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/lit/ - Literature

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14112666 No.14112666 [Reply] [Original]

does /lit/ journal?
i've been getting back into keeping a personal journal.
it's incredibly cathartic, and it helps me unpack some of my personal issues and problems through writing.
i use a moleskine classic (pic related) and a pencil, but there have to be other setups on this board.
post journals, /lit/

>> No.14112684

I started one yesterday. It's nice to vent in a journal especially when you're someone who is frequently upset with the state of the world.

>> No.14112832

I am a fan of keeping personal journals. You know what they say: "History is written by the winners." Sometimes a few words about how your day went will open up all sorts of potential when you look back someday down the line. Also, if your handwriting is not as neat as it used to be (I know mine is not), you can just open a Word file and keep digital notes. You could write some excellent surrealist fiction by merely jotting down the memories of what you dreamed after waking up every morning. In other words, yes, I have several handwritten and digital journals to keep track of everything from what I have been studying, to what I ate on a given day, to conversations with other people. Though the craft may be on the decline, being able to write will always be a useful skill.

>> No.14113125

I’ve started a few times, but never kept it up for long. Just feels so pointless.

>> No.14113140

Not a written one but I have lots of notes written in my phone/google docs. It's all up to whether i'm feeling it or not.

>> No.14113268

I keep a physical journal. I use fountain pens an an assortment of bottled inks in hardcover notebooks with at least 90 gsm paper. It’s a very boring document.

>> No.14113562

I have a digital one, but I mix it in with the various texts I write

>> No.14113993

I use Evernote. I think it's the second best thing to having an actual thought recorder. I feel there needs to be minimum time between true inspiration and the capturing of it, to preserve it in it's most honest form.

I feel a manual process would just take too much time. It will become a different form of writing, one with conscious effort and with less of a dream-like, stream of consciousness quality to it. Writing something instaneously, as if it's moves through you and writes itself, is an incredible feeling, even if what you've written isn't profound, you know for a fact that it is genuine and an encapsulation of the truth.

>> No.14115453

It helps a lot. A real lot to vent feelings out, I usually just do a self-reflection for venting feelings but lately it doesn't cut it anymore so I write. It's also perfect for the short stories which I sometimes write, I can get conflicts and pieces of dialogue which I spontaneously write when I do journals.
My problem right now is looking for a good stationery to write on, my pen ghosts all the time and Moleskin is overpriced, Leuchtturm too in our place. Rhodia, finally, is so fucking rare and MUJI's notebooks suck.

>> No.14115459

I write in my diary desu

>> No.14115465

I've had the digital one for three years now and it's one of the greatest things of all time. I really wish I could do that physically, I tried, but to me, thinking and writing is faster and better in digital form.

>> No.14115469
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I feel like buying this course just because, my life is shit and leaderless with some need for direction in life. Thoughts?

>> No.14115627


cringe, nobody needs a $30 notebook, its so poseur-ish

>> No.14115688

I used to. I have daily notes in a .doc file in my computer.
Last year only contains a handful of notes. I don't think I added any this year.

>> No.14115835

What kind of notes?

>> No.14116108

This. It's basically a fedora-substitute.

>> No.14116145

Most notebooks are trash, awful paper, too many pages so when you get to the bottom third your palm is hanging off the book uncomfortably, poorly bound, hard to find without consumerist garbage all over the cover, logos stamped inside and outside in painfully visible manner, hard to find simply made with nom synthetic materials like vinyl and plastic or spiral bound or other awful crap, Moleskines are perfect, come in a thousand sizes and different page types, variety of colors and leather or clipboard covers, survive forever and can take a beating, look great on the shelf and unobtrusive in the hand, maker's Mark is hardly discernible. I just bought a pack of three lined cashiers moleskines for 18 bucks, that's 6 smackeroos a book faggot.

The only alternative to Molkeskine is sewing and binging your own notebooks which I do on occasion. Find a 6 dollar bill and stop writing in your little sister's composition notebook

>> No.14116161

I have moleskins as well. I just buy the cheap and like that they keep well in time.
I also keep larger notebooks for the courses I attend in my free time.

However, the main place is an Evernote Account where I have many virtual notebooks and sub-sections with tags and categories for different types of writing: poetry, impressions, ideas, notes/references, book notes, study subjects, dream journaling, syncronicities, and self-conditions/states.

Basically online is for when I choose to write/feel like writing when at work or home, the notebooks are for on-the-road /inspirational writing which oftenly is the best I make

>> No.14116165

>cringe, nobody needs a $30 notebook, its so poseur-ish
The large dotted moleskines are like $12, dipshit. It lasts until I fill the pages and I can throw it in all my bags without worrying about it getting all fucked up. Maybe I'm a pseud but it takes me a couple months to fill 250 written pages, so its well worth the $12, you broke bitch.

