 1574969202398-lit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do all my cooming between the thighs of twinks, faggot

>> No.14297454

>Noontime is not the end of the day.
The post youre replying to doesnt mention the time of day.
The only places where its noon right now is Azerbaijan, dubai and Kabul.

>> No.14297463

God I feel bad for you

>> No.14297470

can i get a source

>> No.14297471

>I know me

>> No.14297478

>the messy whole of who I am

>> No.14297479

Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children. And walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God. But sexual immorality and all impurity or covetousness must not even be named among you, as is proper among saints. Let there be no filthiness nor foolish talk nor crude joking, which are out of place, but instead let there be thanksgiving. For you may be sure of this, that everyone who is sexually immoral or impure, or who is covetous (that is, an idolater), has no inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and God. ...

Ephesians 5:1-6:24

>> No.14297494

Attention, the only reason women do anything

>> No.14297500
File: 2.51 MB, 4000x2157, World_Time_Zones_Map.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are middle-eastern time zones so fucked up?

>> No.14297501

>Humans are beasts
do animals possess the same capacity for language that we do?

>> No.14297502

based insane roastie in the pic

>> No.14297508

The only way to get rid of butterfaggot is to impersonate him. The only thing these tripfags care about is their identity. Without it, they are nothing. If everyone is a butterfag, no one is.

>> No.14297510

That tiny part of Australia that's +8 3/4

>> No.14297513

I'm not sure even most humans have it

>> No.14297519

you're not sure of much are you?

>> No.14297532

More funny is that all of china is on beijing time. The western provenances wake up at midnight.

>> No.14297533

Imagine being just a normal human being, and half of the human population being so enormously triggered towards a whole plethora of emotional distresses, just by you showing your shit dispenser body part for a second. Imagine having the faculty to elicit that response.
From a purely non conformist, artistic perspective: Wouldn't you?

>> No.14297658

>Why does this image infuriate incellectuals so much?
The Emperor counsels simplicity: First principles Of each particular thing, ask: What is it in itself, in its own constitution? What is its causal nature?
Women desire to be desired, know this and you know women.

>> No.14297664

Its pretty easy to illicit outrage. Go to a public square and stab someone. Burn a quran and tape it. Sig heil in germany. post bbc gifs on /gif/.
Its not difficult or special.

>> No.14297668
File: 112 KB, 599x1067, Gross_5ad916_5826496.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Die bitch.

>> No.14297671

I shit on this gay earth.

>> No.14297672

Good post

>> No.14297678

Woman (male)
Commit sudoku, don't hesitate.

>> No.14297683

This painting is not very good.

>> No.14297684

She posted it some time ago. I only saved it on my phone and didn’t favourite it, so I’ll never be able to find it among all the nudes from my gf.

>> No.14297701
File: 143 KB, 492x262, 1551911075142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are women so obsessed with sex?

>> No.14297709

>whyte women
Yikes man

>> No.14297716

Because it's all anybody wants from them.

>> No.14297770

survival tactic

>> No.14297794

Anon generally dislikes/hates so-called tripfags. I think it's autism, but I could be wrong.

>> No.14297845

Normal people enjoy sex, it upsets you because you never get any

>> No.14297870

It's self-evident and if you do not ascertain this after seeing even the posts here in te thread, you deserve to be remotely deathrayed./lit/ is not the place for you.

>> No.14297873

I miss childhood asexuality.

>> No.14297879
File: 429 KB, 288x200, 1575285970075.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she might be an attention whore to the max

but I'd eat that ass like it was roasted duck, goddamn

>> No.14297888

Even when I was a kid I was a thirsty fuck.

>> No.14297892

Who molested you?

>> No.14297895

>Roasted duck
What country are you from?

>> No.14297896

Oh god, just please, for me... HAVE SEX! I'm seriously worried about you anons, oh God, I really am. Just do this for me, please, just once. Please, please have sex. Just once. Come on, please! Just... have... sex! Just have sex! Just have sex! Come on! You need to, you'll feel so much better afterwards... really, you will. Please, for me. Have sex. HAVE SEX. For the love of God, HAVE SEEEX!!

>> No.14297907

The Talmudvision.

>> No.14297922

freakin based man rock on

>> No.14297924

Good answer. TV basically sexually harasses children.

>> No.14298004


>> No.14298014

as does the internet