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/lit/ - Literature

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13978083 No.13978083 [Reply] [Original]

>Your job/career
>Is it /lit/?

>Prosecutor, used to do be a divorce attorney.

Literally every day of my work involves reading about kino drama that goes on between couples, and now interesting criminal cases.

>> No.13978107

I'm a bureaucrat drone whose day consists of staring at numbers in screens for 8 hours a day
How do people who work non /lit/ related jobs even manage to find the time to read

>> No.13978111

Read in the other 12 hours of the day, dummy.

>> No.13978118

Eyes too exhausted

>> No.13978284

I am a troubleshooter in a factory. When machines/programs/electronics are not fucking up and I have slow nights, I read.

>> No.13978287

>Not really but I prefer it to a more lit job that involves being inside all the time

>> No.13978299

Nice. Ever thought about using all that knowledge to write a treatise or a novel or something?

>> No.13978344

Neet for 2.5 years

>> No.13978666

Always wondered, who funds you if you're a NEET?
You need to eat, and I doubt you can get enough gibs to keep you afloat.

>> No.13978677

Not him but my mommy and daddy currently

>> No.13978684

Why? For what purpose? I'd just slap my kid over and tell him to get a job.

>> No.13978686
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>cursed is the ground for thy sake; in sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life; Thorns also and thistles shall it bring forth to thee; and thou shalt eat the herb of the field; In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return.
I work 16 hours a day. I do not have free time. The money earned is nothing and expenses one week soon reset the bank balance to again near zero.

>> No.13978688

>Financial controller at an NGO
>Not really. In slower periods I like to pretend that I'm in the Book of Disquiet though.


sounds so comfy, if I were to change it would be something like that

>> No.13978692

>heart surgeon
>not really

>> No.13978697

>Literally every day of my work involves reading about kino drama that goes on between couples
no women allowed on /lit/

>> No.13978701

Living a soap opera is not lit.

>> No.13978703

>private psychological diagnostician
>not really but allows me to basically live like a neet (usually 10hours work week) while having a somewhat decent income

>> No.13978715
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Manager at a restaurant. 3/4 of the time I just browse /fitlit/ and reddit. As much as I want to read on the job it's impossible because I get interrupted every 5 minutes by the phone or some stupid shit the customers pull.

Planning on saving some money, moving to Georgia or Serbia to live cheap and write a novel. Maybe start a youtube channel/vlog while at it.

>> No.13978733

Budget Analyst at a University. It’s not /lit/ at all.

>> No.13978739

Is being a neet /lit/?

>> No.13978785
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Homemaker (male)

>> No.13978789

>Prosecutor, used to do be a divorce attorney.
lmao have fun paying your JD debt with those scrapings

>> No.13978816

I got a 170 on the LSAT, graduates with 2 bachelors and finished with a GPA of around 3.7.
Right now I work a boring corporate job but it pays decent. Is it worth burying myself in more debt to go to law school? Are big law jobs as bad as people say? Can I get T14 with these stats as a huwhite male?

>> No.13978882

Decent stats, you'd probably have to take on debt for a top tier school but you could also probably affordably go to a top 40 or top 30 which wouldn't be total ass in terms of getting a job.

>> No.13978901

Tbh I didn’t study for the test except for like 1 week before (I just torrented a bunch of practice teas and did 1 a night)
Should I retake it?
I can’t decide if I want to keep working at my soulless corporate job or not, but I’m worried that I’ll take on tons of debt and waste 3 years just to get a soulless lawyer job.
Fuck life. Why couldn’t I have been born rich so I could just be a NEET

>> No.13978916

You have to play it smart getting into law or else you'll end up a sub-six figure schmuck like OP, but I'm still only in law school so take my commentary with a grain of salt. The Khan Academy prep is decent for the LSAT and helps you schedule practices. Soullessness is a problem in any potentially high paying profession but I think there are really interesting corners of law but I read 16th century books for entertainment so I may be an outlier.

>> No.13978931

Do tell us about some of the more interesting ones

>> No.13978934
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I always had wanted to be a lawyer growing up but a bunch of shit happened and now I’m in business. I’m slated to make 6 figures in 1 or 2 years at my current position. Maybe I should just say fuck it and grind as a corporate wageslave until I can invest enough in chain link to save me from all of this shitty life.

Fuck I hate working my life away.

