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14067063 No.14067063 [Reply] [Original]

Books for this mindset?

>> No.14067072

Everything after 1990s

>> No.14067077

Hooked by Nir Eyal

>> No.14067080

capitalism is disgusting

>> No.14067100

There's shitton of books about it. But the books became commodities unable to challenge it.

>> No.14067106

t. Mark Fisher

>> No.14067246

Something about that pic makes me want to mull over it. The sheer banality of it is itself audacious. This sentiment of giving the trivial these imperious nouns, fanatics, obsessions, religions, commodity fetishism as it has been called, is at once profane and empty.

Why should a customer be turned into a fanatic? This is a disrespectful gesture, as if the customer should be a junkie, twitching and itching to get his fix, or some spiritual adherent of your food delivery app. This unhinged marketing points to a deeper mania in the profit drive, where it shapes the world to be better suited to it, rather than one would hope, the other way around, the conformation of production to need.

>> No.14067290

The General Theory by John M. Keynes

>> No.14067330

Because it gives them meaning. Like a religion would. Meaning is more important than necessity.

>> No.14067344

>This is a disrespectful gesture
Do you think companies respect you?

>> No.14067446

Human greed is disgusting. Your lowercase reply adds nothing.

>> No.14067501

The bible.

>> No.14067573

amen brother >>14067080

>> No.14067636

No, but I'm thinking from their perspective. I would like my customers to feel respected.

>> No.14067656

i like it, actually. but maybe that's just due to the fact that i remember waiting in line for flour, oil and for hours and car owners being allowed to drive every other day only because planned economy in my former communist country failed so hard, it ran low on basic stable foods and gasoline.

>> No.14067669

its jsut like any other ideology but with capitalism we at least have higher standards of living and continuous progress at it.

>> No.14067788
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>> No.14067793
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>ex-communist boomers on lit
Pretty unlikely story desu

>> No.14067828

>zoomercommie coping
you'd be surprised, kiddo

>> No.14067842

Oh yeah, literal boomer from Eastern Europe posting on 4chins. Very beliavable. BTW statistically speaking, people who used to live under reds are more likely to miss or at least defend it. It's young people, who don't remember those times, who are most likely to share stories like yours.

>> No.14067846
File: 199 KB, 1024x768, 424228BD61B6441483275811299C599B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>N-no sure our ideology is breeding generations into unending misery and destroying every permanent cultural institution we've ever had b-but we really don't have a choice and d-don't you love iphones

>> No.14067848

Late stage capitalism summarized in one photo.

>> No.14067850

my family lived under a communist regime and while they had no illusions about the corruption if you thought the West is any better off now in that respect you're a fool. and they still support socialism.

>> No.14067855

Nice LARP, boomer.

>> No.14067856

>being a traitor without any remorse
So Boomerism was the true cold war ideological victor?

>> No.14067857

Capitalism systematically selects against being reasonable like you hypothetically would be, though. It rewards the disgusting rapacity of the op image.

>> No.14067861

Debord, Baudrillard, Deleuze, and Adorno.


>> No.14067865
File: 1.62 MB, 1613x1100, CapitalIsEverydayLowPrices.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Name a political system with better everyday prices.

>> No.14067868

>muh progress
>muh materialistic standard of living
Cringe. How about judging a society based on quality of life, not how many useless gadgets and trinkets it has.

>> No.14067873

>dude it's the most powerful.. so it's the best, no matter how it uses that power..
so smart philosopher

>> No.14067876

>nooooooo, you can't just pop my dream bubble
The triggering is real

>> No.14067879

its all about how many poor people you can elevate out of poverty.
Capitalism does it best.

>> No.14067880

Capitalism isn't voluntary.


>> No.14067886

Except it doesn't. Capitalism has killed more people than communism ever has.



>> No.14067899

>look at my literal who youtube videos redeeming communism
the absolute state

>> No.14067900

Is this bait? You can only defend your ideology from within by discussing poverty and fucking prices?
Maybe you should realize that your inability to even consider anything outside of a market is the same kind of disgusting blinder being worn by the guy in op's image

>> No.14067909

Nice rebuttal. Thing is, you can't refute any of the claims made in these videos.

>> No.14067912

anyone have the pic of the loli praying to a store display of sodas arranged to look like the three crosses at calvary? i saved it but i can't find where i out it :(

>> No.14067917

More regulated capitalism would be better, fascism had the right idea on this one point.

