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/lit/ - Literature

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13933158 No.13933158 [Reply] [Original]

Write what's on your mind

>> No.13933176

Pussy pussy panty panty cum cum tongue fuck Million dollar extreme between her legs legs leg underscore trap clap underscore albertcamus underscore Ludwig Wittgenstein underscore Soren Kierkegaard hahahah fuck man off that shit fuck man in this shit fuck my off and in this and that and then this and this and that SIR SIR SLOW DOWN YOURE WALKING LIKE A FUCKING RETARD SIR SIR STOP PROFFERSON I DONT UNDERSTAND MOBY DICK SIR CAN YOU BRAPPPPPPPPPPP
>Sir where is the logistics deparBRAPPPPPPP

>> No.13933277

Based shizo

>> No.13933278

This Danny Brown album is great

>> No.13933288

Can I finish NaNoWriMo if I start? Or will I just quit halfway and have it become another thing I regret? I don't know.

PS: I love how you post this everyday, anon. Thank you.

>> No.13933294

I have a like slight inner headache leveryday, perhaps more water will help but honestly just think its my job and really hope its not something way worse

>> No.13933307

>I feel good, want to feel like shit so i don't fear losing the happy feelings

>feeling like shit, want to end it, but do not want the small amount of people to be unhappy

>so searching for the hedonistic shit
>makes me feel more shitty after a while

>so search for disciplined shit
>it is exhausting, thinking to myself, why i even should do it

>stop it
>feel like shit

There is nothing to do that could make u happy, we are all fucked

>> No.13933322

I wish I was a schizo, at least life would be more interesting. I don't know if becoming a schizo is possible, though

>> No.13933333
File: 973 KB, 498x250, holding hands.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's something so indescribably nice about holding hands with somebody. It's a surprisingly intimate gesture, despite being one the least-sexual ways of showing affection. And it doesn't need to be your boyfriend or girlfriend who you hold hands with, either. Sometimes it's nice to just hold hands with a friend. It can be enjoyed in a platonic way, too. Although, I don't know if you can really get away with that as an adult.

>> No.13933363

nice quints

>> No.13933368

Just get married bro. Then you can hold your wife's hand any time.

>> No.13933379

In the scelerated phantom of darkness
I see a mystical clown of fog prevail
I ectasically let go off my weight
And launch myself liberated of harness.

What do you want from me? Is it my soul?
"No, I merely came from the Undergone.
With a warning you shall never ignore.
That love in life is all you shall strive for."

>> No.13933402

Wonder if I should just loose my virginity with a semi serious thot (am almost 21, so it's about damn time) or buy into the christian mindset I was brought up with that it's better to preserve yourself for a wife.
Thing is, I don't believe it anymore. God may be there but he never was here, you know?
Anyways, there is this girl I'm kind of a best friends status with, but I'm starting to catch feelings, she is very touchy, too. Has almost esclusively male friends though, and is quite touchy with them, as well; I can't tell if she likes me in another way or not.
Is this the virgin in me talkig?
Will I feel like shit if I invest shallow feelings in thots?
I can't say that I am in love with her or anything, when we're together I am close to happy (haven't felt happiness for some time) also when she puts her head on my chest it feels really damn good. I am not sexually attracted to her, which is a big thing holding me back from asking her out. I really think it's just the first girl I came to a close friends level with that gives me attention, so I'm kind of freaking out, right?
When where not together I miss her, and I get almost jealous when I see her beeing touchy and all happy with other dudes. Almost, but I catch myself.
I realize this really sounds like I'm in love. I'm not though, I really don't want to be in love with her, does anyone know that feel?
I went to a club the other night and I danced with a girl, after some time she made strong signs that she wanted to make out (got really touchy about my neck, played with my necklace, practically put her lips onto mine but I pulled back). Am I making too much of a big deal out of virginity? I could go on why it kind of is in my circle of friends, but I hope at least one anon reads this until here.
Thanks for the thead OP.

>> No.13933427

Losing your virginity is like saying the last 'goodbye' to your childhood and your innocence. Let go of it when you're ready, anon. You only get to do it once.

>> No.13933445
File: 35 KB, 800x450, C59CD7C2-AD83-4B7D-B133-0F740BD52EDB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My seeing her will be delayed by a few days. It would not be so painful if I had not expected to see her sooner, and I will definitely be tempted by other girls until then. I can’t wait until I’m able to look at a girl with excitement free from lust. It’s the kind of love that makes you feel light, and pure. I’ve been considering the possibility that I won’t end up with her, and what my course of action might be. Perhaps I will choose to be a chaste man, marrying no woman, and never spilling my seed. This idea captures me: either I will be able to love her, and be happy, or I will make myself celibate, and also be happy. I’ll continue to keep my goal in my mind, and hope that God gives me strength to stay on the path that leads me there.

>> No.13933514

It's possible, but you don't want it. Your idea of what it is has nothing in common with what it actually is.
Misery is the dominant characteristic of that kind of mental unwellness. It's not interesting, not from the inside, it's hell.

>> No.13933708

why is /lit/ so obsessed with girls? pansy shit

>> No.13933844

I haven't nutted in six days. I almost did yesterday but i stopped myself and went to bed.
I dont know if i want to cum today or tomorrow . Decisions...

>> No.13933875

God is the Truth.

>> No.13933878

god is gay

>> No.13933896

no u

>> No.13933909

Living with someone not raised Christian is like living with a filthy, sense-addicted animal. I'm not even religious, but it's making me reconsider my position.

>> No.13933943
File: 615 KB, 629x758, 2578FEF3-20C1-4619-B3C9-32D0CFA2C398.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I should probably be on some kind of anti-depressant or otherwise mood stabilizer, but I’m too scared that it will change my personality and turn me into someone who I’m not. Thinking of this got me to follow the chain of logic back until I realized that this false sense self in which I perceive myself is entirely arbitrary and who I am is always changing and ever in flux. I’m not a person with an essence, I’m just a contingent association of accidents which change from moment to moment. Following this chain of logic led me to understand that even my physical and spiritual makeup are entirely contingent as well. This only deepened my depression by allowing myself to realize that “I” as in “my perception of my own being” doesn’t even really exist and that it never had.

>> No.13934030

honk honk.

>> No.13934128

There is a part of me that wants to ditch all my friends.
There is a part of me that wants to lock myself in my room and NEVER talk again.
There is a part of me that wants to drink myself to death.

>> No.13934176

>There is a part of me that wants to ditch all my friends.
I've tried that, it's no good. Don't do it

>> No.13934226
File: 571 KB, 1491x1491, this man IS kant 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a dream where there was a huge spaceship in space, shaped like a rifle with a bayonet, as big as a city, and a man was running down its length at a frantic pace, climbing the ladders of its recesses with frightening agility, I was short of breath just witnessing it. He was attacked by Satan, from the side, who shot projectiles that simultaneously cut into his wrists and bound them to the hull, then shot some more at his face and groin. He was startled but resolute in having found Satan, and held his breath to inflate himself slightly to unbind his hands and heal the cuts. He then destroyed Satan unceremoniously, off-camera, but Satan's Ontology said that "he will always revive unless you take him back to where you have killed him". I didn't understand what this meant, but saw the man running down the length of the ship again even faster, carrying Satan's corpse, who started coming to just as the man finished a whole lap of the ship, and realizing that "he had been taken back to where he was killed", despaired and lamented that "the man understood" before dying for good. Then, on the spot where he killed him, a circular portal started opening on the ship's surface, it was full of concentric lines of text, and a voice said "this leads to the true Philosopher's stone because you understand".

>> No.13934370
File: 3.16 MB, 1600x1861, tlspcslyg0821.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I NEED to move out of my tiny hometown, I have absolutely no friends anymore and no opportunity to make them. I know moving somewhere else won't automatically fix things but at least there would be an opportunity. Only problem is I have no clue where to move to, I'm an american and I fucking despise all the cities I've visited here. Part of me wants to say fuck it and move to europe or asia or something, but being both an awkward autist and an expat doesn't seem like a good idea.

>> No.13934397

Being not only from a tiny town, but a tiny country as well, I'm reading this and thinking, move literally anywhere, you fat fuck. You have an incredible amount of choices open to you.
Maybe the paradox of choice is fucking with your head. You need to try and figure out what you want. Then look for a place that seems like somewhere you might find whatever it is that you want.

>> No.13934398


I NEED a gf

>> No.13934399

Is there any way to write without writing your own life? All my characters are me mixed with the traits or fates of people I know or that I have read about.

>> No.13934406

Why would you want to? That's what gives your writing soul, what gives it LIFE.

>> No.13934415

It requires me to be more open and honest than I am in normal social life. I feel I would be too naked if anyone were to read me.

>> No.13934429

Exactly as it should be. What you imagine as a problem is what many people strive to achieve.