>> No.13978946

I was never really cut out to do anything but read and write and talk a lot so it suits me well, plus I fantasize about law professoring, seems a very comfy gig but it's extremely competitive to get into.

>> No.13978963

It's honestly a god tier conversation starter though. Telling 'war stories' about dumbass clients arguing over petty things and stupid criminals gets people wide eyed and eagier to hear more juicy details. You can even use a few artistic liberties to make them even more kino, and its not even wrong since you aren't supposed to tell outsiders about the matters you work on.

>> No.13978968

Software Engineer

>> No.13978984
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I work in a tiny art supply store with an arthoe as collegue.
My work is 9 to 5 so I have enough time to read and write when I get home.

>> No.13978988

Corporate law may have more prestige and money, but it's soulless and often really boring, unfulfilling work. The main saving grace is that it is more intellectually challenging, but that can only get you so far if you don't genuinely enjoy the work. I would still recommend any law student to aim to at least get some corporate experience over a summer.

And besides - the money isn't *that* much different until you get to partner tier levels - and doing so at a top tier corporate firm is really fucking hard, takes a long time, and requires an ungodly amount of work. Better option is to make partner at a smaller form or start your own practice after 5-10 years.

>> No.13978990

You fuck her right?

>> No.13979001

9 to five I work for commission in sales (telemarketing)
Then I also freelance as a translator and other odd jobs
Not very lit

>> No.13979003

Involve yourself in a workplace accident that permanently disables you (but not in a really debilitating way) so you can can be medically retired and collect pension and disability checks.

I'm a medically retired former military. I collect about $2800 a month in disability, $1300 a month in pension, and since I'm using my GI Bill to study at Columbia I also collect a living allowance of $3600 a month. Extremely comfy existence. I walk with a limp and can't really run.

>> No.13979015

Supply Chain Materials Planner


But that's ok, because I get to read Sebald for two hours every day for my commute.

>> No.13979021

Electronics engineer
No. /lit/ is my hobby, I would never want to have a /lit/ job

>> No.13979028
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fellow restaurantard
i also manage but im finishing my maths undergrad this semester and i hope i can find something the get me out of this hell

>> No.13979290

Your tax money now chop chop wagie!

>> No.13979300


>> No.13979321

I wash dishes

>> No.13979342

civil engineer, working mostly in maintenece
not really, but I do write a lot of long reports on the conditions of various buildings

>> No.13979347

>tech support
Pretty satisfying, because I work with expensive smart home devices, so the customers are usually nice and I get the illusion of actually helping someone, when all I do is tell them basic stuff that they would've found with a Google search.

>> No.13979366

Writing consultant for an online tutoring company. I work with college students around the country to help them improve their essays. About half my time at work is spent reading literature, since I can breeze through the reviews pretty quickly.

>> No.13979382
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Supposed to be an archivist but became a tinsmith.
Not at all but I read during my breaks.

>> No.13979417

Used to be a surgeon, but I quit, joined the army, and now I'm a major general. I also paint - my paintings have sold for over $2,000,000. I guess you could say I'm a professional chess player too, given that I am a grandmaster. I should say that by the end of the year I have another job lined up at Google's quantum computing department working in artificial intelligence (I have developed several novel techniques which will change the world of AI).

Not really.

>> No.13979593

How was the Military? I’m looking at commissioning.

>> No.13979630

TEM Analyst. The work is very dry; strictly speaking I don't have time to read but I spend almost my entire workday listening to audiobooks. Probably the only job better for it would be a long-haul semi driver. It's actually been really good for getting me to try stuff I otherwise wouldn't, because at 40 hours a week you burn through stuff you're familiar with really fast.

>> No.13979835

Not my current job, but I used to be a bouncer and it was extremely /lit/. Long shifts with nothing to do but observe, read, and write.

>> No.13979845


>s-still in school.
>hoping to become a psychiatrist

I think it will be /lit/

>> No.13979860

b8ing is an art and you ain't got it

>> No.13979897

You believe OP?

>> No.13979916
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Software engineer

No, and thank God. I prefer Netflix and video games. Love /lit/ shitposting though

>> No.13980066

It's amazing how so few people have recognized still that a few accurately worded internet searches can solve 90% of your daily problems

>> No.13980128

>accurately worded internet searches
Most people especially boomers are literally unable to do that

>> No.13980159
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I’m a bookseller, so very /lit/. I want to gouge out my eyes when I see the shit people read though

>> No.13980163

Do so and live a life of ascetism, the true /lit/ way

>> No.13980176

Nice. It is definitely /lit/. I think it would be a very interesting and fulfilling career.