>> No.14067923

>Except it doesn't. Capitalism has killed more people than communism ever has.
Are you looking at things in a per capita way

>> No.14067925

subconscious teleology works better therefore actively only working on improving living stadards will perform the best in both ways.
Good reason why Capitalism is alive and well and ex-commies and what ever else are joining the cult.

>> No.14067933

capitalism has heretofore invented more than enough machines that could end all poverty, yet it simply fails to. It only, very, very slowly raises up everyone as it becomes more and more powerful, and that power spills over. It is not necessary to wield the productive powers of the world in the way that capitalism does. Its side effects of emotional, spiritual, cultural, environmental, and philosophical poverty are not worth it.

>> No.14067941

yeah, sure. But if too many restraints take away the essence of capitalism you will receed again.
>emotional, spiritual, cultural, environmental, and philosophical poverty are not worth it.
imagine actually believing capitalism removes these.
You are probably the same kind of retard who says the west has no culture anymore because you only focus on the absolute surface so you can continue bitching.

>> No.14067943
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My bubble stronk bubble. Your bubble weak bubble.

>> No.14067949

>You are probably the same kind of retard who says the west has no culture anymore because you only focus on the absolute surface so you can continue bitching.

The West has no culture. You're deluded if you think it does.

>> No.14067960

Living standards are improving but everyone in the west is still alienated, atomised, and miserable. If these specific higher living standards genuinely made people happier we wouldn't have an opioid crisis for the lower half of society and antidepressants popping more freely than candy in the other half.
You're incapable of taking a step away from the existing paradigm and looking at it critically because you're too firmly embedded in it. GDP numbers do not mean the world is improving and never will.

>> No.14067984

>imagine actually believing capitalism removes these.
No. It does remove them. Marvel movies supplant movies that are art. No, I don't mean art house shit. Movies like Alien, Terminator, or Scarface used to be what were the dominant parts of the culture. There used to be life. Now we have assembly line products. This is the essence of capitalism's cultural impoverishment, the industrialization of all of these things. All of these aspects of humanity subjected to capital, and not the other way around.

>> No.14067985

It is at its absolute peak.
Just because it is not just the aristocratic art you see collected in museums and on 100 sheets of music from the 10 famous composers doesn't mean there isnt other culture.
This is unironically absolute culture produce time.
The fact all this degenerate excess cultural events exists shows just how massive the amount is.
China fucked its current generations over by embracing capitalism but now the young chinese are vastly superior in every way than their ancestors. It is a marvel what capitalism has enabled.
Only those who oppose it cause tyranny on their people and cause all the alienated, atomised, and miserable states by pretending to be virtuous.

>> No.14067997

There are more creations of art today than ever before.
If you are reministent of "older" culture you can still find it being made, that is how absolutely extensive our cultural excess today is.

>> No.14068002

>lazy boomer retards feeling nostalgia for their youth
If you actually lived here, you'd know what kind of cattle these people are.

>> No.14068004

>Alienation isn't caused by capitalism, it's caused by a lack of capitalism
>Black Panther is the peak of western culture
You're either trolling or way too fucking dense to have a serious conversation about these things

>> No.14068013

Quality > quantity.

>> No.14068020

Does it? Take a page from Jeff Bezos. He's all about "obsessing over customers" rather than turning customers into obsessives. In my book he does it right. It is this new turn, to turn customers into tech-addled sluts, that is particularly vulgar.

>> No.14068024

>>Alienation isn't caused by capitalism, it's caused by a lack of capitalism
imagine having the privelege of complaining about this LMAO
>Black Panther is the peak of western culture
Perfect example that we have so much culture shit like this float on the surface.
Prime example thanks!
Things will only improve with capitalism while in all other forms we would receed.
indeed we must elevate the masses to be able to see this as well, but until then quantity >quality

>> No.14068037

>hurdur trusts me, I used to live there
>hurdur don't trust the majority of people who used to live there
So you actually aren't old enough to remember it and compare. You are just larping zoomie that eats his media diet like a good boy.

>> No.14068038

Volume is not tantamount to life, vitality, etc. If it's dead and lifeless, it is not art. Netflix original shows are not art, marvel movies and the rest of hollywood reboots are for the most part, not art.

Culture is not DEAD but it is DYING as capital subsumes it. And it will continue to die as capitalism goes through more and more of its crises, and inequality balloons, to the point where the once healthy middle class, and especially the lower class, no longer have any time or energy to create anything new, or anything at all.

