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14156178 No.14156178 [Reply] [Original]

Ahem, only the most based book series of all time sits in front of you. How do you plead?

>> No.14156447
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Owls are based and you know it

>> No.14156497

I liked those cat Warriors books more desu

>> No.14156514

I have heard about Siege but never read any wignat fiction...

>> No.14156868

I heard they were good. Never got to reading them though

>> No.14156892

It's Game of Thrones but with cats. How it is labeled a kid series astounds me. Characters get fucking gutted on page. All it is missing is sex for obvs reasons.

>> No.14156896

Guardians of Ga'hoole is basically the same way. Owls mutilating each other, plenty of torture, dark themes all over the place. Fun stuff

>> No.14157184

Fuck I read both of these in elementary school. I know a bunch of new WC books have come out since then. I should read it again.

>> No.14157242

Cats>the bears>fucking dogs now, too

>> No.14157276

Any book about reptiles or amphibians?

>> No.14157289

I got tired of lasky ripping off of real world events
also crows are way smarter than owls, get fucked

>> No.14157386

Plz help I’m a giant scalefag (I know amphibians don’t have scales but I still like them).

>> No.14157461

They were alright. Gregor the overlander and the rest of that series was my favorite

>> No.14157734

>I got tired of lasky ripping off of real world events
>also crows are way smarter than owls, get fucked

Ok wet pooper

>> No.14157746

I think I only read the first 3. They were good though.

>> No.14157816

I remember there being a lot of implied sex

>> No.14158468

Remember: The 2010 movie would have been better if they didn't change so much shit. Why was Soren in love with Otulissa? Why was Gylfie jealous?

The storm scene was kino though

>> No.14158597

Wew that brings me back. I remember getting into that series in elementary because I had the hots for a girl who was absolutely obsessed with cats. The books themselves excellent for a child, though I dont think they would nearly hold up as well as they had anymore. The biggest issue with the series however was actually finding any books in chronological order past the first couple ones. By the time I became invested into it as a wee lad without internet acess they had devolved into a multitude of spin-offs and continuations, and discovering anything past perhaps the 5th book or so was practically a miracle.

>> No.14158697
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>> No.14159719
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Never read it