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14024584 No.14024584 [Reply] [Original]

I fucking hate irony. You cannot do shit without getting memed. You are not allowed to enjoy anything or you will be judged. Even if you say, that one shouldnt care about the judgement of other, one still does. We are social creatures, it is normal for us to care about other peoples opinions.

Anyway, because of irony, we cannot express feelings without getting laughed at. There is no weakness allowed to show.

What does /lit/ think about irony?

>> No.14024588

Irony is self refuting.

>> No.14024594

How so?

>> No.14024883

Everyone is always on the lookout for people to denigrate and assert social dominance over

>> No.14024893

while also being to cowardly to display their own true beliefs (if they even have any), because as a player of the game, they know everyone around them is ready to pounce just as they are
As annoying as they are, aspies are probably some of the most authentic people

>> No.14024908

Every couple of months or so there is a lit thread on irony and i cannot thank you guys enough for expressing this. I am on record as thinking/saying this when i was very young like even 15. I realized you cannot fucking enjoy anything in this life without anyone trying their hardest to crack jokes about it. I did it myself, we always make fun of the band kids, the athletes even, the math nerds. Why? why? Why is it in our nature to belittle others hobbies, i don't know the psychology behind it. I have done it and it's been done to me.

You can chalk it up to the 2016+ meme culture which is completely and utterly fucking toxic cringe and rewards anything ironic. But then like i said it was happening even when i was a teen. I don't know man.

Seeing people like DFW talking about it made me teary eyed. I knew it was a problem and yet i have no idea how to fix it. Again thank you so much for this post. I am always here for Anti ironisism

>> No.14024940

I think irony will stay as long as suffering does, comedy is a coping machanism and irony is simply a part of it. By making fun of something you try to make yourself on the other hand less individuals, we thrive for lack of individualism, or, are rather forced to give up individualism. I think that is also why turbo autistic lbtq groups emerge, it is a cry for individualism.

>> No.14024951
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>> No.14024958

Irony itself is not the problem, the everday use and laymans adoption of it as you portray are eerie

>> No.14024974

That image is something I feel I should find funny but don't. The thumb face seems to stir a hint of mirth in me but only a hint. It all seems so hollow.

>> No.14024984
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We should adopt /s4s/ tier humor instead.

>> No.14025017

I've always been a funny person and I excel at deadpan, droll humor, but irony has always been my social crutch. It allows you to distance yourself from expressing any genuine emotions. You act as if you don't care but precisely because you care very much.

I have recently grown tired of being so disingenuous. I am tired of poking holes in things. I am tired of being disillusioned with life. I am tired of having people think that I don't care. Looking at the lives of people I used to find so interesting, the David Cross, Tim Heidecker, Eric Andre-types of the world, I realize the predicament they find themselves in. They aren't allowed to actually enjoy anything. And not just from the perspective of being called a sell out or something, but internally. They've spent so long shitting on everything and everyone that there's no way they can feel okay simply enjoying something for its own sake.

>> No.14025028

based and utterly redpillde

>> No.14025105

Irony is an inversion of the norm. It is a negative ideology consuming the positive ideology. The mere existence of positive begets the negative (see negative numbers). Irony at first appearance looks like a toxic ideology that masks everything, but it is precisely this masking that is necessary to lead greater positive and negatives. Indeed, the negative is reactionary to the positive. Therefore, the final form will always be ironic.

>> No.14025119

Sounds like you're just a fragile little bitch.

>> No.14025126

Cos it's meme shite

>> No.14025130

How exactly is irony an ideology?

>> No.14025142
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become imperceptible

>> No.14025155

I remember when I first heard someone say meme unironically out loud in public and the wave of unease and disgust that followed.

>> No.14025159

That and 'aesthetics', in the non-philosophical normie definition.
How much modern music is only enjoyed because of the 'aesthetic' of the sounds, or its accompanying visuals?
How many people only espouse a certain political ideology because they like the symbols, the flags, the costumes?

>> No.14025172

As my friend Zebra likes to say, "Cut through the bullshit."
I have never found a more lethal force to irony than being real and present and hopefully sincire in the moment.

>> No.14025189

Imagine being in public, singing an old song you like, but you're doing it passionately, and you're immersed in it.
And imagine that you're actually a pretty good singer. Not so good that people would be impressed, but good enough so that no-one would say that you're terrible.
Then when you walk around the corner, people who could hear you are giggling and sniggering at you.
Their laughing and your embarrassment is entirely based on the fact that you had the nerve to express yourself authentically. They're not laughing because you're a bad singer, and you're not embarrassed because you think you're a bad singer. You feel embarrassed because you feel exposed.
But none of the people laughing could articulate why they were. They all sing in the same way when they're alone too.
This is the toxicity of irony.

>> No.14025201

So true
not only do people refuse to enjoy anything authentically, but they've also been rendered incapable of doing so, because everything has been reduced to commodifiable 'aesthetics'
Noone enjoys things with intimacy anymore
They 'enjoy' it for other people's benefit, but when everyone is doing the same, you get society of hollow shells resembling people

>> No.14025209

where is this from? this is insanely legit. did u jsut write this

>> No.14025212


Irony is essentially a middle finger to the game, people dont care and they want you to know that they're superior to you simply for refusing to engage

>> No.14025216

What's that got do with irony faggot

>> No.14025221

yeah I just wrote it
Im procrastinating homework

>> No.14025224

It is immensely ironic that /lit/, being such an ironic board, reveres the work of DFW who used to disparage irony by itself so much.

>> No.14025235

>there's no way they can feel okay simply enjoying something for its own sake
I don't think this necessarily applies to someone like Eric Andre, his schtick isn't irony, just a commitment to the absurd. The fact that he worships someone like GG Allen (who, like him or not, was about as "authentic" as someone could be) suggests otherwise

Tim Heidecker is a self-pronounced cuck, so make of that what you will, clearly irony is working out for him either

>> No.14025237


also see this thread. look at the reactions to OP. that humour, laughter, jokes etc. are a good thing is treated as being axiomatic, he is jeered at for being autistic. all he was doing was trying to look objectively at this phenomenon. the defensiveness of the replies speaks volumes to me. we are addicted to irony; it is part of our identity and the ego defends itself.


>> No.14025240

Because the laughing people are only doing so in service of irony.
What's actually the problem with singing in public, just for its own sake?
They were laughing because they are so inescapably enamored with the facade of 'cool' detachment, that someone so flagrantly flouting it, even accidentally, automatically evokes a pathetic snigger, simply to mock someone who they have identified as ignorant of the game
irony is the game

>> No.14025241

Does any credible author besides DFW talk about all this in terms I can understand?

>> No.14025243

>What's that got do with irony faggot

>> No.14025244

Also, irony allows you to always have argumental superiority towards the other person. It's funny that /lit/ cares so much about this, since there's no reputations to maintain, it being anon and all.

>> No.14025277

You should check out Tim's "The Comedy" then.
It's exactly what you talk about.