>> No.14068042

capitalism is dysgenic, even today's "cream of the crop" is inane and childish compared to even the standard fare just 50 years ago

>> No.14068051

Anything you've ever read from or about Jeff Bezos was an advertisement you clueless retard

>> No.14068064
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>> No.14068087

God bless so much excess produce and the privelege of raising a healthy child with your belief under the protection of freedom by the state.
Woe the truly sorrowful souls who need to fear for their thoughts in the "high culture, high quality, high vitality" that tyranize their populance that doesnt conform to the oppressive degenerating norm.

>> No.14068099

>pibb xtra

Holy based

>> No.14068103

I'm 47 (which is actually gen-x but you retards don't care anyway) and I remember most of the 80's pretty well. The majority of people don't want communism back. There's a small minority of former party boomers (actual boomers), old alcoholics and handful of students in smelly clothes involved with antifa who form the exception. You're resorting to useless ad hominem attacks because you seem awfully upset that the chances of your retarded ideology making a comeback are miniscule.

>> No.14068128


>> No.14068131

Based witness of history boomer.
Dont let these faggots repeat history solely to perpetuate suffering till capitalism is embraced and elevates all.

>> No.14068167

47 years olds suck at english, let alone browse obscure english forums as 4chin. Plus we don't have concept of "gen x", westerners do. You must be a quite a failure IRL, providing you are telling the truth.

Majority of Russians do miss communism and majority of them think the collapse could have been prevented, even according to liberal agencies. And the older they are, the more likely are they to support it. Just as German liberal media say that half of Ossies are defensive of DDR. In Romania and Hungary majority of people say life was better under the reds.

>> No.14068193

Aren't they practically going fascist lately

>> No.14068211
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>You're resorting to useless ad hominem attacks because you seem awfully upset that the chances of your retarded ideology making a comeback are miniscule.
Case in point:
>47 years olds suck at english, let alone browse obscure english forums as 4chin. Plus we don't have concept of "gen x", westerners do. You must be a quite a failure IRL, providing you are telling the truth.

>we don't have gen x
>but apparently we have the concept of boomers
You're clearly starting to malfunction.

>> No.14068219

Yup, Orban rides on that sentiment.

>> No.14068227

Simulacra and Simulation

>> No.14068228

>capitalism will eliminate suffering
Oh my fucking god you dumbass. Inequality is increasing. We work longer, we get less for our taxes, our lives are becoming emptier, more hollow, more sad. There will never be increased freedom, the system is built on labouring. It crashes itself from making too much stuff without enough people to buy it. These people only make money from working.

>> No.14068254

Why feign historical literacy? Why do proponents of capitalism always act they've personally experienced all these different lifeworlds, and have judged capitalism the best? You haven't, I know it for a fact. You'd need years of de-programming just take a single step outside your conditioning.

>> No.14068258

Complaining like a bitch from such a high point of privelege.
Capitalism has raised you and our surrouding society so much that it sees trivial malidies as the detrimental symptoms of a dying system when in fact it ought to shed light on how greatly it has improved all the essential worries to now have nothing left but surrogate complaints.

>> No.14068261

i'm evil so i like it

>> No.14068279

It's not adhom, you silly, I'm questioning your act. Dividing generations into "boomers", "xers", "yers" is an American meme, it's not very popular in Eastern europe. Also suggesting that 4chin isn't obscure to middle aged slavs is a bit silly.

>> No.14068298

Capitalism gives way to all the flowery acts you cherrish so much. Rewritting history with your rose colored glasses capitalism has allowed you to wear will only lead to a return of needless suffering.
Beyond that, it will also enable the subconscious act that all other forms have so far failed to achieve.

>> No.14068312

I've noticed this thing people like you do where you pretend supporting this system is a sign of your maturity while it's just everyone else who can't overcome their naive romanticization of the past. Usually there's some intersection with the "vegan is slave morality, steaks me a man" types.

>> No.14068318

You were the one who started talking about boomers. Also, this is literally a meme site and has been featured in several mainstream news articles over the years, have some self awareness.

>> No.14068327

cool story bro

>> No.14068332

You can't disassociate the critique of an economic system one second from the quality of your manhood. Says everything about what you're trying to defend.

>> No.14068339

Shut up! You dumb fucking idiot! Going away from capitalism does not mean we lose the ability to make warm homes or medicine or whatever material that improved has improved our lives and has been made better under capitalism! And not only that but we can distribute it better! Since you are roleplaying as a lower class person by criticizing my privilege (I am a loser, actually), why don't you care about the underclass of third world workers who are slaves?

