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14148844 No.14148844 [Reply] [Original]

Books with characters like this? I'm not an incel

>> No.14148895
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>> No.14148914

How the fuck is that even possible? I’m 23 and I have 0 kisses


>> No.14148922

>How the fuck is that even possible? I’m 23 and I have 0 kisses

same only 26 LMAO

>> No.14148927

femoids can get dick at any moment

same, 23 almost 24

>> No.14148945

I'm 26 and got my first drunk kiss this summer. Don't give up anon, work on your social skills and your body, put yourself out there. Get drunk if necessary. Look your best.

>> No.14148970

Why would you want such a thing? Absolutely depraved.

>> No.14148979

Honestly kissing means fuck all unless it's with someone you love. It sounds silly but it's true. I've only kissed two girls, the first one I loved and the second I didn't. The second was honestly terrible, not worth it at all. Don't kiss people you dont love

>> No.14148989
File: 152 KB, 945x945, 717096C7-0F39-480E-96AB-057609B794A5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off degenerate I don’t want this

I want to kiss someone who wants me
Though it’s too much to ask

>> No.14149002

Confidence is more important then looks anon. You'll make it someday

>> No.14149037

I don’t have either. There is nothing to be confident about

>> No.14149052

...and what?

>> No.14149072

she's infected

>> No.14149084

Just be yourself!

>> No.14149085

oh lord this thread is sad

>> No.14149092

>I want to kiss someone who wants me
T. Basedbois.

Since she is ok with kissing you, she DOES want you, and if she's going as far a kissing you, she probably also wants to fuck you.

>> No.14149124

Put yourself in social situations. Try to change yourself, work out a bit, find interests in common with "normal" people instead of shitposting all day on 4channel. Eventually you will grow into it and gain confidence by that.

>> No.14149167
File: 232 KB, 1058x1411, 1564456097088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

-people, especialy women, know that women cannot keep their legs closed
- people know that most men never amount to anything

virginity is the best discriminant for people:
-good women are not tramps
-good men manage to make something of their lives (and, since women are loose by nature, fucking a woman is not so hard (if you do not fuck a woman, you better be good at something else))

naturally, this utopia never occurs:
-women spread their legs chasing their fun, especially through good sex, thanks to the men ready to serve them
-very few men go beyond women
men never amount to anything besides providing entertainment for women, since providing for women is the easiest thing, especially when it comes to giving them gifts.

>> No.14149170

This guy is just making fun of you by giving you run off the mill bluepill advice.

>> No.14149182
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Real answer to the question so the thread can stay alive for virgins to cry in

>> No.14149190

Based, remember you'll only ever be a cuck.

>> No.14149214


>> No.14149268
File: 21 KB, 320x306, check_this_out_lucifer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1488 based
>1414 quasi-dub
>14 quasidub 44 makes 1488
>14881488 based meta dubs
>four fours autology
>double dubs

>based autological meta based-quasi-double dubs

checked those esoteric dubs

>> No.14149281

It's not that difficult if you're a slut and hang out with similarly degenerate people. I was like that and hated kissing. Never liked it. Just did it because that's what you do. Got to a point where I wondered if I was gay so I made out with a dude too, and it was even worse. Finally I met a girl I could actually love (and do) and kissing her is the most magical thing. Gonna marry her soon.

>> No.14149314

Don't know where to post but want to post Ist somewhere.

Cucked a friend of mine last week and made out with his fiance while he watched. Was nice. They are black I'm not.

>> No.14149321
File: 771 KB, 970x545, 1555946586255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I remember being taken advantage of by promiscuous college girls
>mfw my dick and balls convinced me that I loved her
>mfw this happens more than once even though I know better

>> No.14149323


>> No.14149386

Cucking is fine if the dude is okay with it. If not then it's scum

>> No.14150076

Someone needs to read The Idiot by Dostoevsky

>> No.14150210

i don't know what's worse never having a gf or having one but because it's late she's already been with 20 guys and is emotionally dead

>> No.14150228

>I made out with a dude
haha fag

>> No.14150566

This meme is only half true. There's a reason a lot of used up girls are used up, and its because theyre hot and fun to be around. Theres a reason a lot of girls are pure, its because theyre ugly and frumpy

>> No.14150927

You're right. I plan on reading it after demons

>> No.14151083

just be urself breh

>> No.14151109

I'am to old to have the hopes of getting a virgin like myself but the thought of being constantly compared to the slew of previous boyfriends (and coming short) if i ever get a girlfriend is honestly humiliating and paintful. I don't know why i'am like this and choose to not be happy.

>> No.14151295

It's all because of your insecurities and lack of confidence in yourself. You need to become better and believe in yourself, then you will not care about this stuff. It's long and hard but it can happen.

Also find the right kind of girl.