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File: 5 KB, 223x226, Rene.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13991460 No.13991460 [Reply] [Original]

>"We should also add that when we speak of the West, we also include Judaism, which has never exerted any influenced except in a westerly direction, and which may even have helped somewhat toward forming the modern mentality in general. In point of fact, the large part played in Bolshevism by Israelite elements is a serious reason for the Easterners, and for the Muslims above all, to be distrustful and to keep their distance; we are not speaking of certain agitators of the 'Young Turk' type. who are profoundly anti-Muslim, being not seldom also of Jewish origin, and not having the least authority. Bolshevism cannot penetrate into India either, because it is opposed to all the traditional institutions, and especially to that of the castes, from this point; from this point of view, the Hindus would see no difference between its destructive action and the destructive action that the English have long tried to carry out by every sort of means, and where the one has failed, the other would be no more successful"

René Guénon - East and West pg. 78

>> No.13991530
File: 249 KB, 1000x750, google_place_photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what did he mean by that

>> No.13991686

That Judaism has only exerted notable influence in the west and indeed that it may even have contributed to forming the modern west outlook; and that an example of this is Jewish participation in Bolshevic revolutions and agitation is an example of this, and these examples are valid reasons for easterners and especially Muslims to be distrustful and keep their distance from westernized modern Jews and their movements like Bolshevism. Rene then clarifies to say that he is not talking about the "Young Turk" nationalist revolutionaries of Turkey who he points out are anti-Muslim in their ideology and not infrequently Jewish in ethnicity. Rene then says that Bolshevism cannot over become widely successful in India either because it undermines too many fundamental facets of traditional Indian culture.

>> No.13991708

did Guenon not know about the Kaballah or did he just not consider that a real metaphysical tradition

>> No.13991718

Stop shilling this retard already. The sum of Indian culture is shitting in the street and getting 5 armed octopus babies by bathing in a river of diarrhea and death.

>> No.13991731

He did know about he, he doesn't mention it often but it's clear that he regarded Orthodox Judaism and Kabbalah as being traditional. Usually when he says things about Jews being troublecausers and subversives etc (which is not that often) its in the context of modern Jews detached from their own tradition who are Bolsheviks, atheist scientists, psychoanalysists etc.

>> No.13991736

have sex incel

>> No.13991745

He did consider it to be an authentic tradition, but always refered to it as hebrew kaballah, never makes a mention of judaism. OP's quote is the only mention of judaism in his works by the way. There might be another one but no detailed analysis of judaism.

>> No.13991753

in the footnotes to his essay 'Misdeeds of Psychoanalysis' which I believe is found in TROQATSOTT he wrote:

"The case of Freud himself, founder of 'psychoanalysis', is quite typical in
this respect, for he never ceased to declare himself a materialist. One further
remark: why is it that the principal representatives of the new tendencies, like Einstein
in physics, Bergson in philosophy, Freud in psychology, and many others of
less importance, are almost all of Jewish origin, unless it he because there is
something involved that is closely hound up with the 'malefic' and dissolving aspect
of nomadism when it is deviated, and because that aspect must inevitably predominate
in Jews detached from their tradition?"

>> No.13991780

How is it that Judaism offers so much wisdom when seen from a mystical and Traditionalist point of view, and yet the people themselves receive so much criticism from Traditionalists?

>> No.13991791

How did he know about the Young Turks? Didn't they start on Youtube?

>> No.13991795

You're right, I forgot about this.

>> No.13991799

>How is it that Judaism offers so much wisdom when seen from a mystical and Traditionalist point of view
It doesn’t, only kikes think this.

>> No.13991832 [DELETED] 

>because there is something involved that is closely hound up with the 'malefic' and dissolving aspect of nomadism when it is deviated

This is expounded by Guénon in the same book under the chapter "Cain and Abel"
>The fixation of the Hebrew people was essentially dependent on the existence
of the Temple in Jerusalem; as soon as the Temple was destroyed nomadism reap-
peared in the special form of the ‘dispersion’.

At that point "the children of Israel" disappear from history and if promises made to them are to be redeemed, this redemption must evidently be from among the ranks of mankind, in which they became involved and merged.

