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File: 204 KB, 1000x586, read-a-new-book-month.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14286507 No.14286507 [Reply] [Original]

How many books you usually read at month and how many did you read this year 2019?

>> No.14286514

you tell me

>> No.14286549
File: 22 KB, 446x600, images - 2019-11-28T204943.702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So far...
09/01/19: Las Muecas del Miedo (Enrique Medina) (Futakotamagawa)

12/01/19: The Ocean at the End of the Lane (Neil Gaiman) (Sakurashimmachi)

02/02/19: The Terror (Dan Simmons) (Sakurashimmachi)

06/02/19: Deuda de Honor (Enrique Medina) (Sakurashimmachi)

15/02/19: Surprised by Joy (C.S. Lewis) (Sakurashimmachi)

24/02/19: Frankenstein (Mary Shelley) (Sakurashimmachi)

05/03/19: The Phantom of the Opera (Gaston Leroux) (Futakotamagawa)

22/03/19: Dracula (Bram Stoker) (Sakurashimmachi)

04/04/19: The Monk (Matthew Lewis) (Sakurashimmachi)

11/04/19: Star Wars Red Harvest (Joe Schreiber) (Akihabara)

26/04/19: The Castle of Otranto (Horace Walpole) (Sakurashimmachi)

25/05/19: The Children of Húrin (J.R.R. Tolkien) (Sakurashimmachi)

11/06/19: The Fall of Gondolin (J.R.R. Tolkien) (Futakotamagawa)

30/06/19: Japanese Tales of Mystery & Imagination (Edogawa Rampo) (Sakurashimmachi)

07/07/19: The Silmarillion (J.R.R. Tolkien) (Sakurashimmachi)

21/07/19: Unfinished Tales (J.R.R. Tolkien) (Sakurashimmachi)

01/08/19: Lost Worlds (C.A. Smith) (Sakurashimmachi)

07/08/19: The Last Man (Mary Shelley) (Sakurashimmachi)

15/09/19: Tales from the Perilous Realm (J.R.R. Tolkien) (Futakotamagawa)

30/09/19: J.R.R. Tolkien a biography (Humphrey Carpenter) (Sakurashimmachi)

07/10/19: Classic Locked-Room Mysteries (edit. David Stuart Davies) (Komazawa-daigaku)

09/10/19: A Confederacy of Dunces (John Kennedy Toole) (Sakurashimmachi)

13/10/19: The King In Yellow (Robert W. Chambers) (Futakotamagawa)

09/11/19: Complete Ghost Stories of M.R. James (M.R. James) (Shirokanetakanawa)

10/11/19: Melmoth the Wanderer (Charles Maturin) (Sakurashimmachi)

21/11/19: The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde & Other Stories (Robert Louis Stevenson) (Sakurashimmachi)

24/11/19: Babbitt (Sinclair Lewis) (Sakurashimmachi)

I'm currently reading The Mystery of the Yellow Room and Ghost Stories of Charles Dickens. I can't read much because I work and play videogames.

>> No.14286574

Around 1 book a month.

>> No.14286583

2-3 a month I guess?

>> No.14286586

>22/03/19: Dracula (Bram Stoker) (Sakurashimmachi)

love it bro

>> No.14286588


What is that?

>> No.14286597

My neighborhood. Those words in japanese are neighborhoods in Tokyo, that's where I finished reading those books.

>> No.14286601

oh curious

>> No.14286614
File: 27 KB, 1058x532, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

varies wildly

>> No.14286656


Nice, how you take this graph? You have an excel or something?

>> No.14286664

That's goodreads, mate

>> No.14286692

I usually average one book every fortnight, but the actual rate is wildly inconsistent; as in, I'll read three in two weeks and then then a month to read the next one.

>> No.14286694

You can plot it in excel as well because the CSV export in goodreads is really good

>> No.14286802

1-2 at mont, depends on the lenght

>> No.14286991

I'm at book #16 this year. Maybe I can squeeze 17.

>> No.14287010

yeah same i havent been reading at alll this year :(( in the spring i was because i was studying in the uk and school there is really way too easy but coming back to america i dont have as much time

>> No.14287032

Reading book 33 now, probably end the year with 35 or 36 depending on what those books are. That puts me at about 3 books per month.

>> No.14287043
File: 3 KB, 138x250, 1559390192084s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>July: Catcher in the Rhye
>August: 100 Years of Solitude
>September: Pedro Paramo
ok thats all

>> No.14287060

No one cares spasmic retard

>> No.14287090

Currently on 87. Will probs end up around 100. Read for only 3 hours a day.

How come you guys don't read much? Are you devoting entire months to Hegel/Schopenhauer/the greeks/etc?

>> No.14287109

We have sex

>> No.14287224

Everyone has sex. It's how the human race continues. Lel.

>> No.14287231

To busy shitposting and misusing freetime and probably conditioned myself to feel to drained after I get out the wage cage

>> No.14287344

I drive and make deliveries too many days a week to read much, my eyes feel strained when I get home. I listen to novels now while driving. I get througj maybe 3 or 4 per month depending on the length. I listen to some over again because the dictator is so good.
Maybe 30 of these per year for the past 5 years now.

>> No.14287350

Except you

>> No.14287501

O fuck u got me

>> No.14287522

Perhaps 2 a month. I know I know, I'm a brainlet.