>> No.13980179

Game programmer at a pretty big name company
No, it's onions and maybe one of the least /lit/ jobs

>> No.13980244
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>8+12 = 20
>either sleeps four hours or assumes a day has 20 hours

>> No.13980688

currently an adjunct instructor but going to law school next year, hoping to do public interest work (hoping to get a scholarship to a lower ranked school and avoid debt)

idk if it’s “lit” but seems rewarding

>> No.13981987


As someone in the medical field, I can say for sure that in most countries it is definitely NOT as /lit/ of a lifestyle as it might have used to be. I know it's very alluring to think that a psychiatrist will live the life of Freud, psychoanalysing away, but the truth is that most of psychiatry now is based off of old dogma that's dug itself into the minds of the old guard. As long as the mind/body dualism isn't gotten rid of, psychiatry will be nothing more than a medicine dispensing field.

If you want something truly /lit/, either go into psychology or do something non-medical. The other medical jobs are even less of a /lit/ lifestyle than psych I can tell you that.

>> No.13982046

I work for a Christian non-profit

I do good stuff with it, but it’s not /lit/. Mostly talking with supporters on the phone and looking at a screen.

>> No.13982079

I'm a research assistant for a university physics lab. I set up experiments, make/fix equipment, and write/fix programs to run the equipment or simulate other things. It's very comfy because the professor gets more funding than he knows what to do with and just lets me sit around and get paid when none of the grad students need help, which is about half of the time. Then I read, write, shitpost, or sometimes go down the hall and help my old undergrad friends do homework.

>> No.13982084

I work part time at the library and spend my free time trying to build a career for myself as a writer and artist (mostly sculpting and drawing). It's pretty /lit/ but it sucks being poor.

>> No.13982086

What are you going to do about it anon?

>> No.13982419

I have a really hard time believing this isn't mostly your fault

>> No.13982437

give us more detail. Are you budgeting? Are you buying useless shit? Or are you stuck into a serf state due to something currently out of your control? What is it?

>> No.13982442

Jesus, almost 100k well attending school, presumably for what you want to do, for that damage. I'd take that any day, unless you have PTSD

>> No.13982454

I'm a field organizer for a local political campaign. I work 6 days a week nearly from dusk to dawn and only have a few hours at the end of the day to read.

It's not /lit/. The other day at headquarters they were indulging in Harry Potter nostalgia and accusing Rowling of being a transphobe. I just keep my mouth shut and do my work

>> No.13982461

>my Mexican coworker doesn’t speak English and randomly turned to me and said ‘to be or not to be’

>> No.13982485

In school to start a Phd in Classics next year.
It's pretty /lit/, but would be more so if I was at an Ivy league

>> No.13982495

i did the masters part of a phd at an ivy league before leaving 'cause i didn't want to be in academia anymore. the atmosphere at the ivys is very sad now; a lot of people have the same level of arrogance they've always had with about 10% of the actual justification. the amount of people there who have absolutely no baseline understanding of the canon or spend their free time reading YA or listening to Top 40 or just endlessly consuming netflix is sickening

>> No.13982499

I work in sales :3

That's all you're getting from me. I've worked in so many different sales positions you can be assured I am a fucking tornado to deal with in a conversation.

That being said, I am extremely honest and intelligent. (which you can also see)

>> No.13982515

I have some friends I've meet through archaeology that are at Ivy leagues: Brown, Columbia, Princeton and they all are decent people, but I think archaeology projects help build a community and are somewhat in apposition to the philologist (who are generally much more pompous). But yah I've noticed a lot of the people I've met don't have any interesting hobbies or are well read outside of the Classics

>> No.13982608

I work in tech so I basically read blogs for 6 hours a day so yes

>> No.13982698

I'm a management consultant. Not at all.

>> No.13982719

>Literature professor.
>/lit/ af

>> No.13982788

I am a painter of pen-case covers.

>> No.13982802

The Ivies are really a joke nowadays. Unless you’re a management consultant I see no benefit.

>> No.13982854

Is this a Blind Owl reference?