There has been talk of the Judaic "revolutionary" spirit. Their whole religion has it's beginning in the Egyptian captivity first as slaves (Even though it probably never evend happened in historical periods). Then continued the Babylonian captivity and destruction of the Second Temple etc.

And finally the dispersion that followed. The following centuries to come when they dispersed represented a new "captivity", under the Talmudic Law, which laid down that wherever the chosen people of Israel dwelt outside Jerusalem they were in captivity, and that this captivity was in itself "persecution". It should be noted that the "captivity" was always viewed in negative light, even when the Jews were not persecuted among the nations they dwell.

According to some anti-semitic theorists, this is the "Jewish revolutionary" spirit explained: to introduce the permanent revolutionary force
into the life of nations; with the destruction of all legitimate government, the revolutionaries would succeed to power, and these revolutionaries would be Talmud-trained and Talmud-controlled. They would act always under the Mosaic Law, and in this way the end of Babylon could be reproduced in the West to prepare for the great Return.

I personally find this a bit too simplistic theory, but it perhaps does have some truth to it when it comes to the psyche of the religious elements of Judah in Exile. Using the power over governments which it had gained through emancipation during the 1900s, the ruling sect achieved a second "return" to the chosen land, and thus reestablished the Law of 458 BC that ended the Babylonian captivity.

The land, for the moment is regained, but the Third Temple and Messiah have not yet appeared for Judaism.

>> No.13991835

Thanks for the non-discussion. Have you ever met a Jew who follows at least *some* of the traditions of their people?

>> No.13991838

>because there is something involved that is closely hound up with the 'malefic' and dissolving aspect of nomadism when it is deviated

This is expounded by Guénon in the same book under the chapter "Cain and Abel":
>The fixation of the Hebrew people was essentially dependent on the existence of the Temple in Jerusalem; as soon as the Temple was destroyed nomadism reappeared in the special form of the ‘dispersion’.

At that point "the children of Israel" disappear from history and if promises made to them are to be redeemed, this redemption must evidently be from among the ranks of mankind, in which they became involved and merged.

There has been talk of the Judaic "revolutionary" spirit. Their whole religion has it's beginning in the Egyptian captivity first as slaves (Even though it probably never evend happened in historical periods). Then continued the Babylonian captivity and destruction of the Second Temple etc.

And finally the dispersion that followed. The following centuries to come when they dispersed represented a new "captivity", under the Talmudic Law, which laid down that wherever the chosen people of Israel dwelt outside Jerusalem they were in captivity, and that this captivity was in itself "persecution". It should be noted that the "captivity" was always viewed in negative light, even when the Jews were not persecuted among the nations they dwell.

According to some anti-semitic theorists, this is the "Jewish revolutionary" spirit explained: to introduce the permanent revolutionary force
into the life of nations; with the destruction of all legitimate government, the revolutionaries would succeed to power, and these revolutionaries would be Talmud-trained and Talmud-controlled. They would act always under the Mosaic Law, and in this way the end of Babylon could be reproduced in the West to prepare for the great Return.

I personally find this a bit too simplistic theory, but it perhaps does have some truth to it when it comes to the psyche of the religious elements of Judah in Exile. Using the power over governments which it had gained through emancipation during the 1900s, the ruling sect achieved a second "return" to the chosen land, and thus reestablished the Law of 458 BC that ended the Babylonian captivity.

The land, for the moment is regained, but the Third Temple and Messiah have not yet appeared for Judaism.

>> No.13991842

Guénon had retroactivity powers

>> No.13991843

>Bolshevism cannot penetrate into India either

>> No.13991850

Yes, they exhibit the same neuroticism and vindictive cruelty of their blood god.

>> No.13991861

That's our line moron

>> No.13991868

>Bolshevism having anything to do with the Jewish religion

>> No.13991885

I think by uttering a sentence like that, you probably managed to prove you have no idea what this thread is about...

>> No.13991900
File: 38 KB, 419x228, ytlista.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He was talking about these guys, the Young Turks were nationalist revolutionaries in the decaying late Ottoman Empire and who were active in the early days of Turkey as well. They agitated against the monarchy and tended to be modernist and secular. It's pretty well documented that many of them were Jewish, there is even some indication that Attaturk himself came from a Donmeh Jewish background. Attaturk and his cohorts are praised in Turkey today for founding the country in the wake of WWI and for modernizing it, but Attaturk's secularization of education and public life, suppression of traditional Islamic practices and the subjection to control of many Islamic groups to the state's authority may well be considered as demonic counter-traditional activities from Guenon's perspective. Attaturk had Sufi orders declared illegal 1925 as part of his effort to modernize and subject Islam to government control and Turkey took over many of their centers, detaining and even executing some of the Sufis who resisted.