>> No.14025289
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>David Cross

>> No.14025300

>What's actually the problem with singing in public, just for its own sake?
It's not societal etiquette. Same reason we don't walk around naked on sunny days or take a piss in a stormdrain in the middle of the height street.
It would have been thought embarrassing to sing at the top of our voice, on your own, in the streets 100 years ago as well. You going to chalk that up a love of irony and a desire to "be cool" too?
The reason they laughed is because the breaking of this social etiquette is the basis of nearly all comedy.

>> No.14025316

Good post, agreed.

>> No.14025347

I blame the MCU partially for this quip culture. It's inescapable. Normies are completely allergic to seriousness

>> No.14025356

If you were a real alpha you would be able to show your feelings and dictate what you want, and if any man were to ever rival you, you would simply tell him to shut up and that would be the end of it.

>> No.14025358

Are you a fetus zoomer with no frame of reference or do you just have the cultural memory of a goldfish?

>> No.14025363

I'm pretty sure they were all addicted to lolsorandumb kids cartoons before the MCU hit its stride. Reddit and Memey is another example.

>> No.14025377

You're making a false equivalency between someone singing when they think they're alone being a breach of social etiquette, and something offensive like nudity or public urination.
Dressing uniquely evokes similar reactions, even if the way you are dressed is aesthetically pleasing, unoffensive, and well-composed
If you are seen to be putting genuine thought into your outfit as a form of self-expression, rather than as a form of conformity, then you have failed the 'irony-game'
Would you also say that this is a breach of social etiquette? Probably yes. So think about why it is social etiquette in the first place.
In my singing example, imagine it's late at night and the streets are presumably deserted, save for only you and the group around the corner, and your singing is not actually very loud
The group would obviously assume that you though you were alone, just as they probably assumed likewise of themselves
So what etiquette are you actually breaching?
It's not like you're singing loudly on a crowded footpath
The point is, that they are laughing at you indulging yourself in a genuine moment of self-expression without being on-guard for potential 'sincerity-exposers' like themselves

>> No.14025378


>> No.14025386

>oh no I'm being laughed at quick Jesus send the bears!
grow a set of balls dude holy FUCK

>> No.14025396

you're right
Maybe marvel isn't to blame, but it captures and exposes the phenomenon perfectly
That's why if you went to the cinema to watch the new Joker movie, it's more than likely that you heard some normies laugh at things that weren't intended to be funny, they are conditioned to find 'humour' in everything
Everything is treated with irreverence

>> No.14025406

>missing the point this hard
You do realise that these things haven't actually happened to me, and that I'm just using them as examples to try and demonstrate common societal attitudes, attitudes which you've made more than evident you yourself suffer from

>> No.14025418

>well I was just saying you know technically by example if you really think about it we live in a society
and your useless mental exercise avatar needs to grow a set and stop caring about what the retarded dysgenic masses think.

>> No.14025424

>You're making a false equivalency between someone singing when they think they're alone being a breach of social etiquette, and something offensive like nudity or public urination.
You're obnoxious and conceited attempt at self expression is offensive to everyone. Your stupid comparison to clothes makes no sense as if people conform to societal expectations based on some thinly defined idea of "irony"

>> No.14025429

Well, you admit it yourself. Singing passionately without context (i.e not busking) in the middle of the street while others are watching would break the social etiquette. The juxtaposition of your expectation of you being alone and being able to sing without judgement and in fact not being alone is what creates humour. This isn't evidence of societal malaise, it's basic humour.

>> No.14025431


Right, I noticed this during that Ragnarok scene when Surtur's telling Thor who he is, god of this, destroyer of that, and Thor's just cracking jokes the whole time. No gravitas, no stakes, nothing. Totally death-averse marshmallow fun time culture.

>> No.14025436

Who even said I care about what the masses think, I don't
It's irrelevant in the first place
I'm just trying to explain something, why are you so averse to discussion?
Are you incapable of abstract thought?

>> No.14025440

it's too bad the /his/ experiment failed you faggots really are insufferable pieces of shit

>> No.14025452

Irony is the antithesis to naive sincerity. The sublation, the culmination of the triad, is post-ironic new sincerity. Irony only exists with reference to something beyond itself. It is parasitic. It only has value in humor, and even then, only insofar as it makes use of something other than itself. Without that, irony wouldn't subsist. A return to pre-ironic naive sincerity is regression, but moving past a life of irony-only into a post-critical worldview and mindset is to grow up. You can always be ironic again for style and laughs, but if you can't commit seriously to anything for its own sake, you stand in a prison of signs reflecting off each other without standing for anything of their own, except as inversions. A space of irony and irony alone quickly degenerates into pure simulacrum.

>> No.14025461

Its over

>> No.14025472

Nah, it's been around for awhile. It's a staple of gen x and late millennial urban hipster culture and late night TV liberal snark comedy.

>> No.14025474

he was being a retard and people were pointing it out. nothing ironic about it
t. clueless zoomer
mcu quipshit is just showing what people like to see, not a cause of it

>> No.14025475

I should have said MCU is the culmination of it.

>> No.14025481

Go look at what people wear to music festivals and tell me their not doing it with irony that they themselves are unaware of
They are wearing an inherently ironic outfit, but if you told them they look ridiculous, they would say
>b-but its a festival outfit
betraying the fact that they in fact are unaware of the layer of irony in which they are enveloped, even though they would happily criticise someone wearing an unusual outfit in a normal setting with full sincerity
Of course people are unified by irony, I remember getting laughed at for genuinely enjoying listening to classical music (which I play anyway) by one of my 'friends', but it wasn't because of the genre, it was because I expressed my enjoyment of it with no sarcasm
I understand that, but think about why it's funny in the first place,
The entire joke is based on someone exposing themselves, just like people would laugh at sincere diary entries, just because they are so genuine, and written without considering the toxic gaze of people who view everything through their constant veil of detachment
whatever faggot, I'm sick of you
You sound like a fat moron

>> No.14025490

Of course, because being genuinely invested in something brings with it the potential for a negative outcome. And we wouldn't want that would we?
Obviously it's just a capeshit movie, but it's a perfect illustration of the mindset most of these insects operate under

>> No.14025497

>I r-remember getting laughed at :*(
>u sound f-fat
you are beyond pathetic dude just fucking kill yourself like you know you want to

>> No.14025508

>look at what people wear to music festivals and tell me their not doing it with irony that they themselves are unaware of
>They are wearing an inherently ironic outfit, but if you told them they look ridiculous, they would say
>>b-but its a festival outfit
>betraying the fact that they in fact are unaware of the layer of irony in which they are enveloped, even though they would happily criticise someone wearing an unusual outfit in a normal setting with full sincerity
So what you're saying is that in certain scenarios it's ok to dress like a moron and in most others you just look like a moron. Well Christ, you've really cracked something there bab, when's the book out?
>but it wasn't because of the genre
It was.

