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14173462 No.14173462 [Reply] [Original]

Was he a flat-earther?

>> No.14173480

He's a science denier. He also didn't believe in evolution.

>> No.14173498

flat-earthers are the most scientific minded of them all. they do to science what science did to religion.
scientific skepticism was about questioning truths and not believing anything without empirical knowledge, and that is exactly what flat-earthers think they're doing when questioning the dogma of science and claiming that since there is no way to feel the earth's roundness through the senses, there is no reason to blindly believe it's round

>> No.14173617

Flat earthers are retarded

>> No.14173722


>> No.14173730

Because you're science deniers

>> No.14173738

Good post. I ain't a flat earther, but its important to question dogma. even scientific ones.

>> No.14173742

Based. This will be the mainstream position by 2030.

>> No.14173753

He was a theosophist, so yes anti evolution flat earther proto nazi trump supporting knuckle dragging trailer dwelling mouth breathing cleetus guenon

>> No.14173771

Because they believe in a theory inconsistent with observable facts, which puts them on par with race deniers and other insane people.

>> No.14173787

Today is Guenon's 133rd birthday! Let's celebrate!

>> No.14173977

Evolution is a spiritual process

>> No.14174817


>> No.14174840

And It all started as the usual fucking psyop from the usual fucking glow-In-the-darkies.
Someone was probably fired.

>> No.14174864
File: 2.73 MB, 2083x3811, flatearth.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14176143


>> No.14176162

>since there is no way to feel the earth's roundness through the senses

>> No.14176168

Guenon retroactively refuted flat-earth theory.

>> No.14176204

That was Parmenides you absolute retard

>> No.14176226

Retroactively refuted by Guenon.

>> No.14177563

Guenon retroactively refuted retroactivity.

>> No.14177569

Nikon p1000 disproves earth curvature though.

>> No.14177576

If Guenon was a zoomer, he would probably shoot up a school.

>> No.14178228


>> No.14178288

I doubt it - he did seem to be very sceptical of evolution in his introductory work, I’m not sure if it was the state of the theory not being developed at that time or him being uncomfortable with the implications though

The earth being a globe isn’t a dogma in science though

>> No.14178292

More like a flat-facer.

>> No.14178293


>> No.14178307

>The earth being a globe isn’t a dogma in science though

It is for IFLS types who themselves are not very scientific minded people and flat-earthers are fun insofar as they expose this.

>> No.14178319

Flat-earthers and anti vax activists are fucking who cares tier, and likely propped up by glowniggers to give the dumb masses easy targets

>> No.14178328

Why? To what end?

>> No.14178364

You ducking retard, he despised theosophy.

>> No.14178367

Why the long face?

>> No.14178428

A self-hating theosophist, how sad.

>> No.14178521
File: 76 KB, 637x478, 1514457277068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can literally go look south and see only the top parts of exceptionally tall mountains past the horizon, on clear enough days. Once, I saw only mount rainier's tip, from over 150 miles away. Philosophy has broken your brain. Go to the real world for once, there is important information to be discovered there.

>> No.14178772

no, hollow-earther, read King of the World

>> No.14178826

Where best to start with Guenon?

>> No.14178850

all I meant to say is that the earth's roundness isn't obvious from our perspective. if no one had ever told you about it, chances are you'd give it for granted that the earth's surface is flat and in that sense, knowing a provable scientific fact does require some sort of faith. of course there's little things that can prove earth's roundness, but fundamentally we are relying on information that comes from outside us, and if that information told us something different, we would believe that as truth - I'm sure flat-earthers have hundreds of ways to prove earth's flatness as well, just like the sun rising and setting was perfect proof of the earth being at the centre of the universe.
I'm not agreeing with them, I'm just pointing out that paradoxically, their anti-science is based on the same skepticism and physicalist empiricism that science imposed itself through

>> No.14179003

>It is for IFLS types who themselves are not very scientific minded people

Thats a problem with every popular belief set hence I dont tend to place too much weight on it, much like Cathodox who do genuinely pray to saints and treat prayers as magical spells.

>flat-earthers are fun insofar as they expose this.
For me its more the conspiracy theory and hypocrisy element which is fun.

To make people who question or try and reveal genuine conspiracies easy to dismiss and appear ridiculous.

>> No.14179008

don't bother, complete waste of time

>> No.14180179
File: 3.81 MB, 6161x5009, Guenon_recc_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14181007

He wrote an entire book against theosophy. He despised it so much that he added a critique of it to every book he ever wrote.

>> No.14181104

Rupert Sheldrake questioned more effectively the dogmas of materialism and natural phenomenology in scientific épistémology.

Flat earth shit is thinly veiled Reddit irony.

>> No.14181176


>> No.14182706

on what?

>> No.14184225


>> No.14185082

dude you have to have an IQ over 100 to post on 4chan. stop being such a retarded person