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/lit/ - Literature

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13935624 No.13935624[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What is your favorite
>Bible translation
>Systemic theology work
>Bible commentary
>Devotional work
>Pre-Reformation work
>Creed or Confession

>> No.13935640

Gnostic Christianity, the only true Christianity.

>> No.13936490
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KJV for English
no man made commentary, you let the Holy Spirit teach you all things like the bible says

>> No.13936546

The Imitation of Christ is the only book (besides the Bible) I read

>> No.13936556

Wow, look how those other Protestant Bibles do even worse than the KJV. Surely ALL non-KJV Bibles must be terrible!

>> No.13936577

>Bíblia de Jerusalém (Portuguese)
>Paul Tillich's Systemic Theology
>The Cloud of Unknowing
>Last chapter in the last edition of Bohme's "The Way to Christ"

>> No.13936581

good pick

>> No.13936604

don't need one
don't need one
dunno what that is, sounds papist
papist idolatry

>> No.13936695

>papist idolatry
>Is Anglican
>Literally Catholicism without a pope, saints and all
>They even canonized Thomas More and John Henry Newman

>> No.13936750

we don't worship saints though or even discuss them that much

>> No.13936761

Jesus Christ be praised. Heretics will be banished

>> No.13936775

What are your views on the removal of these verses from these new bible versions?

They are all justified by the idea that they weren't in the original scripts, but I still smell something fishy. All the removals and editions diminish the power and importance of Jesus.

>> No.13937153
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>Bible translation
ESV Study Bible (the one I use most often) and KJV Spurgeon Bible

>Systemic theology
Louis Berkhof and Norman Geisler

>Bible commentary
Matthew Henry, Matthew Poole and William MacDonald

>Devotional work
Holiness by J.C. Ryle, The Pursuit of God by A.W. Tozer and Charles Spurgeon's We Shall See God

>Pre-Reformation work
The Confessions of St. Augustine

The Apostles Creed and The Nicene Creed

The Westminster Confession of Faith and The Heidelberg Catechism

>> No.13937162

Die, christcuck!

>> No.13937169

Uncalled for.

>> No.13937181

I’m a renaissance style hermetic occultist who openly wages war on Christianity.

>> No.13938077

>Bible translation
>Systemic theology work
A Body of Divinity by Thomas Watson
>Bible commentary
Geneva Bible notes / Matthew Henry
>Devotional work
Psalms and Westminster Confession
>Pre-Reformation work
Confessions of Saint Augustine
>Creed or Confession
Westminster Confession of Faith

>> No.13938094

>King James Version
>The Periphyseon
>None in particular
>The Cloud of Unknowing
>Lives of the Desert Fathers
>Roman Catholic

>> No.13938099

I've heard the ESV takes a baptist position and you have the Spurgeon Bible but are you not a credo-baptist?
>The Westminster Confession of Faith

>> No.13938174

Every time something has been removed from modern translations because "they weren't in the original scripts" they later find an older manuscript with them in, but they're never readded. It's fucking absurd.

>> No.13938258
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Oxford REB for clarity/accuracy, KJV for poetics
>Systemic Theology
Institutes of the Christian Religion
John Calvin's
Pilgrim's Progress
Apophthegmata Patrum
Cambridge Platform

>> No.13938262

>Bible translation
English: Jerusalem bible or Orthodox Study Bible
Russian: New Russian Translation
>Bible commentary
>Devotional work
What is that, is it some Catholic thing?
On Incarnation, st.basil social justice notes.

>> No.13938309

>What is that, is it some Catholic thing?
You're Orthodox so think Jordanville prayer book or similar works.

>> No.13938324

Offtopic question - is confession worth a read?

>> No.13938346

Well it is part of the Western canon of literature.

>> No.13938356

Despite what you'll read on /lit/ and other online Catholic forums Augustine and Aquinas weren't written for lay people nor parish priests, they were written for extremely well educated theologians in a classroom setting.

>> No.13938362

Oops, didn't mean to post. Anyway, they're definitely worth reading, but they aren't a good starting point.

>> No.13938372

Name a specific verse for which this has happened and your evidence.

>> No.13938402

Well, i guess 90% of info will go over my head

>> No.13938438

Don't have one, I use several
New Jerome Biblical Commentary
The Homilies of Clement
Justin Martyr's 'Dialogue With Trypho'

>> No.13938451

Then should i ignore everything you say since it will be coming from a man? I can claim it's from the spirit but who wouldn't claim so.

>> No.13938452

Aquinas wrote 'The Compendium of Theology' as a summa of the summa more accessible for the layman

>> No.13938567

Uh, seriously? there's a pretty fucking famous example in Deuteronomy 32.43.

>> No.13938830

Except that was never taken out of translations, an earlier version can be reconstructed from the LXX and Qumran scrolls, which is slightly longer than the Hebrew. We're talking about the KJV which actually uses the later, shorter, version from the Masoretic Text.

>> No.13938844

Real talk, why does God ﷻ exist (I'm not an atheist I just think it's an important question)? And please don't give me that ridiculous Christian explanation of His existence being logically necessary since the Trinity is violation of the law of non contradiction, if anything according to Trinitarian theology it would be logically necessary for God ﷻ to NOT exist (If the Son = God, and Father = God ∴ the Son = the Father, the only alternative being the Son ∈ God, which is polytheism). So what's the answer to the initial question?

Real talk