>> No.14025511

>Reddit and Memey is another example.
bullshit, rick and morty is new sincerity

>> No.14025515

Yeah it's sincerely masonic luciferianism I supposed

>> No.14025522

maybe you retards shouldnt look for seriousness in comic book movies and pop culture

>> No.14025529

>he was being a retard and people were pointing it out. nothing ironic about it
But he wasn't. He was just asking a question. This is such an NPC reaction, just bashing down somebody who had a non-conformist view of something.

>> No.14025544

i'm not remarking on the quality of the show, but are you really unable to tell the difference between, say, Seinfeld /Big Bang Theory as being the sort of nihilistic peak irony that >dfw critiqued, and Community/Rick and Morty as employing irony but having a fundamental sincerity?

>> No.14025548

>I understand that, but think about why it's funny in the first place,
Because of what I said. A key component of humour is just expectation and subversion. If you were in a place where people were expecting you to sing and they knew you were expecting them to be listening (a concert) and you sang the exact same way with the exact same amount of sincerity nobody would laugh.
I mean, nobody would laugh at you if you were singing quietly to yourself in the middle of the street anyway.
>just like people would laugh at sincere diary entries, just because they are so genuine
People laugh at diary entries only when they are sentimental, self obsessed and mawkish not because of how genuine they are. The only people that would are edgelord adolescents who have been around for centuries and either eventually grow up or live out their days on 4chan.

>> No.14025551


>> No.14025558

Holy fuck you faggots are either very good at baiting or genuinely fucking developmentally disabled
You've managed to miss the fucking point repeatedly, even when it's explicitly spelled out and spoonfed to you, you fucking braindead morons
You legitimately can't grasp that I'm talking about people's underlying attitudes can you?
>hurr you can dress retardedly sometimes, but other times you can't
Is that really what you got out of what I wrote? You even quoted it, so you had to have glanced over it at least twice, and that's all you can understand I mean? jfc that's embarrassing
Are you sure I wasn't talking about why people think like that?
I explain people's thought-behaviour, and you utter fuckwits reduce it to just a plain statement of the observable events, you're really that fucking retarded aren't you?
>I take everything literally, thereby enabling me to avoid thinking about the actual points being made, and criticising those instead
You fucking losers are beyond pathetic, and if your parents walked in on you with your brains blown out, they would be ashamed of the overwhelming relief they would feel

>> No.14025584

Okay, I take your points about comedy
But I'm sure you've witnessed times when normies have denigrated people simply for the crime of sincerity

>> No.14025587

gamers rise up

>> No.14025593

>just kill yourself like you know you want to
>responds with a NOU projection
your parents probably do think your a faggot like you suspect so again just go through with it

>> No.14025602


>> No.14025604

Comic book movies are the result of sincerity. I cant even make fun anymore of a grown man who genuinely enjoys this shit, cause every opinion is equally valid. So now you get people like the star wars cuck who cries because of a shallow trailer for a shallow movie and im supposed to applaud his sincerity.
Im honestly a bit torn on the subject, because I would like the world to be more sincere and less sarcastic, but then I feel genuine frustration when I see what most people choose to be sincere in

>> No.14025607

>gamers rise up
more embarrassing than any autist could ever be

>> No.14025608

>the sky is red!
>no, not really
>wtf u npc
btw there was a discussion about laughter. seems like op used /lit/ as his blog and expected a different reaction. honestly that ain't ironic in the slightest and using the npc unironically is the biggest self own in the history of 4chan(nel)

>> No.14025609

>It would have been thought embarrassing to sing at the top of our voice, on your own, in the streets 100 years ago as well.

he never said "at the top of your voice", so stop strawmanning.

i'm certain that eccentric behaviour was far more accepted the further you go back technologically. somebody walking down to the mine in 1907 could have sung whatever they wanted as badly as they want and nobody would have given a shit.

anyway, there is a greater point, which is that if you overhear another person singing, you have the option of (1) connecting with them by recognising that it is something you have in common, (2) accepting their behaviour because it makes little difference to you, you wouldn't want to embarrass them, and we all have our eccentricities or (3) teasing and sneering at them because they are not following societal conventions to the absolute letter

>> No.14025619


>> No.14025623


>> No.14025637

the point is that pop culture is the only culture here

yes, it is. not everything has to be a bleak medieval epic but invertebrates can't produce art, or even consume it. it took 20 fucking movies to get some semblance of a threat, cosmic scale, and an antagonist with real motivation, and people lapped it up (Thanos). they were so hungry for it they didn't even know it

>> No.14025639

have sex

>> No.14025641

>i'm certain that eccentric behaviour was far more accepted the further you go back technologically. somebody walking down to the mine in 1907 could have sung whatever they wanted as badly as they want and nobody would have given a shit.

and you're absolutely right, there was a less of an expectation that everyone in a public setting should be conforming to some aetherial fucking mold

>> No.14025644

I'm sick of this thread, but before I close the tab here you go:
It's a song I SINCERELY enjoy
I hope you can find peace in your intellectual mediocrity, and that anyone who has the misfortune of crossing paths with you is only forced to do so for a short time

>> No.14025646

>>the sky is red!
>>no, not really
>>wtf u npc

The colour of the sky is a matter of fact, the OP was asking a philosophic question about the utility of laughter.

Are you unable to distinguish between making an obviously incorrect factual statement, and inviting people to enter a critical discussion about an aspect of human society?

>> No.14025647

if you repeat reddit memes as a form of communication you are an irredeemable faggot

>> No.14025671

we have to live every day among people who participate in mass culture, that is what society is, so to analyse real life and society we have to look at the pop culture.

i do insulate myself from all that shit, i've never seen star wars, i've never seen a superhero movie, i've never seen game of thrones.

>> No.14025673


>> No.14025687

I'm have been telling you to stop being a self-conscious pussy for the entire thread but that is obviously far too difficult for you, because you are a self-conscious pussy.
>everything is reddit but me
>t. reddit

>> No.14025692

not that guy but your seething ruined this thread.

>> No.14025707

>stop caring what others think
yes I am the one who is seething

>> No.14025715

this is your brain on irony

>> No.14025720

you are reddit as fuck, you express yourself purely via their formulas of hysterical sarcasm and meme phrases

>> No.14025729

You are correct anon, but don't make the mistake of thinking mediocrity shouldn't be called out as mediocrity. Irony's problem isn't in calling out the mediocre. If you like shit artistic content, you will get told, whether nicely or not, and you should get told.

>> No.14025732

okay reddit that's nice

>> No.14025746

exhibit #1 of what this thread is talking about, everything is american teen movie sexual dynamics, the flustered nerd, the self-assured chad, yawnnn

>> No.14025750

he wasn't inviting shit, he was saying laughter is disgusting, which people responded to in the way they thought appropriate. but good job in dismissing unwanted responses as things you don't like, dare I say it, by dismissing all laughter as being mocking instead of genuine
t. le ironic quote meme

>> No.14025754

Okay fag have fun crying yourself to sleep because the average person is a retard. God forbid you develop a shred of resolve.