>> No.13934525
File: 598 KB, 500x434, 5412C092-ECBB-4A3F-BE2C-0894E1152321.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ra ra rasputin, lover of the russian queen. Something something rasputin, something something motherland

I don’t know most of the song but it’s stuck in my head so I’m trying my best

>> No.13934559

"It is worse to busy yourself with the trivial than to do nothing."

All the more reason to get off here.

>> No.13934709

One day. ill be KING of the world. And ill have you guys to thank

>> No.13934720

History doesn't exist.
Existence is a plastic ruler, rigid and limited, from a point to a further point to the right.

>> No.13934721

>live in a shithole uni dorm
>dude who usually bums cigarettes from me lives next door to me.
>got his ass absolutely destroyed because of borrowing cash from friend.
Couple of minutes ago the gang knocked violently at my door and I pretended not to be here, crouched in the corner of the room. Sorry this wasn't great writing or even insightful. Just needed to vent

>> No.13934771

I never conquered when you came, sixteen just held such better days.
Days when i still felt alive, we couldn't wait to get outside.
The world was wide to late to try, the tour was over we'd survived.

I couldn't wait till i got home, to pass the time in my room alone...

>> No.13934785

So what I have gathered from Buddhism and Christianity is this: you have to disregard the body/the flesh and all that belongs to its realm; you have to do the right thing, which is, basically, what you want other people to do to you.

I can get behind this. I don't need further information. This mindset is worth attaining for itself, regardless of anything else, like a sweet fruit growing in your garden.

>> No.13934810

I just don't want to fuck up and relocate to somewhere I hate

>> No.13934826

ASMR is gross. Porn is to sex as ASMR is to intimacy.

>> No.13934860

Not as good as Atrocity Exhibition but still great. I’m liking the beats

>> No.13934914

I am so fucking upset. I'm always upset. I wish I had the balls to kill myself. I just want to drop out but I fucking can't. I'm so tired. I cried in a stairwell today. Nothing I do is right. I'm never going to finish my play because I have to do so much pointless shit for awful people who hate me.

>> No.13934920

i hate having to pretend to be polite and caring. Does this really come natural to people ?

>> No.13935004

I don't know what I want out of a friendship. I have some old friends I will occasionally go hang out with in the evening, we'll drink and play board games or pool. I enjoy that but it doesn't feel very fulfilling. I was going to a climbing gym for a while, that was pretty enjoyable I guess.

I don't know, just when I look at the concept of "friend" present in the modern zeitgeist I'm not attracted to it. In small amounts it's nice but it doesn't fill the loneliness. I suppose what I really want is less a friend and more a comrade, someone who provides companionship but also strives and struggles with me towards shared goals. I don't know how to find a relationship like that though, after all I'm a recluse posting on 4chan.

>> No.13935022
File: 53 KB, 720x900, by allah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where do you post what you write? I posted my story to the /crit/ thread but it's too long so I doubt people will read it. I sent it to a few friends but don't know where to go after that.

>> No.13935055

the process of writing this made me really miss my one close friend who moved away and then ceased talking to me. fuck if I was just a little bit less dour maybe he wouldn't have cut contact

>> No.13935066

Thanks for this

>> No.13935069

I think I have some sort of mental disorder. Every few weeks I get irritated by something incredibly minor and normal, but which can make my life miserable. For example, now I'm having a hard time because I can't tune in my blinking to auto pilot; I have to do it consciously every time now and have for a couple of days. It will go away, I'm sure, but it concerns me because I don't know anyone who suffers from this particular brand of autism.

>> No.13935157

good post

>> No.13935164

Based and coom brain pilled

>> No.13935169

Lol @ that closeted femboy walking past gawking at him.

>> No.13935178

Everyone deserves one woman in their life. Though I agree that the jezebel posting coom brains here are retards. I just want a wife to discuss history and watch Twin Peaks with.

>> No.13935188

>Everyone deserves one woman in their life.
You get your mother. Maybe a sister. Anybody else is bonus.

>> No.13935189

Yeah, those two suck. I want a refund.

>> No.13935198


I am enjoying the company of the Void. I will meditate with the Higher Self a little more, it is the space between the jumps that uplift the human spirit.
To me the discovery of the Higher Self is as the discovery of written language to humanity.

>> No.13935212

I'm sorry, anon.

>> No.13935244

God should take them back and give me a gf instead.

>> No.13935276

Maybe I can be your gf tonight.

>> No.13935311

Guy Friend?

>> No.13935317

Uh, sure. I guess.

>> No.13935322

This damn cough is gonna end up killing me.

>> No.13935456

I began my first industrial design projects yesterday. Oh, what an atrocious sight they were! Though, I suppose in matters of commercial art what is valued most is one’s dedication to the craft rather than an inherent talent. I also suppose the designs I aim to draw, the pornographic stuff that it is, happens not to be driven by my self-will but by the influence of those I consider members of my own particular sect of tragedians: the ones who embrace corporatism rather than admonish it. Real artists, in their own privileged circles, call replicates “pastiches.” What a disgusting ability to have, being able to use such powerful, hahaha, such powerful French amongst such peasant-like speech.

>> No.13935466

Please don't get the rest of us sick, anon. Hope you get better soon.

>> No.13935468

Just take antidepressants they work

>> No.13935605

I used to be able to calculate fast and well in my head, but school stole it from me.
I must be made transparent; they need no explain themselves and their ways. Disgusting subjugation.

>> No.13935971


>> No.13936080
File: 123 KB, 903x750, 1570109353102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The weather is getting cold here and I'm starting to feel the sense of desolation and loneliness I have this time of year. It's going to be about freezing or below for the next six months or so. 180 days of cold. I am not looking forward to it.

I have an appointment scheduled with a gender therapist but... I don't feel like my gender is a problem at this exact moment. Last night I did, and this whole week too. It's always episodic for me. I feel very strongly that I was born the wrong gender for a week or two, then forget about it for months. I dont know what I'm going to say to him besides what I can remember. I do hate being myself, but I don't think gender transition would help with that no matter how much I research it. Watching Kung Fu Hustle tonight, it's pretty good

>> No.13936088

I am going to work tomorrow and I'm okay with it but it is exhausting. I'm an introverted person who barely talks and now I have to for the job. It's not every day and it's barely at all (think sort of substitute teacher but not) but it is mentally taxing for me.

I do enjoy it and I think it was what I wanted. There are perks. I see it as a stepping stone to doing what I actually wanted to do. At least for now. I dislike the responsibility. Or do I? I'm not entirely sure, honestly. I do well enough in it and I'm still new. It'll work out. I have to be a leader and I am one, apparently. I guess I just have imposter syndrome sometimes.

>> No.13936093

He's pedo talking about a 9 years old girl.

>> No.13936140

This might be a brainlet take, but I think all of western literature can accurately be divided into pre-Joyce and post-Joyce. Everything written after Joyce is either directly influenced by him, or is in reaction to him and those influenced by him. I'd also argue Joyce cemented the divide between high literature and popular fiction. Prior to Joyce, while there was obviously a difference, that difference wasn't immediately obvious to the general audience. After Joyce, high literature became distinguishable from popular fiction at first glance. An obvious aesthetic difference arose.

It can't be understated how much influence Joyce had, I legit think had he not existed virtually every work after him that we know today would either not exist or be unrecognizable.

>> No.13936149
File: 34 KB, 732x732, Jungle 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've spent the evening reading "Mr Happy", vaping, listening to the Verve, drinking Bison Grass vodka and talking to my GF. Life is pretty good right now. Rolled a hemp joint for tomorrow.

>> No.13936162

Hey, it's the vapping anon with cool imagens! I like your posts.

>> No.13936174
File: 429 KB, 960x540, zlholsiak1421.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck dude, thanks for the attention. Makes this thread feel like a sort of family. Maybe i'm just drunk

>> No.13936191

The closest I have and will probably ever come to sex was hearing my fat housemate banging his even fatter gf downstairs.

>> No.13936193

>28 But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.
I have no lust for her. The foundation has always been love. So what have I done wrong? It’s not as if I plan to take her young, but I will wait until she is old enough to marry. That’s when I’ll make my move. Do you have any objections that I should know about? What is so wrong about admiring a girl for her beauty and intelligence and charm, though she is not yet ready to return the love? Do you not know that she will get older? And is it wrong for me to want her to be a virgin, as I am? If I were to search after girls my age, then I would probably first value them out of lust, and they will probably not be virgins. I couldn’t trust them, anyhow. Not by the time I’ll have a steady career, when they will certainly have had time to whore around. If not her, then it will be some other young girl that I will seek after, though at that time, the girl will obviously be older than the age of the current girl.

