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/lit/ - Literature

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13876868 No.13876868[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/, I'm not a christcuck, nor was I raised as one. I'm curious about the bible and other religious texts like the quran though. Are there any specific versions / translations worth looking into?

>> No.13877289

By entertaining that it is real.
Roleplay as a believer.

>> No.13878299
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start with the kjv if you are going to read the bible, start with the book of john and finish the new testament. also, if you get saved first by believing on our Lord Jesus Christ then read the bible, it reads because you will have the Holy Spirit in you teaching you the scripture as you go.

John 14:26 kjv
>But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.


>> No.13878356

>KJV is good because it has more stuff
more fake stuff

>> No.13878376

I don’t read the Bible as a book I see it more as the spine of western civilization. So I read it with the respect and awe of its magic to survive through the years inspiring and creating what is now the world we live in. The Bible was there for all of it. I imagine myself as Dante reading it, or Shakespeare, or Joyce. It’s really that ONE book.

>> No.13878378
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just skim them. You'll be surprised how little of worth is in there. And anyone telling you that you need to read the Bible to contextualize other literature is trying to sell you a new lifestyle. The most you'll get out of it is you'll be going along reading Shakespeare and you'll see "There's nothing new under the sun" and then you'll be all like "OMG HE SAID THE LINE!"

>> No.13878382

Joyce didn't respect the Bible tho. Next time come up with other meme writers you've never read.

>> No.13878883

He didn’t respect the means by which the church infiltrated every aspect of his life as an Irishman, but to say Joyce didn’t respect the Bible is peak pleb

>> No.13878896

As fiction. Read and interpret the events as you would do in any other work, that will make you a lot wiser than feigning blind belief
>any specific versions
King James Bible, Pickthall's Alcoran

>> No.13879206
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found the work salvation catholic

>> No.13880481

OP here - this is pretty much why I want to read any of these. I want to be able to recognize overt references to the bible / other religions

No thanks man

Thank you though!

>> No.13880538

skip to acts.
Youll see that st.peter(the first pope) was a communist.
People who converted had to sell their property and give their money to him who would share it equally amongst the group.

>> No.13880556

Are there works that should be read prior to reading/understanding the Bible (from a “literary” standpoint) or can you go in raw

>> No.13880574

well in acts it also talks about St.Paul converting the greeks to christianity.
Apparently christianity complemented the epicureans and stoics or something.
So yeah start with the greeks.

>> No.13880589

>The verse is not included in the newer Bibles because the older and better manuscripts of Matthew do not include it.

>> No.13880804
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This thread is further proof that the atheist has no intellect whatsoever and cannot even do literary criticism. They're truly disabled; no wonder they compare themselves to minorities and the disabled when they speak of their """rights""" publicly.
Hell, I bet 10 bucks they don't even know what is a literary theory, much less its definition.

Either way, OP should first read it thoroughly without being an idiot who skims through it all. Say, read it 2 hours a day and try to think about what is being said implicitly and explicitly, not just one or the other.
After finishing a text, then read the commentaries of the most influential theologians of each religion so that you could learn something new that you did not see it with your own eyes at first, even after reading it in all possible ways.
And relating to your last question, OP. I'm going to kindly ask you to read the sticky, please.

Hope you have a great literary journey and a good day tomorrow, OP.

>> No.13880939

I consider myself christian nowadays, but i wasn't raised as one, so i kinda was in your place at some point.

Just read it in order. Don't do it like >>13878299 said because you are going to miss a lot of stuff. That's a mistake that protestants usually do, you need the old testament to understand the new testament. See if you like the KJV prose, it's usually the most popular english translation and it may keep you interested on the text.

Take into consideration that the Bible it's not a book, but more like an anthology of books written by different people with different prose, ideas and concerns. So you'll find really interesting books like the Genesis that tells stories about the creation, or Ecclesiastes which talks about existentialism before it even was a thing; and then you have books like Numbers, which details the classifications of the different tribes of Israel, and it can get really boring if you are not interested in such things. Still, i urge you to read the whole Bible to understand it fully and see for yourself if you're truly interested in it, just like any other text.