>> No.14116178

My earliest journals are literal school-grade softback execrcise books held together with staples. Some of them are 30 years old and are in perfectly readable shape. Stop being such a faggot and waving your moleskin fedoras around like you're le fucking gentleman ffs.

>> No.14116182

I bought a journal but when I think of writing I cringe. It feels as if I have the mentality of a 14yo even though I'm 25, and I don't want to eternalize how retarded I am right now

>> No.14116193

Leuchtturm1917 notebook
Pilot custom heritage 92 fountain pen
Aurora Blue-Black ink

>> No.14116204

you idiot you are writing like a 14 year old because you are spewing out that age first of which you did not write at the time

you need to write, write, write and in time you will see it evolve and gradually pass your (biological or emotional) age

writing is a form of self-knowledge; arguably indispensable in today's age. you are writing for your self first; being ashame of your evolution and thoughts is stupid as long as you keep them to yourself and don't automatically presume that putting ink on paper throws you into the same Arena with famous scribes

you must accept that certain things you will write will be "garbage" as you yourself will have much garbage to give off until you find that which from within you can truly be able to create/ relate properly.

and the idea is not what writing loses in the process (let's say 80% of feelings/reality) but what is manages to "save" (20%).

If you let memories, emotions desires and dreams unchecked (and un-objectified on paper) they mutate and they corrupt as to continuously justify your present. for some people this can develop a "cancerous" consciousness where only years of therapy can shed light back on some sources of self-deceit

so write to talk to yourself and heal; and don't judge. you are not only that which you express; but without expressing that expresses you slowly starts to contain you.

>> No.14116378

Solid advice.

>> No.14116462
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I guess I have to start somewhere, thank you Anon.

>> No.14116719

>y-you just cant afford it, i-its fine for me
literally what people say to justify $3000 macbooks
> Maybe I'm a pseud
of course

>> No.14116744

I use emacs since my handwriting is appalling. The only problem is that most of my profitable reflective thinking happens right before i go to bed, and I usually forget it when I wake up.

>> No.14116783

I've tried journaling and writing regularly before but I don't usually have the motivation to stick with it, as it feels pointless and like shit. Definitely pen and paper is the way to go, and moleskine classic is the patricians choice (get the 3pack). Also ticonderoga black (cedar wood) is the best I've used for both fluidity in writing and ease of sharpening. The eraser at the end isn't half bad either.

>> No.14116801

started keeping journals this summer. I think they're lovely collage books, I tape in important pieces of paper and write about my day and annotate my receipts on it. It's wonderful!

>> No.14116802

I keep a small moleskine to write down the mechanics of a constructed language I´m making. V comfy.

>> No.14116879

you say you use pens yet you recommend a pencil

>> No.14117047

I use a Montblanc® fountain pen

>> No.14117454

I know shit ain't /lit/, but I love the style of the Arthur Morgan's journal from RDR2.
Thing just feels right, all the beautiful illustrations and he has real nice cursive.
He also proves that real men use pencil

>> No.14117479

Physical journals are a meme. Just start a tumblr or something, it's much easier than looking through a bunch of notebooks.

>> No.14117510

Nigga, journals aren't mend to be read, you just write them and leave it. Every try of reading your own shit ends with a huge cringe, so you shouldn't even try.

>> No.14117685


>> No.14117715

Daily thoughts or events that happen during the day.

I don't talk to anyone except my psychologist. It works almost as talking to the friends I don't have.

I thought about getting a physical journal for my notes, but I'm worried about anyone finding it. The doc file is relatively safe.

>> No.14117721

Moleskine is trash too.

It used to be very nice. Now there is no difference between these and a $1 unbranded journal.

>> No.14117736

My last notebook got the fucking pages falling out about halfway in, so this looks like a decent buy honestly