>> No.13936199

Get euthanized. Don't tear up a blank canvas you cunt

>> No.13936229

The lack of interest in eugenics of modern society is a major ethical lapse

>> No.13936234

Yeah, anon, if you keep like that I guess I don't have anything against your love. But please don't make anything with that little girl. I know girls who were assaulted at young age and it fucks with their heads really bad. My ex-gf was wall paranoid because of this. So keep your love to yourself and don't do anything stupid, and then I will not bother with seing your romantic posts here (they are pretty, I'll give you that. I like to imagine I'm reading a web version of Lolita by seing your posts).

>> No.13936243

16 year old girls are having sex with their peers, and you’re angry at me because I want to marry one? I could make the argument that this is the moral thing to do: to save a woman from the path of lust and spiritual destruction.

>> No.13936245

What if you're not attracted to her in 9 years? What if you find, to your horror, part of the reason you are infatuated with this girl is her age? And what if at this point you find, this time to your disgust, that you are now attracted to yet another child?

>> No.13936256

In a certain way we are a big anonymous family, anon! I'm drinking too so I'm a little sentimental, but it's all good :}

>> No.13936266

I’m too afraid of doing anything with girls my age, let alone anyone younger. I know the self-consequences of even that. So of course I will not do something to hinder myself and harm others at the same time. I even withheld myself from watching her as she swam once, because I did not care to see her like that.

>> No.13936301

>What if you're not attracted to her in 9 years? What if you find, to your horror, part of the reason you are infatuated with this girl is her age?
I don’t think that’s impossible, but I think it’s improbable. I like plenty of girls my age, but she is the only one of her age that I have ever liked. She is a rare flower, no doubt, and her beauty will persist with age. But, if I’m not interested when the time comes, then I may find someone else, or devote myself to chastity. I’m very cautious and reserved about finding the perfect one. If I’m never able to commit myself to a girl, then so be it. But she has my attention and I don’t see myself changing ways any time soon.

>> No.13936346


>> No.13936359

Let her grow of her own accord. With out your perverted influence. You have a biological problem which can easily be solves by a bullet to the back of the head

>> No.13936369
File: 310 KB, 1920x1080, 1538057925747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to know how the anon who got the opportunity to create pieces of writing at his own pace for money is getting on

>> No.13936395

>But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.
I’ve done nothing wrong, and plan to do nothing wrong, and have no desire to do wrong, yet you think I should die. I don’t think you understand how long I’m waiting, how little I will interact with her. I’m not a fool.

>> No.13936401

Keep the Canvas blank.

>> No.13936439

Forever? Do you think others will also do the same? Is it not wrong for guys her age to do what you’re telling me not to do? Would be wrong for me to ask her on a date when she is old enough? If she said no, then I would quit. If she said yes, then does that mean I manipulated her somehow? If she made that decision, then how can you say the canvas was blank?

>> No.13936452

Just stop.

>> No.13936486

What if someone else told me “keep going” ? Both responses are equally empty in themselves. Very emotional, or simply lacking logic.

>> No.13936517

>tfw you're a 22 year old child
Even if I lose it now I feel like it's so late that I'm eternally damaged. All the women in my life that I've gotten close to thought I was very experienced so I always pussied out to save myself from embarrassment. Wish I realized bring inexperienced at 17-20 is a lot more acceptable than your twenties. Fucked my life up even further
I'm in the exact same position. Born and raised in a tiny town in california living with my parents. Never went to university but now I'm going back. Want to leave this state because it's so fucking expensive but the best school opportunities for a fuckup like me is here. I'm in a lucky position many would kill for(everybody outside the US wants to live in California). In reality the cities suck here and it isn't any better in the rest of the country. I'm unskilled so the euros don't want me. Bay area or la is such shit choices

>> No.13936567

i am a man whithering on a leaf among cloads dead inside and yet palpable palpatine. Everyday is a nighatmarish dreg I cant help but look through a strangers eyes and think thoughts that shouldn't be thought. thoughts that not even an animal thinks. i look at >>13933176 and laugh. no its not a laugh its a giggle. a girlish giggle that goes on too long and its scuttled. I am twenty fucking years old. 20 years old. the big two zero. deus ex. I am still in highschool credits wise apparently a sophomore. if i past this year and the next 2 i'll graduate at 23 my school cut me a deal for one more year if i fail i still have to ride it out until the school kicks me out at 23 and i have to go to adult education or just be without highschool diploma. i have to turn in an essay in two weeks and all i've written is >>13936135
which an anon told me is fucking trash. you'd think i'd be the king ot he campus at 20 but instead im an incel loser. barely literate. im stupid and ugly. i'd read charles bukowski but im even dumber than his target audience

>> No.13936620 [DELETED] 
File: 362 KB, 640x864, yeri beautiful 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna write a novel. Like really write. I feel myself drawing closer to my goal every day.

I have a structured income so there's nothing that I really need to do but pass the time. I basically have just enough money coming in to rent a clean studio in a good neighborhood and eat health foods and buy books. I have 3,000 books and more than 900 audiobooks.

The only thing that bothers me is drifting infinitely into an abyss of fantasy. I feel like by writing and reading 16 hours a day I'm essentially denying reality. I try hard to take a walk, read the local newspaper, attend neighborhood events et cetera but it doesn't change the fact that there's no room in my life for anything but me and my cat.

There are two times of day that I dread and those are going to bed and getting out of bed. I wish I could just fly infinitely through the aethereal oceans of verbal creation. The high of writing makes me wonder there is sleep in Heaven, or only something unimaginably better like a constant ecstasy of achieving ever deeper understanding.

I don't know if I will succeed or fail. Maybe there will be one person in the world who loves my book. Or maybe some future historian will uncover my self-published mega-tome and be able to reconstruct an image of what life was like in the early 21st century.

Also, I'm all alone. And I fall in love really easily whenever I go outside or watch a K-pop music-video. I'm old, but not so old that I could sequester myself in my room like Proust to compose my last testament. I'm still young enough to be permitted a few surprises in life, hopefully. Because if there are no further surprises, I'm afraid I'll go to my grave still missing some pieces of the puzzle

Also, though I like the idea of being a family man, I don't think I would be a good dad. In fact, even if I do make enough money one day to support a wife and child(ren), I might choose to remain single anyway. Like, the only other option that seems to carry any real integrity is to tell my future wife, "Look, you just tell the kids that father works all the time because father loves you in a special way." I would rather make my modus operandi of aloofness an official policy, than hypocritically attempt to balance family and career when I do not believe that possible.

Also, I have a crush on someone right now, and it's the first time in more than a decade. My urge to jack off to porn has been very minimal for the past couple of months. I think my sexual cruelty is slowly being healed.

>> No.13936626

I got banned for 30 days but I somehow got around it by using another browser kek

>> No.13936642 [DELETED] 

i literally post my poems anywhere and everywhere, but especially tumblr and facebook

i send them to friends too

as grow up i find myself growing much more interested in simplicity too. i really really want to reach my readers, even if it means keeping most of my thoughts to myself

it's amazing how much he posts about winning her love, yet he seems to have no interest at all in what she might actually want in life or who she is on the inside

seems like anon doesn't have any sisters or female cousins; he just has no clue what a woman is

>> No.13936658

>it's amazing how much he posts about winning her love, yet he seems to have no interest at all in what she might actually want in life or who she is on the inside
Why can’t you extend that argument to every girl of every age?

>> No.13936673

Why is it so hard for me to feel connected to people? I know for certain that I value this connection--although it might as well be chains at times--even just passing the time on the tube or internet is a roundabout way to seek it. I have a mission I could accomplish right now, and it it doesn't involve other people. At least not yet. Instead I sit here like I am in withdrawal for intimacy, its clawing and choking its way through me like a cloud of locusts in my chest. Still I wouldn't know who to talk to, even my closest friends. I wish for that mysterious Someone New, which can be to my mind nothing but an amalgam of what I prefer in someone.

And no it's not autism. It's a much more dire condition. It's the need to think--to think and worry and contemplate anything and everything in the world.

>> No.13936691

I'm drunk tonight... In finally free! I can think what I want and feel how I should

>> No.13936709

Justice without compassion, and worse, without humility is dogmatism.

>> No.13936722

Next time you try to be profound, use proper punctuation.

>> No.13936724

And then man said. I must coom.

>> No.13936731 [DELETED] 
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No I think you're right and it's true for every girl of every age too.

Pedo-anon just doesn't impress me. It's like he's trying to create his own version of Dante's La Vita Nuova in his own life but his Christian thinking is muddled (or his thinking is muddled because un-Christian). He's still living for the rewards of this world, even if the desire to be with a woman under honorable circumstances is laudably noble.

Honestly I don't wanna criticize him too much. He's at least viewing her as a great prize and not as an easy target (presumably). When pedophiles act out their lust they usually know they're doing evil and they do it anyway. They come up with plans and lay traps for the child. It's not some misguided yearning for a return to some lost childhood paradise. A lot of active pedo's even literally plan to kill the child once they're tired of raping and abusing.

