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14236622 No.14236622 [Reply] [Original]

Can anyone recommend any books about this kind of thing
1 of 6

>> No.14236626
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>> No.14236632
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>> No.14236641
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>> No.14236658

listen, i think thats all bullshit. especially the shit about the races. in fact that singularly made the entire rest of the content all bullshit.

there are people of every race who are intuitive, empathetic, and incredibly intelligent in all facets. to discount that because of a bias that comes from wild generalization and assumption is just so stupid. dont read into their shit....

>> No.14236660
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>> No.14236664
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6 out of 6
The race bit is the bit I was least interested in tbqh

>> No.14236711

this might be the most autistic thing ive seen on this site. Good points about scientism/rationalism being retarded. Read any famous philosopher to learn more really

>> No.14236756

LMAO you completely disregarded the Islamic Golden Age and the scientific innovations of the era (not to mention the rich culture that they had in the era) as well the the dozens of Chinese and Indian scientists and philosophers.

>> No.14236877

These are brutally based.

>> No.14236964

>blood idolatry
no pls

>> No.14237047

Actually read some of those citations. It's /x/-tier nonsense.

>> No.14237057

What the fuck is this schizo garbage. Books won't help, seek professional help.

>> No.14237086

>this one time, islam did something (on the backs of european thought)
>there are dozens, literally DOZENS, of chinese scientists
wow amazing
lmfao@buttblasted non-euros

>> No.14237104
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Thank you based OP. I've been looking for this series for a long time. My machin crached before I could save it last time I saw it.

Thank you based God. I've been really worried about coming back as a nonhuman.

>> No.14237198
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can you imagine the schizo who made this. he put a lot of effort into it and its pretty cute desu, but still /x/-tier

>> No.14237226

In Search of the Light by Susan Blackmore
>It was just over thirty years ago that I had the dramatic out-of-body experience that convinced me of the reality of psychic phenomena and launched me on a crusade to show those closed-minded scientists that consciousness could reach beyond the body and that death was not the end. Just a few years of careful experiments changed all that. I found no psychic phenomena—only wishful thinking, self-deception, experimental error and, occasionally, fraud. I became a sceptic.

>> No.14237254

Imagine unironically thinking that LOOOOL You do realize that most of the Greek and Roman classics that we currently have were preserved by Muslims? You wouldn’t have this “urobean nawlej” without muslims you euro-cuck

>> No.14237270
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>all of this to try and make people racist so that you don't personally fall into nihilism

No cope has ever been harder. Just believe in god for fuck's sake.

>> No.14237272

Yea this is all it really is; wishful thinking.

>> No.14237331

The racial soul and any conclusion you make (it must be pure! we that share a racial soul are one!) is just a facile perversion of metaphysical categories. If there is a racial soul, there is also a collective unconscious soul of mathematicians, coffee drinkers, and people who like to take a shit when they get home from work.

This whole comic seeks to prove metaphysics by setting it up as some grand secret (its not. Anyone with a lick of intelligence knows consciousness is beyons matter) and then says... well yoi believe in metaphysics! Now that means race war is good! Now that means ESP is real! Complete bait and switch.

>> No.14237343
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>> No.14237379
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Culture is downstream of biology.

>> No.14237383

t. Guenonfag

>> No.14237387
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>> No.14237388


>Imagine thinking that IQ is the ONLY measurement of intelligence or competence
>Imagine not knowing that critical thinking can be improved with practice and that white people and Jews are literally the most privileged, which gives them more opportunities for better quality of education.

>> No.14237391

>You do realize that most of the Greek and Roman classics that we currently have were preserved by Muslims?
Wrong. Had nothing to do with Muslims at all. This is your mind on reddit. They were preserved due to Sasanid (Persian) libraries and scholarship, which happened to be allowed to continue during the Muslim takeover (also why so many of the "islamic" philosophers and art happen to be from Persians. The Persian people made Islam great, not the other way around). The Byzantines like Plethon also played a larger later role. The "Muslims preserved Greek and Roman thought" take is the ultimate reddit normie opinion.

