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13992462 No.13992462 [Reply] [Original]

Are there still well-regarded and influential Platonists and Aristotelians in academia?

I get the impression from the outside that Platonism and Aristotelianism are widely considered primitive and incorrect. Thomism, for example, seems to be ridiculed for relying on Aristotelian ideas.

Are Plato and Aristotle only taught in universities these days because they serve as an introduction to the branches and methodology of philosophy, and for their place in the history of philosophy?

>> No.13992522

(((The Elites))) are Platonist, but they don't often reveal themselves to public, so you don't have many academic celebrities among them.

>> No.13992534

There are a lot of Platonists in mathematics because there are a lot of people who think numbers are "real" in a Platonic sense.

>> No.13992542

>the elites follow virtue ethics

>> No.13992546

Plato and Aristotle are still very prevalent in science even if it isn't always directly stated

>> No.13992578

Aristotlelian philosophy is only "ridiculed" because of its focus on final cause, or teleology. The paradigm shift of widespread scientism only focuses on the "efficient cause" or the agent of the cause, and propagates the belief that this is the (sole) goal of inquiry in general. If you care about knowledge, Aristotlelian logic shouldn't bother you. If you're the reddit logical positivist type, you should hate it.
I don't know much about how Plato is treated in academia, but he was very influential in spirituality and mysticism, so they probably do not like him. Again, the same concept applies to Plato. If mysticism's your thing, he's a good resource.

>> No.13992607

The Straussians are disciples of Plato (from Socrates through Al-Farabi) but they are not "Platonists" because mysticism and spirituality of Platonism was designed by Plato to be a smoke and mirror show to mislead people who don't deserve his true teachings which is a political project to control the nature of man. (which was carried on by Aristotle then Cicero then Machiavelli and through Machiavelli: Bacon, Hobbes, Descartes, Locke, Spinoza, Rousseau, Kant, Hegel, and most importantly Montesquieu (who shaped the sentiments of the Founding Fathers which resulted in the year 1800 the first peaceful transition of power between political enemies without ANY amount of persecution or changes in the rules of election (through which in the year 1991 USA became the hegemon of the world, an unparalleled and godlike achievement in the history of all mankind!)))

>> No.13993479

Who cares if it is influential in academia? That doesn't make an idea right or wrong.

>> No.13993552

Take a look at this.

This is the state of modern academia. I would take Plato over them.

>> No.13993560

They were both refuted.

>> No.13993595

go home, dugin

>> No.13993599

Nobody embraces the full systems. They're +2k years old and wrong in many ways.

But their influence is still present in many disciplines. Mathematicians often think in platonic terms. Platonism in mathematics is very much alive.

>> No.13993671

Thats just the simple reading of Plato. I'm quite sure, now, Aristotle is even more relevant to cience than Plato.

>> No.13994794

never go full straussian. but to op's question, look into stanley rosen. and there are respected, or at least respectable, thomists.

>> No.13994896


>> No.13994914 [DELETED] 

Socrates was an ugly, degenerate criminal whose life was an illness

>> No.13994919

Socrates was an ugly, degenerate criminal whose life itself was an illness. Just as Socrates, Plato and Aristotle were anti-Greek so are all moderns

>> No.13994920

>"aristotle was good but plato was bad"
Hehe you're quite a thinker hah

>> No.13994951

Alasdair McIntyre
Edward Feser
Jacques Maritain
Étienne Gilson
Ralph McInerny
Gertrude Anscombe
Peter Geach

As a classical theist it would be hard to gain renown as that is usually achieved by 'originality', but originality doesn't signify truth or by riding on what is currently fashionable.

>> No.13994972

They both gave terribly wrong answers to the Ship of Theseus, which is a very important philosophical question concerning identity and abstract ideas.

>> No.13995400

Where did I say Plato was bad? Where is your reading comprehension?
I think you may be retarded.