>> No.13936741 [DELETED] 

The concept of retributive justice is one of the most haunting if not terrifying things that you can learn in human life.

>> No.13936768

You don't have to pretend to care. At lost, not greatly. The bare minimum is fine.
I pretended. A lot. I didn't care about more than half the people in my circle but I pretended and was hurt when they didn't. It's fine not to pretend. There's no point in denying yourself and trying to be someone you're not. Express yourself but don't hurt anyone.

>> No.13936795

What did you do to get that?

>> No.13936801 [DELETED] 
File: 145 KB, 960x960, yeri beach.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i care only about the downtrodden and my rich friends don't like me anymore but that's the way it is

realizing this has brought me closer to my father who is a medical researcher. growing up i felt forsaken like he cared more about helping paralzed people than he did about family

now i see that's just the way it is. me and my friends have eaten so many elegant meals, been to so many parties, gone on vacations everywhere, dressed in brooks brothers and burberry, hooked up with prep school girls, stayed up late at night thinking not about medicine but only about how to craft the perfect love-letter to aforesaid rich girls

that's just the way it is: as a poet once said love prefers lowly places

>> No.13936865
File: 28 KB, 600x600, 6f5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you even try to convince yourself you could ever write? Yeah, you can write, but it's all utter garbage. In that way you are little more than a downs kids scribbling in crayons all over his picture, not even able to stay within the lines. You'll never write anything worth being read. You know that great novel idea you've been working on an outline for? It's been done a hundred times already, and it wasn't even entertaining then. Not to mention your story, if you can call it one. The only way your plot could be reasonable is if the cast was black out drunk half the time, but that would require adding more depth to your characters. Right now they're about as complex as cereal mascots... go ahead... walk away... go on and try to "clear your head." You know I'll be waiting for you when sit back down and stare at that page.

>> No.13936880

Can we be friends?

>> No.13936882

>implying my self criticism isn't more vicious
i made fun of myself in my journal for crying about my dead grandfather last night.

>> No.13936924 [DELETED] 
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Yeah I'd love to be friends but I can't get you into those parties. I've burned too many bridges.

>> No.13936941

We could have our own party if you wanted to.

>> No.13936948

What is even more terrifying is all of these moral hypochondriacs who buy into the #MeToo movement and are unwilling to hear the other side of the story have basically admitted they don't believe in the maxim Innocent Until Proven Guilty. I fear the modification and outright repeal of this clause more than incremental gun control and the stifling of freedom of expression and speech.

>> No.13936955

Got a qt girl’s number today. She sits next to me in my Greek class. She’s very nice, and is also Christian. but of course I’ve fallen into the usual autistic overthinking about everything. Can’t help but feel it’s not going to lead anywhere. She’s also a lot younger than me. I need to stop giving a fuck about these women

>> No.13936960

Almost anything in my hentai folder would be preferable to my current existence and I have some fucking weird hentai

>> No.13936980

tfw will never be turned into a girl on accident but with an unstable morphic field and then turned into three fleshlights, one for each hole, to be raped by strangers forever

>> No.13936986

You know that something isn’t right. This is your good instinct guiding you. This world is oversocialized, you are overstimulated. Wait until you are ready.

>> No.13936994

Whatcha got in there anon?

>> No.13937002

Lots of tf porn ranging from MtF to animal to inanimate fuck object, rape, vore, a woman with one wish wishing to a genie that she'll always reach orgasm and then having infinite recurring orgasms, bestiality

>> No.13937008

How many of those include hypnosis/mind control/ brainwashing? Bimbofication?

>> No.13937042 [DELETED] 
File: 415 KB, 1322x2048, yeri cozy 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you want we could be Tumblr friends; my site is 000samchon.tumblr.com

tumblr is kind of a party though i'm afraid i am a very limited person and most friends get sick of me in the end

is this what is known as cumbrain?

i've personally been trying to roll back my porn shit. i still fap from time to time but i've dialed it back to vaginal intercourse only

i wanna deserve a morally pure high-minded woman one day

>> No.13937055

Like 7, out of all of them.

>> No.13937057

I wish you luck, Anon. You two can make this work. Everyone will get love.

>> No.13937102

>Everyone will get love

>> No.13937465

Seems like it could get in the way of living. A man needs secrets to survive.

>> No.13937477

Buying a car is far more stress than it needs to be. Maybe I should keep the old shitbox running and spend the money on hundreds of books instead.

>> No.13937646

Sometimes i wonder whenever Nietzsche was really that much of anti-christian.

>> No.13937766

I'm not gonna belittle you man, coz i know how you fear. My first girlfriend and i dated for a while but never had sex despite getting close, so everyone always assumed we had and that fucked me up for a while. But believe me, its the type of thing you just gotta do in order to build a thick skin. Soon you'll realise that it's all a joke, it's an inherently awkward thing, and it's not that serious. Honestly, your age isn't necessarily a draw back, sex actually gets less meaningful as you get older and if you fuck up you get over it eventually.

>> No.13937779

Wich one ?

>> No.13937822

>living with a filthy, sense-addicted animal.
What do you mean?

>> No.13937854

It means they have sex and he doesn't.

>> No.13937952

>forgot to buy liquor for the weekend

>> No.13937963
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>dont fap for six days

I cant win

>> No.13937984

hey that was on MY mind

>> No.13937987

tfw no black weeb gf?

>> No.13937991

My wife and I sometimes hold hands when we sleep.

>> No.13937997

The bitch didn't reply. I want my money.

>> No.13938004


>> No.13938012


>> No.13938015


>> No.13938029

This is good

>> No.13938042
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That's adorable, anon.

>> No.13938084
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Today, I spend a lot of time lurking in trans forums, almost all of my non work hours, they are some of the only people I relate to. I've had had hearty to hearts with cis people and my experience has been completely different. I’m only 23 but I feel ancient and have a hard time relating to same age peers; you can see the difference on their faces. If I came up with a rational calculus, I ought to kill myself; no path before me can bring any lasting happiness or fulfillment. Only more pain lies ahead. Alcohol, music and other substances provide the only escape for me. I’ve already put the idea of having a family and children out of my mind, the idea of passing on whatever I have seems incredibly cruel, no matter how small the chances. I know that even if I have legitimate gender dysphoria, my body, voice and head would make it impossible to be satisfied with any transition. I do hope that I don’t actually have that condition. OCD can be medicated for to a certain extent and Autogynephilia can be reduced with anti libidinal drugs, at least theoretically. These issues pain me every day and I am unable to share (or properly explain) them to the people in my life. I have a few online friends that I can share this with that understand, but those aren’t real relationships.

>> No.13938095
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i misread that as 'train forums'

>> No.13938120

Here's a fucking tip: if you're an incel, don't bitch about it, it only makes you look pathetic. Moreover, venting your grievances to any who would listen is the most womanly thing ever. Don't rage at chads and stacys too. They were built this way, they have it in their genes to be happy and cheerful, and literally nothing will ever change that. Just shut up and color, you might as well rage at the weather. Fuck incels.

>> No.13938122
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>> No.13938125

for a long time i thought 'incel' was just a contraction of 'insular' and meant somebody who was very introverted.

>> No.13938183

I successfully haven't slept in 24 hours. I've reached the point where I am beyond tiredness entering a realm of lucid delirium. The boundaries of my mind are warping. And I'm okay with it.
This is usually when my manic alter ego shows up, grimacing and evilly beautiful. I've broken away, I'm no longer in the "tractor beam" of the day to day grind. This Saturday beacons before me, perverse, bewildering, the weekly witching hour, full of delicious opportunities for trouble.

>> No.13938185

>Fuck incels.
If only

>> No.13938204

>Feeling manic

>> No.13938212

I’m sorry.

>> No.13938230

>I successfully haven't slept in 24 hours.
That supposed to be a lot?

>> No.13938246

Not necessarily, but it's long enough for me to start getting a bit squirrelly/

>> No.13938287

How do I end a story that isn't so much about the people involved so much as the ideas they represent? I think I wrote myself into a corner and might have to start all over.

>> No.13938289
File: 1.94 MB, 480x480, giphy (8).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I liked that Conan story, I am excited to read the next one in my big Complete Chronicles of Conan book.

I should go and do some deadlifts in the gym now. Before I leave I'm going to go make a protein shake.

I'm excited to listen to the new music I found on Spotify when I'm in the gym today.