>> No.14068346
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>imagine loosing the argument so hard you need to digress to ad homien attacks

>> No.14068355

Congratulations, you won. Now get back to work.

>> No.14068360

All the crapitalists and cummunists battling it out in this thread look pretty retarded from an anarchist point of view. Imagine thinking humans are separate from nature and the rest of the universe and deserve elevation above it all. Top fucking kek.

>> No.14068372

Have fun being an anarchist in a digital surveillance state

>> No.14068381

Oh, I will.

>> No.14068387

>why don't you care about the underclass of third world workers who are slaves?
their sacrifice to a capitalistic system would elevate their grandchildren to the level of anyone in the west. (See: China)
They only have themselves to blame.
>And not only that but we can distribute it better!
Imagine if we had so much shit we didnt have to fuck it all up by having to micromanage the act of distribution.
Baffling! I would much rather have nepotism ruin one actor in favor of someone elses greed. Instead of allowing the greed while also helping everyone climb higher inadvertently even if you want to be so cynical instead of seeing it as a continued growth of prosperity amongst greater and greater masses.

>> No.14068398

Based anarchistposter. This man's taken the Leviathanpill.

>> No.14068401

I'm not pretending to be a middle aged slav, I can use whatever meme I feel like to.

But who cares, I've already proven my point with statistics and you failed to provide valid counterargument. Feel free to shit on pensioners, if that's your fetish.

>> No.14068405

>This man's taken the Leviathanpill
imagine misunderstanding Hobbes so hard you think he preached Anarchism.

>> No.14068407

What are we growing towards?

>> No.14068408

Dude, just take the "L" already.

>> No.14068422

OK, you lost. Got it.

>> No.14068428

Its subconscious; so can't say. Material ambitions as examples will never suffice, it is so great.

>> No.14068441

Gonna have to better than that to justify the forces you're playing with. Way better.

Not Hobbes, Perlman.

>> No.14068449

>saying Leviathan and pretending it is not a term attrivuted firstly to Hobbes
>Gonna have to better than that to justify the forces you're playing with. Way better.
well till then the material goals will suffice as they alone elevate capitalism above all other forms.

>> No.14068461

Nabijem te na kurac kretenu glupi.

>> No.14068480

>>saying Leviathan and pretending it is not a term attrivuted firstly to Hobbes


>well till then the material goals will suffice as they alone elevate capitalism above all other forms.

w-well i-if you j-just get back to me at a l-later time

lmao what are you an answering machine? Just answer the question.

>> No.14068489

When people criticize capitalism/consumerism they are inadvertently talking about and criticizing their own (and humanity's own) desires and needs. In this way, anti-consumerism sentiment is a form of life denial.

Humans are, for better or for worse: greedy, riddled with hedonic adaptation, wasteful, competitive over both resources and status and loss-averse. These traits are primarily genetic (bad word for Socialists, I know), bred into humanity through years of evolution and struggle.

Consumerism is simply a reflection of these qualities and traits combined with our level of technological advancement (which allows us to feed these traits), and would likely exist in any form of human organisation, as all human societies without these traits died out long ago, killed off by those who did have them.

>> No.14068496

I see we have come full circle.
No need to continue wasting my time by giving you a second chance at "how long till I have to resort to low blows and circular logic to not admit I might be wrong".
You are the most boring poster itt thread so far.

>> No.14068507

How does it feel to support a system whose goals you can't even articulate (besides one identical with a slime mold's)?

>> No.14068536

нeт дeдyшкa, бaттхёpтбeльчик! Я oчeнь бoюcь!

>> No.14068545

It's so brainless and propels itself forward on its own ugly inertia. Truly the death of aesthetics, romance and spiritualism

>> No.14068645
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During the Kádár era, living standards were artificially inflated by international loans. Hungary's debt to GDP ratio is the 10th highest in Europe and the 33rd highest worldwide. Unlike countries like Japan or the US, the loans were spent on welfare, rather than improving the economy. This, backed with democratic reforms (democratic compared to the Rákosi era: we were still a one-party state on soviet leash) made people contempt with the socialist system.
But now we have shitton of debt with no developed home industry to show for it.

>> No.14068741
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>He still believes in the lifting people out of poverty bs
>while stealing all their important natural resources and polluting the shit out of their traditional homelands

>> No.14068759

>Only those who oppose it cause tyranny on their people and cause all the alienated, atomised, and miserable states by pretending to be virtuous.
Is this the Capitalist version of "real Communism has never been tried"?

