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14288632 No.14288632 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.14288647

I would like to answer you but i have 130 IQ

>> No.14288651

IQ has literally nothing to do with anything other than solving logical puzzles and mathematics. You can do it fine with most of philosophy anon. I have a 90 IQ as well and I do great in philosophy courses AND with humanities as well. J

>> No.14288655

Please just answer anon

>> No.14288666

Sure Marx was below that and he's considered one of the great ones so the odds are in your favor

>> No.14288667

But I want to delve into complex philosophers like Hegel and Nietzsche

>> No.14288672

>>14288666I don't think IQ was even a thing back then so how can you prove that?

>> No.14288678

Thats fine then. As long as you don't approach analytical philosophy you'll be okay

>> No.14288686

>implying analytic philosophy requires high IQ to understand

>> No.14288696

Well it's content it's closer to IQ testa

>> No.14288699

The problem isn't even reading and understanding the explanations, it's understanding intuitively WHY they are true or important. IQ is for solving puzzles yes, but is generally an indicator for the ability to use abstraction. Abstraction is a very important tool, because a lot of philosophy revolves around consider one example and then mentally extrapolating that instance to a larger or smaller scale. Unless the philosophy you're interested is the more relaxed sociological one, but metaphysics is gonna be very hard.

>> No.14288702
File: 216 KB, 506x595, Screenshot from 2019-11-10 01-02-09.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah bro u got this

start with easier works and work your way up though, not even the most naturally clever individual will be understanding hegel without knowing any philosophy previously.

read some short plato dialogues, read stoics, epicureans, read descartes, spinoza, berkeley, hume. slowly build your repertoire up, it will definitely be difficult at first, but you'll get better and better! before long you'll be reading kant, and then, fichte, schelling, hegel, kierkegaard, nietzsche etc. etc. u just gotta take it slow brother im rooting for u

>> No.14288713

Thanks fren, I appreciate this!

>> No.14288714

You'll be fine, just start with the Greeks

>> No.14288728

Is there any way to improve abstract thinking as a person who's not gifted with it?

>> No.14288734

you'll come across some real difficult shit early on. i've read so much philosophy at this point but nothing will be more difficult than reading aristotle for the first time early in my philosophical apprenticeship... i almost stopped right there thinking I could never grasp this philosophy stuff.... but u gotta push through, it gets easier! its all practice, dont give up! ur welcome frend

>> No.14288760

You're in luck. Philosophy infact was written for people at 90 IQ or below.

>> No.14288796
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im not the guy you're replying to but I think its a mistake to think of philosophy/metaphysics as abstract thinking. as marx notes, the internal logic of a system can be much different to its conscious presentation, especially in written language (philosophy started off as an oral discipline, after all). spinoza wields this hugely systematic abstract system of thought with these strange concepts... eternity of the mind? distinguishing bodies by motion and rest? but this is not a matter of abstraction, its extremely concrete, you have to understand that these philosophers lived their philosophy, perhaps not always in practice, but they saw everything in their own conceptual ways. when kant sees an object, he does not see a modification of substance with an infinite set of bodies put under a specific relation of motion and rest like spinoza does, he sees perhaps a phenomenon discursively organized by our transcendental forms of intuition and pure categories of understanding, mediated by the imagination. of course, this may all seem abstract to someone who is viewing this out of context, but as hegel notes, philosophy does not deal with finished results, but a self-positing movement, such that you can only understand one aspect with respect to its previous moments and also to the whole in which it is a part. once you realise this, you realise that this is all very concrete, it does not lie in abstract thought but in concrete variations of perception. when you read philosophy you need to meditate on how this affects your perception, and how it affects how you might live your life. then you see the concrete differences between how aristotle uses substance and how spinoza uses substance

>> No.14288818
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>humanities student
>actually takes course like this instead of it being a hobby
>90 IQ
It’s whats expected I suppose

>> No.14288839

Have sex stem incel

>> No.14288871

OP here. I understand this, there's hope

>> No.14289141

<3, that makes me happy actually, I honestly can't tell sometimes whether my writing comes off as nonsense or not.

>> No.14289150

Yes but it will require more effort.
You got this if you put in the time.

>> No.14289176

Anon, while IQ is not just a number it measures the ability how quickly you can comprehend things, You can do anything with 90 IQ but it will take longer than someone with 110.

>> No.14289180

Intellect is like a muscle, exercising it will make it stronger.

But some people have more potential to grow than others.

>> No.14289182

philosophy is the best thing to study if youre dumb because it is so simple and attempts to spell out the obscure. I recommend anthologies and very careful readings. dont pigeonhole yourself into one school or era either. read contemporary, romantic, idealist, empiricist, rational, medieval, ancient, marxist, analytic, etc.

>> No.14289203

It's perfectly understandable fren, just a little less verbosity and you're perfect ;)

>> No.14289204

don't forget to also check out some hitler bro

>> No.14289265
File: 127 KB, 1441x1023, acOQiPqMBQqxDA0yMHbkzc-XCrmTdcZC1fPFGfDjOKc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

read very carefully
summarize chapters, so that you can revisit them at will
whenever you get stuck at a sentence, if you cannot understand it even after several attempts, or if you pass a part that has unclear reasoning or could be interpreted multiple ways, make a special note of it. It is often so that the later text clarifies that which is unclear previously.
what you need, more than anything, is clear focus, and the ability to put statements into the context of previous statements.
I believe in you, anon.

>> No.14289286

don't burn yourself on that take

>> No.14289329

Hmmm is it worse or better for understanding universal truths?
Does consciousness manifest more easily in a less knowledgeable vessel?
Many high IQ philosophers never got beyond intellectual masturbation and illusions of the mind. To understand the truth you have go beyond thought , as mind is only a bridge.

>> No.14289344

>universal truths
Listen to this guy, he is a 90 IQ poster

>> No.14289357

When u pass mensa IQ test an be eligible to join msg me, till then seethe brainlet

>> No.14289385

>IQ tests are measures of anything besides submission to institutions of power
read theory

>> No.14289391

Okay low caste fag u aint gonna make in this lifetime no matter how much u read

>> No.14289425

go shit in the streets currycel
your dogmaic grovelling towards any and every institution of power in existence screams of your lack of true knowledge and the puny nature of your cowards soul

>> No.14289442

>from EU
Try harder brainlet in few lifetimes comeback when you understand universal truths

>> No.14289457

Not-related answer but your iq can increase a little bit. It's not like you are stuck with 90 forever. Exercise your brain, eat healthy and try getting 8-9 hours of sleep a day

>> No.14289560

any evidence of this?

>> No.14289626

People with IQ of 90 don’t use words like “delve” nor do they know who Hegel is.

>> No.14289667
File: 204 KB, 1018x763, Come+here+and+get+a+bear+hug+bro+_03d3167d5558f278f4a5c044b96399dd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here you go: https://www.imdb.com/list/ls070122193/

>> No.14289764

IQ is a measurement of the speed at which you learn new things. Everything known by a high-IQ person can be learned by a low-IQ person. But not as quickly.

>> No.14290017
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Sorry anon, maybe in other life.

>> No.14290451

Pic related's proof is absolute brainlet cringe. So this is philosophy's power? If you've delved into college level mathematics in any shape or form this is embarrassing. None of the terms or relations are sufficiently defined.