>> No.13938290

Right, it's enough for me to get up early to be getting squirrely, and sometimes that isn't even necessary. Maybe you're entering into my usual state, or maybe you know what I mean anyway
I've wondered if it would be worth it to stay up long enough where you supposedly start experiencing actual hallucinations, just as an experiment

>> No.13938294

Leave it unfinished, like Kafka

>> No.13938295

Do you have to end it? How about you just pretend it goes on, but stop writing it

>> No.13938344

Going to jerk off
Then take a shower
Then play some vidya

>> No.13938443

just keep moving stupid fat fuck

>> No.13938453

where is this gay meetup?
asking for a friend btw

>> No.13938460

kill em off brother

>> No.13938469

keep going

>> No.13938477

Qui y'a t'il de mieux qu'un samedi gueule-de-bois passé sous le signe du cacapostage anonyme, je vous le demande, mesdames et monsieurs!
Je suis dans ma chambre d'éternel adolescent a tenter d'ingérer malgré mon estomac en vrac du cidre normand, fruit du labeur des paysans endettés, tout comme le chat obèse à mes côtés apprécie ses croquettes à base de poudre poissonnière. Je fume, je bois, je baise pas mais j'ai jamais chopé l’herpès malgré mes maigres escapades non-protégées, donc ça va, je me sens bien, tranquille peinard, mon pubis me gratte pas c'est cool mec, c'est cool.

Wallah t'as vu comme je lui ai foutu un coup dans le plexus solaire gro, c'était ouf gro, wesh putain nique sa mère à ce fils de pute, wallah je lui ai déchiré sa gueule à ce batard, ça lui apprendra à essayer de se barrer avec notre stock de shit gro putain c'est ouf mec.

Il n'y a aucune personne ayant passée plus de 10 minutes sur un plateau télé aujourd'hui qui ne soit pas de conviction néolibérale.

>> No.13938481

>I have a structured income
details plz?

>> No.13938488

I'm just counting down the days until I kill myself

>> No.13938497

count faster

>> No.13938501

when he died he thought he was jesus or something

>> No.13938516

Already did that, but didn't pass the 40 hours mark. I was hearing stuff already and my eyes were do heavy. After a while I decided to smoke a joint and that was my end: I fell asleep almost instantly, the last thing I remenber was hearing people walking on my room and seeing shadowns everywhere. I wanna do that again, without the weed and try to get on the 60s hour mark. Did you ever experiment with deliriants? Dramamine can give you a very interesting experience. Too bad is really fucked up for your body, so I only used once, in the name of science lol.

>> No.13938519

based raj

>> No.13938527

I wanna be funnier but I don't know how. Maybe my jokes work better in execution, they go beyond just writing, but people just seem baffled when they read them.

>> No.13938533

- [ ] The reconciliation of religion with lust is very difficult for me. I fear the malaise of repression and sexual frustration, but at the same time, I can’t tell how often the habit should be upheld to consider it healthy. I agree with Seneca, a man is not meant to be a hedonist nor ascetic, for as the night alternates with day, so man alternates his habits. I desire balance, no extremes on either point, but the question is at what degree can we call this a balance. I have read online that most men masturbate once or twice a day. At this point I am able to manage, without great difficulty, about once every 5 or 6 days. My best friend said he went 10 days without it twice and that intimidates me. Is it necessary? He is recovering from a porn addiction that seems to have been deeper and more long lasting than my own, but I don’t know if I should aspire to his records. The thing is, doing breaks in those sorts of extremes (they are extremes to me, maybe not someone else) seems like it would only prompt you to greater indulgence upon relapse, and I don’t want that. I love my religion, I love God and I understand the rules of my religion are for my protection, but I also know that I am a human man, and that Allah understands our ways certainly. So I guess I don’t know how often is appropriate. I have at least kicked the habit of masturbating from boredom, now I tend to do it when I’m actually horny (or high, but I try to smoke less in part for its avoidance, of course among other things as well). My current issue is wondering if I should master my body to the point of denying its biological urges, or that I should be more fluid with these urges, let their natural flow express itself properly. It’s sort of like how you don’t fast all the time unless you wanna be hardcore. I think the Prophet saw fasted twice a week, and I’m sure he had plenty of sex with his wives, so I’m not sure that we are truly meant to placate or sexuality so much as reserve it for the appropriate contexts. It’s all quite confusing, I don’t have have great guilt anymore fortunately, i don’t think that’s necessary. I just want to know how to balance myself and be of good spiritual health.

>> No.13938560

But didnt he say that god is dead?

>> No.13938561

Hell yeah it's a foggy rainy day and I'm going to spend my time listening to Detroit Techno and drinking coffe! Today is gonna be a good day!

>> No.13938571

sauf que j'ai des amis qui viennent et que j'ai envie de voir personne
en plus j'ai pété le putain de joint de culasse du camping car
si ça se trouve le temps que j'aille le chercher la ou je l'ai laissé quelqu'un y aura foutu le feu
en fait maintenant que j'y pense j'ai tout pour être heureux mais visiblement ça suffit pas
il faut toujours que je vienne voir ce qui se passe sur ce site de merde

>> No.13938576

After all the memes, or because of all the memes, after it became an entirely ironic character, the joker unironically is the voice of a generation

>> No.13938580

sounds like you want a girlfriend

>> No.13938586

Ansd unto thee, God said.
Thou shalt coom.

>> No.13938590


>> No.13938594

She's getting closer with a new guy now, we're still friends so she talks to me about it. I wish I wasn't so fucking alone, maybe I wouldn't feel like I need to hold on to whatever this relationship is now for dear life, her being the only person that really knows me at all. I can't focus on anything anymore, nothing that I used to do for fun really has any value, all I do is sit around thinking about her and how it used to be, stuck in the past. I can't even read, I just stare at the words on the pages without comprehending anything. Not having been able to hold on to her love is probably the biggest failure I've ever produced in a pretty long list of them, the only one I'm not indifferent about. I'm grasping for any kind of distraction at this point, I try to unfuck my mind but nothing works. It's been almost half a year and I just want to move on and I can't believe that I've become someone who's let his defining characteristic become a broken heart. Boohoo.

>> No.13938600

>never been on a date
>never even held hands with a girl in a romantic way
>going to be eternally a child
it's over before it could even begin

>> No.13938630

He also had dementia

>> No.13938633


>> No.13938638

time to travel and/or make money

>> No.13938644 [DELETED] 
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a cute girl with a dick

>> No.13938651
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>> No.13938671

same but 27

>> No.13938708

uh huh thats my shit

>> No.13938772
File: 14 KB, 300x300, 1554866234643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was pleasantly surprised to learn that I am now officially an "approved poster" on the Cumtown subreddit. Feels good

>> No.13938779

Hejsan mamma och pappa. Hare så kult på restaurangen. wa äter ni föresten, jag uuunnnndrar vad ni äter. och vad ska ni äta till efterrätt, det kanske låter gott. men jag är hemma hos katrin och samuel nu.
och ska titta på simpsons
hare så kult på restaurangen, hej då

>> No.13938814
File: 73 KB, 640x468, Spurdo_sparde_vector_by_kevinino-d6ehtjk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Swednis :DDDDDDD

>> No.13938955

I quit my job two weeks ago and I've got more than enough money stored up for a year's worth of travelling, that's sort of the plan. I've been halfway around the world already however and so the whole idea of it doesn't hold the same sense of adventure that it used to. I'm just fucking lost.

>> No.13939012

Stop being a comfortable faggot. Go meet new people instead of being dependent on her as your only friend.

>> No.13939019

I woke up recently. Previously, I had kept myself asleep because my desire was to know my desire.

I can't say it was a single event that caused me to wake, but it was like a flash of light- not divine, but as I had just always known. I realized that never was I looking for answer to my questions, but questions to my answers.

I feel confidence. No longer do I compare myself or the description of my self to others. I value my own observations, opinions, morality, and existence above any other.

I am far from perfect and while I often feel as though I have conquered fear, I am often humbled by my own mortality and hedonism.

My girlfriend seems to believe that I've changed and this perception threatens her. I truly love her, but I am torn- There is tension between us.

I have found that communication and learning are the same and such has changed how I interact with others.

When my girlfriend disagrees with me, she wants to argue. I will not argue, but I enjoy debate tremendously. The problem is that she only understands debate as argumentation while I only understand debate as collaboration.

The tension between my girlfriend and I is that she is unwittingly attempting to conform my persona into her ideal.

I have stonewalled these attempts. I do the same for anyone else without heed, but when it divides my girlfriend and I, my mind becomes clouded with emotion and conflict.

I don't care if my girlfriend agrees with my perspective, but I truly desire for her to see it. If it were not for her perspective, I would never have woken up in the first place, I might've been a hedonistic predator or a nihilistic psychopath.

>> No.13939067

Huh, would've though that would require more time than that.
>Did you ever experiment with deliriants? Dramamine can give you a very interesting experience. Too bad is really fucked up for your body, so I only used once, in the name of science lol.
I have not, what was it like? How much did you take?