>> No.14068792
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Based me too

>> No.14068813
File: 6 KB, 223x226, 58C1AB38-7272-4379-ABDF-97558616BA73.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he can’t see the evident proof that humans are superior to all other known life
The human capacity to create order from chaos is our greatest strength, bending the natural world to our will
We are such a dominant species that we might cause a mass extinction because we outcompete everything else so hard
No other animals create art in the way we do or analyse and understand the world around them
Anarchists are disgusting base creatures, the political equivalent of a coomer, stop projecting, just because we’re subject to natural laws doesn’t mean we aren’t better than everything else

>> No.14068819

Order is death, chaos is life, we're accelerating toward absolute negentropy. Enjoy your techno death cult, it's what you wanted.

>> No.14069493

Why can't I criticize innate parts of the human psyche? I hate lots of those, greed and consumerism among them. I think people need to keep those aspects of humanity contained and in line. What's wrong with that?

>> No.14069544

You cannot get more based than this guy. He's pointed directly at >>14067080 using a rhetorical device of lowercasing the first letter to appeal to the consumers, despite that it does not add any additional value to the sentence. Sounds like something business owners would do...

>> No.14069638
File: 423 KB, 480x480, 1553960733688.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no offense bro but you're unironcally pretty fucking autistic if you treat the capitalism vs socialism debate like some sort of fucking horse race.
Yes, obviously capitalism does good shit. No one on the left that isn't a larper/retard with deny this. Kark k Marx himself said that capitalism was pretty good at what it can do.
The point is that after a certain point, capitalism stops being necessary (this is happening now with automation growing), and the fact that it is so unnecessary coupled with the fact that it causes so much inequality, unnecessary death, instability, and alienation makes socialism a better option and - get this! socialism NEEDS capitalism!
Obviously I don't expect you to care, and I don't expect anyone that isn't already a Marxist to change their mind, because if you had the IQ necessary to think about how fucking retarded you are (again I don't mean any offense) you wouldn't have posted that.

>> No.14069666

>makes socialism a better option
This doesn't follow. Capitalism having flaws is not an argument in favor of socialism(whatever version of socialism you're talking about).

>> No.14069712

very low iq post

>> No.14069913


>> No.14070222

>implying Catholics don't worship the Virgin Mary

>> No.14071171
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they are both worse

>> No.14071353

Thank you for typing "thing is adjective" and hitting the Post button. I definitely needed that.

>> No.14071571

based image, fuck commie boomers

>> No.14071580

Woah there, that´s pretty big brain of you.

>> No.14071619

>capitalism is disgusting

more like: corporate culture is disgusting

>> No.14071632
File: 121 KB, 1024x768, sickomode.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You ain't see nothin' yet

>> No.14071638

yea Monarchism and Feudalism have great track records

>> No.14072256

>cagers forced to restrain their murderous driving impulses
im gonna say based actually

>> No.14072308

but they do

>> No.14073349

Humanity may very well be/have those deficits but that doesn't mean it has to stay that way and we shouldn't strive twords something greater.

>> No.14073389

It's not "late stage". That would imply it will end soon. I wager it's going to mutate for quite a few decades still.

>> No.14073399

that is secular humanist cultural marxism. not capitalism.

>> No.14073423

Any life outside of a hunter gatherer tribe is inhumane.

>> No.14073452

There should be an alternative. Also people should start being mature enough to talk about it without getting offended as if they need to defend idealogies as if it is their very being. Something new please not communism socialism capitalism just something new.

>> No.14073458

>Humans are, for better or for worse: greedy, riddled with hedonic adaptation, wasteful, competitive over both resources and status and loss-averse. These traits are primarily genetic (bad word for Socialists, I know), bred into humanity through years of evolution and struggle.
It doesn't have to be like this.

>> No.14073459


Second this.

>> No.14073520

Same here. The United States might be the most corrupt country in world history.

>> No.14073528

What do you guys mean by corrupt when you say things like this? How could the US be any more corrupt than those African countries where the officials literally just loot public resources until infrastructure collapses.

>> No.14073535

>what is china
landlords don't count as people btw

>> No.14073540

>he thinks this distinction is real and that "corporate culture" is not the natural end product of capitalist logic
idealists begone!

>> No.14073555

which is why the economic system should be set up to check such base animalistic impulses instead of supporting and encouraging them.

seriously could you imagine this braindead argument in any other circumstance?
>allowing the rape of children is disgusting
>>no, human sexual deviancy is disgusting.

