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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 263 KB, 500x457, cheat pass.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14164650 No.14164650 [Reply] [Original]

Are there are good books about cuckolding?

I'm curious what authors have wrote about this in the past. Since it seems to be 'in vogue' now so to speak.

>> No.14164657

90% of the western canon is about cuckolding starting with the Iliad

>> No.14164672

Piss off plebbit

>> No.14164681

Why is this? Is it a manifestation of the impotence people feel in modern society to affect the trajectory of their lives? Of being ruled over by untouchably powerful people and faceless entities? Is it a breaking down of the family unit / traditional values? The overabundance of easily accessible porn desensitizing / disconnecting people to/from their own sexuality?

To answer your question, it's a bit of a spoiler but Murakami's Wind-up Bird Chronicle deals with the theme

>> No.14164682

>The Telegraph is England's RIGHT-WING newspaper
Can anyone explain why the English right-wing is so damn weak on cultural issues?

>> No.14164691


>> No.14164698

What country has a culturally strong mainstream right? They're just leftists going the speed limit.

>> No.14164710

Prepping the Bull

>> No.14164717

Othello is literally about a guy obsessed with getting cucked in every sense of the word that he goes on a quest to ruin as many lives as he possibly can

>> No.14164746
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tanizaki wrote some stuff. the key, i think?
he also wrote foot fetish stuff like diary of a mad old man
weird bloke

>> No.14164762

Cuckolding has lost all meaning in recent years.

>> No.14164772

Don't you guys realize this is a good idea? If she gets to sleep with other men that means I get to sleep with sexy college babes.

>> No.14164801

No, it means you get to play with your Nintendo Switch while she gets pummeled by her choice of the night because she has many options that you as an average male do not. Think of it like a toddler and a 600 lbs. hambeast attending an all you can eat buffet at the same time. The hambeast will eat her portions until the food runs out, then it will eat the toddler's food as the poor fellow struggles to eat anything, and then it will eat the silverware, the table, and finally the toddler. You are the toddler.

>> No.14164803

>implying it will work both ways

>> No.14164809

Based and the only right answer

>> No.14164818 [DELETED] 

Retard, her vagina is yours if you’re with her. You can say “I’ll only allow you to cheat if you allow me”. This is how polyamorous relationships work.

>> No.14164817


>> No.14164823

How depressing is that headline.

>Hey men, why didn't you want to give women power?

>> No.14164827

Exactly. Blacked subscribers who stumbled their way onto /lit/ haven’t realized that a cuck is a man who pimps his wife for his own pleasure, usually to molest her nieces

>> No.14164840

I've heard good stuff about the gnostics

>> No.14164842

worshiping the demiurge is cuckoldry

>> No.14164894

Poly degeneracy doesn't work.

>> No.14164908

it does for the girl lol

>> No.14164910

Statistics books. Fun fact, the amount of single women over 40 is more than 3x as many single men in the same age bracket.

>> No.14164920
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It does for the squad as well

>> No.14164928

For people who have a poor interpretation of love it does.

The feckless passing flings people have is not love and they realise this but instead of being bothered to find themselves in someone (metaphorically) they instead try to entrap some poor soul with low self-esteem so they can feel some semblance of what most call love.

It normally ends in a messy way.

>> No.14164932

It takes guts, trust in your partner and confidence in your masculinity to engage in cuckoldry and partner swapping. I wouldn't expect poltards and other women hating incel types to possess any of these qualities.

>> No.14164934
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>> No.14164939

None of those men actually love that women, they'll be too caught up in competition to secure a romance.

>> No.14164960

I actually made my way into a weird social situation like this. I’m older and there started hanging out with these dudes who had this really fucking hot tomboy friend. After a few drinks at a bbq I suggested we all gang bang her and she deadass said Yes, like she had been waiting for this moment. There is one guy who I think has the feels for her and is stalling it but I’m pretty sure once he figures out she in it for the water works we will tag teaming very soon LOL

>> No.14164963

This is all you got? You disgusting catamite. The lecherous, unrighteousness of OP is mostly the blinding of good virtue. Polyamory and open relationships end in unhappiness, poor familial conditions, increased hostility between partners, jealousy, etc. It works for the rare few base delinquents who know nothing else

>> No.14164972

>t. seething incel

>> No.14164978

According to Time, the overwhelming majority of single people in the US with a college degree are women, while the overwhelming majority of single people in the US without a college degree are men. The reality is that women without money get hitched to guys with money (i.e. guys with degrees) while women with money (i.e. women with degrees) prefer their independence, and in current society, women are ultimately making the decision on who gets married.

>> No.14164983
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People into cuckolding are just perverts that can't stay loyal. They use the guise of polyamory to justify their inability to dedicate themselves to their partner. They will never know true love and the feeling of growing old with a life partner. The point of a relationship is to know that you may, in fact, have love for another yet you are able to acknowledge those feelings without acting on them. You all have no discipline. I doubt any of you have managed to maintain a healthy relationship. Please show me otherwise.

>> No.14164987

>Why is this?

Nothing that complicated. Infidelity is just an easy source of domestic conflict. And most classical works take place in a domestic setting. Stories that take place elsewhere (e.g Moby Dick) can also derive conflict elsewhere

>> No.14164995

Whenever you think of powerful and confident men the first ones that come to your mind are those that let other men sleep with their wives?

>> No.14165002

Disgusting base degenerate. Speak for yourself. I fuck my loyal partner like it's no one's business.

>> No.14165004


t. Marcus Aurelius

>> No.14165008

His wife was likely not a slut, but had her reputation smeared by her political opponents.

>> No.14165011

He also thought young boys were sexually attractive. At least he didn't fuck them like the Greeks

>> No.14165012
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Only TRUE men can cuckold. Pussies can't deal with it without getting jealous. I'm a faggot btw if that matters.

>> No.14165015

Oh she got smeared by her political opponents alright.

>> No.14165017

The literal point of cuckolding is that it's painful and makes you feel pathetic.

>> No.14165025

Yeah but we get to be men and don't have to have the gimped brain of a women. Surely this is a good trade off?