>> No.13939076

I'm feeling the same amount of impotent rage as Cain right now. However I'd gladly follow a god as impotent.
"Left Involuntary Celibacy" sounds fucking interesting but nobody wants to hear about my sociological descriptions involving sex.
Meanwhile I'll call sexually ambiguous anarkitties niggers on discord chat, and like spin some narrative on how I'm fighting against my systemic oppression as a black man.
Aint No Hoes Fuckin' With an Urkel Nigga

>> No.13939091
File: 53 KB, 350x460, 338img7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Putting this type of insane romantic stock on this shit gives cause for incels to freak out about this shit in the first place. Look at this poor sod >>13938600 I'd significantly less angry if you had just told him to "have sex"

>> No.13939100

The trick to making others laugh is that you cannot desire to make others laugh. You must desire the self to laugh and others to cry. Never has one been so funny before but the fault of his desires.

>> No.13939108

I'd like to hear. Also, why call yourself black?

>> No.13939120

What makes you admirable? Is there anything about you that causes others to enjoy your presence? Even if believe otherwise, think about what draws you to the presence of others. Become your ideal, it's not crazy, even if your ideal where to become "crazy".

>> No.13939127


I work in law enforcement. I have a job where every day I stare at dozens of missing persons knowing full well that in all likelihood they will never be found. There was one day when I had to process a batch of beautiful Czech girls and I just couldn't stop thinking about how, in all likelihood, their bodies are rotting in a forest somewhere, and their parents will never find out. I kind of developed a crush on one Russian con artist from Uzbekistan. All I have is a black and white photo of her and a case file.

When I get out of the office I walk home through the city. I love to watch people go about their lives. Even in their most mundane moments they seem so full of joy and pain and love and hate when compared to the still photos I spend my day with. This is probably my favorite part of the day. In this half hour I feel more alive then at any other time of my life. The whole business of living feels like some sort of insane beautiful comedy.

>> No.13939133

Nice post, anon

>> No.13939216

What is life without conflict?

>> No.13939250

I have fruit flies in my house and I can't get rid of these little shits. I spray the place like twice a week before I go to work and they're still here. Fuck fruit flies.

>> No.13939437
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I'm black.
It's something borne out of frustration from talking to many sides on the incel issue.
Keep in mind that although i'm a sexually frustrated and bitter virgin, I no longer call myself an incel because of the cavalier moral conclusions and practices from other self proclaimed incels. The other reason is the resultant connotation between being an incel and being reactionary, something I lament but completely understand.

I sympathize with incels, even the ones as criminally deviant as Elliot Rodger, but the lot of them are operating beyond reason. I've spent a bit of time on an incel forum before getting banned for "being gay" by a 5'2" mod who confessed to raping a woman while she was unconscious. It's filled with incoherent nonsense, invalid logic leading to conclusions which involves killing yourself and others (often both), and terrible fucking dogwhistles. Do you know what "going ER" means? Hint: it has nothing to do with the emergency room. I believe that a great first step in improving your (in this case mental) condition is to find others who are suffering likewise, but I plan on improving my self esteem and confidence as well.

Looking for support elsewhere is difficult. The first challenge is to find someone who doesn't share this dilemma who actually cares. The hard truth is that there are much worse issues to worry about. With political instability following climate change inevitable, it makes sense to not want to allot time for lonely 20 something virgins for instance. I still believe that the incel phenomenon is important, as it is my struggle but also an anomaly borne out in data (we are fucking less). However it's important to be realistic with people's time.

Finding sensible people who care is great until you realize that the advice they give feels not only antiquated, but also contradictory. Telling these suffers to follow an assortment of rules for courtship, but also act naturally. Or that losing your virginity isn't a big deal, but it's also a vital step in maturity and a formative experience every teenager ought to have. Alot of this advice seems to presuppose that the suffer is a literal NEET/shut in. As someone who is more than reasonably social (work, school, hobbies with friends), is it out of line for me and others likewise to ask for a better prescription?

I'm left because I have issues with certain hierarchies, however this has soured my expectations of identity politics. The fact of the matter is that everyone's sexual history is incredibly different. My inabilities stem from a destroyed self esteem due to a history of physical abuse and ASD. I was talking to another black, lonely, leftist, (he doesn't call himself an incel either) whose issues are borne out of Sexual OCD, something I have never experienced.

I have no idea how to even begin to solve this. The best I can do is challenge the notion that losing your virginity when you're young is some sort of success.

>> No.13939699

is it that desire for being examined at the pleasure of the reader that taints our works with what ultimately becomes anathema to them?

>> No.13939913

>not chode
le sigh

>> No.13939961

Turned down an invite from a friend to drink at his place with some mutual friends and instead im drinking alone at home.

>> No.13940057

drink drink drinking beer drinking beer to shit the poo, poo poo poo po poooooooo poop HEY!

>> No.13940075
File: 715 KB, 500x375, tumblr_me49pn0aY21qmxvs0o2_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wish I was at a rave right now

>> No.13940105


>> No.13940130

21488, Year of Robert
A Dystopian Plot
by Nate Higgers
The Joker movie has destroyed the world as we know it.

The year is 21488. the Popcorn Mines is a piss-flooded place ruled by Robert. Once glorious, the Kinoplex is now crab-infested.

Degenerate chronic masturbator, Der Ewige Coomer is humanity's only hope. Ewige finds the courage to start a secret revolutionary organization called the Littys.

The fight is jeopardised when Ewige is tricked by feminist smegma demon, Alexandra DD Mammario, and injures his perineum.

Armed with crab legs and Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, the Littys try their best to save mankind, but can they defeat sausage-inspecting Robert and restore the Kinoplex to its former glory?

>> No.13940211

I am severely ugly, and no girl has ever shown affection to me in my entire life.

>> No.13940243

>black incel
isnt that a hard mode because typical black culture promotes hyper-masculinity?

>> No.13940260 [DELETED] 
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>nerd meltdown over jumping controls

>> No.13940594

sorry about that. I wish i was your friend.

>> No.13940659

Few people are so irredeemably ugly that diet and exercise can't make them attractive enough to someone. If you're one of those unlucky few get plastic surgery. You should still not have a shit personality and a career/aspirations. Good luck mate.

Interdasting decision, why'd you do that?

>> No.13940686
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I dreamed a girl hugged me today. it was nice. then woke up.

>> No.13940695

I wonder how much time I waste just waiting for an anon to reply to our conversation.

>> No.13940698

>Interdasting decision, why'd you do that?
fuck if i know, guess the reason is i am waste of space piece of shit that doesn't deserve company.

>> No.13940752

I feel ya bud, don't be a retard like me and isolate yourself from (and lose) all your friends from turning them down too often though.

>> No.13940778

You know who I love, don't you? Wo ai

>> No.13940794
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If only I knew how to say 'y-you too' in Mandarin.

>> No.13940840

nah its fine, we keep in contact everyday through socialmedia

>> No.13941122

That's haram.

>> No.13941338

J., I wish you were here. The world is so lonely without you.

>> No.13941373
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i think the reason i hate taking shits so much is because in my very young years (like 4-6 or something, don't really know) my mom would shove suppositories up my ass every night to try to get me to shit. now i just hold my shits in as long as physically possible because bathrooms make me uncomfortable. for instance, as i type this i really have to shit, but i'm just not gonna. even the relief of not having to shit anymore isn't worth it. i just dread having to take shits.

>> No.13941798

It was very, well, delirious, lol. I did a "medium" dose, 400mg. It was enough to make everythin feel very surrealistic, as if I was dreaming but awake. When I closed my eyes I could see myself doing random stuff (like browsing /lit/ or shopping) and it was sooo realistic that everytime I opened my eyes I was like "Whaaat? I can't believe this was not happening for real!". Very trippy stuff. I also felt some bugs walking on my skin, but It didn't bothered me that much, because I knew it was a thing that happens on deliriants. I also saw some spider web all over the ceiling of my room and when I tried to clean it just vanished. I guess by this time it was getting more intense, but I ended up falling asleep during one of those semi dreams I had with closed eyes.

>> No.13941813

I should also say that the next day was not so pleasant. My body was really heavy and mind was all foggy. It's good to not have any plans when trying this kinda stuff.

>> No.13941886

I'm getting paid to just sit down and drink coffee. Based

>> No.13941895

>drink coffee

>> No.13941932

I'm actually writing a book. It's called The Story of my Last Night, and I'm telling a story about what it was like after I was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in 2000. I'm going to be telling a really personal story, I think, about my life in terms of the journey I made.

I've been a writer since I was nine, and I'd been writing for some time, and I decided, "This is something I really want to do," but I think that my best writing came later—I had a couple of other clients that had more to do creatively with them, so I took a break, worked on other projects, but I was writing, and it still stuck. And I feel like now I'm a little more in tune with what people's lives are like, and I'm better informed about a lot of things.

