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/lit/ - Literature

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14015051 No.14015051 [Reply] [Original]

Muslim literature, contributions welcome

This is a guide to wudu (ablution) and salat (the nucleus of practicing Islam) according to Maliki school: https://www.slideshare.net/yousefalkhattab1/maliki-salat

If anyone has guides for other schools, please contribute.

This is a link to Arberry's secular but faithful rendering of the Qur'an: https://archive.org/details/in.ernet.dli.2015.224756/page/n13

A History of Muslim Philosophy, an excellent book available for free here: http://www.muslimphilosophy.com/hmp/

Avicenna's "A Compendium on the Soul":
A Compendium on the Soul

/lit/ Muslim discord (non Muslims welcome too)

>> No.14016473

I’m not sure if he’s Muslim but as far as Arab writers Black Swan is an excellent introduction to the work of Nassim Nicholas Taleb.

>> No.14016604
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Sabah alkheir, /lit/ Muslims
I'm a big fan of political philosophy and recently wanted to explore some non-western writers. From the googling i've done on Islamic political philosophy, i've come up with:
>The Quran
>The Book of Government or Rules for Kings by Nizam al-Mulk
>Notes on Plato's Republic by Ibn Rushd/Averroes
>The philosophy of Plato and Aristotle, The Ideal State, political regime, Summery of Plato's Laws by Al-Farabi
>The Muqaddimah by Ibn Khaldun
I'm sure i am missing some works. If you know any more, please let me know. I'm interested in exploring your rich intellectual tradition.

>> No.14016748
File: 20 KB, 350x256, Taleb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nassim Nicholas Taleb

>> No.14016933

Is wudu pronounced like woodoo?

>> No.14016945

Any maturidi recs?

>> No.14017109
File: 24 KB, 258x386, Iqtisaduna_Our_Economics_is_a_book_by_Mohammad_baqir_Al-Sadr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To get some grasp on islamic political economy, specially the shia view, I would recommend Iqtisaduna/Our Economy by Mohammad baqir Al-Sadr.

Argues about what's wrong with capitalism and scientific socialism and expand on the quran/shia view of the right political economic model.

>> No.14017123
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>> No.14017152

He is Orthodox Christian

Ever check out Islamist texts?


>> No.14017343


>> No.14017371

Well roughly. Arabic has multiple letter D's, this one has no English equivalent

>> No.14017602
File: 141 KB, 502x502, 1537388886131.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks mate

>> No.14017682

Nah, most people pronounce it "wha" (as in what) "zu" (as in zoo). The proper arabic pronunciation is a bit different but there isn't really an English equivalent. The first part is the same but the second syllable is pronounced "dhu" (like when you place your tongue on the roof of your mouth to pronounce "the" only make a "thoo" type sound). Never heard anyone call it "woodoo" desu.

>> No.14017699

To people who reverted to Islam and didn't speak arabic: how did you manage to learn how to pray and recite the quran during salat?

>> No.14018717

And whazu would be the fusha pronunciation? Or a modern dialect?

>> No.14018728

From people at mosque and online videos

>> No.14018977 [DELETED] 

The proper pronouniation isn't renderable in English letters. The Arabic Alphabet has 28 letters, and only three of those can double as vowels in the English sense.

Islamic terms and phrases are universally in the Quraysh dialectic, which is the dialectic the Qur'an is recited in. Everyday Arabic varies significantly by region. The way wudu is pronounced is the same as it was a thousand years ago

>> No.14018991

The proper pronounciation isn't renderable in English letters. The Arabic Alphabet has 28 letters, and only three of those can double as vowels in the English sense (vowels are mostly rendered in notation, although that's mostly limited to holy books and educational material)

Islamic terms and phrases are universally in the Quraysh dialectic, which is the dialectic the Qur'an is recited in. Everyday Arabic varies significantly by region. The way wudu is pronounced is the same as it was a thousand years ago

>> No.14019063

Google the phrase "mirrors for princes". Should get you most of political philosophy through the middle ages and Renaissance. You'll get some ancient Roman and Greek stuff, but way more Arab stuff.

>> No.14019280


>> No.14019327

Legit question but I don't see why anyone would follow islam. You get that, if you too were to spent a month or so alone in a cave, you'll start hearing voice right?

>> No.14019448

One of the few that I'm already familiar with. Thanks, though

>> No.14019540

Yes of course he was physically grabbed to instill the fact that he wasn't hearing things, then fled the cave and continued to have revelations which lead to him being persecuted for years, fleeing an assassination attempt, then coming back at the head of an army and conquering the city

>> No.14019569

The Maturidi "Summa" is Tabsirat al-Adilla

>> No.14019626
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WOW character creation stance tier

>> No.14019758

Do you know if it's available in English online?

>> No.14020294

>Nassim Nicholas Taleb
He's Lebanese, so yes he's Arab.

>> No.14020299

Holy shit. Everyone calls it woodoo, you must not be Arab and that's ok.

>> No.14020372

How are you pronouncing woodoo? Like voodoo magic? Maybe I'm not reading it like you mean. I know lots of arabs and none of them say it like that. idk what to tell ya.

>> No.14020420
File: 85 KB, 840x630, The-Sword-in-the-Stone-the-sword-in-the-stone-11805576-840-630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everyone pronounces وضوء as ودو

>> No.14021295


>> No.14022318

And where are those arabs from?

>> No.14022506

>I know lots of arabs and none of them say it like that
I think you're confusing Afghans, Iranians, Pakistanis, Kurds etc. for Arab. They pronounce it the way you're saying but >>14020299 is right, the majority of Arabs don't.

>> No.14023643

Then they don't speak it in Quaraysh dialectic