>> No.14073562

>my poor former soviet eastern european country is EXACTLY what a modern socialist state would be like
>what are computers, information technology, increased automation of production, and improvements in modeling and planning

>> No.14073569


>> No.14073577

good video

>> No.14073593

How is that a brain-dead argument? To see an act of subhuman lust and then comment on how it has disgusted you? Should it not disgust you? Why would you say that as if you disagree with >>14067446? The tirade of how you think the market ought to be is just that, it doesn't say "I agree, but..." or "You're wrong...". Do you think your economical or political perspective is relevant here? What the fuck is your post? Are you the butterfly namefag?

>> No.14073611

Nope. This presupposes that capitalism selects exactly what humans want and desire. The reality is obviously not this. There is a constant feedback loop between human desires, and what is necessary to sustain capitalism. If you force a man into a miserable existence to sustain a system, he will buy drugs, druglike foods, and mindless entertainment to distract himself and inject effortlesss pleasure to dull the pain. If he were freer, he would not want those things.

>> No.14073616

In fact most do not want to consume slop and be drug addicts. Its just that they need it.

>> No.14073627

tell that to the british then.

>> No.14073645

You're assuming that freedom is a true desire of the enslaved and entirely psychologically subjugated.

>> No.14073670

not sure if I should add this to my America or my Degeneracy folder.

>> No.14073697

You already provided the solution to your own indecisiveness, why?

>> No.14073734

Merge the two

>> No.14073748

god yellowstone please end it already

>> No.14073766

Eh, small agrarian societies are bretty good. Anything with close knit extended families living together is good enough for me though. I laugh any time someone mentions the nuclear family as the ideal living arrangement.

>> No.14073781

A lot of humans are like that no matter what circumstances, yes. A part of the struggle towards higher life is overcoming evil. Humans do all sorts of fucked up things, but it doesn't mean that's the way it has to be.

>> No.14073782

this but unironically

>> No.14073797

Nothing that you had to say, including and especially the "Eh," had anything to do with his statement about hunter gatherer tribes. Please go back to twitter or rebbit.

>> No.14073828

try again

>> No.14073837

monarchism is based, you're right

>> No.14073845


>> No.14073846

Chesterton was a distributionist

>> No.14073870

nothing to see here folks just the free market stretching it's legs

>> No.14073871
File: 5 KB, 131x131, serveimage (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut up, nigger.

>> No.14073883
File: 32 KB, 620x400, friedrich-nietzsche-9423452-1-402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why yes I am supposing that man's desire is freedom. What is freedom but power? Freedom from and freedom to. Why does man have capitalism, and defend it? It is power. It is the pure amount of energy per unit time that it outputs. Nothing has ever come close, look at all of these technologies and these massive hives of concrete, glass, and steel. It is only that man has not yet realized that this power does not serve him. He has made economic power an idol, when it should be his slave. Capitalism has an immense collection of irrationalities and painful, maybe even fatal side effects that are merely accepted and even loved by its proponents because they believe ecpnomic power is what makes life better, at all costs.

I get into arguments with people on this board all the time about this fucking stupid system that we live under, and at the end of it, every time they reveal they believe capitalism is true, is right, is what deserves to be the dominant mode of production, is because it has the most power. Dude! Look at this iphone! Look at this GDP! Standards of living! To what end though? At what cost? Are you an economy? It is idolatry.

>> No.14073903
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>> No.14074009

Shit, I lose

Hi, picture of Neechay. You are presupposing that all men are equal and all have the same fundamental desires. While all would have some relation to freedom it's obvious that their notions of freedom come from their predisposed capacity to understand reality. Thus those who are from inception materialists, humanists, hedonists, have no way to properly understand the concept of freedom. You are wasting time on this board trying to argue points and change the minds of other people, regardless of whether or not you know if the person being argued with has any potential for things like spiritual growth, empathy, et cetera. Hence you are wasting your time. What is objectively true is what it is, you're arguing against Nature. You're saying, "why is the winter cold? I'm damn freezing! It shouldn't be cold! Isn't it better to be warm?" Nature is nature, it is what is, it am who am. It is completely evil and apathetic. Focus your energy into acting on the true mode of being to exist with purpose in the over-arching finality that is the terribleness of this universe.

>> No.14074046

Man can remake, man transcends "nature." Your position is just useless fatalism. It predicts nothing, it explains nothing. Capitalism is nature? All I have to say is that going beyond it well be nature. I suppose this is a fundamental disagreement we have, but, it seems to me that man tends towards something, and it is not this.