>> No.14025757


>> No.14025760

>Is that really what you got out of what I wrote? You even quoted it, so you had to have glanced over it at least twice, and that's all you can understand I mean? jfc that's embarrassing
That is the essence of what you wrote you fucking pretentious drone and you know it, given the intense REEEING you just vomited out here. You said:
>look at what people wear to music festivals
You're not really specific about what you mean here. Do you mean the summer wear pseudo hippy shit? That isn't worn ironically, that's just fashion for a very particular event in the same way you wear a suit to a wedding and everyone says you look very nice but if you wear the same suit to a first tinder date you look like a fucking retard. Different situations have different expectations of behaviour, nothing to do with irony or sincerity.
Unless you mean the fancy dress-esque stupid shit that people wear to festivals which is worn ironically however,
>and tell me their not doing it with irony that they themselves are unaware of
They are fully aware that are doing it ironically -it's a fucking joke a "lol look how stupid I am" which anyone who wasn't a massive autist like you could grasp. The "but it's a festival outfit" demonstrates that they are aware of this. Translation: "it's just a joke, chill out."
Someone dressing like that sincerely is not doing it as a joke but rather because they actually think they look good in stupid outfit which is funny because delusion is the basis of most humour.
You have made nothing but the most banal of observations peppered with autistic inflated overanalysis of basic human interaction. Get off 4chan and talk to someone in real life for once and maybe you'll come up with a worldview that makes sense.

>> No.14025773

You're replying to a guy who is still whining years later because some retard made fun of him for pretending to listen to beethoven. Asking him to stop being autistic is way too tall of an order.

>> No.14025781

This post makes me happy for who I am; I recently encountered this, and instead of laughing I sang along.
For me, simple positive engagement with others has always been more appealing than playful derision.
People also always try to shit on me way more than others for some reason. Whenever I’m doing calisthenics or playing tennis at my social club, acquaintances try to chirp me when they leave from the bar. I think they do it cause they feel bad about themselves.

>> No.14025785

I have no idea what you're talking about, I'm not even that guy. The flustered nerd, the self-assured chad, the hyperbolic screeching, everything is psychological sublimations and grandstanding, yaaaaaaawn.

>> No.14025791

>everyone who enjoys something outside of what's popular is pretending

>> No.14025800

You are just rambling about absolutely nothing now. Seriously dude, stop giving a shit what people think. People are dumb conformists. Get over it.Its absolutely pathetic that you're response to this is to start talking about fucking chad. That faggot is literally bitching some normalfag laughed at him once. You people are hopeless.

>> No.14025802

>t. hasn't spoken to festival sluts who actually think they look hot wearing ridiculous shit

>> No.14025805

>he never said "at the top of your voice", so stop strawmanning.
Don't be such a little bitch.
>i'm certain that eccentric behaviour was far more accepted the further you go back technologically
Oh, you're certain are you? What makes you so certain about this factoid you've pulled out of your arse?
>somebody walking down to the mine in 1907 could have sung whatever they wanted as badly as they want and nobody would have given a shit.
Not a very good example since singing was quite common among labourers during work. Get one walking down the high street when they weren't working singing people would have thought it strange.
>anyway, there is a greater point, which is that if you overhear another person singing, you have the option of (1) connecting with them by recognising that it is something you have in common, (2) accepting their behaviour because it makes little difference to you, you wouldn't want to embarrass them, and we all have our eccentricities or (3) teasing and sneering at them because they are not following societal conventions to the absolute letter
That isn't the greater point. The point was about irony and how it affects our perception of sincere acts of open expression. You've just reduced it down to, don't be mean to people who do weird things.

>> No.14025807

>getting triggered by that
too easy

>> No.14025815

Define ridiculous shit

>> No.14025821

What is wrong with mediocrity?
If something is mediocre, chances are that it's mediocre because it works. Just because something is different doesn't mean it's worth having.

>If you like shit artistic content, you will get told, whether nicely or not, and you should get told.
Give it a couple decades and the talking heads who call it shit will start calling it a masterpiece.

>> No.14025824

right, but this anon's brainlet-ness is clearly caused by him approaching every interaction through the paradigm of "how can i sneer at this". it is not possible to ascend from mediocrity without a dose of sincerity. because it requires sincerity to accept that your mediocrity is harmful to yourself.

around 5 years ago i saw somebody at the gym doing this exercise: https://exrx.net/WeightExercises/RectusAbdominis/CBKneelingCrunch

i had been on /fit/ and seen threads of gym fails, crossfit bullshit and things like that. this exercise looked pretty daft to me so i posted a description of it. some based anon called me out and said DYELs like me were ruining the board by mocking other people when i didn't know anything myself. now i ensure my humility comfortably exceeds my irony.

it may just be that i am intellectually superior to this anon >>14025707 and being an ironylad is his only way to cope. that's fine, but he should go on twitter where he belongs, he is not even good enough for reddit

>> No.14025826
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>> No.14025827

They do it because you're an awkward sperg and they don't like you but if hoping that "secretly the bullies are all sad inside," like mommy used to say back in school, helps you cope then more power to you.

>> No.14025833

>the antithesis to mediocre is "different"
>muh talking heads
/lit/ is the gayest board even if you include /e/ and /d/

>> No.14025840

that whiny fag was right
you somehow sound fat through text

>> No.14025841

>comes back
>I'm smarter than u
no balls

>> No.14025852

lol I guess that's why they call this place RANDOM xD

>> No.14025854

That's just fashion, nothing ironic about it. They wouldn't wear it anywhere else in the same way someone would wouldn't wear a top out anywhere but the Royal Ascot.

>> No.14025857

that's pretty clearly not the same guy

why are you still seething so hard?

>> No.14025861

when was the last time you showered big fella?

>> No.14025865

you are pretty clearly samefagging right now

>> No.14025869

How would you even know that? It does sound like him and he replied to a post that was directed to him.

>> No.14025872

*holds up spork*

>> No.14025876
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>> No.14025882

its written nothing like the original anon's post

>> No.14025889

>he wasn't inviting shit, he was saying laughter is disgusting, which people responded to in the way they thought appropriate.
He was using emotive language because he had become disgusted by his own laughter. I agree bringing up the concept in this way made his point less clear and made it more likely that he would be sneered at and called an autist. Especially given that he was challenging humour and irony which people hold dear, so they were probably going to be defensive to begin with.

However, what IS clear from his OP is that he is a smart anon, not some frogposter. So even if you disagreed with his view, or didn't even understand it at all, it would have been worthwhile to engage with him. As a matter of fact, he specifically asked in his OP for people who would contradict what he was saying, to test his newfound view of laughter.

But he just got called an autist and that was the thread. Nobody even tried to make a point of justifying why they thought laughter was a beneficial thing, even though they were acting like it was so self-evident that to question it was to invite ridicule. And that is the problem with irony and ridicule.

>> No.14025891

How so?