>> No.13982861

Coast guard

>> No.13982885

Studying philosophy, just trying to get somewhere that isn't hell when I'm older

>> No.13982887

Hey there

>> No.13982909

I don't know about that... in my field (archaeology/classics) the reputation of the school still helps in job searches, you get access better funding; so more travel opportunities to conferences for networking, more time in Europe (at the academies in Rome or Athens, digs or programs to learn languages), better libraries and auxiliary collections like papyri and coins, are more rigorous, I think, then other schools, and the teachers are more prestigious for letters of references.

I'd believe the actual atmosphere has changed since the good old boy days and the content of research is now drastically different. I think if i strive I can get most of what they have

>> No.13982938

Read it for the first time today.
The only thing I am sure of is:
I am a painter of pen-case covers.

>> No.13982941

Nice, I may go this route. I work as a controls engineer but I'm salary and on call fairly often. All the technicians I talk too make a lot.

>> No.13983107

I still haven't read it but saw a thread discussing it a few weeks ago and really want to

>> No.13983229


>> No.13983303

I hope you are in the right frame of mind.

>> No.13983434

im a neet and i have no skills and im dreading getting some minimum wage shit job again so yes im lit in a sense

>> No.13983441

You are useless.
But, that is par for the course.

>> No.13983450

I work in software development.

My colleagues are the least /lit/ people you can imagine.

>> No.13983606

Working in IT and studying for certs can get in the way of being /lit/ but I try to get an hour in a day.

>> No.13983659

>Pediatric Nurse

>> No.13983788

>religious studies student

>> No.13983848

cool. what's the job like?

>> No.13983905

I traded in project management and SQA for NOC shifts at nursing homes worked between scribbling down theological poems on the bed in the back of my van.


>> No.13983988
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Every once in awhile I get to read what a company is doing to get ahead of competition, then read about what the competition is doing to beat out the company. Business strategy / drama.

Most of the time, fuck no dude. I'd do anything for a book written in excel.

>> No.13984893

Town planner

Sorta, lot of writing and arguing with architects, dealing with legislation

I read on my breaks when I'm out on site in the Countryside

>> No.13984914
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I am a goods peddler. It's OK and pretty low pressure, just have to predict FOMO hype trains. Downside is I have to collaborate with people (many of them Jewish) who are constantly trying to rip me off.

>> No.13984932


Sure is nice but the only available jobs here for me are 14hour a day minimum wage cant afford a rent type of jobs. So I just live with mommy for a while and then suicide.

>> No.13984938

14 hours a day is enough to get a fucking one bedroom, you leech :3

>> No.13984973

dollars per hour rather, but you got it.

>> No.13984993

political aide in the regional office of a think tank
most of the stuff I handle is boring but my boss is tangled up in some fucked up intrigues, feels straight up machiavellian at times

>> No.13985031

Wish I could get into something like that. Did you do postgraduate studies to get into that field?

>> No.13985216

ayy thats a picture from that algo trading article i read recently. hello fellow financebro.

>> No.13985378

PTSD is /lit/-tier.

>> No.13986451
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comfy to be honest, I also draw a second hobby so the product we sell interest me.
also we get alot of art hoe costumers to flirt with wich is nice

>> No.13986455

lmao, but I'm happy for you anon

>> No.13986603
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uh you know that anyone can read that stuff, right? They put the cases up on the internet everyday.

just no one generally cares to

>> No.13986631

>PhD in STEMfaggotry
>It's like anti-/lit/: the job
I doesn't even have that much really good STEMfaggotry in it. Right now my focus is codemonkeying and doing endless copypasting from the internet to my database-in-building. Bludgeon me to death with Lang's Algebra please.

>> No.13986641

This isn't the 70s anymore, you don't get a job just by wanting to (or being heckled into it by your parents).
I have a friend with a master in law, he had to take 100+ rejections before getting a six-month offer with slightly above minimum wage salary.

>> No.13986650
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Long distance driver, got all the time in the world for audiobooks.

Though I've been promoted recently, now I just sit in the passenger seat and teach other people how to drive. Way she goes. pay's a bit better and I get to hear myself talk.

>> No.13986651

A lot of great novels are basically soap operas with god-tier writing and psychological observation. See: Anna Karenina, The Idiot, half of Balzac.

>> No.13986673

>Maybe a little. It is very endearing to be one of the few witnesses to the true nature of humanity and its hedonism/sorrows/celebration.

