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14009025 No.14009025 [Reply] [Original]

What's the most subversive book ever written? The one they don't want you to read

>> No.14009038

The Bible

>> No.14009039

Probably some kind of rare book the CIA erased from public memory. Books about making bombs, instructions for child abuse, and a couple other things seem to be illegal but not exactly subversive. For legal books the most censored ones are probably anything to do with Jews, there are a lot of them.

>> No.14009041

Dao de jing. Luckily people are incapable of understanding it.

>> No.14009057

There was one book about polar shifts and whatnot that the CIA classified for decades and sorta recently unclassified part of it.

>> No.14009060

mein kampf obviously

>> No.14009067

The adam and eve story. The original full text is still not available anywhere apparently, I've read the most complete edition that does exist.

>> No.14009110

Pali Canon texts. Anyone who reads these will know very quickly the books written by proclaimed new agers and "gurus", who talk about Buddhism within a modern Capitalist framework, that they are all baloney.

>> No.14009128


>> No.14009160


>> No.14009169
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Culture of Critique. Only academically published book banned on Amazon.

>> No.14009172


The Poetica Edda

>> No.14009192

It's available in bookshops in my country even though we have laws against denying the Holocaust. Try again.

>> No.14009204

Handke’s Serbs Are Based book

>> No.14009237

What exactly is it?

>> No.14009241

All of DFW's work.

>> No.14009257

have you read his essays? I recently read "A successful day" and it was excellent. It was like Joyce but i could understand it.

Are all his essays like this stream of consciousness ramblings and yet with a satisfying feeling to them?

>> No.14009264

A book theorizing that the earth undergoes cataclysms every 12 000 years or so. I think some of the controversy surrounding it is a meme, the CIA did in fact do something with it, but I'm not clear what exactly they did.

>> No.14009265

No I haven’t read anything by him. I did see his book on Serbia is impossible to track down though. At least in burgerland.

>> No.14009302

back to /x/

>> No.14009328


>> No.14009350

It is a book that explicitly fits the thread description, having been classified by the CIA. Not to mention there is nothing paranormal about cataclysms, and more to the point you can think about some unlikely idea without adopting it. Basically you're a faggot

>> No.14009357

I've read it and personally. His hatred for jews is mostly based against the bankers of the time and against the people that were in government at the time while he was in the trenches up with mud. It's a good slice of life book about the misery of the german people after the war and how the politicians filled their pockets at the expense of the people's suffering while backed up by corrupt political banking elite.

>> No.14009368

>His hatred for jews is mostly based against the bankers of the time and against the people that were in government
the press too. But seriously why did he not focus his anger on those institutions instead of the Jews, who while influential within them, were certainly not synonymous with them. I will never understand this about Hitler

>> No.14009373

>tfw Hitler is merely a brainlet Karl Kraus

>> No.14009390

Well he ended up being backed by wealthy arm dealer and using the controlled press as a governmental tool. He became part of that crowd in a way. Hating the Jews instead was mote convenient for personal as well as political purposes.

>> No.14009403

His hatred for jew came from, it seems to imply, that it was something that happened after the war during his beggar times. He wasn't antisemitic as a child of a teenager, but after the great war ended he met with some very nasty people and well, that made him hardened.

>> No.14009428

What if Hitler was a jew? His mother worked for a wealthy jewish family at the time, she lost her job after the pregnancy and married her uncle to hide the shame. That is, perhaps, one of the wildest conspiracies after watching ancient aliens.

>> No.14009439

Anglo Zionists wanted to colonize Israel. They figured the best way to do that was to get German-Jews (who paradoxically were the most loyal to their home country) to move there.
They didn't want to. So then the game was to try to force them by making life in Germany horrible for them. Failing that, mass deportation until the Grand Mufti of Palestine stepped in. Do not underestimate Islam's influence during the Nazi Germany era and the decision to exterminate Jews.

>> No.14009472


His attitude to the tribe was directly related to how they behaved.

Anti semitism is the normal reaction to semitism.

This is perhaps the greatest taboo in modern times.

