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14132826 No.14132826 [Reply] [Original]

>materialism isn't tru-

>> No.14132830

>the universe came from nothing!
>btw when I say nothing I mean something lol
materialbros how could this happen... we were meant to btfo the metaphysicaltards with epic science!!

>> No.14132836

I’m literally shaking materialbros holy shit

>> No.14132843

Krauss has been BTFO so many times it's almost boring to see it keep happening. Almost. He's such an arrogant man he deserves it though.


>> No.14132848

Nothing is a quantum vacuum

>> No.14132911

All cosmologists should be forced to read Parmenides to avoid these embarrassments

>> No.14132921

That's not nothing then lel. I suspect the entire concept of 'nothing' is just incoherent

>> No.14132937

>everything is made of matter!
Cool so everything has mass
>yes...well e-except for photons and other forms of energy
Oh right ok so everything is made of energy and matter?
>YES! And of course the topology of space as a medium through which things move
Ah so everything is energy, matter, or the medium for their interaction?
>a-and gravity which is a result of the distortion of space time
Space time?
>dude this is so obvious why aren’t you getting this, particles with mass bend the four-dimensional topology of space time which causes the attraction of objects with mass that also are affected by massless energy particles but also all particles have wavelike properties which probabilistically collapse depending on their observation but we can explain that by assuming there are multiple parallel timelines and also there’s stuff like dark energy to explain why the universe expands because our math doesn’t work
Wow so this is the power of materialism. How will pluralists ever recover?

>> No.14132956

>reverse moving of the goalposts

>> No.14132959
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>Nothing is a

>> No.14132973

yes but where did the first elementary particles come from?
>dude they have existed forever, no one has created them
so there is something that exists eternally and does not have a cause. but when I said that God created the material universe, you were like 'lol if god made the universe then who made god? checkmate retard'

>> No.14132983

>there is something that exists eternally and does not have a cause.
that's not implied though. What is implied is that the chain of things causing each other goes back eternally. The only 'thing' that's eternal and uncaused is the universe itself, not the things in it.

>> No.14132989

>What is implied is that the chain of things causing each other goes back eternally
infinite regress = not true

>> No.14133000

maybe the universe doesn't care about your gay logical axioms

>> No.14133005

Go ahead and prove infinite regress, or even give reasoning for it. Pro tip, you can't.

>> No.14133007

>implying that gay logical axioms are not the way the universe functions

>> No.14133009
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>this level of magical thinking
Wow, this is embarassing for you lol

>> No.14133023

elementary particles can't be destroyed retard

>> No.14133027

Not him, but why?

>> No.14133076

The author is one of those philosophy is obsolete redditor types, so good luck with that plan.

>> No.14133329
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retroactively debunked

>> No.14133361

Something is not nothing

>> No.14133403

A quantum vacuum isn't something, it's nothing.

>> No.14133602

Then why apply yours to the religious question?

>> No.14133604

Nothing doesn't have the property of being a quantum vacuum. It's nothing.

>> No.14133661

Fucking retards

>> No.14133681

Not really, you fail to understand the distinction. "A spontaneously generative background void of quantum fluctuations" is not nothing, and the worst part is Krauss thinks if he updates this concept for contemporary times it means he invented it, when even the Egyptians intuited that reality emerged out of a primeval darkness.

>> No.14133701

This, it's just 'first there was chaos' all over again, infinite decoherence is still something.

>> No.14133739

They are as small as is possible as far as we know, they are not comprised of anything other than themselves either.

>> No.14133788

oh the ironing

>> No.14133793

you just revealed your own ignorance
>nothing is a

>> No.14133801

Yup, and if Krauss was actually interested in these questions he'd use the science to complement the mythology. But he isnt.