>> No.14074061

I forgot the autistic accelerationists want this. You're only fooling yourselves

>> No.14074138

How many times do I have to tell you that not all men are the same, fundamentally? To be born human is nothing but an accident of Nature, to transcend Nature is only possible from those of Nature with the inherent propensity to do so. My position is not fatalism or cynical, it is idealism. A position doesn't need to predict anything, and what mine does explain is the simplicity of Nature. Capitalism is Nature for those without souls. It is the job of those with souls to act in a manner that does not allow for the continuation of the bloodlines of the soulless. I don't suppose this is a fundamental disagreement, I think you're thinking on such a basic level that you don't even consider that there may be different shapes and sizes of this particular primate, all with their own virtues and potentials. Are you a humanist? Do you believe all humans are special just because? You say it explains nothing because you don't understand it. Perhaps you will, or won't, but it's true regardless.

>> No.14074156


>> No.14074617
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>> No.14074636

>unending misery
Who ever said it was unendimg? Life adapts, it just takes a short amount of time. What's a thousand years but a blink of the eye under the sun?

>> No.14074647

Alien was good, admittedly. Aliens is the one that self-eviscerated and lost all artistic merit by devolving into a generic action movie.

>> No.14074979

yeah but there's no better alternative is there

>> No.14075027

What is capitalism?

>> No.14075030

What is this from? This makes my stomach turn

>> No.14075038

Thank God someone thinks this way.
Allegedly, Cameron's pitch was just him writing
On a whiteboard

>> No.14075051

People love this so much that as soon as social media was invented they immediately started to apply marketing techniques to themselves. They love consumerism so much and fetishise it so much they turned themselves into products.

>> No.14075063

>This is unironically absolute culture produce time.
You are confusing culture and entertainment.

>> No.14075072

Cry more commie

>> No.14076407

No idea but I too would like the full context of this image.

>> No.14076567

I eventually found it, it's from Qualtrics

>> No.14076581

We are for breakthroughs.
The incremental ones that close the gaps,

and the monumental ones that change the world.

The ones born from an uncommon ability to sense what others don’t

so you can go where others can’t.

The breakthroughs that turn customers into fanatics,

employees into ambassadors,

products into obsessions,

and brands into religions.

The breakthroughs that come from a conviction that every voice holds value,

every interaction is an opportunity,

and every experience matters.

We’re for breakthrough experiences and those bold enough to chase them.

What genre of horror is this?

>> No.14076588

some people just don't use capitalization on text posts since, you know, half them aren't actually fucking sentences

>> No.14076598


>> No.14076613

>thinking that some 9 minute youtube fuckwit can quantify the mortality of two deeply complex economic systems

>> No.14076641

Capitalism is based and redpilled.
It's people that are disgusting.
>n-no people would become supermen if only we change to glorious communism

>> No.14076644

One thing they always say when you're trying to put something on social media is "you are a brand", like, you literally have to look at yourself as something that isn't human. In every single instance of social media talk, no matter if it's a 30 people Discord server about Sonic OCs or a megacorp gathering, you see words like "engagement" and all the horrible marketing lingo thrown around. To sell a fucking indie comic online for 1$ you have to do this shit.
It's as if this is basically how human beings work now, they not human anymore, they're brands, what you say or do is a product, so by extension you are a product. Anon™ here, you will love my irreverent Anon™ brand humor, I guarantee a steady influx of Anon™ tweets and other trivia that will engage you. Look at my fancy Anon™ lifestyle, Anon™ will give you that and more if you subscribe!

>> No.14076649

Capitalism presupposes that humans are greedy but literally rewards people to be selfish. The idea that humans are primarily supposed to be self-interested starts to take off with the development of capitalism. Wow, what a coincidence.

>> No.14076657

Capitalism doesn't suppose anything. It is only about having a personalized and decentralized decision making.
Anything beyond that is merely you trying to force a bizarre dialectic according to which everything you don't like in the world is the direct consequence of people being able to make their own decisions about the things they have.
You talk in things so vague I'm not even sure where to start. The idea that everyone act in interest is a structural way of presenting things, it doesn't say anything about what people want. The idea is also at least as old as Aristotle. Was this 'capitalism?' Note: yes it was. But I'd like to know what kind of primitivism you jack off to to denounce everything that comes from that.

>> No.14076662


>> No.14076671

>Capitalism doesn't suppose anything
Great nothing post bro

>> No.14076685

I guess it supposes the ability of recognizing order relations between your wants. Overall it recognizes man as acting, toward goals. So whatever comes with this.
Perhaps the principle of the excluded middle if we're getting pedantic.