>> No.14165027

was his wife hot

>> No.14165028

Only people who can't face letting their partner see them for who they really are allow their relationships fail to such a degree.

Slutting it up for a while will not change a shitty relationship.

>Muh why can't we just fuck like bonobos

Humans need to form society to survive and polyamourus behaviour goes against this goal.

>> No.14165035

In general or in an open relationship? It's better to be a man in general, yes. Men are more divine, women earthly. But it is worse to be a man in an open relationship.

>> No.14165039

>Humans need to form society to survive and polyamourus behaviour goes against this goal

True in the past but not anymore.

>> No.14165049

Promiscuity is a bane to the soul and by "slutting it up for awhile" just means to act like a brainless degenerate seeking pleasure.

>> No.14165050

Its only worse in a sexual power dynamic sense. But the sex of a closed relationship usually sucks as well. It's like women's only real source of power. If they didn't have that they would just be trying to murder us I am afraid.

>> No.14165052

You get all you food from a supermarket you cuck

>> No.14165053

Correct. It will keep going in the direction of polyamory until incels and average men getting shafted rise up. The gamer revolution will end polyamory and thus end the American empire as well.

>> No.14165058

there is no "soul" and pleasure is only bad if you're not experiencing any.

>> No.14165060

You poor thing

>> No.14165062

Brainlet or troll?

>> No.14165074

Pleasure is nothing more than a momentary distraction you fucking degenerate.

>> No.14165075

Yeah that's why people who are more promiscuous end up unhappier than their monogamous counterparts. They also end up more diseased, emotionally distressed. Wonder why prostitutes/whores have such high mental illness rates? But alas, you're of a mindset pertaining to a godless cretin with zero self control and no morals.

>> No.14165076
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>you poor thing
lmao, faggot
no, you're bitter because you're not invited to the party, so you want to shut it down for everyone else. typical school shooter mentality.

>> No.14165078

I meant more why it seems to be in vogue today

>> No.14165081

Fucking wrong, you've been moulded for generations by society and if anything we rely on it more now than ever before.

>> No.14165085

Gang bangs are the most natural form sexual relations

>> No.14165093

Nope. The cyclical nature of history was destroyed the moment mankind discovered a way to modify its own sexual behavior (via contraceptives) and manipulate the psychology of the masses (via AI marketing systems, which are basically reality warping algorithms).

>> No.14165094

They are also completely in tune with the germanic-völkisch notion of group nudism and female empowerment.

>> No.14165097

>Le let me fuck and suck my through life enjoying every bit of hedonism society pushes on me

Said all the washed up shit brains on the planet

>> No.14165098

The nature of the "town that raises the child" has changed drastically since the invention of global telecommunications.

>> No.14165099

>Nature is correct!
Based cuck who has no control of urges. Slave to his immediate senses

>> No.14165102

>the only sex i'm having is with my reverend
lmao, stay salty, todd flanders

>> No.14165103
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Without all the meme/gamer stuff I actually agree with this. America is headed towards a Brave New World type future. Poly/open shit will slowly become the new norm. Eventually casual sex will just become so common that it'll just be something you do with friends for fun; it practically is that already. It's basically just communism applied to relationships: no one owns anything, everything is shared. Everybody will be shared too.

>> No.14165106

>techno optimist
You're in for a rude awakening. One big solar flare is enough to knock out the system.

>> No.14165108

>We don't rely on society
>Because of global communications

Imagine being this braindead

>> No.14165113

It won't last very long though. It's not a stable system.

>> No.14165119

This, it breeds infighting and jealousy among the masses

>> No.14165124

No, that’s just the air around it. People in the community are very professional about it. You won’t believe how many rich established men and women are into this kind of shit

>> No.14165127

This kind of lifestyle doesn't lead to happiness and will lead to an awful environment for families

>> No.14165129

Re-read my post friendo. No where does it say we don't rely on society, just that the nature of that society has changed. Children today aren't raised by the neighborhood that exists in world but one that exists in cyberspace.

>> No.14165135

I'm not an optimist. I pray for the day the grid goes down.

>> No.14165137

Eh. What's mostly happening is that more and more women are congregating towards the top males and leaving a significant portion out of sex completely. Something like a third of all men today are incels or very close to being incels. That's insane. The average men are those stuck in dead bedrooms, cuckolds for single moms, dating landwhales, etc. The top men (10-20%), Chads, fuck most of the women. Just read up on hypergamy. Women were given freedom and they are planting the seeds of their own repression down the road. It's going to be epic. I wish I live to see it.

>> No.14165144

>Only insults he can think of based around sex
Can you be much more centered around your basic urges?

>> No.14165148

Agreed. I just wonder how long until the current "romantic market place" collapses and has to start anew.

>> No.14165165

The moment that man finds a better prospect that woman is forever fucked because not only did she lose an honest man and been replaced by someone better, her story is forever that of a cheating shit

>> No.14165167

Re-read the replies frendo.

Cyberspace is just a modern manifestation of society, implying this doesn't still mold us is rarted.

Your genes have survived for the past few centuries bc of society, how it changes doesn't change the fact that you're here bc of society.

I never said anything about how children are raised. My point was that we rely on society too much to fuck it up with polyamourus behaviour.

>> No.14165179

Based. A level-headed and sober approach to sexuality will open up so many doors on its own without having to face any resistance at all.

>> No.14165184

In our society there are quite literally millions of simps ready to worship the feet of this "cheating shit." Sad, I know. Post-wall is a meme, as is an unwanted woman. I agree with your sentiment, but you're 100 years too late to the party. There's no shortage of men catering to a woman's every need today. Until that stops, I don't see a way out. It keeps going because some man out there always thinks "huh if I just give her what she wants maybe she'll give me pus." Then she has a child with him and he's stuck financing her for life even if she decides to divorce, and the overwhelming majority of divorces are initiated by the female.

>> No.14165191

Extremely few people are able to keep this mentality for very long.

>> No.14165196

>You won’t believe how many rich established men and women are into this kind of shit
oh my you don't say the rich fucking porkies are into degenerate sex activities? whaaaaaat? those same rich sociopaths that exploit everyone else have mental issues such as a desire for cuckoldry? whaaaaaat whaaaaaaaat bro no way bro and they're professional about it? holy shit dude that's so based you're so based

>> No.14165206


>> No.14165207

You sound like a deranged child, stop embarrassing yourself.