>> No.13986691

Now that is peak /lit/ Only way it could go better is if he started giving you an oracle about the manner of your death.

>> No.13986706

What? Like for a trucking company?

>> No.13986714

I see it anon.

>> No.13986751

>In early January 2016 a cougar attacked and killed several of Ms. Rose's pets. She was extremely upset by this
>the cougar, which had itself been killed and cut open, allowing sight of parts of the animals it had killed
>Ms Rose was distraught all day
Absolute kino, and sounds like something out of Tolstoy or Lampedusa.

>> No.13986786

something like that, yeah. Thought'd it be easier than it is, I'd just get to sit there and drink tea and watch people drive around. Nah bro, I can't even keep stuff in my hands because I gotta be ready to grab that wheel to stop them from killing us on a moment's notice.

>> No.13986795

yeah, I just scrolled through the court cases to find an example so I could diminish OP's obvious smugness, but this one about white trash keeps going. Their shack ends up exploding.


>> No.13986832

>maritime engineer
>nothing to do onboard but work and read books
quite the job

>> No.13986849

I don’t know much about religious studies. However, as someone with a strong interest in the intersection of philosophy, metaphysics, and religion, I would really like to know more. Undergraduate or graduate study? What are you planning to do with your studies?

>> No.13986868

Software engineer. Very /lit/. I write 1000s lines of code every day.

>> No.13986923

Sure, anyone *can* read these. However, OP *has to* (gets paid to) do it. Since he's doing this anyway, he might as well make use of it.

>> No.13986929

this, also 2 1/2 years.

>> No.13986930

It's not as fun as you think. For every one amusing redneck rampage, you'll have to force yourself through thousands of pages about excise taxes on cigarettes or something.

>> No.13986943

I'm in the military, there's a decent amount of downtime when you can read (though it gets less and less as you climb the ranks). It's also a lot more tolerant of minor personal eccentricities than the corporate world. I actually write quite a lot; even though it's a sort of technical/bureaucratic format, having decent writing ability actually counts for quite a bit.

It's worth a shot, even if you end up deciding against a career you won't be wasting your time and it will be one less regret down the road.

>> No.13987024

Exactly. OP has to wade through everything, when he happens across a gem he's earned the right to recount it as a "war story" through his drudgery.

>> No.13987033
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whatever you say, OP

>> No.13987095
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>> No.13987125

>Their shack ends up exploding.
Why is this so funny?

>> No.13987147

Landscaping is a very underrated job. It's pretty difficult physically, but if you are a moderately fit man you will be fine. If you are not fit it will make you fit. Pays well, work hard for the duration of your shift, no bullshit small talk/unnecessary waiting around. Feel fulfilled that you were physically active and did your job well. Get to come home and still entertain your hobbies, sit and read or draw until it's time to sleep. Secretly comfy.

>> No.13987157

wow that's awesome,
tell me about your job.
is it true that you guys watch movies in the cabin when the autopilot is on?
your favourite route?
your the longest route?
are you still enjoying discover new countries and travelling?

>> No.13987158

Sounds nice.
Also, threadly remember that Edgar Poe, one of the most influent writers and aesthetic thinkers of the 19th century, considered landscaping to be the ultimate form of art, the one closest to God's own craft.

>> No.13987162

he was always confused between god and the devil though

>> No.13987186

Personally, yes, but the broader aim of his will to art has always been cosmic order.

>> No.13987194

Well, I have a detached view of the events that befall people. Every so often I meet individuals that have empathy even for total stranger's tragedies, which always interesting.

One time I mentioned the unabomber and a girl asked me who that was and I was like: oh just some guy who mailed bombs to people. She'd never heard of him and asked me why someone would do that with genuine disgust in her voice and face.

>> No.13987264

Still in school but I'm getting a masters in public administration and then I'll take the FSOT to try and get into the foreign service and be a diplomat
Is that /lit/?

>> No.13987279

Are you enlisted then? I’m planning on enlisting if I’m denied a commission.

>> No.13987284

I'd hate to have a job where I had to stand for hours

>> No.13987315

>Every so often I meet individuals that have empathy even for total stranger's tragedies
I have that, but sometimes I just finds events funny, even when they happen to my family or to myself (but perhaps that's because nothing too tragic has happened to my family). It's a very dual feeling.

