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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 858 KB, 1200x1200, 6f2672d4-e4e5-4c22-ac40-20693b3045d8_1.d0c2dae885c5481e3c1650daff1b8c83.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14287825 No.14287825 [Reply] [Original]

What are some beautiful looking Bibles? I don't mind if it's a Study Bible, I'm not looking for anything overly ornate just something well made with good binding and page quality that looks nice.

>> No.14287872

I just became interested in reading the Bible and went full autism finding out what made a good Bible. You need to look for:
>Edge Lined, as opposed to a paste down liner
the paste down liner may eventually seperate
>Calfskin, Goatskin, Water Buffalo, or other premium leather
Bonded leather will fall apart. calfsplit and what they call premium leather isn't good leather
>Decent GSM paper
I think that's about it, thought I'm probably forgetting something. The binding and leather is the most important aspect. I wouldn't go for study Bibles as they all have some bias. Perhaps go for a reference bible. The best Bibles for affordable prices are CBP. Other good quality Bibles will cost you in the high 100s and they are made by schuyler, cambridge, and RL Allan but be carefully because many of their products have paste down liners desite being over $100. I ended up buying a full yapp water buffalo from CBP for 150 and a compact bible for only 50 after looking for weeks. Nothing comes close to that quality for the price

>> No.14288225
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>reference bible
Thomas Nelson’s KJV reference Bible looks pretty good to me. https://www.amazon.com/dp/0785220836

>> No.14288299
File: 1.52 MB, 2736x1824, DSC03594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything this anon said.

For me it's the Cambridge Turquoise in blue goatskin.
>beautiful blue under gold art gilt
>28 gsm Indopaque paper
>Berisford ribbons
>easy to read 1920s typeface

>> No.14288317

>full yapp water buffalo from CBP
I want to get that with the Turquoise text block in black letter.
Which color leather? Cranberry?
>compact bible for only 50
The personal concord? I have that one from CBP in 3 piece brown and black.

>> No.14288505
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For study Bibles, if we are just talking about aesthetics, then the NKJV MacArthur Study Bible:

If you really want a KJV then the leather Reformation Heritage KJV Study Bible is a solid choice:

>> No.14289617
File: 350 KB, 1200x1200, KJV020_4--angle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14290816


>> No.14290854

i like having a pew bible because it doesnt have any weird tacky shit on it, i wish all books were made like pew bibles and had minimal decoration or fancy covers on them because it almost never looks good
it also has red text for stuff jesus said although i've noticed a few errors with it, i wonder if that's sacrilege

>> No.14291148

>i like having a pew bible
I like pew bibles so I can have several different translations without spending a ton.

>> No.14291733
File: 2.71 MB, 1315x1315, Ignatius Catholic Bible.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not the fanciest, but it's pretty nice. The translation is well done, RSV 2nd Edition. The KJV is good literature but not the easiest to understand for most lay people.

>> No.14292644

Any edition with Gustave Doré's illustrations.

>> No.14293744 [DELETED] 
File: 421 KB, 900x1891, 97ed3d0b3c20d608b9fd4983dfdae1eb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whichever one you pick, make sure to pick the KJV. Also if you get enticed by any objects (including the physical bible), it's considered idolatry according to Job 31:26-28. Watch the documentary for more info on corrupt modern bible versions and why KJV is the only preserved bible in the English language

NWO Bible Versions: Exposes all the corrupt modern bibles like the niv, esv, nkjv, nasb

>> No.14293784
File: 71 KB, 607x1080, Rembrandt Bijbel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean it's kinda simplistic and they're only in Dutch, but I always liked the Rembrandt Bijbel. I think white and gold is a good look for a Bible. The illustrations by Rembrandt are top tier as well. Looking back at it I wish Rembrandt's name wasn't quite as prominent though.

>> No.14293829
File: 112 KB, 750x1000, s-l1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

find something with engravings by Doré

>> No.14293886

Most bibles are really well made with a nice artificial leather cover, bible-paper and a sewn-binding. (I mean, for fuck's sake, even a Gideon pocket New Testament is miles better than 90% of books printed nowadays)
Do you really need anything more?

>> No.14294016

>Do you really need anything more?
If you use your bible daily then yeah. I premium Bible is going to last a lot longer.

>> No.14294058

What I never understand about these images is why I'm supposed to believe the KJV is the most accurate out of those.

>> No.14294067

Those pics are just made by people that don't understand different manuscript traditions.

>> No.14294564


>Whichever one you pick, make sure to pick the KJV.
>Also if you get enticed by any objects (including the physical bible), it's considered idolatry

quit worshipping a book

God is not contained solely within the KJV and the KJV's narrative literally and symbolically depends on this

spiritually grow up

>> No.14295871 [DELETED] 
File: 153 KB, 1080x1087, kjv vs modern versions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watch this documentary if you have 2 hours to spare, I guarantee it's worth the watch, there's just too much to explain how bad things really are when it comes to bible translations and how much corrupt bible versions have flooded into the mainstream.

It's a lot worse than you think.

NWO Bible Versions: Exposes all the corrupt modern bibles like the niv, esv, nkjv, nasb

>> No.14295888

>judging bible translations by how many verses they have
i am being absolutely serious and unironic when i say this is the dumbest thing i've heard of in my entire life

>> No.14297253

Fuck these are kino.

>> No.14299074


>> No.14299085

very good post

>> No.14299089

I've always loved that cover.

>> No.14299147

It came out not even 10 years ago

>> No.14299202

does thomas nelson have a lot of fundie style commentary? for me personally, i'm not necessarily looking for anything secular per se, but i would like something that's a little more academic. i remember looking at some of the other stuff put out by thomas nelson, and some of the books looked pretty trashy.

>> No.14299260

>not the easiest to understand for most lay people

This is /lit/. Do you think we care about commoners?

>> No.14299274

Afaik that Bible just has short introductions to each book and not commentary.

>> No.14299588

All Bibles with commentary are biased. Just read the Bible and form your own opinions on the text then read theologians like Thomas Aquinas. I guarantee that will be a more fruitful experience than a study bible

>> No.14300094
File: 247 KB, 1024x1024, 646575_1024x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the best Bible to get for easy transportation and as a fast reference.