>> No.14165216
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>> No.14165222

>why yes I do enjoy being cucked now stop embarrassing yourself
jesus christ you're a sad husk of a man and your posts don't deserve serious replies considering just how delusional your thoughts are

>> No.14165229

Given that our elites are pushing this polyamorous crap heavily, I wonder if there is anything that can be done.
"Normal" conservative politicians (the Romney kind) are useless on cultural issues. Populist ones are too concerned with immigration and trade.

>> No.14165231

what's the name of the author that wrote that little piece

>> No.14165234

Eh, it's no big deal, really. Wife swapping is like playing monopoly on a double date night, just a little bit sweatier. I'm a lawyer and it's pretty common practice in our office to do it when times around for all these corporate christmas dinners.

>> No.14165237

I'm not him, but it is not because someone is rich that he is a moral role model.

>> No.14165246

Nothing upstanding and moral about being poor and unable to bond physically, either.

>> No.14165248
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>> No.14165250

>faggot looks up to rich hedonists
how unexpected

>> No.14165257

Nice meme.

>> No.14165260

No I declined the invitation on the selfie soirée lame ass

>> No.14165272

Swingers have always had their place in Society. mainly in relationships where both partners don't feel satisfied. At some point they'll only stay together for the swinger meets.

But to push it on the masses is asking for trouble.

>> No.14165273

Yes, it’s a sad life to be a cheating shit surrounded by pathetic betas

>> No.14165278

I didn't say being poor makes you moral.

>> No.14165281

>Cyberspace is just a modern manifestation of society, implying this doesn't still mold us is rarted.

I didn't imply this. Exactly the opposite. Society influences the next generation (i.e children) and that change is reflected back into the society. The concept of the "neighborhood" has changed because of global telecommunications (now there are communities that exist purely in cyberspace and people that are sustained purely by those communities). Technology, in general, is irreversible and its effect on society likewise.

>> No.14165284

I always forget about the few r*dditors on here that always push stuff like this, b*tters being among them.

>> No.14165290

whats the solution

>> No.14165291

There is something very upstanding about being poor and still having enough dignity not to fuck your way through life like a degenerate rich piece of shit

>> No.14165296

Wrong lol

Im pretty sure jealousy will always exist. Polyfags are a minority that people like louis thoureaux make documentaries to gawk at

>> No.14165298

>mainly in relationships where both partners don't feel satisfied
Are you implying relationships are only about sex? Is this the power of secular marriage?

>> No.14165310

>all that pent up rage and sexual frustration surfacing

>> No.14165319

ok boomer

>> No.14165325

Your lame and your life is a joke. People will get mad because it reflects what dignity you might of had would look like

>> No.14165326

A good sexual relationship makes up a small part of a relationship. When you submit yourself to a community centered around "swapping wives" it becomes more than just a small part even if you have good sex.

Sex is fun but hedonism leads everyone down the same hole, most just don't want to see it.

>> No.14165329

mein gott you can just spot the rabid r*dditors
"ok boomer" in response to an anon saying it's better to be an upstanding poor person instead of a rich hedonist (what boomers always aspired to be and worship)
beyond pathetic

>> No.14165346

Yeah. That person thinks that s/he is rebelling against the Boomers by adopting their mindset.

>> No.14165351

>Sexual frustration
Only frustration I see here is with self righteous faggots like yourself

>> No.14165354

Being a prude is peak boomer.

>> No.14165360

Not him but you really do give off serious incel vibes. Engage in intercourse.

>> No.14165371

>you're a prude if you don't swap wives
Come on, try harder. Prude is such a terrible term because it's used all over the place. It's lost any meaning it might have had. All it does is invite a slippery slope of sexual degeneracy.

>> No.14165374

Boomers We're the hippies in the 60s you ass. Theyromanticised their promiscuous, drug-induced escapades as having been some sort of Earth-shaking cultural movement that changed the course of history. As if they were the first and last generation to get fucked up and have random sex, and as if that somehow changed the world.

>> No.14165375


>> No.14165378

Boomers were known for being particularly more promiscuous than the previous generations.
That's one of the ways they rebelled against tradition.

>> No.14165380

Zoomers go on literal "dick appointments", you shut in.

>> No.14165386

For society or for yourself?

For society, violent revolution. But this is impossible because the necessary malcontent is being slowly overwritten by a placid numbness. Marx said religion was the opiate of the masses, he was wrong, its mass entertainment. There is an engine of distraction, sustained by self-learning artificial intelligence, which prevents any kind of reversal. The only hope is a plague or similar catastrophe, but as our medical and engineering technologies advance we will slowly cull these eventualities.

On a personal level, you can choose to disconnect. The degree to which you do this is up to you. You can cut back on mass media, social media, the internet, electronics, to just what you need to do your work. You can raise your children without exposing them to these mind-altering technologies. You can join a monastery in the Burmese jungle. I'd start by quitting 4chan, but as you and I are both here, we know it's not that easy nor that simple.

>> No.14165388

You are peak idiot

>> No.14165390


These cunts have no idea what a boomer is or their context in history and culture

>> No.14165393

The average boomer made out at the drive-in theater and married their high school sweetheart.

>> No.14165403

Sure, and the average zoomer's life resembles that of The Notebook.

>> No.14165405

Bc of their anxiety about being abnormal, boomers didn't have anxiety you fuck

Not the "rebellious" ones who dropped lsd into their eye and came to define that generation.

>> No.14165423

Nah, a bunch of monarchist and tradcath LARPers on 4chan are not a representative group. Gen-Z is frivolous.

>boomers didn't have anxiety you fuck
Haha, you're in your own reality.

>> No.14165425

Fucking Google boomer

>> No.14165435

zoomers are mostly shit yeah but some of them are waking up to the reality of their lives

>> No.14165456

There's countless homeless people with college degrees, they are meaningless.