>> No.14076803

This what happens when you have nearly 8 billion human beings alive on the planet. Each individual life is worth that much less.

>> No.14076842

yeah i love nouveau-riche chinese peasants flooding into my country and blowing up the housing market. thanks capitalism.

>> No.14076894

Capitalist Realism by Mark Fisher
No Logo by Naomi Klein
Collected Works of Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov

>> No.14076912

see. the weak ought to be discarded.
Progress is honed on necessary death.

>> No.14076932

The True Believer by Eric Hoffer

>> No.14077017

I hate that I put these on my Amazon wishlist

>> No.14077153

Illogical argument because it assumes that people would want to buy a cup of coffee to fulfil some sort of basic need as opposed to them simply buying a cup of coffee to relieve the stress capitalism places on the human psyche, unintentionally perpetuating this type of economy.

And this critique of capitalism isn’t a projection because there is no reason for a £3 cappuccino to exist other than to exploit laziness encouraged by capitalism. In an ideal society, laziness would be discouraged and not profited from.

>> No.14077214

In a sense it's right. Nature doesn't reward being content, it rewards the vicious. You can see this at microbiological level, the world as it is today has simply become a super-organism and we are moving parts inside it. I think this is what corps are, there is no real culprit. They are super-organisms with their own will.

>> No.14077218 [DELETED] 

And by the world I meant humanity. Looking at the broader picture of the Earth planet, it's even more clearly a super-organism.

>> No.14077226

And by the world I meant humanity. Looking at the broader picture of the Earth planet, it's even more clearly a super-organism. Humanity was like a bunch of intestinal bacteria in this organism that somehow went AWOL and merged into another super-organism. And the host is rejecting this foreign body.

>> No.14077544

Yeah, but it outcompeted the non-disgusting form of communism (Stalinism)

>> No.14077632

I feel like a huge part of why people are nolstagic for the communist era is that hardly any post communist country has successfully transistioned without getting massively fucked up in the process.
Romania for example (and this applies to many other eastern bloc countries) has to be described nowadays frankly as a slowly dying country where everyone who can migrated to Western Europe, where you don't have to arrange yourself with piss poor wages, still widespread poverty and a deeply corrupt government and political system.

>> No.14077749
File: 92 KB, 595x419, patrickwasthestar...fish(meme_spongebob_humor).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I want 7 of these Anon™ humors, one with cheese. Will $50 in LINK tokens cover it?

>> No.14077983

"Nike is my religion" lol

This world is all kinds of fucked up.


>> No.14078220

reci mu

>> No.14078322

Except greed is a weakness of the soul, we have set up a system that encourages humanities lower desires. Desires that stem from a more animalistic evolution of man that is our birthright to surpass.

Man is a bridge not an end.

>> No.14078549

Commie falseflag.

>> No.14078558

Can I have all your stuff?

>> No.14078619

Anything by Edward Bernays
The Hidden Persuaders
The Attention Merchants

>> No.14078685

>Can I have all your stuff?
That anon is not the one with the stuff, retard

>> No.14078695

>america isnt a subfolder of degeneracy

>> No.14078967

Learn what the CIA does to countries it doesn't like

>> No.14080186


>> No.14080256

I've seen multiple perspectives. Some countries got a lot better and some got a lot worse after the Soviet Union fell

>> No.14080402
File: 27 KB, 343x518, propaganda by Bernays.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That has nothing to do with capitalism,
It's 100% about brainwashing, conditioning, and mind control.
Pic related. The beginning of it all.

>> No.14080600

The system that has done more than any other to destroy tradition and has eviscerated the Western working class through free trade and mass immigration is "based and redpilled?"

>> No.14080761

We need a civil war.

>> No.14080774
File: 7 KB, 57x54, cricket 7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what all cultures have done, only without knowing as much of the psychology behind it. The only true freedom can be attained from knowing oneself completely, and that includes knowledge of the mechanisms of control we come with.

>> No.14080813

christcucks, LEAVE!
your presence is worse in such a thread than a commie's.

>> No.14081056

Silly hyletic.

>> No.14081092

A depression and a revolution will be less costly. In blood and for the environment

>> No.14081283

Atlas Shrugged

>> No.14081373

What makes you so sure I'm a christian? I know soul is a loaded confused word in these times but it is foolish of you to automatically assign it to a singular belief system and disregard the content of a sentence purely on its inclusion.

>> No.14081722

Commodity fetishism wasn't nearly this literal when Marx wrote about it, right?