>> No.13941967

Writing feels so goood. I feel so above everything when I write about it. As if I have captured it, pinned it down beneath my pen, and can see it there wiggling helplessly. This is how I know I was meant to be a writer. I can sense echoes of immortality at the far end of this pursuit, my redemption, clarity, purpose.

>> No.13941970

do you have the betus now?

>> No.13941977

Yeah, it's my thing. I think it feels good to just-- [gagging] Hey, you want to see that? Mmm... [mimicking the sound of someone swallowing an entire bowl of jerky] [gasping] I love the taste of you. Mmm, let me lick it a little. [more kissing and licking and kissing] Oh, I know you still have your zipper on, but I'm gonna get you to come and fuck yourself. No, don't get all self conscious, I want to get my hands on that bulge too. [more kissing and licking] Is that hot, your ass? [giggling, teasing] [licking and sucking] I could tell you like that, I really want to see how you fit in the palm. Fuck you could feel so hard, it's gonna be so nice. It's going to be so sexy, so different than how I knew you for when we last frolicked.

>> No.13942082
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hei pikkutyttö kuulehan kuka laittanut on taas tuulemaan
aha no määpä tietää taijan ooh vaimon faija
telminyt omalla omalla tontillaan kunnes naapurit soitti sen hakemaan joo joo sen vei mustamaija ooh vaimon faija
no joskus tuntuu et kun pulloa kallistaa niin aina siitä joku maksaa saa
eihän lapsikaan maljakossa nuku nääs joten totean vaan juuh elikkäs
aha mä en koskaan snaijaa ooh vaimon faijaa

>> No.13942089

I wish I could just die in my sleep

>> No.13942095

Well well look at the city slicker pulling up in his fancy German car.

>> No.13942101
File: 69 KB, 1054x526, d48.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stockin' away all the details you want to know
Day after day all your memories get to grow
Putting all that you've stolen
In a prison that you've locked forever
Taking the place of our imagination
But you won't erase my heart

There is no way you can understand what I feel
You never pray 'cause your soul isn't even real
You might know lots of things now
But you can never be a lover
Winning the race with your information
But you can't replace my soul

Future brain you make me wonder
Is it sane to make a sample of my love
Future brain you're getting stronger
It's a shame you'll never know how to find love

Living today but tomorrow will be the same
I know I can say that you will never win this game
No matter how much you know now
You will never get to know us never
Taking the place of an institution
But you can't replace my love

Future brain you make me wonder
Is it sane to make a sample of my love
Future brain you're getting stronger
It's a shame you'll never know how to find love

Future brain you great computer
It's insane to program everybody's love
Future brain your list is longer
But you're to blame 'cause you don't know
How stupid you are

>> No.13942117

I just got off of work. That was fun and easy money.

>> No.13942211

I'm not quite sure what to write right now. It seems to be an issue for me in general.
I have complex story ideas in my mind but I don't know how to put them to digital paper, and I felt if I could do that I'd be a lot more productive.
I think I'll make a thread about this.

>> No.13942494

Perhaps. I was often considered to be very "white" by almost everyone, I'm not sure. Memory is distant.

>> No.13942745

Every time I'm vulnerable with a person, I feel immense guilt. After a pleasant day with this girl I've been hanging out with, in a conversation about tattoos of all things, I brought up my friend who committed suicide in high school. I've never gotten a tattoo, so I was trying to think of one that I'd be willing to get. I felt like I wasn't visibly upset, but idk I guess she saw right through me. She seemed really sympathetic, which didn't seem deserving to me, making me feel guilty. She stayed with me to make sure I was ok, and the guilt swelled even more. I didn't want it to be dramatic. I just wanted to be positive about his friendship's affect on me, but I became dispondent, short tongued, adding tension I guess. I felt helpless and dumb, and it looked like she did too. We both just stood around for a few minutes until I pleaded for her not to feel bad for me, and as those words left my mouth, I felt so dumb. She said that she felt For me, that she saw pain in my eyes and wanted to make sure I was ok, and tapped on my foot. We essentially left it at that. I apologized one more time, ran off to my car, and screamed.
Everything is overwhelming all the time, and pity is going to kill me.

>> No.13943305

i think i know that feel
except its never with a girl, since i dont talk to women

>> No.13943347

I want a wife

>> No.13943895

When a giant thinks, are also his thoughts bigger?

>> No.13943996

my teens are over in 2 and a half hours
i'm currently living in japan and i dont know whether to feel upset about my teens being over or not. in my heart i don't give a fuck about my age and being done with my awful teens and going into my twenties make absolutely zero difference to me, but i feel as if i should be feeling something. i don't feel anything when it comes to this shit. who gives a fuck if i'm 20 or not. if your life is shit it doesn't matter if you're 19 or 20 or 500. you're just you, and you live where you live and do the shit you do and time makes no difference

inb4 cope i just dont care anymore

>> No.13944011

What are you doing in Japan anon?

>> No.13944079

There's this cute girl in my boxing course.
After the first time I saw her, I started imagining how I would ask her out and we would go on dates and etc...
I haven't asked out a girl in like 5 years, but this time I was very sure I'm gonna do it. I saw it as my last chance.
The next time I saw her she brought a friend who was even cuter than her and all my imaginations just flew out of the window and I wanted to ask out her friend now.
That really made me feel bad. That my attraction can switch that fast, it disgusted me.

Anyways, I talked to them both a bit and next time I'm gonna ask the second girl for her number if I can work up the courage.
I don't know how to be honest (tips are appreciated), but I'll do it.
Wish me luck, lads.

>> No.13944105

I became 20 like 1 month ago, and i can tell you i dont feel much different.
I can buy liquor in stores now, wich is amazing.
But that's irrelevant to the question.
I guess the only thing it makes me feel is... well. more pathetic...
I still dont feel like an adult.
But you get used to it, you get used to it...

>> No.13944114

I’ve been out of school for two years or so (traveling, volunteering) and I’m writing a paper for the first time in a while as a part of my graduate school application. While I could use an old paper, I want to make sure I still ‘have it’ and am capable of the work.

It’s very fun and I’m happy doing it. Life is good.

>> No.13944124

i am studying abroad currently, but not in a pretentious "find urself durrr" kind of way. i really like japanese literature (not fucking murakami) and i'm studying asian philosophy.

i'm glad i'm here though and i dont miss home at all but i look at things in the context of what i didn't experience in my teens and it makes me feel like i should care when deep down i know i really don't

>> No.13944127

whoops meant to respond to this post with my above message

>> No.13944128

I was about to do a really funny thing but i wont hahah

>> No.13944142

Good luck, anon. just bee yourself ;)

>> No.13944144

Cool. You're pretty lucky, and pretty brave to be able to do that. I don't think that I could have lived that far away from home when I was 19. Happy birthday, by the way.
>the context of what i didn't experience in my teens
Eh, we have regrets and things that we wish that we had done differently. Worry about that will only make you miserable, so I guess you're a little ahead of the curve if you say that you don't care that much.

>> No.13944146

good luck.
How does one even ask a girl out?

>> No.13944147


>> No.13944173

dude ahahah i would have been so funny

>> No.13944182

thanks, I'll try but it's not easy. I have some non-normie interests and I'm afraid they'll scare her when she finds out.

thanks. I don't know. I'm just gonna ask her for her number after training and hope she says yes. After that, my plan is to get to know her a bit through texting and eventually ask her out on a date.

>> No.13944195

thanks anon. you got dubs twice in a row, that's pretty fucking cool. you seem like a really good person. 4chan wouldn't give double dubs to someone who isn't.

anyway, thanks for reminding me of that. i guess being able to say i finished my teenage years in a place like this is kind of cool. i've always put too much thought to what i missed out on regarding my teenage years but maybe i can just say fuck it and wipe the slate clean and just live my 20s on my own terms and stop giving a fuck about what standards the lizardpeople set for life landmarks because i feel like i've accomplished quite a few other things that i can be kinda proud of.

i really appreciate the response, by the way. you didn't have to take the time out of your day to respond to my post, but you did. that makes me feel very happy and appreciative

>> No.13944205

That's interesting, anon. Who are your favorite Japanese writers?

>> No.13944217
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>tfw no slytherin gf

>> No.13944224
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>i guess being able to say i finished my teenage years in a place like this is kind of cool.
I'm certainty a little envious. I guess that my regret is not having the same experiences as others. Anyway, you should probably go out and do something to remember the occasion by. I've never been to Japan but it seems like a fun place. How long are you going to be there for?
>i really appreciate the response, by the way. you didn't have to take the time out of your day to respond to my post
I just wanted to talk to somebody. So thank you, too.

>> No.13944296

it seems super important right now but as you age you realize nothing you did or didnt do as a teenager matters

>> No.13944324

My hands are constantly cold, and it's making me feel a certain way

>> No.13944333

Let me hold them. That might warm them up.

