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13977115 No.13977115 [Reply] [Original]

*solves coomerism*

>> No.13977130

How so? The average coomer probably doesn't even have the attention span to read a book like that because he's too busy draining his balls.

>> No.13977134

4chan is about 100 times worse for your attention span than jerking off

>> No.13977135

He doesn't. He merely explains its insidious proliferation and even that is not so well done given his limited verbal intelligence. I also rank it low because he takes "NAZIS BAD" and attempts to slander the great man that was Adolf Hitler, who himself led a chaste and pious life. Envy was the cardinal vice of Mr. Jones and is the original sin of all his books. Worth a skim but not worth recommending.

>> No.13977138
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>> No.13977144
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*The magic only works if you read the entire spell*

>> No.13977149

What's your favorite book?

>> No.13977628

Hitler was a crinch neopagan which is why he failed.

>> No.13977841

>but dude hitler was actually based!!!1!
Cringe. He was mostly right on the Jews, but his intended solution was still demonic.

>> No.13977892
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>> No.13978340

If all it takes for a civilization to crumble is cumming, then I believe it's too fragile to be worth conserving to begin with.

>> No.13978374

Jones is a clown, he breaks down every time he encounters anyone who just doesn't nod head to his every statement.

>> No.13978380

The guy literally thinks all of the National Socialist leaders were homosexuals. Jones at best couples together prevalent thoughts of Western culture into denegrated compendium of "convert to Christianity".

T. Christian

>> No.13978396

coomerism > tradcath delusions

>> No.13978400
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t. coomer

>> No.13978441
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this desu

>> No.13978622

He was a faithful Roman Catholic until death.

>> No.13978628

He was an atheist Araboo.

>> No.13978658


>> No.13978661

>text left-aligned, not justified

>> No.13978708

Keep seething. Adolf Hitler was a baptized and confirmed Roman Catholic, wanted to be a priest before he wanted to be an artist/architect, and led a clean life. You miserable wretches through verbal stones at him because you will never be 1/10th, as polite, kind and human as he was.

>> No.13978710

Hitler murdered thousands of Christians.

>> No.13978712

He couldn't stand christcuck morality and the only reason he allowed Positive Christianity was to subvert the Christian establishment at that time.

>> No.13978726

A lie.
t. retard that is confused with Protestantism and its subjective morality. Protestants are not Christians.

>> No.13978729


>> No.13978732

Severely doubt it. Nothing is worse than losing semen.

>> No.13978743

>t. tradcath neckbeard with manboobs

>> No.13978836

>Adolf Hitler's religious beliefs have been a matter of debate; the wide consensus of historians consider him to have been irreligious, anti-Christian, anti-clerical and scientistic.[1] In light of evidence such as his fierce criticism and vocal rejection of the tenets of Christianity,[2] numerous private statements to confidants denouncing Christianity as a harmful superstition,[1] and his strenuous efforts to reduce the influence and independence of Christianity in Germany after he came to power, Hitler's major academic biographers conclude that he was irreligious and an opponent of Christianity.
Love posting this on Plebbit, never seen so much fedora seethe and cope.

>> No.13978845

Hit them with the atheist triad: Hitler, Stalin, Mao. Finally got me banned from the atheism board and I never went back, last thing I saw before the hammer came down was 'S-Stalin was a monk so he w-was secretly a Christian!'
Absolutely pathetic cope.

>> No.13978847

Mein Kampfy Chair by Herr Edgy Austrian Moustache Man

>> No.13978853

>Hitler was a homosexual prostitute in Vienna

Top kek, this reads like a surrealist comedy

>> No.13978857

>I also rank it low because he takes "NAZIS BAD" and attempts to slander the great man that was Adolf Hitler, who himself led a chaste and pious life.
A pious life fucking his niece and drinking her piss.

>> No.13978863

>b-but they were atheists!

I wish, the USSR and Warsaw Pact countries pulled a ton of shit with the Orthodox Church, they were opportunistic as hell.

>> No.13978880

I would break down if I had to listen to this toff's gay accent

>> No.13979346
File: 456 KB, 1600x1200, hitler repudiates neopagans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Table Talks are your ONLY source and it's been debunked by a 40 pages long academic article.

Also read actual primary sources.
Mein Kampf ? Pro-Christian in every way when he adresses the topic, with a very Catholic flavor (Civil power and Church are two different things, not opposed but separate).
His speeches ? Never anti-Christian, always respectful and even antipagan, anti-occultist.

Hitler bashed neopagans in Mein Kampf, bashed Rosenberg's ideas when talking with Goebbels, bashed occultists in his September 6, 1938 speech.
>Hitler had never been a disciple of Germanic cult ideas and rejected Rosenberg’s and Himmler’s “cult” aspirations. Rosenberg’s book Der Mythos des 20. Jahrhunderts was a particular object of his ridicule
in Doramus "The complete Hitler"

>We will not allow mystically-minded occult folk with a passion for exploring the secrets of the world beyond to steal into our Movement. Such folk are not National Socialists, but something else - in any case, something which has nothing to do with us.

>"Hitler severely criticizes Rosenberg, because he does just about anything, i.e. nothing. His journal is garbage. Rosenberg stands in his "Office of foreign affairs" where he does nothing but wasting time"
Goebbels' Journal, 1933

>[The Myth of the 20th Century's] overt statement of anti-Christian sentiment made it difficult to give Rosenberg any position of prominence when the Nazis ascended to power. Even in their stronghold Hamburg only 0.49% of the inhabitants identified as belonging to the anti-Christian neopagan faith movement (in 1937), whereas the German Christians and their Positive Christianity had a strong standing.

name 10 Christian kings that never killed or made their army kill other Christians

>> No.13979378
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>n-no fuck u, YOU'RE the jew
Nilsson is an antifa clown.

>> No.13979408

ahahahahahahah what a farce you are, incapable to argue

>> No.13979428

I do not argue with people whose whole perception is based on some imaginary semitic sky daddy.

>> No.13979462


>> No.13979510
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>> No.13979559


>> No.13979570

The table talk was debunked. Hitler said repeatedly his movement was christian and his early life is certainly proof of his roman catholic beliefs.

>> No.13979604


both of you kys

>> No.13980008
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I am bubbling to the brim with all my soomen, soon my graal will be a'flowin.

>> No.13980037

Was Kant the first to btfo Coomerism? He thought masturbation was worse than suicide.

>> No.13980047

>The table talk was debunked.
Nope, still considered mostly legit by serious historians.

>> No.13980058
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No, the book posted above is basically a book of quotations against coomers. Many before Kant.

>> No.13980477

>race idolatry is Christian
pls explain