>> No.14025896

look buddy if you're going to samefag in admission of your lack of faith in your weak argument you need to at least use capitols and not reddit space in one of the personalities posts

>> No.14025899

No, only on the ground of awkwardness - of not measuring up to a perceived ideal. Someone who sings on the street but sings beautifully will not be denigrated by "normies" unless they are drunk or teenagers.

>> No.14025900

the reddit spacing
different grammar
using phrases like brainlet-ness and ironylad that dont fit with the other posters style

>> No.14025911

>the reddit spacing
>after making this post >>14025857
at least you're trying to do better. Soon you may have the shitposting talents of the average 15 year old

>> No.14025912

>literal schizoposting

>> No.14025918

A lot of people nowadays misinterpret irony. Half the people I know learned about the word and the meaning through internet posts and think anything amusing is ironic. Same with some people I know online as well. Because of that, I'm not bothered about it.

>> No.14025920

lol you lose

>> No.14025921

im not >>14025857

>> No.14025928 [SPOILER] 
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and what do you win exactly?

>> No.14025930

haha post screenshot faggot

>> No.14025931

sure anon, two seperate guys now are in here to defend how totally-not-whiney anon is indeed a second person, while that second person has completely vanished. Just because you're anonymous doesn't mean everyone is a retard you fucking faggot holy shit
>inb4 totally-not-whiney-anon reappears

>> No.14025939

>Every time you laugh, remember to hold a little contempt for whoever made the joke, for their weakness.
does this sound like a discussion to you? no, that anon was simply using /lit/ as a platform to vent. the "discuss" he includes in the original post does not actually ask for inputs, because op himself doesn't ellaborate on why he believes most laughter isn't genuine or hearty. so he really does come off as an autist (it is a basic symptom after all) instead of someone who analyzed laughter and came to this conclusion

>> No.14025942

>>i'm certain that eccentric behaviour was far more accepted the further you go back technologically
>Oh, you're certain are you? What makes you so certain about this factoid you've pulled out of your arse?

Case in point. When this anon read the quoted post, instead of sitting and thinking why the anon might have said that, whether he thought it was true or not, and why, and responding with that. Or, if he really wanted him to expand on what was a digression, he could simply have said "What makes you think that?" You could use that sentence to respond to almost anything. It requires no thought and does not advance the conversation in any way.

>>It would have been thought embarrassing to sing at the top of our voice, on your own, in the streets 100 years ago as well.
>Oh, you're certain are you? What makes you so certain about this factoid you've pulled out of your arse?

>You've just reduced it down to, don't be mean to people who do weird things.
Yes, I'm definitely the one being reductive.

>> No.14025943

Only decent post with sense of perspective in this thread, well done.

>> No.14025951

two nice articles that i found after googling about the subject of the thread


>> No.14025955

>instead of being an assumptive retard like me he asked why the statement was made
>this is somehow bad
top lel

>> No.14025965
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>> No.14025979

>5 entire minutes in MSPaint
You should have tried using your phone and hoped no one noticed the post count increasing instead

>> No.14025982

literally take your meds

>> No.14025990

I thought I told you to stop being a little bitch. Grow a spine little man, it's 4chan.
>i'm certain that eccentric behaviour was far more accepted the further you go back technologically
This quote is a nothing. A deflection, an empty assertion. There's nothing to think about, nothing to discuss or analyze or expand upon. And evidence? Miners singing like in an old Hollywood movie. What you said deserves contempt and your pathetic clutching at pearls when called out deserves even more.

>> No.14026001

stop shitposting

>> No.14026003

Literally just proved me right

>> No.14026012

>because op himself doesn't ellaborate on why he believes most laughter isn't genuine or hearty.
are your reading comprehension skills this bad, or are you actually so determined to win an anonymous argument on a Peruvian kayak forum that you strawman every single argument? he was saying laughter is deleterious not that it wasn't genuine.

in this post >>14025824 I gave an example of how being primed to laugh at somebody was limiting my development. now give me an example of a situation in which in there would be more utility in approaching it with irony rather than sincerity, beyond "i like humour because it makes me laugh" or "other people like laughter so you will fit in better if you use humour"

>> No.14026017
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>t. can't into reply system
Does pic related trigger you?

>> No.14026023

Stop using irony incorrectly.

>> No.14026024

>lol I posted it again
stop shitposting

>> No.14026025

>This quote is a nothing. A deflection, an empty assertion.
The purpose of it was to negate the original quote, which was also an empty assertion, so it didn't need to be anything more than that.

>> No.14026028

why would a specimen cup trigger me?

>> No.14026030
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>> No.14026039

If you have solid beliefs, you should welcome criticism and always be willing to respond. I'm not on social media but there are many such exchanges where a good dialogue could follow but it's evaded because no one wants to admit to being attached to Anything...beliefs, ideas, teams, whatever.

>> No.14026041

stop using incorrectly incorrectly

>> No.14026047
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>> No.14026050

derision and irony aren't synonymous, you're just a faggot

>> No.14026051

It's simple immaturity. When you get older, you realize why your parents seem overly-encouraging about shit you think is lame; because they know that having solid, wholesome, intellectually-stimulating hobbies is what will keep you sane in your adulthood, because God knows your friends, your employer, and your government won't be there for you when you most need it.

>> No.14026054

>Anyway, because of irony, we cannot express feelings without getting laughed at.
Yes we can.

>There is no weakness allowed to show.
Yes there is, you are just insecure and afraid to show it. Also weakness is normalized if anything in postmodernism.

>> No.14026056

>he literally can't stop spamming

>> No.14026062
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>> No.14026072

So much for leaving the thread whiney anon. Go figure the little bitch who cried on 4chan about getting laughed at once for being a pseud is a leftypol "anyone I don't like is schizophrenic" poster after an absolutely horrendous attempt at samefagging to save face anonymously. Who could possible have foreseen that?

>> No.14026073

>discussing something means I want to win an argument
you're such an insufferable easily wounded faggot holy shit
nowhere I said or argued that being a witty cunt is valid or correct, but you keep replying as if everything is about being a beligerent cunt. you're tiresome

>> No.14026074

Guys, STOP. This is a perfect example. Person 1:
>stop using irony incorrectly
Instead of stating the actual definition of irony as you understand it, you lay a non-committal trap to elicit a response. If he were to reply with a clear explanation of why he has NOT used it incorrectly, you would either have to engage or bail. But he didn't...
Person 2:
>stop using incorrectly incorrectly
Instead of explaining why his initial use of irony was correct, or even asking for a clearer explanation of how he was wrong, he uses the same shitty non-committal tactic to elicit a response.
So, for all involved, generally speaking, irony is when something contradicts expectations. There are many variations and types, but they all surround rely on contradiction of expectations.

>> No.14026090

stop calling everything ironic you buttblasted retard. It's no one's fault that you're a dipshit who misuses words.

>> No.14026092
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>> No.14026109

You're never going to get over that guy laughing at you and you're always going to be an insecure pussy :^)

>> No.14026118

I'm not the guy you were talking to. I just jumped in the thread blindly and caught the exchange I quoted.