>> No.13944392

held a woman I'd known as man knows woman after dwelling in the mans world for so long she was so delicate and soft nothing like the hard unyielding torsos arms shoulders and calloused veined hands of men I feel the animal knowledge I swore against when I left return and vigour of selfish competition enkindle old strength dead born anew I will never know her again

>> No.13944480

Hold mine instead.
Even though im not cold i could use a little hand holding

>> No.13944839

The wish to be at home everywhere, at once? Paranoia in reverse; and creepier.

>> No.13945337

why would a building catch fire or even collapse for that matter, if it's neither hit directly by a plane nor by debris

>> No.13945624

I wish I was somewhere else

>> No.13945942

the post that saved /lit/

>> No.13945985


>> No.13945997

what's on your mind

>> No.13946036

not much, what about your mind?

>> No.13946363

Depends what he's thinking about and how much those thoughts rely on his relation to the world. For instance, if he thought of a house, he would probably think of his house, which would be a bigger house than most would think. But if he thought about houses, he might think about the tiny (in comparison) things we live in, which would be a much smaller thought than we have when we think of houses, much like us thinking of something the size of a cutlery drawer.

>> No.13946368

I want to die

>> No.13946372

cant focus. should take focus drugs?

>> No.13946410

My back aches as I bleed into apathy

>> No.13947008
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i recently entered into a relationship. my gf knows i have zero experience and shes been my first for a lot of things. we've rushed the getting into the relationship part but im taking it super slow physically cause i dont know what im doing. we've only made out once and i felt like a little kid. like a woman was kissing a little boy. im very honest to her about my feelings. last night we went to the movies and i could not get comfortable. we had this love seat thing and we cuddled all night but i was so uncomfortable. i wasnt actually watching the movie. just her and my mind was going about a million miles an hour. im really cocky, like really really cocky. but being around her has made me realize that that cockiness is just a product of my insecurity. im not at all cocky around her. she makes me feel like a little kid, ive never felt more venerable to a person before. ive tried so hard to separate myself from who i was as a kid. this is a strange return. idk if i like him although who i am now makes me disgusted. feeling her in my arms lastnight was good, i hope she wasnt uncomfortable.

>> No.13947014

i felt so good looking around the theatre and i felt like a man. at the end of the date i gave her this big bear hug and she grabbed me and kissed me halfway thru and she smiled. i felt like a kid again. a woman grabbing a kid and kissing him. were the same age, shes a few months older. im not worried about her leaving me, im actually probably out of her league, only by a bit. shes a basic white girl, med student, super busy all the time, extremely beautiful, at a good weight, really nice. the person ive built, me: strong jawline, pale skin, curly hair, deep set eyes, fit, broad shoulders, toned, tall. i look like a greek god. i know im a narcisist but im genuinely attracted to myself. i love mirrors. i have a deep loud voice, dress fashionably, nothing crazy, groom myself well, smell good. ive built myself to be someone. an effigy of a man. all ive wanted in my life is just to have someone to love. now that ive got that, i feel so venerable to her. she makes me feel like a little boy. shes such a sweet girl but she has so much power over me. idk if i should return to who i was as a child and leave the teenage me behind. theyre both made from cowardice. the original me was like my father, ive always wanted to become him. my father was the bravest person ive ever met. i thought maybe i was too rough around the edges to be him. i didnt know a girl would lead me to him. i hear his gentle voice when im with her. there was no insecurity in that. it was just purity.

>> No.13947028

I'm afraid of doing things. Managing my time is scary, because I don't want structure to consume my life.

>> No.13947031

i relate to this alot. fuck discipline

>> No.13947037

I wish I was in her bedroom.

>> No.13947044

Ma femme de chinois
Ma femme de chinois
Ma femme de chinois

>> No.13947064

Where did you meet?

>> No.13947084


>> No.13947092

That is absolutely adorable, anon. She sounds sweet. Good luck to both of you.

>> No.13947191

>tfw redownloading tinder

>> No.13947283

I’ve never been able to fully accept the fact that I was born a woman and can only cope by pretending to be a male online. Sometimes I wonder if I have gender dysphoria.

>> No.13947294

Ma professeur

>> No.13947298


>> No.13947305

you're fucked in the head m8.. also you sound a lot like me and my recommendation is to just ignore females and pursue God and become who God wants you to, not your gay dad or your broad.

>> No.13947313

She was your professor?

>> No.13947539

my dad was the person who lead me to god. i know he'll be there when i enter the gates of heaven. i cant wait to shake his hand and tell him ive done him proud. i want to name my future son after him. with this girl idk, but i know i want a son. i dont care how many children i have to have to finally get one.

>> No.13947545

>i look like a greek god. i know im a narcisist but im genuinely attracted to myself. i love mirrors

Kek is this how you see me?

>> No.13947554

well, i hope he was catholic.

>> No.13947574

thankfully, his father was a protestant from Belfast, married a catholic girl. thank God he had the wisdom to raise a catholic family,

>> No.13947589

honestly anon, you're fucking based. at first i thought you were kind of a fag, but i was wrong. i'm sorry i called your dad gay, please forgive me for assuming you were just an incel trying to get laid.

>> No.13947619

apology accepted friendo. i didnt read it too negatively. but yeah does seem faggy eh. not wrong about the incel part technically but i realized a long time ago that sex was unimportant. im glad i have a girl who cares about me to do it with, and shes a virgin too, so itd be a milestone for us both. idk your sit but i hope you find someone like i have one day.

>> No.13947646

Everything surrounding this Joker film is so hilarious and surreal. I can't believe it. It ironically says a lot about our society.

>> No.13947652

just don't do the pre-maritals, anon. as for me, i have my own business to attend to...

>> No.13947678

Is it better to have sex with an ugly fat girl or just stay a virgin? If you have to have sex with a girl substantially uglier than yourself does that really count as an accomplishment?

>> No.13947697

I dunno. You're the one who is either going to, or not, do it. I don't know if it's a the right way to view sex, as some kind of accomplishment, rather than a moment of intimacy between two lovers.

>> No.13947705

this board is nothing but teenagers and redditors. this whole website is nothing but teenagers and redditors.

>> No.13947707

My entire identity revolves around pseudo-intellectual posturing.

>> No.13947716

its better to stay a virgin. do you really want to be controlled by your dick? do you really want to be pressured by society into sticking your dick into a certain thing? if society told you to stick your dick off a bridge, would you?

>> No.13947724

>if society told you to stick your dick off a bridge, would you?
you don't already?

>> No.13947725

I would like to view sex as a moment of intimacy between two lovers but I have no lover and society tells me I'm a fucking loser if I'm still a virgin in my twenties

no but it would be nice if I, say, didn't have to awkwardly bluff whenever I'm hanging out with normies and they start talking about their love lives

>> No.13947735

just don't bluff and tell them you're a virgin. who cares what a bunch of degenerate non-virgins think?

>> No.13947737

>and society tells me I'm a fucking loser
Who cares what they think?

Anon, if you want my honesty opinion, I'd maybe go for so you can at least see what the big fuss is about. Maybe be a little kinder about the poor girl's appearance, too. I'm sure that she's not hideous.

>> No.13947750

>just stick your penis inside a human being, bro! you might as well just do it and see what the fuss is about!

>> No.13947755

Or don't then. What do you want from me?

>> No.13947759
File: 50 KB, 443x455, 1569205774773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want you to repent

>> No.13947768

Make me!

>> No.13947773
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>> No.13947781

I'd like to do a Metal Gear cosplay but I don't think that I could get a FAMAS replica in my country very easily....

>> No.13947786
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>> No.13947815

Someday what?

>> No.13947860

you'll be converted by force

>> No.13947879

Sounds naughty.

>> No.13947918

deep down u want to be punished. if i were allowed to punish u, u would like it.

>> No.13947973

Punish me. But do it gently pls.

>> No.13948001

u know i won't be gentle, so y do u even ask?

>> No.13948018

What are you planning on doing to me?

>> No.13948027

whatever needs to be done in order to correct your deviation.

>> No.13948035

Be more specific.

>> No.13948043

if this happens to you then don't get a tattoo of that will require you to constantly talk about something you can't talk about .

>> No.13948052

well, i'd probably start by chaining you up on the town square for three days and three nights. this would be to fill you with a sense of dread by giving you plenty of time to think about what the true punishment will be like. you would get nothing but water, and people would be free to harass you as much as they pleased.

>> No.13948070

Lame. I thought it was going to be sex related.

>> No.13948089

nah, i'm not about to publicly erp with a random dude

>> No.13948172

>I have no lust for her.
didn't you post about a sex dream you had about her the other night?

>> No.13948432
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What is the end goal of this kind of people? Studying genetics just to call people "niggers" with more confidence?

>> No.13948699


>> No.13948884

>tfw you try to interject comedy into your writing only to realize that you're not very funny at all