>> No.14117953
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I like to write an entry once or twice a month and try to colour things that stick out in life in prose
r8 an excerpt from my last entry
>02/11/19, 23:36, Satharn
>My probation officer was a woman with fish eyes [a mild case of] but a pleasant and reassuring demeanour I'm sure is affected. I was frank enough with her about everything and even tried in my vanity to strike a unique impression, likely to my detriment, surely, but more of that for next month's entry. I went about town with a feeling of lightness that day as of a burden lifted through my conversation with the affected government lady, and on my way home from the bookstore talked in my clumsy manner with a Mormon proselyte girl, an arguably more attractive colleague or sectary of whomst I had a bit rudely dismissed when she attempted to flag me down on my way to the aforementioned bookstore. This one was shorter than myself - so very squat indeed - and looked petite in her drab homely mormon girl-garb of grey tartain plaid. Her hair was yellow, her eyes blue with noticeable dark bags not unlike my own, only mine provide a more sunken-in-general look to the eyes while hers seemed like mere attachments, like little optical handbags.
>She was American obviously but with an accent diluted as of one well traveled. I interrogated her for a bit but tactfully avoided the prideful mocking of a fedora tipper, throwing the word cult out there only once and nonchalantly to gauge reaction. Her lids were sleeplessly fluttering, her answers were non-committal. I left with her card and number, a faint fantastical hope blossoming in my heart, ideas of where the path from our next meeting that will never occur running through my mind like wayward slaves. Ahhhh, what right, thought I, to even in my dreams drag this credulous vestal from her faith, the altar as it were of her being from childhood to this moment she met yet another young loafer on another street in another city of another land not home, where an arranged marriage likely awaits that she may even be happy for in her way. And I with nothing to offer but a shared oblivion and life's uncertainty.

TL;DR pic related, I should honestly just fuck an escort already

>> No.14118004

Nobody cares about your juvenalia and the fact that my 6 dollar moleskine makes you this mad signals to me that you're too busy loathing yourself to write anything decent so you shitpost ten year old memes on lit to try and make yourself feel better about the fact that what's in your staples notebooks is garbage, has always been garbage, and unless you figure something out soon will always be garbage.

>> No.14118091

I have a digital journal, I just make a new file per day I add to it. I don't write every day though, and I just write interesting thoughts or expierences I have instead recounting what I done on that day. It's mostly thoughts...

That's a horrible web site

>> No.14118099

>$1 unbranded notebook similar to moleskine
If such a thing existed, I would buy them

>> No.14118105

Got to the second line, it didn't sound natural so I was uninterested.
> in my vanity to strike a unique impression
Sounded like you were doing the same to the reader.

>> No.14118158


>> No.14118232
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I buy these or similar brands, they're usually between $2-4 each.

>> No.14118270

I have a journal that I started in 2001 that I still update every so often. Sometimes its over 6-12 months between entries but I do still use it. My first entry was when I was in 4th grade, and the subject matter gets more serious as I get older lol

>> No.14118361

that is the intention, like to feel like I'm talking emphatically to myself in the future
only people who'll be reading this shit are my prospective grandchildren or the police depending on how life turns out inshallah

>> No.14118470

It just comes off as obviously pretentious to me. Dude if you can't even be honest and natural in your own writings then what's the point. Do you think your grandchildren would be proud of having a poser as a grand parent? They'd likely shrug it off and look down on you.

>> No.14118592

in the middle of september i began writing with commitment in small memoranda books, cheap but good, i think eighty leaves, each about the size of a phone screen, a little bigger. i just decided to make a habit out of it. i filled one in roughly two weeks. i started another, filled that in one week. decided they were simply too small, got a cheapo composition notebook, filled that in two weeks. am writing in yet another, and i find i've hit the middle stitching in nine days. i guess this is my life now. i've written somewhere around two hundred fifty pages, if i round down those smaller books, in a couple of months. it's a lot better than that feeling of loss i get when i fritter away my time on the net, chatting or posting on forums, never having really any good record of my thoughts or passions. nothing will come of it, i imagine, but at least i'm writing something.

>> No.14118604
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my grandchildren can suck my prune penis and I've told them this multiple times
my antics can amuse them if my prose can't, think I'd be more of a poser if I actively tried to change my style from looking poser-esque which is the inevitable paradox here

>> No.14118618
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>not using a Hemmingway freewrite

>> No.14118633

I've kept a journal for about the past three years. I've filled several notebooks totalling a couple thousand pages at this point. Sometimes I have to guilt myself into writing, sometimes I want to. I very rarely look back at anything I've written. I don't expect I produce more than one good sentence a day at best, but that's fine. I don't expect to ever have anyone to show it to, so someday I will destroy it. Recently I tried setting a hard one hour of writing time every day that I had to fill, no matter what I had to say. It makes me feel like more of a stranger to myself, like someone I have only one chance a day to encounter and I must be prepared to make the most of it. But I've fallen out of it and just write when it occurs to me.

good post

>> No.14118663
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post pages from your diaries, phags

>> No.14118693

>showing your handwriting to strangers on the internet

>> No.14118794

been journaling for the past four or five years - a page a day no matter how I’m feeling. It has been a very grounding experience. The act of reflection is the fabric of wisdom. And every now and then, when I read back through entries from months or years ago, I get a really strange feeling, sort of like a punch to the gut, where I can almost feel like I can “feel” time. An excellent habit. Moleskins are also my go-to. The cheaper and more unassuming the journal, the more one is motivated to infuse it with chosen words.

extremely based advice

>> No.14118813

Not narcissistic enough

>> No.14118829

I've tried but have honestly nothing to write about.