>> No.14026126

>>It would have been thought embarrassing to sing at the top of our voice, on your own, in the streets 100 years ago as well.
isn't really an empty assertion. It's a response to the idea that we live in uniquely ironic times that preclude the behavior of singing in the street and because of own modern obsession with irony we see it as embarrassing because of a fear of sincerity. I was arguing that this wasn't the case, that the discomfort and amusement we get from someone singing on the street was not a fear of sincerity (since singing sincerely isn't really seen as shameful in other venues) rather than an expression of social mores. A working knowledge of Anglo social mores in the previous two centuries (which anyone who has taken a history class or seen a film set in those times would be aware of) demonstrates that this discomfort with public displays of expression are not modern. In fact, we live in a time where it is probably more acceptable to walk around singing in the street to yourself than ever, especially in polite society. Again, this requires a working knowledge of your own cultural history to understand but I'm sure you have that.
Your response however
> that eccentric behavior was far more accepted the further you go back technologically
Doesn't really address that in any meaningful way. What does the acceptance of eccentric behavior have to with technological progress? How are the two things linked? It's practically a non-sequitur, buoyed up by your own "certainty" and something about miners singing when they go to work (which was, as I said in response to that post, was a social more in of itself).

>> No.14026133
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>> No.14026134

>>Anyway, because of irony, we cannot express feelings without getting laughed at.
>Yes we can.
Whole thread BTFO

>> No.14026141

Get a fucking grip you little weed

>> No.14026143

>What does the acceptance of eccentric behavior have to with technological progress?
hollywood pushed fag acceptance and modern media simulacra turns people into trannies

>> No.14026150

He was making the opposite point though, that technology makes us less eccentric.

>> No.14026155

Was that really shitposting? They each seemed really to think they were correct.

>> No.14026160

>guy moans about irony
>gets BTFO
>spend the rest of the thread samefagging

>> No.14026161

You'd be surprised at the fact a lot of stuff called mediocre originally doesn't just get re-evaluated as a masterpiece centuries later. A lot stays viewed as mediocre forever, because it really just is mediocre. If you want to be sincere, rather than ironic, the first step is to recognize that there are genuine norms about what art shouldn't be like, and if you fuck that up, your art is bad. It's actually the fault of ironists who undid that somewhat. But at least something being bad being "ironically" good is better than thinking something that's actually bad is sincerely good, on the supposed basis that there are no norms at all. If you think that sincerely, you're actually no better than the radical ironists who say something very similar. Relativism is pretty bad.

>> No.14026183

unIRONically lurk more

>> No.14026195

kek, been lurking for five years.

>> No.14026223

>not even long enough to be part of the shitredditsays invasion
>thinks this is something to brag about

>> No.14026231

Lurk longer and with 100% less posting.

>> No.14026234

Holy fuck. This is literally the second time I've namefagged, and it was directly the result of you (or someone else) thinking I was someone else in the conversation.
Get a grip. I have to assume you're one of the two pissers in trying to work out who's the biggest faggot in the world, otherwise you wouldn't be so pointlessly aggressive.

>> No.14026242

shut up newfag

>> No.14026257

alright, I laughed. Still, fuck you.

>> No.14026263

>namefagging under any circumstance
>getting this butthurt over shitposting
>not even realizing when people are shitposting
>not even realizing who he's talking to
I think it's time to turn off your device now and go microwave some dinner.

>> No.14026308


>> No.14026337
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Many, many years ago, my friends and I were once in a snowed-in cabin, and we all decided to take acid. The acid made everyone so "creative" and "socially nimble", for lack of better terms, that we all went in deep with this irony game you described, sort of ragging each other and having a good time with it. At first it was hilarious and we were all having a good time. Slowly but surely the joking became stale. It was funny before, but wasn't really funny anymore. We all grew more defensive, worried about getting made fun of for saying anything at all, until after a while we were all too afraid to speak to each other. Eventually someone breaks out the beers we were saving for later, and everybody relaxes. Spent the rest of the night playing in the snow and enjoying a more genuine humor.

The whole experience really opened my eyes to the front we all put up against other people.

My friends and I refer to the situation as "post-humor"

>> No.14026340
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Ignoring all the butthurt schizoposting of this thread, I liked some early posts about irony being a poison to sincerity. Can you guys recommend any novels that deal with this subject? Supposedly DFW deal with this? What book of his?

>> No.14026372

what the fuck is genuine humour supposed to be

>> No.14026374

>OP attempting to save his trainwreck of a thread
>cannot help but continue to shit out the word schizo
>genuinely believes he isn't a glaringly obvious samefag
its over

>> No.14026375
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I thought these comics were from /v/

>> No.14026376

Absolutely positively based

>> No.14026378
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You have mental illness I just joined this thread 5min ago

>> No.14026385

I wanna fugg the clown

>> No.14026387

>lie constantly
>wtf why do people call me a liar
>actually get mad about this
you have no business calling anyone mentally ill

>> No.14026391


>> No.14026416

I wonder if this makes you feel good or is there twinge of self-loathing with every click of Post, seeing that percentage slowly roll up to 100%, wishing you could take it all back and just let go and go outside and live.

>> No.14026418


Watch this:

>I fucking hate irony

>> No.14026426
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>> No.14026451

I love how this thread devolved into incoherence. We just can't have a decent conversation can we?

>> No.14026493

I think it’s empowering to be sincere in the face of ironic dickmeasuring. There are more sincere people in the world than there are ironic hipsters, and I feel like it’s easy to fall into believing otherwise when you spend a lot of time on the Internet. Enjoy yourself knowing that anyone trying to stop you from being happy is most likely insecure and unhappy themselves.

>> No.14026509

its funny because I can actually tell you're not the samefag

>> No.14026557

>do acid in a snowed in cabin together
>doesn't end in violence

you guys r pussies

>> No.14026562
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This thread is ironic in itself, because what OP is decrying is happening before his very eyes by posters ITT, who are jeering at any attempts at sincerity during a discussion about the prevalence of jeering at attempts at sincerity, and probably aren't even aware of how ironic their own posts are. It feels like some kind of performance art.

>> No.14026571

Oh I'm fully aware

>> No.14026578

>he thinks this is unintentional
I have more agency than you or any of these butthurt pussies ever will
the only irony here is your sincere belief that anyone you disagree with is a hipster or unhappy. I love 4chan and I love being me. Something you redditors will never understand, because you hate yourselves.

>> No.14026612

This is awesome. I haven't been on 4chan in a long while and I was kinda bummed that a lot of posts are more mean-spirited and defeatist and 'black-pilled' than I remember, but this post is so by-the-books cynical that it's funny. DUDE, just engage genuinely in a conversation man, it's actually not that bad :----)

>> No.14026628

I'm being honest. Judging by what you said, you are not well liked by your friends
I can't imagine why

>> No.14026640

Comedy is sincere. People are sincerely laughing at you. They see through your ideas, and don't even deem them worthy of a serious reply: they just point out the flaws while simultaneously laughing at you. But the laughing is deafening to you, so you can't see the arguments. This is, however, wholly your problem, not irony's.