>> No.14165475

Because for most of history the family unit was the most basic component of a civilisation, but industrialisation of labour and reproduction greatly reduces the need for this. Our elites judge civilizational health by GDP and if gays are allowed to stick it in each others ass without getting hung and nothing else, so they don't really care about liquidation of the family. When necessity is no longer the driving factor it quickly gives way to novelty, there is no need to for us to make families, we can just import them from the third world and have them work for less, and without his need all that is left is novelty seeking, chasing dopamine spikes in a flat featureless environment where everything is OK.

>> No.14165486

Boomers called depression being sad and having anxiety was just being a pussy

>> No.14165500

>and if gays are allowed to stick it in each others ass without getting hung and nothing else
Most people will just gloss over it, but it's crazy how the US judges countries based on gay parades. You must have gay parades in order to be friends with America. It's like some sort of initiation ceremony into the globohomo poz.

>> No.14165509

Especially since the LGBT community is only about 5% of the population.

>> No.14165518

What's the endgame of aggressively promoting homosexual culture?

>> No.14165522

Wow, ok then

Same with the EU. The extent to which LGBT is integrated into a european countries culture, the more "european" it is thought of.

>> No.14165560 [SPOILER] 
File: 26 KB, 193x200, 1573696301646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crashing this Earth...with no survivors!

>> No.14165566

Conformity probably, using modern trends to allow more government power especially in the social sphere

>> No.14165575

There's also countless richfags with college degrees. Not sure what the point of your comment was.

>> No.14165594

>Wow, ok then
Why do so many people on lit have such a misconstrued conception of what baby boomers were.

They fucked themselves up on hedonism then gave it up when they realised they wanted kids.

Their biggest fear was working for a corporation, like wtf. They're so self righteous it makes me sick and act like their progeny owes them a huge debt. All they do now is their best to sky rocket property prices.

They had culture and they spat on it.
They had the chance to shape the world for the better but instead they fetishized doing drugs at music festivals.
They claimed they did us a favour by rebelling against traditional culture.
They felt oppressed when they were the first generation with the world at their feet and they fucked it up.

Now we have no culture
Now we view traditionalism as sacrilege
Now we let anyone act however the fuck they want in the name of self expression no matter what it means for society at large

They allowed the corporations they claimed to hate to control us to an extent beyond their own reasoning.

Fuck boomers and fuck the people who say boomers were uptight prudes. You are so clueless it offends me.

>> No.14165771

Dom Casmurro

>> No.14165880

How the fuck is it "exciting" if it has been agreed upon?

>> No.14165913


>> No.14165930

>To answer your question, it's a bit of a spoiler but Murakami's Wind-up Bird Chronicle deals with the theme
Really? How?

>> No.14166289
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Why is interracial porn so hot?

Why is the white woman/black man combo so AESTHETIC?

>> No.14166312

>Ctrl+F Ulysses
>Phrase not found
>thread is just talking about the image and general cuckshit and politics
RIP /lit/

>> No.14166938

This is some class A low iq autism.

>> No.14167006

what movie is this?

>> No.14167047

You can probably find a million articles on The American Conservative being pro male supremacy instead, I guess now you know how women reading conservative articles feel.

>> No.14167068

>The American Conservative being pro male supremacy

nice bait

>> No.14167073

don't quite remember but I think it ended in either -berg or -stein

>> No.14167129
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close enough

>> No.14167139
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>> No.14167150

It's always a fucking ki-

>> No.14167234

So are you saying there is not a single article there that supports traditional gender roles? Even if that's true for this website specifically there are plenty of conservatives who think that way so the point still stands.

>> No.14167246

You said male supremacy, not traditional gender roles. You are not as slippery as you think you are.

>> No.14167259

>Since it seems to be 'in vogue' now so to speak.
No, it's being forcefully (((pushed))) onto you, you stupid git.

>> No.14167278

Do I need to point out that traditional gender roles don't include women voting, being in the workplace and having positions of power? Unless you define male supremacy very narrowly, as in thinking that women are literal subhumans, in which case you are the slippery one.

>> No.14167283

>Are you implying relationships are only about sex? Is this the power of secular marriage?
'Relationships'? No, of course not.

Marriage? Yes, of course. The only reason for marriage to exist is to regulate sex in a civilized and (spiritually) healthy manner. So yes, marriage is for sex.

>> No.14167298

Any rich cuckolds ITT want me to fuck their wife?

>> No.14167329

Could you show me anything in the National Conservative (or any mainstream conservative website) defending that women should not vote or be in positions of power?
You have said that this is easy to find >>14167047

>> No.14167404

Okay I can't find an article on the American Conservative that is explicitly against women voting. But we all know that there are a lot of Paleocons/Conservative Catholics/alt-righters etc. who believe that women should stay at home raising children, so the point still stands.

>> No.14167510

>this much effort for such a stupid post
If youdve read a book in that time youdve done the world and yourself a benefit.

>> No.14167514

>who believe that women should stay at home raising children
Okay, so if women shouldn't "stay at home raising children", who *should* raise kids?

Men? Random strangers who need quick cash? Just let the feral kids run wild, don't raise them? Maybe the solution is not to have kids at all and die out in one generation?

Waiting for your answer, o sage.

>> No.14167542

There are many women who love raising kids, so I guess they could be the ones to do it. But if no one wanted to raise kids, then no one should do it.

>> No.14167577

lol, imagine gifting her a cheat pass as you two agreed you would gift each other, but she just gifts you a pair of knitted socks.

>> No.14167589

>we should only do what we want


>> No.14167602

>promisciousness and prostitution are almost interchangeable
Brainlet post of the month

>> No.14167610

Thats kind of a boring answer, why don't you elaborate a bit?

Also, are you the previous anon or not?

>> No.14167617

Lefties literally want the state to raise your kids for you.

Also, the whole point of feminism in a capitalist society is to flood the labor market with more workers in order to depress wages. Employers used to be forced to pay men enough money to raise a family on a single income, but they got around that restriction by churning out enough propaganda to convince droves of women that slaving away as a call-center operator or as a cashier at Walmart is "more fulfilling" than raising children.

>> No.14167638


>He was ugly enough to “break daylight with his fist,” but for some curious reason he was irresistible to many of the thrill-seeking white women who sneaked into the black side of town panting as they chased after that hoary myth, “Nigger men do it so good it thrills you to your toe nails.”