>> No.14237394

About what? Mentally ill, delusional manchildren?

>> No.14237403


>> No.14237407
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>bro. Racial soul is real you need to remain pure.
Oh no shit? Tell me then, who is white? Oh you're going to start talking about haplogroups? Isn't that just part of the illusory physical world? Interesting.

>ok. All of that gene science is bullshit. I can't possibly reconcile the idea of mixed races, or people who are tenuously white like slavs or some middle easterners with some DNA classification. Hell, looking at these haplogroups, it seems like irish and ukrainians have nothing in common.. it must be 100% metaphysical.

Oh interesting. So who is white then? Let's look at some historical documents of irish and swedes being considered niggers. Let's see some pictures of some Spaniards, german, scottish, russian, turkish, finnish, and Lebanese people. Which ones are white? Hmm.. it seems like when we survey people they cant even seem to agree.. Then wtf is this racial soul??

>> No.14237426

>No bro! I just feel it in my bones okay?
So that's what being white is? Nothing but a feeling? So anyone can be white?

>> No.14237427

besides the exaggerated visual value of minute point changes, what is this graph supposed to be saying
social class is the best predictor of IQ performance or

>> No.14237429

I did not remotely imply that “Islam” is what made Persia or the Muslims great. I dislike Islam as a religion, but it’s simply retarded to deny the things that Muslims (and not Islam per se) did. I do agree that the majority were indeed Persians, but some scientists and philosophers were from other parts of the Islamic Caliphate. As far as I know, Plethon relied on the works of the Persians and Muslims before him.

>> No.14237460

The resolution to this dialogue is that metaphysics can be perverted in any way if you do not believe in the infinity of god. No, belief in god does not mean you have to be a part of any specific religion. It just means you wont make a fucking mess like this.

>> No.14237465

>young boy can only imagine himself as the race he grew up with

>> No.14237468

>tfw white third party middle class
feels medium difficulty man

>> No.14237560

Your opinion is retarded and reddit tier. You have no idea what you are talking about and come across as someone who just parrots liberal pluralist platitudes from reddit and netflix documentaries. Your original (dumb) claim implied a causal chain of events w.r.t. preservation of thought, naming Muslims as a collective as playing the major causal role in said preservation (presumably as a cultural collective, i.e. Islam). I'm telling you that the preservation of thought had a major mechanism behind it: the Sasanid library and scholar system. The logistics for the preservation of this knowledge is from this system. It's not from anything to do with Muslims or Muslim culture. One of the reasons this library system was preserved by warmongering Arabs on horseback, was that they didn't want to piss off the Persian elites due to the rebellions taking place. As to Plethon being named, he played a key role in transmitting the Greeks and Romans to bring about the Renaissance period. What this means is that the original structural entity in the preservation chain (Persian libraries and scholars) and the final part of the chain (Byzantines like Plethon) have nothing causally to do with Muslims. It's trite garbage.

>I did not remotely imply
It's in parentheses as background info, it was added due to your ignorance of where much of "muslim" culture comes from. Read a book you dumb faggot.

>> No.14237572
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>> No.14237583
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the works of this absolute madman

>> No.14237605

>If it can't be proved by scientific experiments it doesn't real

>> No.14237610

Nah but it refutes a lot of the crap in the OP

>> No.14237681

For instance?

>> No.14237697

The second image is entirely "we tried it experimentally"

>> No.14237794

In regards to remote viewing, for me: when you can't do it yourself, can't find anyone else who can do it, and can't find reliable information on people who are capable of doing it, the search ends. The stargate project itself was cancelled and declassified precisely because it failed to produce any applicable results. See Jon Ronson, the guy who wrote The Men Who Stare at Goats, walked away a skeptic.

>> No.14237876

Thanks for the info.