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14207674 No.14207674 [Reply] [Original]

>feel superior to everyone I meet
>feel eternally lonely
Is this just the path us /lit/anons have to walk?

>> No.14207682

No. Pretending you read books, or actually reading them, doesn't make you any superior.

>> No.14207716

Not just because I read books, I mean superior in a physical, mental, and spiritual sense.

>> No.14207720

>>>/r9k/ is that way, anone

>> No.14207728

>He is arrogant. Like all people with timid personalities, his arrogance is unlimited. Anybody who speaks quietly and shrivels up in company is unbelievably arrogant. He acts shy, but he’s not. He’s scared. He hates himself, and he loves himself, a very tense situation. -orson wells on woody allen

>> No.14207734

this quote is great and always relevant
thank you orson, rosebud

>> No.14207784
File: 81 KB, 993x505, intp bf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't tell if he's insulting or praising intp's.

>> No.14207801

I always score infp yet everything in this post describes me. What gives?

>> No.14207809

advice for this type of people?

>> No.14207828

the test you took is dogshit

>> No.14207831

you're probably just blind lad. legitimate feelings of superiority have no segregatory or negative association. it's more fatherly, you know people well and can value them as much as know them to be lesser. there is a certain loneliness in that too but i doubt this describes you. any retard can think like you do, indeed many do, it only makes you vulnerable to incompetence and is almost like a form of self-harm. you will probably feel better if you cultivate empathy and take people you meet in a generous light, not presupposed resentment that's clearly bad for you mental health. im assuming you spin this negatively because you are lonely, making me correct. if it were positive you'd be alright for the most part.

>> No.14207845

Where would you recommend? I always use the first result fancy looking site when you search up "mbti test"

>> No.14207847

cold approach women and talk to strangers

>> No.14207954

It means your answers to the test were inaccurate. You were either not being honest or in need of introspection.

>> No.14207957

Why is the meme more accurate than the test?

>> No.14207974

Learn to read, faggot.
>your answers to the test were inaccurate. You were either not being honest or in need of introspection.
Not him btw.

>> No.14207983
File: 385 KB, 647x408, ottertumblr_mutgplfM481rjiopto1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because it's easier for you to look at these arbitrary quotes and think; "yes this is me". Compared to tricking the test into saying it is you with the answers you give yourself. Maybe you are an INFP, or something completely different. If you assign this much meaning to the meme then you should preoccupy yourself with something else.

>> No.14207984 [DELETED] 

Look up "function stacks" + your 4-letter personality ID. Personality cafe is a pretty good jumping off point for research. The difference between an INFP and INTP is the position of the secondary and inferior functions being switched, but otherwise they are virtually similar. The test may have misdiagnosed you, especially if it was a weighted response test rather than a diagnostic test, but frequently this kind of 2-4 mistyping will happen if your kundalini avashtahr enters the seventh degree (plutonic eclipse) and causes you to invert into your natal state wherein immature expression of the inferior function co-dominates with the primary function (ogre mode). Mainly, read what "extraverted thinkers" and "extraverted feelers" are supposed to do well, and consider which one that you're generally good at it, and which one you just suck at. MBTI memes kinda fuck you up cos you're hanging out with INTPs all day on 4chan and pretty much acclimate to their kind of expression.

>> No.14207986 [DELETED] 
File: 146 KB, 500x431, nigglr_m8ocyuwmmY1rrk27b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I meant to post this image, also.

>> No.14207993 [DELETED] 

>8 *facepalm*
1 :: 4 switch


>> No.14208757

Got one for INTJ?

>> No.14208766

This is what everyone at work and at school thinks of you. If you're not an extravert clown you're an arrogant freak.

>> No.14208799


>> No.14208801


>> No.14208833

>H-he doesn't talk to me so he hates me! And himself!
Why are normalfags so insecure like this?

>> No.14209147

You have the right to feel that way

>> No.14209315

Textbook herd. Any non-hyper social behaviour is dangerous to the whole and must be stopped at any cost. Its just that theyve gotten insidious with their ways of keeping real human beings down, they make them feel like they are the ones who are insane (as you notice above.) Could they really blame anyone for hating them, if they did? Insects gnawing at the human spirits foundations

>> No.14209334

lmao, why do u think u are lonely?

>> No.14209343

Feeling superior and actually being superior rarely coincide.

>> No.14209352

They're so vague, it applies to everyone. See also the zodiac.

>> No.14209354


>> No.14209361
File: 281 KB, 447x458, 1552010311429.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Newfoundland would never survive without Canada

>> No.14209385

You and everyone else shouldn’t take a modern astrology reference system so seriously.

>> No.14209782

You're not superior, tard. Realize that when you die no one will care, you will amount to nothing and you will be forgotten. Feeling of superiority is a coping mechanism of weak individuals.

>> No.14209785

Implying I take them seriously.
Most likely.

>> No.14209788

You're a retarded narcissist and nobody would care about you dying

>> No.14209807

True happiness comes from learning to appreciate others.

>> No.14209819
File: 56 KB, 877x671, 1555960398485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only feel superior to everyone I see when I haven't had a wank in 5 days

>> No.14209905

Interesting, I’ve always been a huge Orson Welles

>> No.14210040

you're lonely because the second you face someone else you're not comfortable around, you're forced to face your actual conception of yourself, which is that you're pathetic

>> No.14210453

You just have to grow up

>> No.14210589
File: 125 KB, 1200x900, bloodshot-eye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lean humility. That's what helped me move from this to focusing on giving love unconditionally in day to day interactions. Sounds dumb but leads to real enjoyment and engagement with others. Takes some time but it's well worth it.

>> No.14210610

You're too based to live.
Simple As