>> No.14026655

I was not talking about anyone I disagree with generally, i was talking about the people OP was talking about, as in people who are constantly policing eachother unnecessarily.

>> No.14026673

you're right. When I decided to revisit neopets a couple of years ago to see how good of an account I could make in a couple months over the winter I told a bunch of my friends and the only responses I got were "well... huh okay"

>> No.14026692

I fell asleep halfway through your post sorry sure it was a good story

>> No.14026703

>Even if you say, that one shouldnt care about the judgement of other, one still does.
Sure, but are you saying that this is the cause of irony? Or just that this is why you can't ignore people who're using it on you?

It's called being spooked. Anyone who thinks they should need permission to like something or be someone's friend is no friend of mine. That's not to say I'm automatically pals with any unspooked person though.

>> No.14026704

anon, we're on an anonymous board

It is essential to communication. Imagine if comedians (that is, the public critics) were not allowed to use irony? Would anyone know Jonathan Swift? Would the world be better? No, I say it would be worse. You're just mad because you're young and don't know to not give a fuck what other people think. Your emotions are yours. Other people are sub-average IQ or emotionally stunted. If you feel genuine emotions and are moved to display them sometimes, count yourself lucky, but don't bring down civilization just because you don't have the sack to express yourself.

>> No.14026750


>> No.14026760

that's nice reddit thanks for reading my post

>> No.14026770

just accept that different people have different opinions. I don't know of any postmodern writers who are completely ironic, they do have a capacity for the romantic and genuine feeling.

>> No.14026779

yeah even pynchon and gaddis who construct extremely complex ironic situations that reflect off of each other like someone wrote much earlier ITT have a lot of genuine heart expressed underneath it. This was DFWs fatal flaw, postmodernism was already new sincerity.

>> No.14026781

who is reddit?

>> No.14026790

I think this post contains a lot of irony
>I fucking hate irony. You cannot do shit without getting memed. You are not allowed to enjoy anything or you will be judged. Even if you say, that one shouldnt care about the judgement of other, one still does. We are social creatures, it is normal for us to care about other peoples opinions.

Anyway, because of irony, we cannot express feelings without getting laughed at. There is no weakness allowed to show.

Textbook projection. You hate yourself because when you are made fun of all of your painfully blatant insufficiencies are brought out into plain view. You need to stop being narcissistic and a) appreciate that you're a limited creature and laugh with the people who make fun of you or b) get your shit together and stop being pathetic so you can stop compelling the people around you to laugh at you and make you feel like what you are. Or go shoot up a mall, whatever works for you.

>> No.14026797

Yeah I can't think of anything that's well regarded and not trash that doesn't have some element of pathos to it.

>> No.14026804
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>ITT children too afraid to let their feelings show so they verbally abuse each other on a chinese cartoon website

>> No.14026814

My feeling is contempt and I'm showing it freely

>> No.14026819

>the only true emotions are surface level faggoty bullshit that I've been told to believe
why don't you go post some "lol I totally wanna die" memes on faceberg

>> No.14026873

not sure if this belongs here, but i fucking hate this quip culture, especially i hate the uncharted series which is arguably video games MCU. characters who throw the most unfuniest jokes around and thats supposed to be character building, and people got attached to these characters to play 4 games and think the writing is masterpiece?

>> No.14026898

people watch shlock now and they were watching shlock in the 80s and 90s too. the only difference is that the shlock is part of a connected universe of formulaic shlock.

>> No.14026904

This. It's terrible. But, as others have said, it's mostly just because of immaturity.

>> No.14026916

>I have more agency than you or any of these butthurt pussies ever will
Using "butthurt pussies" even ironically. Someone steeped in the school of chapped ass has mismeasured agency, and is abusing the term.

>> No.14026924

Shouldn't you be telling your girlfriend some self deprecating humor and wondering why she seems despondant?

>> No.14026953

As I scroll through the thread I can see lots of people share this issue.
The problem isn't that people are ruining what you think is good, its that you're narcissistic and you can't accept that things are silly and that you're silly. The only people who use irony as a weapon to bully are those who never include themselves in the joke, and you answer that by making fun of those people, so that everybody is a fool. In fact, that's really essence of it: we are all fools and everything is foolish. If that principle bothers you, your ego is the problem. Of course people can use irony to propagate nihilism or to put themselves above everything, but all you have to do is bring them down to earth too. I had an english professor tell me something like "love is a question of what you can forgive someone for", and that's exactly the truth. If you can't love something once someone points out how foolish it is, you never truly loved it to begin with. The most powerful form of love is love despite.

This post is a perfect example, and it leaves just enough ambiguity to illustrate the point. If those kids were laughing to bully, it wouldn't demonstrate the toxicity of irony but a pathological manifestation of it. It isn't that the singer feels exposed upon being laughed at; they were already voluntarily exposing themselves by singing publicly to begin with. Their embarrassment is a consequence of rejection. If the kids laugh to bully, they show a lack of love. However, if they laugh ironically it means that they do enjoy listening, and if the singer is noble they will continue not defiantly, but playfully, foolishly.

>> No.14026971


>> No.14026977


I dunno, you can face down ironic people with genuine-ness pretty easily.

Isn't irony in this sense just "I was only pretending to be retarded?"

>> No.14026998

These people can't embrace themselves though anon. It's why someone laughing at them has caused such butt devestation this thread will hit the bump limit. They don't have any faith in their own genuine self. The openly brag about their vulnerability and then act shocked people on fucking 4chan might take advantage of that. /lit/ is one of the youngest and newest boards because a bunch of retarded college kids on reddit get told this is way better than r/books so it's not surprising but fuckin ay is it sad to see.

>> No.14027012
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>threadbait thots are steadily beginning to arm themselves
oh shit oh fuck

>> No.14027027

That's neither an effective insult nor a convincing boast.

>> No.14027040

Those faggots left the thread like three hours ago dude

>> No.14027041

That's because it's a genuine question. The fact that you have to try and disarm the term butthurt pussies on a board full of insecure posturing college freshmen trying to convince themselves of their fedora tipping intelligence is just sad. You are a butthurt pussy. Accept yourself anon. Fuck everyone else.

>> No.14027088

I’m unironically one of those people. Uncharted is great.

>> No.14027093


>> No.14027121
File: 424 KB, 1843x1455, irony.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

really like this series of posts.

>> No.14027195

some of you u honestly sound like children with a big ol chip on your shoulders. lot of victimhood and acting like irony is some big bully that's being mean to you. grow up please

>> No.14027206


>> No.14027254

anon u didt get it, he was being ironic

>> No.14027588

>doing acid in snowed in cabin
>not having a filthy bisexual orgy
>instead you drink beer, play monopoly and crack dad jokes aka genuine humor
seethe more you dilating tranny

>> No.14027728

I don't know who that character is, but it looks like he is made of CHEESE!!.

