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13982280 No.13982280 [Reply] [Original]

New to this board so not sure what level of elitism/contrarianusm we're expected to operate on. Send me to R*ddit if this is to plebeian.
Read this book when I was 9 and have loved the series ever since. Recently realized its gnostic origins. Thoughts on His Dark Materials?

>> No.13982284

I thought only women read His Dark Materials

>> No.13982285

It's good if you're a kid but the atheist "lmao kill god" undertones are obnoxious. A decent adventure for kids. Haven't seen the TV series.

>> No.13982308

So what's the argument against it? The destruction of Authority may be communist, byt it's an interesting idea when taken to that level. Besides, he was happy to get Thanos'd

>> No.13982321

With that attitude you must have read it yourself

>> No.13982336

He’s threatened by the non-authoritarian future, and unironically wants kids to be indoctrinated into Catholicism or Islam or something.
Lots of neo-reactionaries on this board.

>> No.13982352

You're better off in R*ddit, then.
It's not a matter of wanting, it's a matter of what works and what doesn't.

>> No.13982384

>Indoctrination of kids works
Fuck off

>> No.13982391

If he's threatened by it, why did he write it? I think his main emphasis was on personal agency, or free will.
Everything works, to a greater or lesser degree.

>> No.13982392

Haunting. I loved this series even though it gave me such a peculiar feeling. It’s almost like a spell.

>> No.13982400

Every time I read it I discover another layer of meaning. Kind of like the alethiometer.

>> No.13982410

That anon feels threatened by the book, I’m saying

>> No.13982415

It certainly worked in the past. All the great poets and writers were Christian. Now in this era where secularism and atheism are the standard in art, everything that artists produce is utter shit. Bit surprising, innit? Without believing in a God, there's no strong and lasting art. It's just the truth. If we're "better" as a society, how come Shakespeare remains undefeated? A peasant from the 1500s who came from rural public education? Really makes you think...

>> No.13982418

Sorry mate should have seen that.

>> No.13982423

Blasphemous mockery of Narnia.
The author literally made it as an atheist butthurt response to Lewis' novels.

Doubt there is any honest "gnostic" connection.
Please start using your own tripcode anon, not hers.

>> No.13982439

I agree that the contemporary religions are responsible for our infrastructure both moral and industrial. But to every fence is a sense of restriction, eventually.

>> No.13982468

Correlation. Causation. HAHAHAHAHA

No problem

>response to Lewis' novels
Literary allusions! These books are starting to sound good.
>your own tripcode
This is my own trip.

>> No.13982481

>Correlation. Causation. HAHAHAHAHA

>> No.13982494

>This is my own trip.
I didn't know you were really this retarded, then. My bad.

>> No.13982501

Order vs chaos: whoever wins, we lose

>> No.13982505

Mrs Coulter is OP as fuck

>> No.13982517

I don't. I judged exactly by what it is. An atheistic piece of genre fiction for pre-adolescents.

>> No.13982523

I’m doing fine. You’re the walking around with these spooks. “Atheism has ruined my art!”

>> No.13982527

I'm curious as to the exact moment at which one presumably matures to the point that such a beautiful book series becomes inane. Obviously you have experience, could you explain the progression a bit?

>> No.13982534

Are you a land whale with pink hair? That’s the only type that unironically loves this garbage. Though the first book was decent it went to complete shit by book 3.
Scratch Reddit you should fuck off back to tumblr

>> No.13982537
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>Order vs chaos: whoever wins, we lose
Life finds a way

Oh, i take it back. Maybe I’m just being defensive and cranky.

>> No.13982538

So, atheism is commonly seen as ruining art due to the advance of "avant garde" style. We're seeing nihilism expressed rebelliously to create a sense of ironic meaning. It never leaves the realm of systemic human psychology though, so anyone kvetching about it is relatively small-minded.

>> No.13982544

No but I get the sentiment. Asking seriously, have you read the trilogy?