>There was a Fast sheet joint with the trick rooms in the rear, right on the alley. I was peeping one night into one through a frayed shade when I saw Party Time for the first time.

>My eyes were bugging when I saw the tall viking type white man, his tiny, but voluptuous female white companion and Party Time taking their clothes off. Finally they stood there naked. I could see their lips moving so I pressed my ear and eye sideways against the window that was open a couple of inches at the top to get the sound.

>The white joker was tenderly hefting Party Time’s weapon in his hand like maybe it was Ming Dynasty Pottery. He said excitedly to the broad, “Oh! Honey, can you believe the size, the beauty of it!”

>In the glow of the room’s red light, that broad looked like an animated portrait by Da Vinci. Her eyes were blue fire in her passion. She purred like a Persian kitten and pounced onto the bed.

>Party Time stood at the side of the bed looking down at her. He was an ebony executioner. His horizontal axe cast a cruel shadow across the snowy peaks, rose tipped.

>My trouser front was tented as I pressed even tighter against the window. I had never seen anything like this back in Rockford. Then to my amazed ears, the white man said a strange thing as he pulled a chair to the end of the bed and sat on the very edge of it.

>He was breathing hard when he said, “All right now Boy, stab it into her, hurt her, punish her, crucify her, good Boy! Good Boy!”

>The broad looked so fragile and helpless to my naive eyes that I felt a pang of pity pulse inside me as she moaned and whimpered in painful pleasure beneath the black demon savagely pile driving between the jerking white legs jack-knifed, imprisoned behind the sweating, hunching black shoulders.

>Like he was trying to make a home Party Time was asking in a hoarse voice over and over, “Beautiful Bitch, is it good? Beautiful Bitch, is it good?”

>The white man was an odd, funny sight as he raced around the arena like a demented Caesar, cheering on his merciless black gladiator.

>Finally when the show was over and they started to dress, I went to the front and sat on a stoop next door to the joint. I wanted to get a close up of the freaks.

>When they got to the sidewalk, in their street clothes, they were disappointingly normal. Just a clean-cut white couple having a parting chat with a grinning, black Negro.

>> No.14167651

Says it all

>> No.14167662

>Lefties literally want the state to raise your kids for you
>At the same time its the fault of capitalism
Spread your shizo ramblings over two separate post my friend.

>> No.14167689

Those two things are perfectly consistent with one another.

>> No.14167845

>There are many women who love raising kids
Raising other people's kids? No, you're mistaken, such women don't exist.

Still waiting for the real answer.

>> No.14167851

> 'leftist' and 'capitalist' are contradictory
Two points: a) they're not, there's a shitload of capitalist leftists b) the point still applies if it's the state industrial apparatus doing the propaganda instead of a shadowy oligarchy.

>> No.14167854
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liberals love capitalism you retard

>> No.14167868

this is the truth

>> No.14167871


Homosexual culture and acceleration of capitalism are deeply, deeply interlinked.

>> No.14167877

For a moment i thought i missclicked and was in /pol/.
Traditional nuclear families are not better than this "adventure" "cuckholding" "cheating" mode of amorous relationship. The latter are party consecuence of the former.
Now, back to /pol/.

>> No.14167904

where all apart of a secular hive mind and the past decades of black people worship from white people has finally caught up on us

>> No.14167919
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>Elitist shit heads

>> No.14167938

What do you mean 'raising other people's kids', I am talking about women who want to have a family and raise their own kids. Those who don't obviously won't have kids.

Also I can't believe you chose to go after that part of my post even though I already admitted that if no one wants to raise children they shouldn't do it. That seems like an easier target than the silly strawman you are trying to make about women rising other people's kids.

>> No.14167941

i think in primitive society you need to be in charge of many things to be considered a grown up adult man,hunting(food) fighting(security), shelter and crafting tools, now the man only focuses in one major and feels like a dependent child on other thing (getting food, getting a shelter and calling the cops) Ted Kaczynski was right

>> No.14167978

>But we all know
We all know these people are brainwashed with a liberal agenda and will let society fall to the whims of capitalism while they take the moral high ground.

Don't let this be you

>> No.14168090
File: 164 KB, 626x539, democrat-katie-hill-resigns-from-congress-after-photos-of-her-posing-naked-and-making-out-with-female-aide-surfaced-online.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Our political elites are degenerate, they give fuck all about society. Pic related.

>> No.14168101

>person has a sex life
>must be a degenerate
>literal who congresswoman
what a dumbshit you are

>> No.14168116
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Because you're normalized to believe that. Elites shape culture through media. Elites shaped society to make your the lifeless, virgin "economic unit" you are.

Be the person your great-great-great-great grandfather thought you could be. Stop being a fuck and man up.

>> No.14168133
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Faggot, the National Review says nothing of this nature. Right and left are two sides of the same coin.

>> No.14168141
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Every ... Single ... Time ...

>> No.14168148

>implying I want to be like that ugly ape in the picture and have that wife that's uglier than my dog
I'll take the cabin and the kids though.

>> No.14168163
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>Literal who
Sorry, let me get a "better" elite for you. Prince Andrew and Epstein good enough for you?

>> No.14168170
File: 313 KB, 1080x1269, 70313758_691736361346246_3449375043748222123_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying you've never had a wife that did labor on a farm
>Implying she even wore makeup back then
Here's a harder-working family oriented InstaTHOT instead.

>> No.14168171

Sure, and they actually fucked kids, unlike, you know, a woman that just fucking screwed her co-worker? Lesbians are so boring I don't even see it as sexual.

>> No.14168186

Swann's Way is the best psychological exploration of the cucked man in literature.

>> No.14168196

A lot of Murakami's writing deals with the infidelity of a woman. Wind-up Bird Chronicle is probably the most extreme case where the main character has to accept the fact that women, like cats, will find their way home eventually.

>> No.14168211
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>liberal leftist capitalists
Your muttbrain on /pol/

>> No.14168222

Neoliberalism is the proper term, but it's understandable they get called leftists a lot in popular discourse. No need to get pedantic, it's pretty obvious who these people are referring to.