>> No.14009480

"Decision to exterminate the Jews"

Please stop. Nobody believe the lies about Gas chambers anymore.

>> No.14010099

thanks for mentioning that, I just read the 50 page version and it was absolute literary KINO
I'm serious, give it a read. Incredible schmood.

>> No.14010106

This comment could get you a couple years up north if your ISP snitches, you know.

>> No.14010112

>The Turner Diaries
>The Industrial Revolution
>Der Wille zur Macht
That´s just from memory. I bet there are much, much more.

>> No.14010370

Most people still believe it, you just live in a small echo chamber.

>> No.14010381

diplomacy by henry kissinger

>> No.14010391

People here are shilling Nazi books that you could order at Barnes of Nobles or some shit. Pretty low-effort.
Try some Céline pamphlets instead (Bagatelles pour un massacre is very funny). Guy was so violent even the Nazis tried to censor him. Once at a party in which was attended by several Gestapo agents he made an imitation of Hitler (with his finger to picture the mustache) and started to rant that he was in the pocket of the Jews and that he put them in camps to protect them from the bombings.
He was really close to getting executed for that.
Absolute madlad.

>> No.14010397

one of those guides on how to successfully quit your job and live off disability

>> No.14010407

The problem with this is the question of "to whom?".

Like, the Chinese and Japanese don't care about Hitler, and WWII wasn't that long ago, so is it really the most subversive stuff EVER? Likewise, anything like the Bible, the Koran, etc is hardly subversive given that it's the holy book of a major religion. You could do something like a historical examination of Abrahamism, detailing how Yahweh is just one of many Semitic gods and therefore making it pointless to be a Jew, Christian, or Muslim... But again, the Chinks, Indians, and Japs don't care about that.

>> No.14010549

Overrated. It's so vague, it could mean or affirm anything you want it to.

>> No.14010887

torrent them

>> No.14010916

It wasn't really that odd in interwar Germany was it though?
Hatred of Jews and tales about how shit the War was were far from rare. Its only subversive nowadays, but at the time it'd have fit in decently.

>> No.14010969

That's the point. No other book touches on the unsayable in as precise and poetic a manner as the Daodejing does, even moreso in Classical Chinese where long sentences can be condensed into a few hanzi. No other book of mysticism is as elegant and focused. It isn't just that it can apply to everything in life, it is that it DOES apply to everything in life, and the more you read it the more you feel as though the whole of nature were united under that text. You can also read it in terms of its historical dimension but it is ahistorical as well.

>> No.14011477

>historical examination of Abrahamism

>> No.14011480

Pretty much every culture dislikes torturing babies right? we just have to find the Baby Torture Manifesto

>> No.14012393

sounds like the guy was just a dumb retard, the likes of which you can find hundreds of in any given /pol/ thread

>> No.14012396

120 Days of Sodom

>> No.14012399

Rightwing women

>> No.14012411

Elder care in upper Kågedal

Burroughs' Wild Boys meets the Judge from Blood Meridian in a de Sade-like perverse tale ladened with antisemitism

>> No.14012448

The term "anti-semitism" is a strawman that conflates all Semites with Jews:
Scroll down to "Etymology".

>> No.14012481

The Controversy of Zion

>> No.14012497
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Pride & Prejudice by Jane Austen.[

>> No.14012499

title ?

>> No.14012509

>A retard

>> No.14012541

Not really. Hitler believed that the Jews were behind the large anti-war push back in the fatherland that weakened their army (every army fighting in the west suffered from this), and that this was the reason Germany lost WW1. It wasn't the only reason he hated them, but it was the supposed root cause of the general distrust against them

>> No.14012634

Sabbath's Theater

>> No.14012648


>> No.14012655

Don't know about burgers, but here in (west) Germany The secrets of the federal reserve by Eustace Mullins was forbidden for a long time and was even burned on government notice, the only book since 1949.
They really don't want us to learn about the nature of fiat money, and about the yids hand in it.

>> No.14012663

>the fact it can mean everything and its opposite is actually a good thing!
Obscurantist 'philosophy' was a mistake.
Just admit it's quasi-poetry with a meaning-of-life twist.