>> No.13991904
File: 52 KB, 540x534, a222e8496b6b7d7c3ce19248c885f499--aleister-crowley-cw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yes, they exhibit the same neuroticism and vindictive cruelty of their blood god.

Aleister Crowley wrote on the matter:
>A similar case is presented by the Jew, who really does only too often possess the bad qualities for which he is disliked; but they are not proper to his race. No people can show finer specimens of humanity. The Hebrew poets and prophets are sublime. The Jewish soldier is courageous, the Jewish rich man generous. The race possesses imagination, romance, loyalty, probity and humanity in an exceptional degree.

>But the Jew has been persecuted so relentlessly that his survival has depended on the development of his worst qualities; avarice, servility, falseness, cunning and the rest

>Another line of argument is the historical. We do not here refer to the alleged forgery of the Qabalah by Rabbi Moses ben Leon — was it not? — but to the general position of the ethnologist that the Jews were an entirely barbarous race, incapable of any spiritual pursuit. That they were polytheists is clear from the very first verse of Genesis; that Adonai Melekh is identical with “Moloch” is known to every Hebraist. The “Old Testament” is mainly the history of the struggle of the phallic Jehovah against the rest of the Elohim, and that his sacrifices were of blood, and human blood at that, is indisputable.

>> No.13991911
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>> No.13991927

What book(s) will give me more background on the kabbalah and the true origins of the jewish religion?

>> No.13991935

This book isn't taken seriously by any academic measures

>> No.13991946

>academic measures
The kikes in academia fawn over retellings of rape and sexual trauma.

>> No.13991976

Because so many modern Jews are extremely removed from that wisdom and don't pay much attention to it, and also because that wisdom is such starkly different from the group-dynamics and competitive aspects of Judaism as laid down in the Talmud that inculcate the Jewish tendencies to display hatred for non-Jewish strangers and their culture at a moments notice without any provocation or the tendency to greedily take advantage of people and abuse them through usury, manipulation, slavery etc, tendencies which the writers and thinkers of every era have always noted frankly since the time of the Romans.

Contrast that with something like Hinduism where you can see how concepts like non-violence are connected to the perspective of viewing all living things as divine, or how because of the moral element in Zoroastrianism it's not surprising that the Greeks praised them as virtuous truth-tellers. With Judiasm sure there is esoteric metaphysical wisdom, but it is unclear how, if at all; this wisdom spreads to and reflects itself in the other aspects of Jewish culture, in particular those that might be noticeable to us goyim.

>> No.13991985


I think it would be extremely hard to find a non-biased book that would deal with the subject.

>true origins of the jewish religion?

My opinion is that it was Egyptian mystery cults that were infused with the tribal gods of the Semites.

Crowley considers that the some Follower of the Egyptian God Tahuti or Thoth was an Egyptian initiated priest who the Jews called Mosheh/Moses and their fables made Him the leader of the Exodus to the Promised Land and his word of the Law was preserved as IHVH or Jehovah.

The Kabbalah developed alongside of this probably and absorbed elements from and during the Babylonian captivity and Eastern thought and other systems and was probably perfected to the form we know today during the Sephardi Jews in exile.

I also remember reading some sort of folk fable that Talmud, or the oral tradition, was created when Moses ascended to receive the Law on Sinai; the elders remained behind and thus while Moses was receiving the Law, the Sanhedrim created their own oral tradition during Moses' ascent. This of course, is probably not a historical event, but rather the general distinction between the Jewish religion observed and the oral tradition.

>> No.13991990

>why is it that the principal representatives of the new tendencies, like Einstein
>in physics, Bergson in philosophy, Freud in psychology, and many others of
>less importance, are almost all of Jewish origin

Because Jews are smart.