>> No.14168227

>arguing over semantics

>> No.14168260

Do you actually think that retard understands the political spectrum, dude? He basically thinks everyone to the left of him is a libtard and everyone to the right is a nazi. People like those are hopeless and should be gassed out of existence, unironically.

>> No.14168265

>Traditional nuclear families are not better than this "adventure" "cuckholding" "cheating" mode of amorous relatio
Yes, it is.
Promiscuous lifestyles don't lead to happiness. And traditional families are much better environments to be raised in than degenerated arrangements.

A congresswoman is about as elite of a person as you can find on society. And she definitely is a degenerate. She was in a polyamorous relationship.

>> No.14168281
File: 200 KB, 658x576, 1570973125004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cuckold Trucker Training

>> No.14168283

>A congresswoman is about as elite of a person as you can find on society
Yes, ON society, you illiterate fucking nigger. Not to mention that, no, a congresswoman is no kind of elite, lol, congresscreatures are glorified lobbyists for special interests. The elites are the billionaires lining her pockets to vote on whatever benefits them.
>And she definitely is a degenerate. She was in a polyamorous relationship.
Lel, imagine what a neotrad cuck you've gotta be to think that's what real degeneracy looks like. She's a bad person, but far, far from a degenerate.

>> No.14168291

What, you don't want to be in a loveless open relationship and get cheated on? Why don't you just put on your waistcoat and tophat and head on back to the Victorian age, you prude.

>> No.14168303

>Yes, ON society, you illiterate fucking nigger. Not to mention that, no, a congresswoman is no kind of elite, lol, congresscreatures are glorified lobbyists for special interests. The elites are the billionaires lining her pockets to vote on whatever benefits them.
You need to be a special kind of retard to think that congressmen are not part of the elite.

>Lel, imagine what a neotrad cuck you've gotta be to think that's what real degeneracy looks like. She's a bad person, but far, far from a degenerate.
Yes, she is a degenerate. She was in a polyamorous relationship.

>> No.14168330
File: 94 KB, 1024x498, Screenshot_20191024-145609_Gallery-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She was poly, not just a dyke. She was degenerate. "Congresswoman" is a very elite social standing, faggot.

>> No.14168355

Capitalism encourages the left brained degenerates since they want to be more inclusive. More inclusive means more customers to sell to. This is the core of neo-liberalism.

Being rightwing is only discouraged bc it's less inclusive so businesses stand to lose profit when more people are right wing.

Fucking degenerate

>> No.14168360
File: 340 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20191114-105020_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This bitch makes hot stuff Sophia Anderson on amazon

>> No.14168407

Yes, and?

>> No.14168451

>person has a sex life
>must be a degenerate
it's not the having a sex life
it's the having a degenerate sex life
hope you brainlet can now follow along

>> No.14168466


>> No.14168800

Have you ever given thought to the idea that most people who call themselves liberals, leftists or capitalist just vaguely identify with individualism, materialism and progressivism and so a culture develops that mushes all these into one? Because it seems to me like that is the case.

>> No.14168847

This is an exclusively american worldview, everywhere else there exists nothing as leftist capitalism as being left is essentially being anticapitalistic. The 50s with their anticommunistic craze have distorted your worldview so much that everything which is not reciting Ayn Rand is considered left, hell, I bet some of you consider even her a leftie.

>> No.14168859

I'm not American, but it is true that the problem seeped into the western world from America with the 1960s new left. Still, you're wrong. I knew a gay Jew who was all about social justice but loved Ayn Rand.

>> No.14169019

>Your are wrong, let me present you anecdotal evidence on an anonymous internet board
Absolute state of this website, but then again, this thread attracts /pol/-tards because its about one of their notorious topics.

>> No.14169036

>anecdotal evidence
It's not supposed to be evidence, just a fun little anecdote, you autist!

>> No.14169113
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here is a non christian/trad argument against cuckolding.
if both parties were normal any cheating from one side would result in an unbalanced relationship so the only left option is open relationships.
if we assumed that both male and female (wouldn't happen because a married man has less sexual value in the hetero hierarchy while a married woman is a considered a dessert for many men because of Oedipus complex (i.e. milf) and the pride of being better at sex than another man or beating another man in sexual competition) an open relationship would ruin and weaken the responsibility, connection and loyalty resulting in children raised sub optimally which means less productivity and more subsistence which is unwanted in any production driven society

>> No.14169230

You're wrong but you don't seem to grasp that fact.

>> No.14169240
File: 133 KB, 886x1000, 94AB3B47-5668-4FBC-A0FF-B80C7FC18D27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Naturally this sort of thing is being pushed by jews to simultaneously 1) dissolve the Western institution of marriage, 2) make Western men feel emasculated and demoralized, and 3) make Western women feel like cheating is normal (and therefore they feel the need to do it because they’ll do whatever is popular by nature).

Now I see a lot of arguments ITT arguing that the first point (dissolution of marriage) is the real problem but in actuality it’s the second point (emasculation of men). The coming Western state will have marriages. certainly, and they will have strict guidelines but what the state needs more than that is strong men. This will be fostered by the Mannerbund of the state. Women will produce children and the males will then, when they’re old enough, be taken into the care of the Mannerbund state where they will learn to be good workers, fighters, and breeders. It matters little who the fathers are (so long as they’re Western i.e. white!) or if the child was born out of wedlock because it will be fostered to be a man anyways.

In short: the state needs mothers and soldiers, not necessarily mothers and fathers. Marriage serves as a means that all men feel the need to contribute. If a married man feels his white wife would be better off with the seed of another white man it makes no difference, so long as whites are being produced for the good of the state and Volk.

Naturally as this becomes normal women will fall right in line (solving point 3) not only because they do what is popular but also because, as the gate keepers of reproduction, they know this form is natural.

>> No.14169293

this sounds even worse than what we have now lmao

>> No.14169304

No u kys

>> No.14169305
File: 313 KB, 494x419, f.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are a lot of good cuckold/interracial stories on Literotica (there's even an Interracial Love category there), especially if you don't mind low-brow stuff that's mostly just meant to make your peepee hard.