>> No.14027752

Imagine being gay enough to use the word "toxic" unironically

>> No.14027902

it's almost like context affects the way an action is perceived. you wouldn't masturbate in public, would you? if you saw someone masturbating in public, you would think their action was a little bit incongruous with the setting, and might find some humor in it, wouldn't you? if you choose to "express yourself authentically" in a public situation, you are opening yourself up to the judgment of other people. if you are irritating someone with your authentic singing, they have the right to react authentically, which could include laughter. i'm not sure how you were trying to connect this scenario to irony, but a performance has two sides to it, and it is more toxic to think an audience shouldn't be allowed to respond authentically to the performance than it is for the audience to have a negative response.

>> No.14027912
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It's another meme. Dude seems to reply with every post that has something related to "Your opinion on 'x'?" with "'x' is self-refuting".

>> No.14027945

jesus shut the fuck up

>> No.14028009

Read The Rhetoric of Irony

>> No.14028015

>You're making a false equivalency between someone singing when they think they're alone
you didn't say they think they're alone in the original made up scenario about the person singing in PUBLIC
>being a breach of social etiquette, and something offensive like nudity or public urination.
it's almost like there is a difference between being naked in private and being naked in public, or urinating in private and urinating in public. just like there is a difference between singing in private and singing in public. almost like there's a reason people pay hundreds of dollars to watch one person sing and would pay someone to get someone else to stop singing. no false equivalency there, just a relevant example.
>Dressing uniquely evokes similar reactions, even if the way you are dressed is aesthetically pleasing, unoffensive, and well-composed
provide an example of this.
>If you are seen to be putting genuine thought into your outfit as a form of self-expression, rather than as a form of conformity, then you have failed the 'irony-game'
what are you talking about? people love to dress
as a way of self expression and are celebrated for doing so. have you been to a big city before?
>The point is, that they are laughing at you indulging yourself in a genuine moment of self-expression without being on-guard for potential 'sincerity-exposers' like themselves
so in your hyper-specific example these particular people did that? what does that have to do with society at large? are you a mind reader? if your singing annoys someone or makes someone laugh why aren't they allowed to react genuinely?

>> No.14028026

He's long gone anon, he sperged out and fled hours back

>> No.14028030

>The problem isn't that people are ruining what you think is good, its that you're narcissistic and you can't accept that things are silly and that you're silly.

>> No.14028053

thank god

>> No.14028075

What a terrible thread.

>> No.14028086

Wow holy fuck the schizo is real.

>> No.14028115

ily anon<3

Were all just a bunch of little perogies, all baked up in God's oven
And even though the dough at times can be sticky and out of shape,
We all end up in the same place, in God's mouth after God's plate,
So remember not to waste, and remember to love (and never to hate), before its too late and you get eaten all up
[unfinished final line].

>> No.14028446

TFW you do pushups in sets of 33 and you did 33 sets today but you want to do 100 in total so you do a 1-pushup set

>> No.14028636

based, I love John Fahey

>> No.14028662

I also hate how sincerity is rare these days at but isn't the strength of irony about finding faults in things? if rhetorical devices are like a diet irony to me is junk food; alright in moderation but it should never sustain you

>> No.14028686
File: 101 KB, 500x675, 1570994674314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is going on in this thread, it started off so good

>> No.14028723

An autistic thought he was smart and was proven not to be

>> No.14029057

Irony took over

>> No.14029063

you needed an acid trip for that
what's next your brain is going to recede so much that you'll need an acid trip to be able to tell what's 2+2

>> No.14029066

is vector the ideal feminine gun?

>> No.14029257
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>> No.14029400
File: 8 KB, 225x225, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14030529

>The problem isn't that people are ruining what you think is good, its that you're narcissistic and you can't accept that things are silly and that you're silly.
Or perhaps it's the other way around?

Perhaps my lack of narcissism which allows me to care for and enjoy silly things THREATENS the status quo of everyone struggling to not seem silly. So they attack.

>> No.14030536

No you're definitely a narcissist

>> No.14030584
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>> No.14030763

Where's you find your therapist, she's cute.

>> No.14030836

>This was DFWs fatal flaw, postmodernism was already new sincerity.
god, if only this were true

>> No.14030857

>This is sincere humor. People are sincerely laughing at you. I definitely don't wish tumblr was still sround!

>> No.14030877

ironic distance guards us from the terror of the real

>> No.14030893

it is preciselly that we enjoy too much and too close that you need an intermediary, a distantiation from the object of desire and this is preciselly where irony comes in, as an intermediary, a channel for belief, it is this ironic distance that allows us to fully reconciliate the absurd of any belief system with the precise ideology itself

>> No.14030945

this is a result of the people you associate with, these people disgust me and I gradually drifted outside of their sphere

>> No.14030978

If I know someone watches marvel movies or participates in popular culture I excise them from my life as soon as possible

>> No.14031049

Nigga if you really care about what other people think of your interests it clearly doesn’t interest you enough.

>> No.14031052

t. 16 year old

>> No.14031979

the ironist is broken he is empty he can engage with the world in any other form

>> No.14032980

I think the same way as you do.

>> No.14033029

Generation 4chan

It's in our nature to destroy ourselves
It's in our nature to kill ourselves
It's in our nature to kill each other
It's out nature to kill, kill, kill

>> No.14033097

Anonymity is training in the art of argument just as video games trained us on so many other life lessons.

>> No.14034314


>> No.14034539

>What book of his?
IIRC then he covered this topic in his suicide note.

>> No.14034545

>i am the only one who can enjoy myself genuinely
>everyone is silly but me
>everyone is attacking me because they're threatened


>> No.14034656

Fucking this. It’s so simple but I could never put it into words.

>> No.14034840

Have sex lmao

>> No.14035018

wow you're full of shit

>> No.14035951

Someone hurt my feelings. We live in a society

>> No.14036142

Why not just do shit and not care what people think

I mean bitches be listening to will toledo and Tyler whining bout their loneliness anyway

>> No.14036208

>Even if you say, that one shouldnt care about the judgement of other, one still does
No, it's definitely possible to not be bothered internally by the thoughts of others.

>> No.14036221

Maybe you're just a sperg? No one makes fun of me.

>> No.14036267

This is exactly the kind of response a 24/7 culture of non-stop irony gets you. Any appeal to sincerity = we live in a society edgelord behavior. Maybe I'm just a faggot but it bothers me

>> No.14036750

Why don't you just be sincere then? Just do it faggot. Get off your high horse.

>> No.14036772

I laughed my ass off at how fucking ridiculous that movie was

>> No.14036785


call it irony if you'd like. it seems insufficient. i think most are contrived. more fixated on face and certainly more status-conscious.
posterity might condemn us as a despicably ritualistic culture, with so many encrusted rules and taboos around what to reveal when, how to reveal it, the appropriate situation for the revelation. that sort of thing.
the eagerness to nip at those who make an improper admission of mortality or humanity reflects the sort of stultifying atmosphere that ceremonial, crystallised communication engenders.
we castrate ourselves for cheap laughs, as though we were living in an equally cheap film.