>> No.13982545

I'm not an artist, but atheism has ruined art, yes. Capitalism is also to blame. But there's no point in making art if you're atheist, because the result would be phony and mediocre. It's meaningless. You need God, you need to look upon something higher than you or else your art will be shit. Facts.

>> No.13982552


>> No.13982555

When I think of art I think of the archetypes expressed symbolically. That said, I value something higher than myself; however, it is not a monotheistic God.

>> No.13982561

Yes and like I said the the first book was decent. Second wasn’t memorable. The third was a mess with the ending being that dumb nurse’s (or whatever she was) monologue about why she’s an atheist followed up by children making out in the woods.

>> No.13982573

I read it around the same time I read Harry Potter and LotR and I thought it was superior to both.

>> No.13982587

I’m an artist myself, though I haven’t read much art theory, I do know where Dada came from.
Art is a reflection of the times they were created in. In the past it was strictly on the leash of the powerful and wealthy. In the late 19th century fine art and craftsmanship came out everywhere, supposedly for everyone, it was found in advertising, but when the gunpowder found its war the world seemed to have gone mad. So art went mad. I could go on, but what I’m saying is these times, these hypercapitalist times, we have A LOT of art a metric shit ton to sift through, and not all of it is pretty. Some of it is just to shock, some of it is just extremely amateur hour. And the wealthy inflate the value of absolute shit.
ITS CAPITALISM. It is that rival religion of money that vexes you so. Nothing more spiritual than the value of money and a Jackson Pallock

>> No.13982589

Mary Malone is there to explain the ultimate triumph of truth (the mundane) vs ideals. Eve fell for a reason, and so did Adam. However, one who is paying attention might note that this isn't the case with Will and Lyra.

>> No.13982602
File: 20 KB, 398x154, 39740BEC-ABF4-46CE-BD0F-432775F42E11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there's no point in making art if you're atheist,
What a stupid concept

>> No.13982611

All art is expression, and cannot be called art if it is not, nor denied the title if it is.

>> No.13982616

>Jackson Pallock
His name is Pollock, you Big Art connoisseur.

>> No.13982630

Same. Dementors/specters and patronus/dæmon equivalencies make them fairly interchangeable.

>> No.13982635

It's about time you knew the hard truth. You'll never reach the artistic heights of the past if you're an atheist. And Nietzsche placed too much faith in the modern man.

>> No.13982638

You are s fool and a scholar, a common combination. Begone from this discussion.

>> No.13982643

Which part exactly triggers you?

>> No.13982647

I enjoyed them, even though I now resent the atheist undertones. My hangups aside, I remember them being quite good young adult novels.

>> No.13982664

Your absolutism on the subject. I get that it's part and parcel with the major religions, it's just disappointing to see the mind limited by these ideas. Believe me, I understand the merits of tradtionalism, but it needs to be mitigated by some degree of free will. Surely you can't disagree with that?

>> No.13982675

>You’ll never carve the tears of Jesus on the cross, like so many thousands of idiots before you

Put your hat folder away.

>> No.13982699

So to sum up my position, I'm anti-dogma. I think that every time we establish a system of "understanding" of the Divine, it's pulled from under our feet. I feel like this is in line with determinism, which stresses the "being" over the "becoming".

>> No.13982706

Small-minded cunt. I too remember being an edgy atheist teen. But sure, keep making "art". Just don't cry when you inevitably fail.

>> No.13982713

It's not about traditionalism. It's about God. I'm sorry we couldn't understand each other's views. Have a nice day.

>> No.13982716

Enough. You are a fool who has discarded his appreciation of the Lord's larger Creation. Atheists exist because the idea must exist. How foolish to do you deem your creator?

>> No.13982726

I'm sorry about that myself. And when I'm locked in the shackles of bile, listening to the howling laments of my ancestors, I'll be sorry that I never had an incentive to seek a better fate.

>> No.13982771


>> No.13982944

Mary Malone is there to parrot the authors dumb philosophy. Nothing more

>> No.13982966
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>the non-authoritarian future

>> No.13983277
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