Here's a good one (if you suspend your disbelief a bit) about a young black teen fucking all the white guests at a hotel:

Here's a well known author whose written dozens and dozens of interracial cuckold stories: https://www.literotica.com/stories/memberpage.php?uid=169090&page=submissions

Here's a 22 page long story about beauty pageant contestants all getting BLACKED. It's part of a series, if you can get past the cringiness it's pretty good. The author of that also has a lot of stories (he's basically the writing equivalent of John Persons): https://www.literotica.com/s/fresh-off-the-bus-4-ch-01?page=1

>> No.14169308

>Waaaa poltards
You still haven't made a coherent argument. America started neo-liberalism and spread it to every country with a white indigenous population.

>Left is anti capitalistic
Not since the left was consumed by capitalism.

Wanting diversity is the same as was wanting a larger profit.
>Muh Marxism
All marx did was point out all the flaws of capitalism but no legitimate way to overcome it.

>> No.14169316

no u moron
you think having the state raise children instead of their fathers and mothers in loving relationships where they spend a lot of time with their children is a good thing
it's like an extreme form of the shit we have going on today
enjoy your state full of dirlewangers

>> No.14169324


>> No.14169333

Cucks think they're better than "normal" people because they hate themselves.
And what do we have going on today?

>> No.14169844


>> No.14169850

That's the first thing I did too

>> No.14169853

One gets paid and one doesn't ;)

>> No.14169894

>Why is this?
The ability of people to put their fetishes into the internet, which triggers other people to realize they like those fetishes.

It also doesn't help that the 60s-80s really tried to push the gender/marriage dynamic to cling to the post-war boom, which introduces all sorts of fuckery into relationships. At least it's become so big that cuckqueaning is finally becoming a thing, so good for me I guess since that's my fetish.

>> No.14169911

I've started actively avoiding anyone that calls themselves 'poly' openly, and I hide the fact that I am as well. They're always awful people that aren't interested in real, earnest relationships, and usually have some sort of crippling anxiety. It's a shame too, since it makes it harder to explain you want an actual relationship with a third.

>> No.14169921

There's no real penalty for being into a weird kink anymore, since porn is normalized. The women's sexual liberation brutally crushed any hope of men's sexual liberation, and that leads to weird shit like cuckolding or rape porn because men have no outlet and still feel shame about sex, whereas women are encouraged to be more sexual.

>> No.14169927

You are retarded. The point of the fetish is that it makes you feel bad, it brings an adrenaline rush because it feels awful.

>> No.14169948

This shit always gets peddled by /pol/puppets as if jewish women aren't doing the same thing. What, you think they just decided jewishness would be matrilineal?. The mistake is to see this as a conspiracy. It's not-it's in the open, and there's no guiding hand behind the wheel.

>> No.14169958

Where the fuck do commies get off trying to push their own definition of leftist on the rest of us? You are not "correct" you fucking cretin. You're the only cunts who use the word like this.

>> No.14169970

just let them have, they go bezerk about that word. Say 'progressive' instead, it's useful because it clearly applies to both them and liberals and shows the two of them team up as soon as anything actually right wing appears

>> No.14169983
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People are dumping on you, but you have a point. They were both the ultimate libertines back in the '60s and '70s, and the people who snapped into a "war on everything" mentality in the '80s and '90s once their experiments in liberation backfired and resulted in widespread crime and societal dissolution.

Obviously they're not all the same person, but a generation as a whole can certainly be two different things at two different points in time. Read Strauss-Howe you brainlets.

>> No.14170136

>But the sex of a closed relationship usually sucks as well.
Sounds like a personal problem

>> No.14170177

There's a possibility that 20 years from now, an important part of couples will be cuckolds. it articulate pretty well with the alpha fuck/beta buck dynamic, hypergamous nature of women, and also stronger independance of women. Cuckolding might be the bridge between monogamy and polyamourous relationships 50 years from now. Also, with DNA tests, it won't be possible to have the children of an other man without him knowing it. So man will accept the fact, and accept their cuckolding.

>> No.14170265

Do i have to remind you that most "traditional couple", ends in a messy way? For me, the real enemy of relationships isn't polyamory, or monogamy, but the wage labor society. People work all the time, and they don't really have time to connect with the people they are supposed to love. When they come home in the evening, they are already tired of the day. In the middle age, people worked in the field, but together, in family. The bonds were stronger.
You dare to question the strength of the Hitler's youth? :s

>> No.14170291

>Humans need to form society to survive
Lol, it's always those who thinks the cuckold is someone else, who are the biggest cucks. Civilization is cuckolding you cuck. Working like a little bitch, for powerful men who hoard all the ressources. It's the very definition and essence of cuckolding. First post was right.

>> No.14170312

And the alternative is to be cucked even harder by savage Chads in the woods.

>> No.14170331

>, connection and loyalty resulting in children raised sub optimally which means less productivity and more subsistence which is unwanted in any production driven society
It's not even your children or your race who produce in your fucking Capitalist society. Labor market, does that ring a bell? Of course not. Trads be retards, or retrads.
>Yes i love Capitalism.
>No i don't like immigrants
>Yes i want a stable and traditional society, not to import millions of niggers.
The absolute retardation of the traditional trad.

>> No.14170347

>200+ replies
this board is truly cucked

>> No.14170379

So you think Marx main fight was about gays and LGBT? In more than ten thousands page of published content, he never defend the gay cause once. Not once. He even said in his correspondence with Engels that Capitalism aim was to promote gay culture. And he clearly and literally criticized mass immigration.
> Say 'progressive' instead, it's useful because it clearly applies to both them and liberals and shows the two of them team up as soon as anything actually right wing appears
Perfect. Progressive cucks are proud to be progressive anyway. Most Marxist aren't progressives. So if a guy likes Marx but doesn't likes progressives, it's a good indicator that he isn't part of the Capitalistic left.

>> No.14170391

There is no cuckolding in primitive tribes, because it's the uncle who takes care of the children. The father isn't even part of the same Gens as the mother.

>> No.14170489

Because emotion trumps logic an always has?