>> No.13992002

There is more evidence it comes from Zoroastrianism IMO. The oldest Jewish texts although allegedly dating from earlier orally according to Jewish tradition were only written down post-babylonian captivity. Captivity from which they were freed from by the Zoroastrian Persians, and by the Cyrus that the OT praises as a messiah. The Persians already believed in heaven and hell, good vs evil, angels and demons, a resurrection and last judgement before the Jews did and the first Jewish scripture that was written was only after the Jews had been exposed to the Persians and then ruled as a subject peoples by them for several hundred years afterwards.

>> No.13992010

Not really. If you group ashkenazis with the rest they actually score below whites on IQ tests

>> No.13992011

Thank you for your response, I’ll read up on what you say.
I’ve mostly had contact with romaniote and sephardic jews, and they’ve treated me rather well throughout my life. Maybe it’s the Ashkenazim who first lost their way

>> No.13992026

Even if this were true it wouldn't matter. You don't understand how bell curves work. Let's say we have two groups, a and b, equally large, with b being split in two further groups, b1 and b2, also equally large. A and B both have an average IQ of 100, b1 of 90, and b2 of 110. B is going to have more people with an IQ of 130 then A.

>> No.13992029

Primary example of a low IQ kike. How many whites are there in comparison to kikes?

>> No.13992058
File: 38 KB, 276x598, 276px-Edom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You are free to have your own interpretations.
When it comes to Kabbalah, you can read about the "Edomite Kings" who were said to reign in the land before there Reigned a King in Israel
> Simply, this means that these kings reigned long before there was a king in Israel. Many commentaries, however, state that the first king of Israel alluded to in this verse is Moses (cf. Deuteronomy 33:5; Rashbam; Ibn Ezra; Ralbag). We do, however, find that there were Edomite kings contemporary to Moses (Numbers 20:14). Therefore, it must be said that Moses was not considered a king until the concept of a king was given to the Israelites (Deuteronomy 17:15). It also appears that the chiefs (alufim) ruled over Edom right after the Exodus (cf. Exodus 15:15 )

>Gen. xxxvi. 31: "And these are the kings which have reigned in ADVM (EDOM)

In the Kabbalah this is explained how: thence we learn that unless the head (or ruling power, or government) of a nation, whatever form of government it may happen to be, be first properly constituted, that nation cannot be properly ruled. For if the head be first disposed aright, then all things can be ordained, but if that be not first disposed aright, neither can the nation be governed aright.

In the Kabbalah Unveiled there is a chapter "CONCERNING THE EDOMITE KINGS.":
> This brings in the subject of the worlds of unbalanced force which are said by the Zohar to have been created and destroyed prior to the creation of the present world. These worlds of unbalanced force are typified by the Edomite kings

It suggests that some sort of Law or Dynasty was passed down from Egypt or (perhaps other Region) so as to establish rightful Dynasty to the Israelites for the Edomite kings and the nature of Edomite religion is uncertain. Yahweh-worship, apparently associated with Mount Seir and the Shashu tribes, does not appear to have predominated among the Edomites in their early history. As close relatives of other Levantine Semites, they may have worshiped such gods as El, Baal, Asherah.

Some sort of reformation happened, perhaps, and like Muhammad cast out the Idols from Mecca, some sort of religious law and dynasty was probably established in a same fashion how Allah was made the supreme deity and other false idols were cast out from the Kaaba

>> No.13992340

>The fixation of the Hebrew people was essentially dependent on the existence of the Temple in Jerusalem; as soon as the Temple was destroyed nomadism reappeared in the special form of the ‘dispersion’.

Source of what Guénon says here please ?

>> No.13992353

>Bolshevism cannot penetrate into India
Kerala is literally run by the communist party of India


>> No.13992402

Nvm sorry.
So Guénon never said Judaism is legitimate ?

>> No.13992556

The quote you just read was written in the 1920s at the time where modernity was only present in the western world.

>> No.13992574

He said CANNOT penetrate intro India. He's wrong.

>> No.13992576

India as a traditional society. Which is 100% coherent with the rest of his works, try again.

>> No.13992821

>hurr durr white people have never shit in the street

>> No.13993226

India has fallen
Nepal has fallen
The Kingdom of Bhutan has fallen

No matter how much I agree with Guenon and no matter how it may have been when he wrote his works, materialism and mob rule have made a shithole of all these countries.

