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14045387 No.14045387 [Reply] [Original]

who is the next big pillar in philosophy after aristotle?

plotinus? (not really on the same level IMO)
augustine? (obviously a massively influential thinker but largely because he had the world's most powerful institution propagating his works, not really on Aristotle's level on works alone)
augustine? (same as above)
descartes? spinoza? kant? (i feel like it would have to be one of these three, with kant being a pillar no matter what)

what is your opinion?

>> No.14045914

Augustine is the same as Augustine, yes

>> No.14045917


>> No.14046063

Proclus Lycæus

>> No.14046969

Plato, Aristotle, Plotinus, Damascius (better than Proclus, but less directly known).
When people in medieval times reference Aristotle, they're often actually talking about Plotinus and Proclus whose translated works were penned as "Aristotle" or "the philosopher". Like the Book of Causes.

>> No.14046977

Porphyry's influence is pretty underrated.
Everyone read his introductions.

>> No.14046986

Aquinas is to Aristotle as methampethamine is to caffeine.

>> No.14047012

I can tell you’re a bitch because you dismissed Plotinus. Suck dick.

>> No.14047013

Accurate analogy desu.
You know and feel they have quite similar workings, but the change of intensity makes the difference qualitative, because one just enhances natural disposition while the others goes over the threshold of normal functionning.

>> No.14047024

Go to bed guenonfag.

>> No.14047075

Fuck you

>> No.14047144

So, since Aquinas derive his entire system from fragmentary editions of the Neoplatonists, they must be to him what Heroin is to the "Runner's High".

>> No.14047154

Sextus Empiricus

>> No.14047159
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Aquinas has zero actual influence post-descartes. He is left behind. While the rediscovery of Plotinus basically gave birth to German Idealism and all continental thought.
Not to ignore the massive influence on Christian theology and mysticism.

>> No.14047170


My personal selections
(Pre Aristotle)
(Post Aristotle)

>> No.14047172

Virtue Ethics has made a comeback due to thomists

>> No.14047177
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Johannes Scotus Erigena

>> No.14047183

The final argument of intellectual intuition.

>> No.14047210

Absolute brainlet take.
He was quite controversial in his time and from the XIVth century on Duns Scot (who has very different ideas) became dominant. You have a small revival in the 16th/17th century with cajetan and suarez but that's it.
Also saying post Descartes is misleading considering the influence he had on him. He is also perhaps, after Descartes, the number two influence on Malebranche and Leibniz.
The height of Aquinas influence is in the second half of the 19th century (so 250 years after Descartes) when neo-thomism was virtually declared official teaching of the catholic church (which wasn't at all the case before). Adding his influence on Newman, and his necessity in launching the ideas of Brentano. Also a significant influence on people like Pierce and all those that will form the aristotelician society.

>> No.14047216

I really don't like Aristotle

>> No.14047268

Plotinus obviously
Follow that up with Augustine, Anselm and then Descartes. Honorable mentions go to Aquinas, Proclus, Scotus and Iamblichus imo

>> No.14047334


>> No.14047347

this guy,
"Say, if that fellow Mucius who we beheld in the Arena this morning thrusting his bare hand into the blaring fire pit appears to you to be "a most powerful Man of Patience, Fortitude and Endurance(!)" ...hahahaha...(!) then you have no more sense than the exceptionally dim-witted people of Abdera.

For, when a Man is Commanded to thrust his bare hand into a blaring fire pit and he does it, fearing the threat of the alternative: to have his chest and arms caked in pitch and set on fire, it would surely be more courageous to refuse the Command."

>> No.14047350

Stale memé

>> No.14047365


>> No.14047377

Aquinas, Scotus, Leibniz...
All rip-offs of the Neoplatonists, and therefore of Plotinus.

>> No.14047390

you know he's on cereal boxes now in Toronto, he's the new honey monster and it really fits him.

>> No.14047391

He seems to have more influence in esotericism than philosophy, rip-off is abit harsh depends how far you want to go back

>> No.14047460

Jordan Peterson

>> No.14047468


>> No.14047482

augustine -> aquinas
for medieval world atleast
basically just plato -> artistotle God Edition

>> No.14047617
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All of philosophy is a footnote to Diogenes.

>> No.14047707

definitely plotinus, >>14047159 this guy is correct though I think if someone is just starting out with philosophy then the influence from plotinus would probably pass one by. he's influenced virtually all subsequent christian theology as well as various strains of mysticism including islamic. aside from german idealism, plotinus is also being revived quite recently in the philosophies of immanence from those such as laruelle

apart from plotinus, >>14047177 this is not a bad answer, he is fairly obscure in our times but he is a massive forerunner in idealist thought, hegel believed that modern philosophy started with eriugena rather than descartes

>> No.14047819

I can't say duns Scot and Aquinas weren't influenced by plotinians because part of their works is about btfoing them (one of the rare philosophical subjects where duns Scot and Aquinas are in full agreement).

>> No.14047937

now, not only people who like eastern philosophy but even anyone who prefers the more mystic western thinkers is muh Guenonfag boogeyman, absolutely embarrassing

>> No.14047944

For Aristotle do you just get a complete works collection or what?

>> No.14047945

Marsilio Ficino is another big name

>> No.14048665

Plotinus' system is crawling with holes and since its largely an elaboration on Platonic thought it is nowhere near the revolution in thought that Plato or Aristotle's works are. The Corpus Hermeticum is also a way better mystical text.