>> No.14170544

At what point did he say he loves capitalism?
>Defensive cuck is defensive

>> No.14170662

The National Review homepage lists the "Senior Editors" of the magazine as: Jonah Goldberg / Richard Brookhiser / Jay Nordlinger / Ramesh Ponnuru / David Pryce-Jones

According to the Times of Israel, Nordlinger is a "leading US Jewish journalist:"

Jonah Goldberg has stated that his Father was Jewish and that he was raised Jewish:

Pryce-Jones is actually from a well-known Jewish family who have intermarried with the Rothschilds:

Brookhiser is either Jewish himself or a Butt Goy wannabe-Jew who is really preoccupied with Jewish issues and frequently writes about Jews both on NRO and in explicitly Jewish publications like the Daily Forward:

>> No.14170742

He says literally a production driven society. I assume he means a society organized toward wage labor. MOst trads says proudly that they are okay with Capitalism. You'll say that it's the same with Marxists which are okay with mass immigration and progressive value. Perhaps, but the vast majority of trads are Capitalists, whereas a substantial part of Marxists, perhaps even the majority of those who have read Das Kapital, are anti-immigration.

>> No.14170768
File: 76 KB, 116x88, fallout boy dab gif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>society will never collapse and destroy itself because nobody is starving and nobody ever will be any more
feels terrible man

>> No.14170819
File: 756 KB, 1994x1356, 1573706267618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Production driven society, organised to wage labour
This is what we are, this is what the world is now. We cannot change this unless we build new communities isolated from capitalism. "Trads" accept capitalism because they understand that for generations it has allowed us to survive and changing it is risky, more than risky it's stupid with super powers like China willing to burn the world for profit so that they can control it.

Traditionalism one of the few things that can actually sweep capitalism away, the destruction of the family unit was done with a purpose. Just like how the waves of immigration and progressiveness go hand in hand. It's for profit in face of the dismantled family.

It's divide and conquer.

Capitalism is amoral bc any morals it held in the past were in place bc it turned a profit. Now the generations of people who have been demoralised by wage slavery are burnt out by capitalism thus the family unit is no longer profitable. This is why we see progressives today so viciously drive their ideals into children.

>> No.14170824

>>14164650 (OP)

Read Reluctant Cuckold by David McManus. That'll give you a good impression of the beta cuck trend that seems to be going around.

>> No.14170832

Nah we're running out of pretty much everything. Sure they'll get us to eat bugs n shit and 3rd worlders will be okay with that but they can't keep a society stable when it's full of people who don't give a shit about it, like the cucks that'll listen to that article and let their wives slut it up without thinking about the repercussions or how it could effect their children.

>> No.14170858

>Wife is a slut so I should be her cuckhold
irl a man like the main character would fucking leave her if he had a shred or self respect. Only case where a successful man would stay with a cheating wife was if he was demoralised. I guess demoralised men is just what gets people like you off in 2019.

Attractive successful men can always find a younger woman no matter how hard society and shills like u try to demoralise them. It's in womens nature.

Stop recommending cuck erotica you degenerate.

>> No.14170937

>the destruction of the family unit was done with a purpose.
The destruction of the family is a consequence of the wage labor society. When people, both male and female, are at work every day for 10 hours, it destroys society. Not jews or whatever. Doesn't mean jews don't put oil on the fire, but they are not the fire itself.
We cannot go back, because all the women are already working. They already dumped the price of labor by selling their work force into the labor market. If they stopped working, they wouldn't even be able to pay the rent and feed the children.

>> No.14171023

I'm sorry does "left wing " mean "marx said it"? (No it doesn't retard)

>> No.14171038

>Implying the effects of wage slavery weren't know by the people imposed it on the masses
Elite Jews don't work for a wage they "study", same goes the elite in general but they just blatantly take the world for a ride.
You structured your reply like an argument but we're actually agreeing with eachother. Wage slavery is the method of which they used originally used to control us. boomers knew this but they just ended up falling into hedonism's grimy hole.

Education prepares the masses for a routine shitty 9 to 5 as that's what people at the top need to stay there.

>> No.14171280

>capitalism is responsible for mass-immigration and degeneracy
That much is correct.

>Fascism is just capitalism in decay
This is such a dumb meme. If capitalists love Fascism so much, why would they constantly demonize it so much in the media, which capitalists obviously own? If Fascism isn't a threat to capitalism, why can't I buy Hitler t-shirts at Walmart the way leftists can get their Che t-shirts? Why did Amazon ban all books from counter-currents.com and amren.com but continues to advertise and sell the most extreme leftist literature, including shit that openly advocates for violence and terrorism? Why would megacorps like Microsoft and Google forbid advocating Fascism and White Nationalism on their social media platforms if what they really want is nationalism and Fascism? Do you realize that most Western countries nowadays actually put people in prison for making anti-Jewish remarks in public? Why did the Capitalist west make common cause with the Communist east to destroy Fascism in WW2 after both NS Germany and Soviet Russia invaded Poland?

Capitalists hate what their mass media decries as "racism" because the tribalist instincts of their employees prevent them from seamlessly working alongside the flood of Pajeet, Negro and Arab worker drones imported by capitalism.

Capitalists hat Fascism because it is against unrestricted international free-trade, against child labor, against mass-immigration, against feminism (i.e. against flooding the labor market with women), and it is a form of government where the head of state can't be easily bought off through bribes or campaign donations, while on the other hand even the richest capitalist is at the mercy of a strong government. Freemasons and Jews were the wealthiest groups in Weimar Germany, but did that prevent Hitler from throwing them into concentration camps?

>antisemitism is an attempt to scapegoat someone else
>t. Lenin
Oh boy, I wonder if Lenin saying that had ANYTHING at all to do with the fact that his revolution was a Jewish power grab to enslave the Russian people, organized by the Jewish war profiteer Israel Gelfand, financed by super rich Jewish bankers like Jacob Schiff and Olof Aschborn, and top-heavy with Jewish Bolshevik mass-murderers:
https://www.nytimes.com/1917/03/24/archives/pacifists-pester-till-mayor-calls-them-traitors-socialists-at.html (note also how the NYT, owned by the rich Jewish Sulzberger family, celebrates the Russian revolution against the Czar)

>> No.14171448
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>They say this as I fuck BOTH their wives

It's never been so easy!