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14013259 No.14013259 [Reply] [Original]

How do I know myself?

>> No.14013276

You be thinking that makes it you is then nigga

>> No.14013298

with mirrors

>> No.14013388

Haven’t you met before?

>> No.14014566

By clarifying what you think your values, goals, dreams,wants, needs. Then carrying a notepad all day long and writing on it each hour or so the major highlights, thoughts, actions,reactions, whatever. And then sitting down at night and analysing what you wrote, trying to figure it out the WHY you did what you did... That should be a start...

>> No.14014591

Examine your thoughts, beliefs, and opinions. Why do I think this? Is it necessarily true or have I simply been conditioned to do so? Is it a problem one way or the other? etc.

>> No.14014595

a) your habits are you
b) you during Moments of Truths is you

>> No.14015542

I guess maybe we are like the existentialist said NOTHING, just possibility and pretty much we could define ourselves the way we want since we have FREEDOM TO CHOOSE. Not necessarily with the circumstances since you can interpret them the way you want, but yeah, lets say we are a work in progress/ potential always becoming. Not predefined by our past unless we choose to identify with the circumstances and play society hierarchical capitalistic game of always getting more, catching up with the jones and comparing ourselves to what we see in the media. At the end we are all gonna die, so nothing really is a big deal. But coming back to the question of who you are, I guess its like a trap to confine yourself into a predefined mold that limits experience and possibilities, since everything is in a state of flux, always changing, so hard to conceal BEING.

>> No.14016229

read Atma-Bodha (Self-Knowledge) by Shankaracharya


>> No.14016232

smoke dmt and listen to tool