>> No.13987339

>used to be a divorce attorney
you are the hardest of my brothers to love, but I shall love you anyway

>> No.13987346


You're a pig fucker. Criminal defense is the true /lit/ career.

>> No.13987857

Are you Dutch?

>> No.13987881

Government read boring shit. Its /shit/

>> No.13988140

i want to be useful..

>> No.13988144

i'll keep telling myself that it's possible i guess...

>> No.13988170

Studying supply chain in school right now. In need of a quick rundown.

>> No.13988208
File: 129 KB, 1410x768, 816FAFC9-FC3C-41DD-A2E7-B22C719B319B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That’s because law is oversaturated to shit. The future is CS (not the codemonkey type)/Engineering/Healthcare/Trades
Everything else is bunk or oversaturated

>> No.13988533

No, I'm an officer.

Whether enlisting is worth it depends a lot on your personal situation and what you want long term, whereas I would and do recommend the officer route for anyone who's qualified and has even the slightest interest. You should at least look into your options.

Check out the /meg/ thread in /k/.

>> No.13988627

A NEET that revels in vileness and filth like that physiogynomic gremlin has become not enlightened but blinded. Sus lota in volutabro luti. Wasting your entire existence, one with such an abundance of free time on what petty trifles? Filth, garbage, and destroying yourself. All for what? Poisonous passing pleasures that are here one moment and gone the next. The rest of that time when separated from them, you lead a life of disquietude and misery, which is what drove you to drown out your life with an unceasing torrent of distractions feeding vices like lust. Rather than rise above any of this, it is as though you actually hate being a NEET and instead are driven to such a pit of despair that he needs some sort of external affirmation that he is "awesome". On the contrary, such NEETs are not awesome but abominable; they do not separate themselves from the world but surrender to it; they are like children given a tool or a gun (i.e. NEETdom) which they cannot handle or know how to operate and ultimately misuse it in such a way that leads to their own utter and total destruction.

>> No.13988662

>manage the claims department at a mid-size insurance company
>not /lit/ at all. Soul crushing.

>> No.13988664

How much do you make a year?

>> No.13988684

How do you feel about the fact that your job is basically a byword for "boring, mediocre wage slave"? Serious question.

>> No.13988690

I’m starting to realize I’m on a fast track to microsoft excel slavery
I just wanted to study animals

>> No.13988700

you forgot business.

>> No.13988707

Innamilitary but I'm just a suicidal lower enlisted loser.

>> No.13988708

>Commercial Manager for R&D part of Tech Company, with Coypwriting company to feed my need for entrepreneurship and writing
>It's pretty lit. I get to help shape new technologies and even got to put my name on a patent. Plus with the copywriting I get to write a bunch

>> No.13988731

>Factory Mechanic
Nah, not really. Spent my off time eating poptarts and sleeping mostly. Read books on break every so often
Pretty /lit/, met a lot of great people, talked with a few aspiring authors. Became a bonafide therapist for a few alchies and heard some hilarious stories I’ll write about one day.
>Conservation Corps
Very /lit/. Work in the desert all day, come back to camp and read until the sun sets, make a fire and cook. Read in the tent afterwards. Kino lifestyle, 10/10
>ESL teacher
Nah. I have a lot of free time and the hours are good, but it’s fairly boring. I’m applying to grad school now.

>> No.13988740

Just read at work. I’m sure most of ur job is bullshit anyways or listen to audiobooks when working

>> No.13990150
File: 34 KB, 607x607, society.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unemployed. Accounting and finance graduate. Have been unemployed for 4 months.

I don't want to work. All I want to do is study. Working kills me. It's so fucking pointless. All the jobs and internships I have had have been pointless. they add nothing to humanity. I f someone paid me minimum wage to to spin in a circle for 6 hours that would count as employed and productive as it adds to gdp and employment statitistics.

What should I do /lit/.

>> No.13990209

>post office manager
>too scared to read the bukowski novel and discover it isn't /lit/

>> No.13990405


>> No.13990474

I am a student, and I currently work as a cleaner in a butcher's shop. I have also recently got another job, at the same large retailer I quit working for 9 months ago.
I am in the empty space/nothingness between high school and university, anticipating mediocre marks, and I have no such notion of what lies beyond my BA - at an average university, of course.

>> No.13990519
File: 10 KB, 193x293, 1570832707201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

File for SSDI and relax.

>> No.13991133

>Professional Racecar Driver
>No. Reading is for fags.