"Dear diary, today I did jack shit in front of the computer and fapped.

t. anon"

>> No.14119030

>Buying a $550 device to write
>Not using that money to buy a nice fountain pen and journal

>> No.14119117

the end of december will mark my 1000th daily entry
filled up sixteen notebooks so far, it's going great, I love coming back to the first ones sometimes, having each day documented
at this rate only an extreme accident would cause me to stop, I think it'll be a lifelong habit

>> No.14119209

>can't decide if you want to write like its a hundred years ago or today
>book came in the 'post'
>a hundred 'leaves' or so
>"I"s left out of 5/6 sentences that start with them because you don't want to seem self absorbed

>> No.14119301

yes why is he not imitating contemporary writers like the pathetic slave he is supposed to be... How strange!

>> No.14119335

>anyone with this notebook is a faggot
>anyone with a macbook is a fuckin pseud
>if you read in public you're a poser
>if you talk about writing you're just trying to impress people
>having a library card is peak simp shit
>writing literally anything is for pseud fags who think they have something to say

this whole board is catastrophically insecure. godspeed to you anon.

>> No.14119394

I'm 42 and I've consistently kept for over 14 and a half years now. Phew. Except for the time I had a nasty mental breakdown a few years ago and didn't journal for nearly a month, I write almost every other day. Sometimes every day.

Mostly life stuff, what's going on in my life and current events, dreams, story ideas, poems, lyrics, thoughts on books or movies or music I'm consuming. Sometimes it's just venting.

My only regret is not starting sooner.

>> No.14119418

>analyzing a journal

>> No.14119575


There's a $6 off brand Moleskine look alike you can get at Walmart. That's for the pocket sized. I think the large size is about $10. Not sure what the quality is like.

I used to get Piccadilly notebooks when they were cheap. Hit or miss paper quality, but no real worse than an actual Moleskine. Not sure if they're still made anymore. I know you can't buy them from the official site unless you buy in bulk. And towards the end they were starting to creep up in price to be nearly as expensive as a Moleskine.

>> No.14119597


Thing is, you can get a really good fountain pen for under $50. The TWSBI Eco is really great. I recommend the fine nib for first time users.

I only use bulletproof Noodlers ink. Either the black or Bad Blue Heron inks. It's very economical and permanent as hell. The ink won't fade, or wash away if you accidentally spill something on the page.

>> No.14119602

>he doesn't ritualistically burn his journal at the end of every month.
Wew lads I hope you don't expect other people to read it in the future.

>> No.14119622

Yeah I journal often, I'm 32 and I have been writing journals since I was 10 or 11. Last year however I burned a lot of those old journals because I realized the person that wrote them was so much different to the person I am today, and to some extent I felt like I wanted to forget the stupid things I did when I was a kid, the people I hurt, the stupid ideas i had.

So I just went camping one weekend and burned 9 or 10 of my old journals. It was a painful decision but you know what, now I feel liberated. I only kept the most recent journals from the last 2 or 3 years.

>> No.14119625

>not analyzing a journal

>> No.14119634
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>Not writing exclusively using Emacs org-mode saved as gpg while on a Corebooted security focused Linux system

>> No.14120003

>kept scribbling down vignettes and outlines on sticky notes or ripped sheets from a notepad at work
>fucking mess of these all over desk until i go through and type them up
>bought journal
>can write them all in there instead
10/10 quality of life improvement for $7.

>not using pens stolen from work
lmao i have never bought a pen in my life
If I can't have a raise, I shall have stolen teabags and stationary. I even have a battery I charge at work, even though electricity is included in my rent and costs me nothing extra. Fuck you.

>> No.14120200

>Stealing pens
>Not having a nice designer pen with bespoke ink made with extract of your DNA

>> No.14120204

I thought I was the only one who burned down his writings

>> No.14120206

Based and libertarian pilled. The dude who makes that ink is a real boomer preparing for the bugaloo, but he makes good ink

>> No.14120229

>not writing in code even you dont understand
never going to make it

>> No.14120246

nobody cares what you think your cum tastes like anons

>> No.14120376

>Thinking he's writing the x-files
>Needs to encrypt his ramblings about anime and meme books

>> No.14121426
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Quillpill me on bullet journaling, /lit/

>> No.14121429

>fountain pens
Jesus Christ, did you grow a vagina yet?

>> No.14121526

I have an appointment with my surgeon next week.

>> No.14121543


>> No.14122600
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