>> No.13993301

>The Kingdom of Bhutan has fallen
wait what
>successful genetic cleansing project
>mandatory trad architecture
>heavy tax on outsiders coming in
>gross national happiness

>> No.13993307

>when all you know about the world outside your comfy suburb is memes and clickbait

>> No.13993333

but anons on other threads said communism good

>> No.13993346

Someone post the animorphs meme of his face where he turns into a leopard

>> No.13993418

so talmud is like the hadits of islam?
hindus also have hindutva now

>> No.13993419

Failed on all accounts, urbanism is on the rise and GNH is falling down due to increased incidence of psychiatric disorders (i.e. Depression, anxiety, and schizophrenia, the last one especially connected to a lack of a social support network like community and family in those said big cities where tourism thrives and brings in capitalism)

>> No.13993655

Rajeet fucking seething, lmao.

>> No.13993793

Not anymore, incel

>> No.13994037
File: 16 KB, 466x117, 65746.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check the addendum in East and West and the eighth chapter from Crisis of the Modern World.

I don't know what Guénon means when he says about the preservation of tradition. In my opinion when dissolution occurs everything is gonna be vanished, and then a new cycle begins.

>> No.13994125

This, worship a dead jew on a stick or die

>> No.13994167

hold on schlomo, IQ and intelligence isn't real, remember? You got your script mixed up.

>> No.13994182

if a new cycle is going to being anyway then why try and salvage anything

>> No.13994206

i live in rural central europe and up until the 90s there were no toilets and everyone just shat in the field and wiped their ass with big leaves and weeds

>> No.13994271

Because in this stage practical effects such as a deterioration of spiritual knowledge are manifested which increase the suffering and ignorance people, and which should be combated for the well-being of people. Even if the cycle continues on forever and ever unceasingly, good can still be done to preserve spiritual wisdom etc, and this can still have the beneficial result of setting people on the spiritual path or of leading them to liberation.

>> No.13994295

>One knows that a reascent must come, but it is nevertheless unnecessary to wait for the descent to reach its nadir before preparing the way for the re-ascent, even though it may prove impossible to prevent the descent ending in some cataclysm beforehand.

>the elite still exists in the Eastern civilizations, and, granting that it is becoming ever smaller due to modernist encroachment, it will nevertheless continue to exist until the end, because this is necessary for the safeguarding of the ark of tradition - which cannot perish - and for the transmission of everything that is to be preserved.

i think it depends on the point of view of things

>> No.13994370

Neither are (You)

>> No.13994401

Sure thing Kumar

>> No.13994438

literally everyone everywhere did up until recent times except inbred uneducated americans who live as zombie drones in big cities their entire existence

>> No.13994529
File: 287 KB, 1356x668, roman toilets sewers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, yes...we get it Rahul

>> No.13994543

hint: world of the middle ages looked differently than the roman empire
why do you think its that sewage was invented only in the modern age cletus

>> No.13994554
File: 2.04 MB, 1564x1064, 1557329735761.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and where were toilets invented white boy?

>During the third millennium BC, toilets and sewers were invented. The Indus Valley Civilisation in northwestern India and Pakistan was home to the world's first known urban sanitation systems. In Mohenjo-Daro (c. 2800 BC), toilets were built into the outer walls of homes. These toilets had vertical chutes, via which waste was disposed of into cesspits or street drains.[22] Another typical example is the Indus city of Lothal (c. 2350 BCE). In Lothal all houses had their own private toilet which was connected to a covered sewer network constructed of brickwork held together with a gypsum-based mortar that emptied either into the surrounding water bodies or alternatively into cesspits, the latter of which were regularly emptied and cleaned.[23][24]


>> No.13994559
File: 3.81 MB, 444x250, 1559241324642.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he's still going
Stay mad and shitty that is to say, covered in shit.

>> No.13994565

imagine the smell holy god

>> No.13994568
File: 140 KB, 673x789, ameri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based common core drone

>> No.13994747

I digged up the article for you anon


>> No.13994788
File: 169 KB, 700x420, 1547079873652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>woah indian culture so deep...

>> No.13994812

Okay okay, we get it. You win.

>> No.13995090

imagine if they stripped her clothes then dispersed
bitch wouldn't know who to chase and will have to walk home naked