>> No.14012668


Tbf this

Prophet's and apostles were all so subversive they all got killed for saying what they said. They subverted the true world system hydra of rebellion and evil. Every other book in this thread is just in the flow of that world system. Not subversive at all but totally approved by the real powers that be (powers and principalities) . Jesus the most subversive man who ever lived. Subverted the human condition. Subverted our concept of God.

>> No.14012687
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>> No.14012691

Elliot Rodgers manifesto

>> No.14012692

The Republic.

You'll see retarded NPC "philosophers" bend backwards to misrepresent Plato and westernize his thoughts. Plato has always been too redpilled for any period of thought.

>> No.14012744

Hoggposter spreading the gospel errywhere

>> No.14012748


I don't dispute that, but it is a semantic issue. If ant-jewish sentiment was called antifluffledorferism, I'd assume he would make the same point about fluffledorferism.

Now don't you dare call me anti-semantic.

>> No.14012778

The Spam Trilogy. You can't even get it anymore.

>> No.14012851


>> No.14013033

This. I just thought about it yesterday.

>> No.14013094

Hitler = SS

>> No.14013147

Depends on what you mean by "they".

>"they" = "law enforcement"
Probably something similar to the anarchist cookbook. But with better instructions for starting violent protests, killing cops, and other nasty stuff.

>"they" = "the politically correct police"
I think they'd freak out about mein kamf more than anything. Also>>14009169 and the Turner diaries

But if you want something that genuinely, fundamentally contradicts the official PC standpoint, it might be some Hindu or Buddhist religious text, or something. The kind of thing that says suffering is good, and the poor deserve their lot in life. If you add in some racist religious stuff (e.g. black people are the "beasts of the field"), then you're golden.

>"they" = "the conservative religious establishment"
Ummm ... that's harder to say. Arguably, the 95 theses were the most subversive piece of literature in history. Otherwise, it might be some old Gnostic gospel I've never read.

>"they" = "the standards of decency"

I don't want to be that guy, but circumcision is arguably torturing and mutilating babies, right? So ... the Old Testament?

The problem is that people who want to do evil stuff, tend to not describe it as "evil stuff". So there isn't a "Baby Torture Manifesto", just a "why babies need to have part of their penises removed" manifesto.

>> No.14013200


>> No.14013217

The Kingdom of God is Within You

>> No.14013222

Politics > Republic

>> No.14013227

Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus

if you get it you know

>> No.14013252

>still misses the mark on who's (((they)))
Read The Media Monopoly

>> No.14013290

Because it's in Jewish genes to seek wealth. Even Plato says the Phoenicians (semites) are a mercantile class who want to trade and make money. Hitler wanted to exterminate that gene so it won't come back in power like they always do.
Needless to say, this is deluded, and greed will always win even if there were no Jews. Hitler was fighting a rigged game.

>> No.14013638

You can literally walk into any bookshop in the country and buy it, and every school I went to had a copy or so.

>> No.14013654

The Communist Manifesto

>> No.14013657
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>> No.14013666
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Hitler wanted to expel the Juden, not destroy them.

>> No.14013677
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>> No.14013729

Where to? The german race's liebensraum was to be the whole world.

>> No.14013773

>The one they don't want you to read
>Most printed book in history
First post shit post

>> No.14013799


>The one they don't want you to read

People don't want to read it themselves..

>> No.14014126

It might appear subversive, but Dao de jing is profoundly simple. I disagree that "people are incapable of understanding it". Nothing but an open mind is needed. What seems vague is subtle really. If you have the wrong view, that's on you.

>> No.14014182

>Following his return from exile he lamented his ruined reputation but never voiced regret for his antisemitic works, rather preferring to make additional statements of Holocaust denial
The madman

>> No.14014210

What's the best translation of the DDJ? I'm looking at a few editions and people are saying the translators turn them into hip new-age books or inject western philosophy into them.

>> No.14014287

Noahs flood you idiot. It was 12.000 years ago, look it up

>> No.14014397

>>Most printed book in history
Yet very few actually read it.